Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 101 100 Darkness

Chapter 101 100.Darkness

Since the birth of mankind, division and reunification have been going on all the time. In ancient China, there was also a saying that if the world is united for a long time, it must divide and unite.

After all, Lu Mingfei is not the loser he was last time. He is quite knowledgeable and has a good knowledge of the history of the secret party.

After all, he is a liberal arts student.

Therefore, it is normal for the Camarilla to split up and prevent the annexation and integration of other hybrid species.

Norma quickly sent some of the Twilight Dogma information to his phone, and by then he had finally returned to his dormitory.

The whole building was silent, and the sound of the wind was so loud that it blew on the glass at the end of the corridor, making a deafening noise, as if some giant was trying to lift the building apart.

From the balcony window, you can also see the dim lights on in the senior sister's dormitory. She probably hasn't gone to bed yet.

"What are you doing? Have you slept?" Nono's QQ profile picture flashed. Lu Mingfei was about to click on the document sent by Norma, but after a moment of hesitation, he clicked on his senior sister's profile picture first.

"No, I just went to the ice cellar. I still want to find out the secret of the embryo." Lu Mingfei typed quickly.

The hot water flowed down, and the rising white steam filled the bathroom. Lu Mingfei lifted the bucket of scalding hot water to the bedside and carefully put his feet in.

"Hiss..." He moaned comfortably.

He turned off the light, but kept his notebook open, and the file about the Twilight Doctrine appeared on it.

It was a small organization that split from the secret party. At the beginning of its independence, it could not even compete with some rich mixed-race families with long heritage. The Camarilla and the Elders monitored it for decades, and did not give up monitoring until they were sure that these people would not threaten the operation of the Camarilla and would not openly use the power of dragons for their own benefit.

Lu Mingfei's breathing gradually became heavier.

According to the information, the Twilight Dogma is a follower of Odin. These religious believers, who can be called fanatical believers, claim that there have been great beings comparable to dragons in history. They say that they are gods. In the decisive battle called Ragnarok, the gods He Long was hit hard at the same time. During that war, a powerful word spirit or god's power caused a tsunami that swept through most of the world and buried prehistoric civilizations.

From the perspective of the Camarilla, the Twilight Creed is a group of paranoid lunatics who believe in a god named Odin and believe that it is the throne that can help humans resist the dragons.

But the philosophy pursued by this organization is completely different from that of the Far North.

The far north is searching for the imaginary Hybril, but the Dusk Dogma is searching for God.

"It's snowing. Do you want to go skating tomorrow?" Nono said.

Lu Mingfei looked away from the computer for a moment and typed a reply, "No, I'm going to the library and found some interesting things that I need to corroborate."

"You know I can profile, junior brother, why don't you ask me for help?" Nuonuo sent a grinning expression.

Lu Mingfei's toes moved, causing ripples on the surface of the hot water. "The connection between this matter is probably a bit high, and neither you nor senior brother are suitable to get involved."

The highest authority of the academy is the black card. Lu Mingfei relies on this authority to use Norma to query information unscrupulously. But once Nono or Chu Zihang joins in, he is no longer invulnerable.

Someone who is interested can track the flow of data to find out who they are, and then monitor many people, including Lu Mingfei.

Nuonuo said nothing, but Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment.

He smiled bitterly, feeling that he might have been stupid for actually thinking that his senior sister was a well-behaved girl who would do whatever you said.

Probably the little witch will secretly follow him into the library tomorrow. After Lu Mingfei leaves, she will immediately be able to use her profiling ability to find the information he is looking at, and then deduce what he is investigating. .

"Let's go to the library together tomorrow. I'll treat you to dinner at noon." Lu Mingfei sent a message to Nono.

After a minute, the red-haired miko's portrait flashed, "Yes."

Just a simple one word response.

It was in line with Nono's style, so Lu Mingfei didn't pay attention and continued to check the information sent by Norma.

The Camarilla's surveillance of the Twilight Doctrine lasted until 1918, when World War I ended and mixed-race society also ushered in some turmoil.

This turmoil lasted for decades, until the end of World War II. During this period, the power of the Camarilla was weakened, and the control over other hybrid species was not as good as in the past. This is why the Far North can still use Deadpool on the battlefield. s reason.

"Are there any members from the Far North in the world now?" Lu Mingfei asked Norma the next question.

This may be the key to unlocking Herzog's secrets.

The cunning old guy like a fox was finally caught by Lu Mingfei's tail. He didn't lose in strategy, but in prophecy.


The wind and snow were blowing outside the window, and snowflakes mixed with ice crystals and raindrops fell rustlingly on the facade of the building. The snow at the end of late winter brings a bone-chilling chill to Kassel College. But the powerful heating system still made the girl's room as warm as if it was bathed in the spring sunshine.

The girl with slender limbs wrapped herself in the snow-white goose down quilt. The quilt was very warm. Nono curled up into a small ball, leaving only her plain white face exposed in the air. Her eyes were in the dim light. It looked so bright below, like a little fox looking for food at night.

