The battle begins.

After the goblin Lancelot rushed into the battlefield, no matter whether the pros and cons were willing or not, this had become the signal for the war to begin.

The fairy Lancelot, or Melusine, broke through the sound barrier in an instant, and the heavy lines in the air collapsed like shuttles, and the figure flashed to the other side of the line of sight in the next moment.

Again, New York City has an area of ​​1,214 square kilometers.

Even flying at the speed of sound takes some time to cover distance, not to mention——

The moment they enter the opponent's territory, the enemy's countermeasures are already in place.


Immortal, a warrior who will return countless times as long as his soul is not annihilated. The dragon clan's battlefield has such a bloody, cruel, brutal and manic tradition.

Most of the army that had been killed by Chu Zihang and Caesar gathered again at this time.

Even - more.

Hmm~ In other words, does the other party also regard this war as a decisive battle?

Flying in the air, Melusin's face was mostly covered by a mask that looked metallic, but was actually a Noble Phantasm, leaving only the lower half of her face exposed.

The long white hair was fluttering wildly due to the strong wind, and the weapons on his back were not reminiscent of the so-called dragons, but more like a Gundam full of mechanical charm.

The turbulent air flow spurted out, and his body broke free from the restraints of inertia. Lancelot exploded with a full force that had never been exposed in the Lost Belt before.

And she naturally noticed the Valkyries in front of her.

When approaching them, it was already dark, and the Nibelungs created by the collective will once again involved the enemy.

The aurora in the sky is splendid and picturesque, and the restrained blue color descends from the sky like a staircase, like streamers and catkins.

This was the first time Lancelot saw Valkyrie's mental world. She quickly noticed the increase in his abilities and the reaction to the suppression of his own data.

And her first reaction was——

(Aurora~ It’s really beautiful~)

Trivia, Lancelot likes to see the Aurora (Aurora) and thinks it is the most beautiful thing on the planet - so beautiful that even Fujimaru Ritsuka is at most equal to it.

Dragons are philanthropic - well, I don’t know if the ‘kindred’ people in this world are like that~

Melusin was flying at a Mach close to double digits, but she was thinking about insignificant things in her mind. Even though she was only a thousand meters away from the Valkyries, she showed no signs of slowing down.

It was an unintentional move, but it was the right choice.

It has been mentioned many times that the individual strength of the Valkyrie is very weak - at least dozens of people are needed to match the first-class servants.

Their real power lies in the connection of words and spirits, creating qualitative changes through quantity.

However, the release of the spirit of speech also takes time.

If it is a high-precision composite blasting, the cost will be several times higher.

Therefore, the most correct approach is the strategy chosen by Chu Zihang and Caesar.

The moment I saw them——

Rush over.

【I am the strongest. 】

[And super good at aerial combat~]

He didn't think about anything, he just took one look at the enemy and roughly judged the opponent's strength, then dived forward confidently, even arrogantly.



accelerate! !

The black and blue silhouette of the horse that had distorted the atmosphere surpassed the word spirit released by the Valkyrie. The eyes of the Wind King turned into countless sharp blades and cut them, falling from the sky, airtight.

But at high speed, Lancelot perfectly completed the multiple actions of avoiding, splitting, and chopping.

The speed curve is simply outrageous to the extreme. Even in a state of several Mach, it can quickly return to zero speed and make perfect countermeasures. The physical ability, no, the biological performance is terrifying!

In terms of Valkyrie's cognition.

It was like a complete body, the next generation species in its heyday, watching the composite word spirit rush into the battlefield!

Unable to resist.

In just an instant, countless rays of light exploded in the sky.

The flames condensed into a ball, starting from one point, spreading in a fan shape, and continuously detonating the sky like dominoes! !

Just like in the Gundam animation, the scene after the high-performance machine rushed into the Zaku group, the Valkyrie was rolled into pieces in an instant, and some of the warriors who reacted self-destructed, unable to even capture Lancelot's back.

That was equal to or even surpassed Karna's flying speed!

At the same time, the Kassel Equipment Department and Leonardo da Vinci also received the news.


Norma's calculations were completed in an instant. At the border of New York, Leonardo da Vinci modified the interior of a RV and turned it into a temporary command room. As soon as Lancelot rushed into the ground, the scene was immediately modified.

New York City, which was originally like a fog, was quickly modeled and reconstructed. At the same time, there were countless light spots of different colors.

Because before the battle, New York City was probably set up a barrier by Kirshtalia, so the inside didn't know what the situation was like. For example, it was like the fog of war in the game.

Therefore, Leonardo da Vinci, who had long guessed that Lancelot was too lazy to comply with the battle plan, asked her to carry a device similar to a signal generator and an expanded radar-like device on her body.

As long as Lancelot is in the area, the signal will be infinitely expanded with her as the center, eventually forming a model of the entire city and a location distribution map of the enemies on the right.

In just a few seconds, Norma had completed this massive calculation and projected it.

In the 3D image, countless red enemy units appeared in the sky over New York, and the next second, a small blue light spot rushed into them, and then collapsed.

Countless light spots are extinguished, which is enough to make people feel chilled when placed on the projection screen.


Is this a heroic spirit?

"No, Fairy Lancelot is already the highest-level heroic spirit in terms of personality. As she said, she is the [strongest] on the regular battlefield. At least in terms of attributes, it is close to this evaluation."

