Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 89 Come on, come and run with me for a while!

The bright and clear sunlight shines through the gaps in the leaves and casts spots of light. The light hits the wooden bench, and the dark brown is dyed with a yellow halo, bringing warmth and a bit of simplicity.

Sakurai Kogure sat on a bench, watching the wind in the distance blowing down the leaves and lifting them up to the sky.

There were many boys and girls in front of her. They were generally young, wearing pure white loose uniforms, running wantonly on the smooth and shiny lawn.

Their laughter was full of sincerity, which made Ms. Sakurai's ears harsh.

This is a sanatorium managed by the Sheqi Eight Family. It is known to the outside world as a charitable children's sanatorium funding institution with religious participation. Because of its complete facilities, spacious grounds, and strong teaching staff, it is rated as luxurious by the outside world.

But only those who grew up here know that this is a different kind of cage.

The children here are all judged to be inferior products with unstable bloodlines, moths in the night, foreign objects like themselves.

Growing up here, I had medication management and psychological counseling every day. I was graded as a child, and when I grew up, I also worked here or was sent to a more rigorous facility for management.

Sanatorium is a nice way of saying it, but for those with low emotional intelligence, it is a pure prison.

Miss Sakurai hated this place so much that she never even thought that she would come back one day, nor did she think that the first thing she would do when she came back would not be to rush to the cafeteria to find a gas tank and open it to let this broken The place will make the headlines in tomorrow's newspaper, but he is watching the family's younger generations playing one-two-three wooden figures on the bench.

No, to be precise, she wasn't watching, she was invited to play, and now she was put into the loser group, waiting to defeat several other children in the resurrection match before she could return within a limited time.

Damn, these brats are pretty good at playing.

However, the root cause of Ms. Sakurai’s failure still lies in external factors, that is—

"Ah~ Children are really good at it. I thought back then my wooden man skills were called "Silent David", but now I have fallen behind~" The clear spring watered the lake, and the big beads and small beads fell on the jade plate with a clear sound. The sweet-sounding, orange-haired girl walked towards Miss Sakurai, sat down next to Miss Sakurai, and said with a smile.

"Does the famous person from the Executive Bureau have time to visit us prisoners again?" Sakurai Kogure looked away from the children and turned to look at the girl who was walking towards him and also joined the loser group.

"Also, don't compare me to you. If you hadn't suddenly appeared and scared me, I wouldn't have fallen like this."

Hearing this, Li Xiang's mouth relaxed, with a teasing smile on his face.

"Are you in a hurry?"


Ms. Sakurai sighed.

"That's enough. What are you here for? Or can you be satisfied just by teasing me? Even if you have a weird orientation, why don't you just go and harass the iceberg girl who has been staying by your side? Why do you want to provoke me? I?"

"You're jealous."

The girl had a shy smile on her face and spoke decisively.

"." Miss Sakurai didn't even say anything this time.

And Ritsuka also knew that he should stop joking and talk about more serious things.

"Actually, I'm here today just for business."

"Then you should have said that from the beginning."

"Don't interrupt!" Li Xiang said with a natural expression.

"I came here today with Boss Yuan. There are some things that I need to tell you and the people in the nursing home, which are related to the future of eight similar companies in Sheqi."


Miss Sakurai's silence this time was different from before. From her perspective, she could naturally think of many things.

She had already heard about the crusade against General Wang. Since this battle was widely publicized within the company, it was natural that she could not escape the news being spread to the family business.

It's funny to say that there are also members of the Fierce Demons in this sanatorium who were recruited, or "imprisoned" here like Sakurai Kogure. The first time they heard the news, they were not sad for their boss, but cheered and shouted. "Long live Fujimaru Ritsuka".

It's crazy.

Sakurai Kogure knew that things were not that simple. Since the leader of the Fierce Ghosts, General Wang, had been beheaded, it meant that the remnants of the Fierce Ghosts who were imprisoned here had lost their use value.

The eight Sheqi families suffered no losses in this battle and did not need to replenish their combat power at all. As for this group of remnants, apart from their unstable bloodline, they don't have even the slightest space to make use of them.

