Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 534 Old Friends Meeting on the World of Warcraft Front

[Da Vinci has completed the spiritual element scan of New York City]

[But the results are basically meaningless. 】

[The density of pure-blood dragons is so high that it basically fills up the entire city. The accumulated spiritual elements have almost dyed the entire city into a strange and bloated tumor. 】

Through Norma's network connection, intelligence was quickly exchanged across Kassel's forces.

Although, the content is not optimistic.

[Furthermore, because Fujimaru Ritsuka's overly prominent spiritual element was completely undisguised, it almost swallowed New York City into its belly, making it impossible to distinguish the specific location of the other party. 】

The only thing that can be determined is the location of Fujimaru Ritsuka.

And ‘those people’ have already set off.

The rest is.——

"Oh! Are you scared?"

With a snap, the broad palm collided with Fingel's back. The gray-haired German stumbled forward a few steps, turned his head and looked at the heroic spirit with a dazed look.

It was a muscular man. Although he was not as bulky and terrifying as the Greek hero he had contracted with, he still had clear outlines that far surpassed those of a bodybuilding champion.

There was obviously no oil layer on it, but under the sunlight, the red-haired heroic spirit's body exuded the purest and most primitive charm of a male.

The true name of the heroic spirit [Leonidas]

In terms of its spread, it can be said to be the best on the planet!

The most famous deed is naturally the battle at the end of his life - with only 300 people, he blocked the invading Persian army of 100,000 people!

It is no exaggeration to say that this is the most exaggerated battle in the world.

As a servant, Leonidas has even more

[The reserve of the imperial army: A]

[Battle continuation: A]

【Guardian of Flame Gate (Thermopylae Enomotia)】

Such a variety of battle-continuing guardianship skills.

His existence itself, with his troops, even if they are defeated, he will guarantee to fight until the last moment, providing the strongest backing.

He is also one of the hundreds of heroic spirits summoned.

As a heroic spirit who belongs to the southwest battlefield, he is loved by the combatants.

After all, he is one of the very few who is willing to put aside the so-called reservedness of a king, and even face others with what can be called a 'kind and friendly' attitude, without putting on airs, and with a sincere warrior who does his best.

Even at the [Kings' Banquet], he barely spoke.

He is also not interested in Fujimaru Ritsuka's holy relics.

Based on his bond with Fujimaru Ritsuka, he realized that "there is a crisis in this world" and took the initiative to appear. He is also a noble warrior who came to fight the end of the world.

It can be said that he is a king who has a cheerful personality, sees the overall situation, and is not stingy about lending a helping hand.

Fingel was ashamed of himself, but Leonidas unilaterally favored him.

【You have great muscles】

[Muscles reflect everything about a person, small, big, hard, soft - all. 】

What the hell is this guy talking about, Fingel thought.

Why, you can tell from the ring of fat on the outside of my muscles that I love KFC, and you can also tell that I'm wrapping the hardness in my heart with soft fat, and that I'm a cold-blooded avenger?

walk slowly.

Leonidas cow cow cow.


Fingel recalled his original intention.

He is also considered a person who hides many secrets in Kassel. After the ice sea operation, he broke away from the Kassel forces. Because he could not trust them, he put on a mask and searched around the world for someone who could help him. of mixed race forces.

Germany's native mixed race force, the Henkel of North America.

He has contact.

He even had contact with the rescue team managed by Lu Mingze.

Everything is just for revenge.

To the dragon beneath the Greenland ice.

as well as

Introduce himself and others to the school board of directors under the ice sea, and——

A god named [Odin].

There is no doubt that if the identities of Odin and Pompeii overlap, it means that he deliberately dispatched Cassel's troops in the first place, with the purpose of splitting the cooperation between the school board and Cassel, and by the way, he obtained it without any effort. Records of the Ice and Sea Bronze Pillars.

It leads humans to discover the truth step by step, and also leads the school board to make wrong and selfish decisions time and time again.

Until now.

He didn't know whether Odin's wish was heading towards the future that mankind expected, but he would never allow his enemies to step on his head in the future of mankind.

Whatever his wishes were, whether they were correct or not.

You must crush him.

"Haha! That's the look!"

Leonidas laughed loudly on the sidelines. He did not hate salvation, but if possible, he sincerely hoped that the soldiers who accompanied him in this battle of salvation could be as strong as the three hundred people at the beginning.

Neither Mesopotamia nor Mesopotamia.

Or, now.

However, the difference is.

"Hey, Lord Leonidas!"

"Oh oh oh, Ushiwakamaru, have you been assigned here too? Hahahaha! It seems that we are quite destined!" Leonidas quickly looked away from Fingel when he heard a familiar voice. Move away and look at the Japanese warrior with a tengu hairstyle next to you.

He is a famous tragic military commander who is known to everyone in Japan. He was gifted with extraordinary leadership qualities, but he was alienated by his brother Yoritomo, and was eventually defeated together with his follower Benkei.

Although, just being famous in Japan is enough.

But it is undeniable that Ushiwakamaru is indeed an excellent warrior, and Leonidas is naturally very happy to have her around.

Faced with the greeting from an acquaintance, Ushiwakamaru also showed a pure smile, stood next to Leonidas, and said hello to Fingel in the same way, receiving a horrified look from the other party.

Mainly frightened by how Ushiwakamaru is dressed.

No, do you Japanese dress like this when fighting? !

Fortunately, Fingel was the god of pure love, so he quickly and resolutely looked back stiffly, while Ushiwakamaru himself didn't care and continued talking to Leonidas.

"But to be honest, I'm worried about 'Lord'."

"What about Fujimaru?"

"Well, although I have had a similar experience, the lord's character will still be corrupted." Ushiwakamaru paused, and his black bangs left a shadow, covering Ushiwakamaru's eyes.

That must be such a heart-wrenching injury to make that Fujimaru Ritsuka fall.

Thinking of this, Ushiwakamaru wanted to rush to her side as soon as possible.


"Unfortunately, we are not responsible for that." Leonidas shook his head helplessly. "Who would have thought that that little girl would become so strong now. Although, she had this tendency before she came to this world."

"Yeah. It's such a pity. It would have been better if I had become stronger during my lifetime." Ushiwakamaru sighed sadly, "Well, it is said that in this world, if you complete [Synchronization] with a master who has perfect compatibility, I don’t know if I have the opportunity to break through the ceiling.”

"Haha! There will be a chance!"

Leonidas responded cheerfully.

But at the same time, he was thinking about other things.

In fact, his and Ushiwakamaru's pure worries were different.

His first reaction when he found out about Fujimaru Ritsuka's blackening was——

——That guy Fujimaru finally fell down for once.

Leonidas looked at the alchemical barrier that was about to be opened in the distance, his eyes calm and solemn.

The savior who never fails.

A savior who never allowed himself to relax.

When I first met her, I was just favored and delighted.

But the longer the journey, the more troublesome this situation becomes.

Constantly face the desperate situation where you are helpless and try your best to do it to the end.

She never made a mistake, but took all failures as her own responsibility.

But she probably doesn’t have any real feelings about it herself.

Someone needs to tell her this in a strong way.


However, there is a battlefield over there that I cannot interfere with.

Those who exist there are all beings at the same level as the golden king. Even the beautiful green person who was once the enemy has already gone.

It should be okay, right?

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