Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 512 Lu Mingze is restarting

Consciousness seems to sink into the deep sea

It was boundless black, but Lu Mingfei didn't know how he recognized the so-called "darkness".

Because there is neither color nor material touch around him.

Everything returns to nothingness, just like the fragments of matter that decompose after death are accompanied by the tunnel of the torrent, carrying him to flow towards the source that contains everything.

Unable to open eyes.

Unable to move body.

Just feeling nothingness.



Will feel so.


In the end it is.

【elder brother. 】


It was like the dividing line between the sky and the earth turned into a mirror, penetrated and shattered by the falling young man. With Lu Mingfei's body as the center, it continued to be broken until the end.

At that moment, the feeling of loss, fear, and all the emotions that humans can tolerate gradually returned to Lu Mingfei's mind.


The waves beat against the side of the ship regularly, and Lu Mingfei slowly opened his eyes.

"Are you awake? Brother, it's good. You gave up the habit of sleeping in. Even if it has been with you for more than ten years, I am very satisfied." Someone said lightly in the sound of the sea breeze. "But you abandoned it just because of a woman named Fujimaru Ritsuka. I am very disappointed."

"Lu...Ningze?" Lu Mingfei stood up from the deck of a small boat.

He couldn't tell which one was real. It was as if he had slept on this deck, and Odin, the Hall of Valor, and the Winter of Fimbul had all become a dream.

The stars were shining overhead, and at a glance, the sea was dark, with no islands and no continent. On the boundless water, there was this white sailboat floating. There were two people on the sailboat, him and the older child in a black suit with a lace scarf.

Such a familiar scene.

Once upon a time, after the battle with Norton, on that rainy night in Fuzhou, I always met the boy in this dark and boundless sea.

But this time.

Looking at the bottomless sea, Lu Mingfei inexplicably paid more attention.

(That feeling just now)

(It’s this sea.)

"Brother, don't look around." Lu Mingze sat on the side of the boat, swinging his legs and kicking up splash after splash in the black sea. "Have you not heard the story of the River Styx? Anyone who peeks into the deep sea will be dragged into the endless abyss."

Lu Mingfei looked at him blankly for a while and asked.

"Is this the River Styx?"

"No, it's probably ten thousand times more terrifying than that, but unfortunately, I can't explain it to you."

".Oh, I see."

Lu Mingfei suddenly lay back again, facing up to the sky, breathing in the cold sea breeze. He stared at the sky blankly, and could feel his consciousness rising. This was a sign that the dream was about to end. He had been here too many times, so he understood it.

As mentioned many times, Lu Mingfei has gradually matured.

He had already started thinking about the current situation as soon as he woke up.

[Lu Mingze has woken up and can communicate with himself] - The transaction can proceed normally, and he must not be trapped in the Finbul Winter, otherwise he will not be able to communicate with Lu Mingze outside the realm.

His safety has most likely been guaranteed, otherwise Lu Mingze should have been selling the so-called deal to him.


Lu Mingze, why did you wake yourself up?

"Brother, I am surprised that you can think of the restrictions I have placed on you. The forced transaction has transferred half of your life to my hands."

"Well, I should say it's expected."

Lu Mingze knew that Lu Mingfei was about to return to reality, but he was not in a hurry and spoke slowly and calmly.

"Once there is a second time, there is no way to quit trading."

"This is power and power."

"Not only can he be used to oppress all peoples, used to enjoy honors, and used to dominate all living beings, he can also be used to do so."

Lu Mingze paused for a second.

"Protection. What do you care about?"

"Hmph, although I think that kind of behavior is very wasteful, if you had chosen to give up Fujimaru Ritsuka at that time, you could have taken advantage of the gap between Odin, who was attacked by Hydra poison, to be unable to move and perfectly control the heroic spirit, to kill him. die."

"Brother, you could have been a hero in the world."

"Not interested." Lu Mingfei replied immediately.

The boy lay on the boat, watching the stars move, and asked casually.

"Compared to that, is Sister-in-law safe now? What else do you need from me outside?"

"Brother, you unexpectedly have the potential to become a workaholic." Lu Mingze subconsciously complained, "Okay, but I was unconscious when I was rescued by Fujimaru Ritsuka, so don't rely too much on me."

"You have an intelligence network, right? That woman named Mai Shutoku."


Lu Mingze shrank his shoulders. He stopped treading water and his body stiffened.

".I'm starting to hate you a little bit, brother, it's better for you to be stupid for fun."

Lu Mingfei nodded.

"Oh, then I'm starting to like you."

Lu Mingze "?"

For the first time in this conversation, the boy turned his head, his eyes flashing with confusion, and looked at the shameless Lu Mingfei for several seconds.

Is this person really planning to learn from Fujimaru Ritsuka?


"Okay, that's enough. I confess, Mai has indeed collected information about Cassel."

Later, Lu Mingze, who pretended that nothing happened, told Lu Mingfei all the information about the "Doomsday Faction" and "Main War Faction", and also reminded him that the center of all events at this time revolved around one person——

Chen Motong

"How should I put it? It's really pitiful." After hearing this, Lu Mingfei couldn't help scratching his head.

"What? Chen Motong?" Lu Mingze didn't seem to have any thoughts about this woman and talked to her without interest.

"Well, after all. I was forced to instill knowledge that I didn't want to know, and was suppressed by my family. I was designed from birth to death, and now I have to use it as a 'prop' to be fought over. How can I put it?"

Lu Mingfei muttered in a low voice.

“So unfair”

"Really, maybe it will be even more unfair in the future." Lu Mingze shrugged, suddenly sneered, and said with a malicious curve at the corner of his mouth, "In the past, she could at least decide her own death, but..."

"The most unfree people cannot even decide how they will die."

Lu Mingze's words are always full of riddles.

At least Lu Mingfei didn't understand the meaning of this sentence.

However, he still thought subconsciously and gave the answer.

"At that time, I will try to save her."

"Why, do you like her?" Lu Mingze nodded.

"No, it's just because that's what the eldest sister would do."

"Why, have you fallen in love with your eldest sister?" Lu Mingze opened his mouth and made an oh-oh sound.

"Why are you thinking so much about playing friends?!"

Lu Mingfei was not half annoyed.

"Just because I want to do it, just because it makes me feel better, that's all."

Lu Mingfei thought to himself.

What the eldest sister wanted to convey to me was just this.

Regardless of her will, courage, or way of looking at the world, she uses a more cheerful attitude than anyone else to attract people to come closer to her.

If the most 'pleasant' people do the most 'right' things.

Everyone will resist learning and imitating, then...

The world will definitely become more interesting.

what the hell.

Boring answer.

Lu Mingze closed his eyes and waved his hand behind him.

"I understand, then I'll ask you to save the world. My final advice -"

Lu Mingze's eyebrows were curved, showing a mysterious and pleasant smile, and he put on a mask for himself as always.

"Beware of Fujimaru Ritsuka, and"

"Believe her."

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