Da Vinci deliberately emphasized the conventional battlefield in order not to make those kings feel that he was biased.

The current situation is still expected. Without Tian Ji racing, he will invest his high-end combat power in one go.

Use dragons to defeat dragons!

At the same time, combatants have also begun to pour into other areas of New York City. Because Lancelot attracted most of the aerial firepower in one breath, no problems have been found in the advancement of the ground battlefield.


"Don't let your guard down, Lancelot." Da Vinci switched the channel to Lancelot's exclusive channel and spoke into the headset.

This is a necessary communication method for combat. Although Lancelot was reluctant at the time, she agreed after the headset was made to be the same color as her equipment and looked very cool.


The first thing I heard after turning on Lancelot's channel was the roar of the wind, and then the familiar, slightly tuned female voice.

[Sorry~~ I can’t hear you clearly. Do you need me to slow down? ~~]

Lancelot seemed to be in high spirits, and he spoke with obvious happiness.


What really made her so excited was probably because of the person she was about to meet.

Da Vinci, who understood this, sighed helplessly, held his forehead and said.

"No, no need. You continue to accelerate, but be sure to pay attention to whether there are any strange individuals in the Valkyrie's army."

Da Vinci's reminder comes from the simplest doubt.

(It doesn’t matter if the enemy this time is the King of Earth and Mountain or the King of Bronze and Fire. But it happens to be the King of Sky and Wind, which symbolizes speed.)

Just like the name.


The opponent is a dragon clan that controls the sky. In terms of ability, it is completely aimed at Lancelot.

Although Lancelot temporarily showed absolute crushing due to his hard power, but——

Once the next generation with the status of king appears, things will be different.

The next generation species is second only to the four dragon kings.

The only person in this world who can kill the next-generation species like a dog is the awakened Fujimaru Ritsuka. And if it is the next-generation species that has left its name in mythology, it is enough to threaten the super-class heroic spirits.

No, threat is a mild way of putting it.

If it weren't for mutual killing, even the top heroic spirit in myth would easily fall into the abyss.

Because, the next generation species has the [sure kill] belonging to the dragon clan in this world.

【Boom! ! ! ! ! ————】

Suddenly, while Da Vinci was thinking, a huge explosion came from the other end of the headset.

Different from the self-destruction of the Valkyrie, the explosion was closer to the sound receiving port - it came from Lancelot.

At the same time, the blue light spot symbolizing Lancelot on the screen suddenly shifted and fell into the ground at a faster speed than it had just moved, creating a deep pit.

A huge explosion rose from the ground, overturning the building complex that was originally a restaurant street. Reinforced concrete flew into the air, and was blown into pieces by the strong wind and scattered in all directions.

Lancelot, shot down.

Da Vinci instantly realized that it was an attack from the enemy!

Still able to catch Lancelot's attack!

no doubt--

Next generation!

boom! ! ! ! !

It was buried under countless rubbles, but the petite white girl simply waved her knife, and with the hard sound of the break, she completely melted the debris of the fallen building.

"Hey, hey, hey, the dragons from this world are obviously not friendly enough!"

Lancelot, who covered his head with his hands and seemed to be in a dazed state after being hit by the attack just now, complained softly.

However, when she looked up again, her arrogant expression finally subsided slightly.

What exists there is a dragon.

Compared to a large species like Samson, the dragon's body is not burly. Its whole body is covered with a rock-like texture. But if you look closely, you will find that it is not a rock, but an effect created by countless overlapping and linked fine scales. .

The whole body is gray and cold iron color. Different from the relatively weak chest and abdomen, the most prominent feature of this dragon is the dragon wings behind it.

The iron-green membrane wings opened like a fan. The number was different from that of conventional dragons. There were six wings. The huge size was almost as large as the human body, and there were sharp thorns all over it, like thorns entwining them.

"Well~ let me ask first."

The Fairy Knight usually seems cold and cold, but at this time, I don’t know whether it’s because he came to this world full of dragons and got excited after meeting too many “family members”, or because——

The person in front of him is the Master he has longed for.

Ah~~You have endured it for so long and you still want to stop me - how cruel!

It was like teasing the first half inch of climatex but then suddenly stopped!

However, the more this happens.

When that moment arrives, the joy becomes more intense.

She was thinking of some strange metaphors in her head, and the phrase "dragon nature is inherently obscene" was perfectly reflected in Miss Melusin's mind, and it also made her fighting spirit even higher.

Even if there is a dragon in front of me, it doesn't matter.

"Do you want to introduce yourself? Otherwise it will be very troublesome when you die without a name~"

Lancelot greeted softly and waved his hand. If you didn't listen to the content, you really wouldn't know that this was a genuine provocation from the strongest elf knight.

And the dragon high in the sky tilted his head in cooperation.

As I said before, the myth of this world has been usurped by dragons.

Gods are dragons - truly powerful dragons can find their names in a corner of history.

At this time, in New York City, Odin no longer hides his combat power. After confirming that Fujimaru Ritsuka will not hunt him for the time being, he does not need to worry about the gap in combat power and deploys his strongest army. And out.

Therefore, those who appear here are those who have accompanied Odin from ancient times to the present, experienced the encirclement and suppression of the four dragon kings, and completed the end of the age of human gods————

One of the most powerful next-generation species in the world today.

real name.


In the past, I would have made a lot of introductions to each new enemy and described each battlefield in detail.

But now I choose to cut the scene ()

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