So, the answer is obvious.

Sakurai Kogure closed her eyes in despair and said with a dry throat.

"Are you going to get rid of us?"

"." Lixiang blinked but said nothing.

"There is no need to refine your words. Although I am not qualified to say that I understand you, from my one-sided understanding, you have probably tried your best." Sakurai Kogure said to herself.

She leaned against the wooden bench, tilted her head, and let the wind pass through her hair.

Her gentle and beautiful face was as tender as water, her brows were relaxed, but her eyes were slightly red with tears.

Of course, she has the right to complain.

A life spent in darkness ends in darkness.

She once thought she had met the young man she should serve in this life, but found that she was too far away from him.

She once thought she had seen the sun that could warm everything, but found that even the sun could not illuminate her.

The girl closed her eyes, and tears were swirling in her eyes, but she resisted the flow from the corners of her eyes.

Fujimaru Ritsuka is an excellent and dazzling person. From a personal point of view, Sakurai Kogure admires her even if her stance is different, but since the ultimatum has been issued, there is no need to shed tears in front of the enemy.

As she thought this, her eyelids kept trembling, as if they were out of her control, out of—



Sakurai Kogure found herself brightened, her vision brightened, and her eyelids opened uncontrollably.

After being forced to open her eyes, she realized that her eyes had been forcibly opened by Fujimaru Ritsuka opposite her. She twisted her waist to form a C shape, and opened her eyes with the force of her thumb and index finger. Like an ophthalmologist checking the condition of a patient's pupils.

"Ms. Sakurai, delusion of persecution is a disease that needs to be treated. If it is not treated in time, the harm to your future life will be immeasurable." The girl said seriously.

Miss Sakurai looked at her in a daze.


Seeing this, Li Xiang no longer pretended, but smiled.

"I am indeed here to deal with you today, but not to get rid of you."

"The Sheqi Eight Families have mastered a new technology that can treat hybrids with unstable bloodlines accordingly and restore them to a stable enough condition to control."

"Under such circumstances, the sanatorium will soon no longer be necessary, so I am here today to talk to the director and you, the former cadres of the Menggui Clan, about related matters.

Because you are criminals, even if you take care of the bloodline issue, you still need to pay for your sins. By the way, Genzhi Kazama Ruri was also sent here. If you want to see him, you can choose to stay and work here. . "

Sakurai Kogure's mouth opened and closed, and her two pairs of beautiful big eyes seemed to pop out, staring in disbelief.

"That kind of technology. How is it possible? Who is it?"

Suddenly, she stopped, and for no reason, she looked into Ritsuka's eyes.


And under Miss Sakurai's dazed gaze, the girl raised her thumb and pointed at herself.

"That's right!"

Sakurai Kogure stared blankly at the girl. She seemed to have walked into a lifelike picture. The fallen leaves in the wind suddenly forgot to ripple and stopped in mid-air. The world seemed to be only black and white, with the exception of the girl.

The glamorous finger pointed at herself, and the haloed sunset illuminated her face from one side, making her look like a dream.

Among the soft colors, only the three red runes on the back of the girl's hand were so dazzling.


Didi Dudulu~

A mechanical electronic sound sounded, and Yuan Zhisheng sat cross-legged on the ground. In the dark room, the man just manipulated the handle as he did. The pixelated figure on the electronic screen in front of him was reflected in his eyes, and he felt very comfortable jumping around.

"What are you doing."

A man's voice came from beside Yuan Zhisheng, it was plain but a bit jarring.

"Can't you see, I'm playing a game."

Yuan Zhisheng said calmly, he controlled the little man in his hand to jump over a water pipe and stepped on the mushroom.

"Of course I can see this. I'm asking why you are playing the game console in my room."

In the darkness, another man's voice changed from calm to turbulent. He seemed to have difficulty controlling his emotions, especially in front of Yuan Zhisheng.

But Yuan Zhisheng ignored it.

