Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 520 Leonardo da Vinci: Change the place, thank you (two-in-one)

"Tsk, that's why you and Kirshtalia raised objections when I applied for Prince Lanling as a Heroic Spirit, and prepared Shakespeare for me?"

Outside Shakespeare's barrier, Akuko was running for her life.


"The same goes for Meneke Kassel. Odin does not possess the sacred relic of the summoning spell. It is up to you to go to the old site of Kassel Manor to interpret it and summon it privately. This is completely transgression, Peronloncino. You guy, you must be a spy or something."

[Well, well, isn’t the result good? Anyway, Shakespeare's Noble Phantasm has trapped Ange for enough time, and you have successfully escaped with Chen Motong. Everything is according to plan, isn't it good? 】

[Moreover - I just put forward my opinion, and in the end it was you who saw my intention and adopted it, Hinako~]

[Ara, you won’t—surprisingly, you like Hilbert and Jean Angers, right? 】

"Shut up, who cares about that kind of immortality."

Um? ! What’s old!

Wow, boomerang!

But, to be fair.

For Kazuko, the contact with Ange was probably similar to seeing a lost little boy on the roadside and couldn't help but point out the way. This level of emotion is nothing more.

Ah yes.

Angers is no different from other humans in the eyes of Kazuko.

Just a naughty kid.

Damn it, you have lived so young for hundreds of years, how can you be so arrogant, how can you pretend to be serious! (half annoyed)

Not as old as Pepelongino.

"In short, my task here is completed, and it's up to you next." Two long-lived old men, Akuko, taught Pepe.



【Buzz buzz! ! ! 】

Red alarms echoed wildly in the equipment building, overlapping and reaching the ears of all people conducting experiments.

This generally does not happen.

Because the experiments conducted by the Equipment Department are all world-class, accompanied by world-class explosions, they are naturally quite dangerous and cannot be disturbed by the outside world.

The conventional alarm bell will only echo in the external corridor of the equipment department, and members of the equipment department who hear the sound will notify the people inside who are conducting experiments.

Even when the Valkyrie attacked, the equipment department was the last to receive the news.

But this time, it seems different.

The alarm did not come from the outside world, but——

[Hey, hey, hey~~ Everyone, listen up~ This is Leonardo da Vinci, please listen up to all members of the equipment department who are conducting experiments, or secretly making bombs without conducting experiments——]

[This equipment building will be invaded by enemies in a few minutes. If you don’t want to die, don’t resist. Give way. If you encounter enemies, tell them the location of my office. 】

[The characteristics of the enemy are————]


Several graduate students from the equipment department wearing white coats and small black-framed eyes suddenly showed bitter faces. They put down their hands, which had blue and black glowing guns that looked very futuristic and technological, and sighed heavily. .

They had already discovered the early warning on campus and originally planned to save the situation.

It seems that the drama of the equipment department turning into James Bond and cracking down on school violence is gone.

There was almost no resistance from the people in the equipment department. They looked at each other and immediately turned around and ran away without hesitation.

The reason they brought weapons to snipe Pepelongino was because these psychopaths were crazy about the weapons they made, and they only thought about testing the effects. But even in their craziest state, these little geniuses knew one thing. .

That is, a small genius is not as good as a big genius!

They had to listen to what Da Vinci said.

Faith is deep-rooted.

And thanks to this result——

"Oh, that's really troublesome."

boom! ! ————

Accompanied by a violent explosion and the sound of heavy objects being kicked, the door of Leonardo da Vinci's office was knocked over, and broken steel pieces penetrated into the wall. The movement was so huge that the entire building sank.

"The radio clearly asked the students in Kassel to self-disband, but there are many traps on the road."

"It's visual dislocation and spatial transformation. Even your office uses quantum algorithms to perform probabilistic simulations, right? The spatial coordinates are blurred and turned into a virtual space that cannot be solidified."

"The door has also been reinforced with those troublesome methods, and the firepower of the Noble Phantasm Expansion Level was barely able to open it."

The smoke from the explosion quickly dissipated, and Peronloncino was revealed again.

He patted the dust on his body, waved the handkerchief in his hand, and complained, "I always feel like I have been playing a villain who slowly walks out of the smoke today. Obviously inhaling dust is not comfortable at all—— "

Peronloncino was stuck in mid-sentence, because he suddenly noticed the floor of this room while lowering his head to sweep the dust.

There is a dense alchemy diagram drawn on it. In terms of the results, even someone as good as Peronloncino would not be able to figure out what it does for a while.

Is this a trap set by Leonardo da Vinci against me?

Such doubts flashed through my mind for a moment.

But soon, he was abandoned.

"But he is actually the villain~"

Because a human voice responded from within the room.

The heroic spirit named Da Vinci sat in her accustomed office chair, controlling the computers in front of her. The light from the electronic screen flickered across her face, like a shadow in the water, lingering in a dream.

"Although the time is within the expected range, it is much faster than the standard value. Congratulations, Peronloncino, for winning first place in the game [Da Vinci's Labyrinth]!"

His fingers were tapping the keyboard in front of him like flashes of light. Leonardo turned his back to Peronloncino and spoke briskly.

"Oh, will there be a second player in this game?" Peronloncino also replied with interest.

"It depends on your mood~ It's quite troublesome to do this. It reminds me of my childhood. For you, it's the clay homework in elementary school."

"What is that?" Peronloncino asked curiously.

"Practice my semiconductor ceramic substrate to make self-service integrated circuits. Well, I really want to say this to Fujimaru." Da Vinci replied casually.

"Although it's not very difficult, can you not suddenly include too many proper nouns?" Peronloncino tried to bring the topic back, "So, if it weren't for me, I wouldn't even be able to find this room. Is there any purpose behind trying so hard to hide but not letting people from the equipment department stop me?"

"It doesn't mean anything. It's just that they will die if they can't stop it. That's a pity. They are barely smart. It would be more meaningful to publish a few more papers before they die." Da Vinci still had the same calm tone. , and the electronic flow on the computer in front of her kept flashing, and the black and dark green light and shadow flipped at an extremely fast speed.

Da da.

Peronloncino slowly stepped forward, getting closer to Leonardo da Vinci.

Finally, he stood behind him and slowly raised his hand——

He placed it on the backrest of the other person's office chair to support his body and asked curiously.

"What's this?"

"The next design ideas for the Phantom Great Wall, before I am killed by you, I need to upload all of them to Norma. In fact, it is quite complicated, and there are many technical problems. I have added it again and again during this period, and now it is barely completed. Most of it.”

"Ah~ It's business, but Odin is also happy to see this result, so I can wait for you to get these things done before doing business. Why don't you just join us? The research project can continue, and the funds will be more sufficient here. "Pepe said casually, as naturally as if he was chatting with a friend.


"Yeah, regardless of the position, I really don't want to deal with people like you personally."

"Haha! ~What a pity."

Da Vinci finally turned around. Today, she was strangely not wearing the familiar Italian-style research clothes, but a white, abstract-looking coat with strange Chinese characters printed on the back.

"Where I go doesn't depend on me. I'm just a servant. It depends on the Master's wishes."

Faced with this code of rejection, Peronloncino was not angry. Instead, he curved the corners of his mouth, looked at Leonardo da Vinci, and spoke softly.

"That is to say - as long as Fujimaru Ritsuka is willing to come to our side, you can rebel?"

"Let's wait until then~"

That's a shame.

Peronloncino sighed solemnly, and then——

He calmly raised his hands.

Use the knife to penetrate into Da Vinci's back.

The blood did not splash out as expected, but a red lotus bloomed implicitly. Da Vinci's pupils shrank for an instant, but soon returned to calm.

To be honest, she also considered letting herself, a researcher, directly resist.

But unfortunately, what has been said countless times - alchemists are magicians, and they are good at positional warfare.

Instead of the opposite party appearing directly in his workshop like this and engaging in hand-to-hand combat.

Is such a result expected?

Blood spilled from the corner of his mouth. Da Vinci looked at the sharp blade that penetrated his chest and smiled silently.

"Now, Peronloncino, do I know a joke among alchemists?"

"Huh? Please guide me."

Pepe kept that mysterious smile, and when he saw that Da Vinci was about to resist, he didn't lose his composure at all, but asked playfully.

So, Da Vinci also turned her head in cooperation. The broken lung lobes gave her voice a sound like bursting bubbles. Her pale face showed tiredness and the complete opposite.


"That sentence is called - Kagemusha is the tradition of alchemists."


Suddenly, the sound of a smoke bomb exploding sounded on Peronloncino's hand. Da Vinci, who had been pierced through the chest, suddenly turned into white smoke and exploded. What was left behind - turned out to be a wooden stake? !

"It's more like a ninja than an alchemist, right?"

Not only was Peronloncino not surprised, he actually complained and looked to his side without any hesitation.