"Why?" He paused the game and sighed. "You know I'm not good at saying this. Fujimaru Ritsuka also told me to speak less if I can't speak. If I want to speak, I should only say what I really want to say."

"So I will tell you frankly. Originally, I planned to tell you about our past, create an atmosphere of warm brotherhood, and even invite you to play games together. But after I entered the door, I found that it was too difficult to speak. , so I plan to play games by myself to ease the atmosphere.”

"." The chain and the wall made a soft sound, touching and then separating. A man named Kazama Ruri was lying on the bed. The soft quilt was folded neatly aside instead of covering him.

Kazama Ruri was buried deep in the shadows, with handcuffs on her arms. They were actually of no use, they were just a symbol. If he wanted to, he could tear that thing into pieces at any time, and then use the broken iron pieces to assassinate Yuan Zhisheng with the emperor's rage.

Oh no, now he no longer has that confidence. After Yuan Zhisheng was controlled by the king's banging sound, his body seemed to have loosened some boundaries. The gap in strength between the two may not be that big now.

But no matter what, Kazama Ruri was indeed very well-behaved at the moment. He was lying quietly on the bed, and even his extremely hated brother could not make him lose his mind.

Perhaps he never had the so-called rampage of blood, he was just a beast driven by the king.

also possible.

"You have changed, brother. You used to talk less and think more straightforwardly. When you grow up, you will be more sad about spring and autumn. You pretend to be indifferent on your face, but you hide loneliness and pain deeper than anyone else in your heart."

"But you can tell jokes now, albeit with guidance from others."

Fengjian Liuli sighed, he was a little unwilling.

"Because of Fujimaru Ritsuka?"

". Stop talking about me all the time. You have changed too, Zhi." Yuan Zhisheng originally wanted to add his pet name to his brother after this sentence, but found that he still couldn't say it, so he continued with a cold face.

"You were a crybaby when you were a child, and you became crazy when you grew up. Now that you are making complaints and folding the quilt obediently, I don't think there is a trace of a fierce ghost general."

Kazama Ruri didn't refute, and perhaps couldn't refute it.

"You are right, Fujimaru Ritsuka has changed many people. I don't know whether I should be distressed or grateful that I have such a subordinate, but I know clearly that I should be grateful to God for sending such a troublesome and troublesome guy. In front of me."

Yuan Zhisheng took out a cigarette from his chest and handed it to Fengjian Liuli.

"Are you inviting your brother to smoke?" Kazama Liuli's eyes twitched.

"No, that's my last one. I asked you to help me throw it away." Yuan Zhisheng continued the game without looking back, controlling the plumber to jump through the complex maze.

"I will stop doing this from now on." The man said calmly.

".You have really changed." Kazama Liuli curled his lips and said, but he still did not put down the cigarette, but turned sideways and muttered.

"I've become even more stupid. My dear brother, I'm still cuffed to the bed, and I have to be watched when I go to the bathroom. You want me to throw away your cigarettes for you?"

"That thing can't hold you down."

"You want me to escape from prison?" Kazama Liuli just turned his head but couldn't help but turn back, raising his eyebrows in surprise.

"To be precise, I'm taking you out for fun after visiting the prison." The villain controlled by Yuan Zhisheng successfully inserted the chess piece, and a salute was fired on the screen, but the man was not happy, but showed a somewhat complicated expression.

"Fujimaru Ritsuka once asked me something - Boss, do you want to hear white lies or the true but ugly truth?"

"I thought about it, and sure enough, people still have to be curious and want to know the truth. But you also know that I am actually a coward, so-"

Yuan Zhisheng turned off the game and stood up slowly. The tail of his big black windbreaker dragged on the ground with a swishing sound.

"Come on, come with me for a little trip, little girl, to meet someone who is extremely "important" to us."

Group number: 459826017

The content of these days does not have any explosive content, but it is still very important as the final content to wrap up this volume and cannot be skipped.

For the sake of perception, I will increase the volume of my old method. I will probably finish writing this volume tomorrow (that’s what I say, I’m working hard, working hard)

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