That is the direction of the window, where the real Leonardo da Vinci has grabbed the rope with one hand and hung on a flying alchemy prop that looks like a golden-feathered bird. His body is hanging precariously, and the other hand is holding something similar to Button' stuff.

On top of her head, Flamel was driving this alchemy tool that looked completely flimsy with a cold sweat on his face, nervously as if he wanted to vomit.

Da Vinci, on the other hand, provocatively said with expectation.

"I'm going to press it."


Leonardo da Vinci and Peronloncino looked at each other and smiled at the same time.

Then, Da Vinci pressed the button.

At that moment, click!

There was no explosion.

There was no sudden burst of light.

Some are just lights that turn on slowly in a trance.

Peronloncino stood in Leonardo da Vinci's office, and at his feet, the array diagrams he had seen as soon as he entered the room began to flow. The mercury light continued to flow between straight lines and curves, outlining extremely mysterious words.

what is that?

The answer is actually surprisingly simple.

[Your body is entrusted to my command, and my destiny is attached to your sword]

Da Vinci began to sing.

The light began to gather, as if hot oil was poured on a flame, and the wind blew wildly, dancing wildly.

[Respond to the call of the Holy Grail, those who obey this will and principle, respond to me]

The elements began to condense into a solid state, approaching a liquid state, suspended in mid-air, as dazzling as crystal.

no doubt.

That is--

Heroic Spirit Summoning Matrix!

A super-standard magic that can summon heroes from the past into the present world to fight as familiars.


(After Odin opens his own Valhalla, the summoning of heroic spirits should be completely locked. Even if a heroic spirit with a name in modern times can be summoned, the intensity will not be too excessive.)

Perronloncino stood calmly, even thinking with interest.

(The most important thing is that it is impossible to imagine that Leonardo da Vinci would use this matter as his trump card.)

(Well it can’t be summoned, it can’t be summoned.)

【Unable to summon】


Peronloncino suddenly showed a dazed expression.

(I see.)

(That’s why she wore that dress.)

This is really——

"It's so interesting!!" Looking at Peronloncino who suddenly became excited, Da Vinci also understood and smiled more freely.

——Peronloncino, you are not really an undercover agent or something!


"I am the one who has accomplished all the good deeds in the world. Ah, ah, ah, it's so troublesome! Anyway, we all know the final result, so I'll just omit these boring chants!"

Da Vinci curled up the corners of his mouth arrogantly, grabbed the rope with one hand, and raised the other hand high to the sky.

It's like having a conversation with something far away from this world.

the woman shouted.

"Fujimaru Ritsuka is in trouble!"

"Quick help!!"


【Buzz. 】

[Buzz buzz! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ————————————】

The slowly rotating formation accelerated at that moment.

Question: Why did Leonardo da Vinci summon heroes?

Everything has a cause and effect. With the ability of the genius Da Vinci, since she has anticipated the opponent's attack, it is not difficult to prepare for the challenge. To be honest, if she is serious, she will not lose to anyone.

As I said, alchemists are good at workshop battles.

Da Vinci had so much time, how could it not be enough for this genius to create a workshop that could compete with the heroic spirit?

There is only one answer.

[She is busy with other things]

[This matter must have started immediately after the ice sea mission ended, because it was too sudden and too urgent, so that Leonardo da Vinci had to delay all the time, even the last few seconds.]

The data flowing on the computer is certainly not a blueprint for the Phantom Great Wall.

It was the experiment she was still conducting until just now.

So, what changes have occurred since Operation Ice Sea?

What change made Leonardo da Vinci so excited?

Answer: [The appearance of Valhalla]

Valhalla, Hall of Heroes, Odin spent thousands of years sealing the existence of heroic spirits, and finally turned them all into his own nourishment.

And the moment he unsealed the concept of [heroic spirit], it meant that even if humans thought of the existence of 'heroic spirit', it would be useless - because it was already Odin's thing.

How despicable.


He missed something.

That's all.

The concept of Heroic Spirits itself transcends time and the world. The Hall of Heroes is essentially a super huge collection of information. There has never been such a term as a "hall of heroes in one world".

[The Seat of Heroes] exists alone.

Because of this, Odin released his own army, but at the same time, he also released the authority of the world and the heroic spirits.

Normally, this makes no sense.


There are people from other worlds.

Link your own fate to a completely different parallel world, and connect each other's bonds across the barriers of the world. If you have such a deep 'fate'————

Those exist.

Those extremely dazzling heroes will notice it in an instant.

this world.

It smells like 'her'.

Have you finally written this?

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