There was a tablet propped up on a stand in front of Nono, and an old TV series "Tokyo Love Story" was playing on the tablet. This was the third time she watched this TV series. Lu Mingfei had no idea how powerful profiling was, just like he actually didn't understand what Nono was thinking until today.

He returned from the tragic future that never came to the present day when it seemed that nothing had happened yet. He put on armor and strong swords and armed himself with a sword in his hand. It was harder than steel and sharper than steel.

He thought he hid it well, but Nono still pieced together a complete story from those fragments of memory.

In that story, a poor boy with nothing met a girl in Tokyo who probably really loved him.

But the ending of the profile was a complete tragedy, which made her think of Tokyo Love Story for no reason.

That's not a happy ending, and goes against the title of the show.

Nagasaki Naoko ran away from the wedding and started to follow the path of her own choice. Finally, she got the forgiveness of her parents and the return of the prodigal son. Kenichi Mikami teased Sekiguchi hard and finally betrayed the relationship and chose Nagasaki, the daughter of a wealthy family. After Sekiguchi Satomi shed all her tears, she finally realized that what she wanted was not the romantic Mikami, but Wanji in her youth. Nagao Wanji was still hesitant until the last moment, and finally calmed down and seriously guarded the threshold of his first love.

Only Rika, the ultimate high-ranking player in the love scene, Akana Rika, tied a handkerchief at the station, dropped the postcard into the mailbox, and then cried uncontrollably in the car leaving alone. Li Xiang, who has always tried to face Wan Zhi with the most sincere smile, could only leave in tears. After all her efforts, she still couldn't get a Wan Zhi who was as passionate as her and could only let her go. heart of.

Just like the girl named Eriki Uesugi, who tried her best to only have one person in her heart, but still couldn't make that person fall in love with her.

Maybe he's in love, but the person doesn't know it.

Nono was such a sensitive and smart girl. She knew what the poor kid was thinking at that time, and she also knew what blocked the way for the child named Eri to enter his heart.

is her.

It's herself.

So she felt a little guilty for no reason. She thought maybe it was all her fault. She, Chen Motong, had killed that stupid girl in Japan who had never seen the world.

There are always some stupid bastards who will say that there is an order of appearance in life, and will say that the debt owed to the previous person will be made up to the next person and so on. In this way, Wanji studied hard for three months in a class called Akana Rika, and finally learned how to treat Sekiguchi better. Only after Sekiguchi was deceived and betrayed could he appreciate Wanji again?

All fucking bullshit.

Nono thought viciously that she was Satomi Sekiguchi, Lu Mingfei was Kanji Nagao, and Eri Uesugi was Rika Akana.

In some goddamn playwright's script, their destiny is to appear in order, and they can be seen at a glance.

But she, Chen Motong, is not a person who believes in fate.

Some people say that life is like a box of chocolates, and you never know what the next chocolate will taste like. But Nuonuo thought about the fucking order of appearance. I can get whatever flavor I want to eat. There should be a label on the chocolate. Even Akana Rika would not have thought that she would fall in love with a new colleague from this small county in the future. She can only do what she said, try her best every time and treat it as her last love.

She taught Lu Mingfei to love someone last time, and the silly girl from the Uesugi family taught Shai Zai one thing, and this thing is to be loved.

Who says the order can't be changed? The characters in the script are about to pop out!

Nono is not a girl who gives up easily. She is very selfish and determined, and her determination will never change.

The last time she taught Lu Mingfei to love someone.

This time she also wants to teach him how to be loved by someone!

Bright and dim lights flickered on Nono's face. The tip of her nimble nose wrinkled and she tilted her head sharply toward the window. In that direction was Lu Mingfei and Fingel's dormitory. It was one of the few dormitories in that building with lights on during the winter vacation. It had been dark tonight, the lights were turned off, and there was no movement. But at this time, bright orange light shines through the rectangular window, and the flying snow and ice crystals dance in the light.

Lu Mingfei's whereabouts became very mysterious after returning from Chicago. The guy was probably quietly investigating something.

Nuonuo thought that it must be something very important, and it cannot be known to many people. Otherwise, with Lu Mingfei's current status in the college, even if he wanted to visit the palace of a countess who was on the school board, that countess They would only clean the bedroom and prepare the bed two days in advance.

Are you investigating the second-generation embryo? That mysterious Yu Ji, that suspicious Xiang Yu, the King of Sky and Wind? Nono was thoughtful, and there seemed to be an ancient golden flicker in the deepest part of his crimson eyes.

The ability of profiling is activated unconsciously. It is really some kind of cheating power, approaching the omniscience of God. This makes Nono even afraid of herself sometimes. This fear comes from the deepest understanding of the self in the soul.

No, that's not the case. If you really want to get close to that second-generation seed and want to investigate everything about that second-generation seed, Lu Mingfei can directly submit an application to the principal and the school board. With his merits and prestige, he can come Kassel Academy does not reject this kind of behavior.

What's more, for an S-level student, the ice cellar is an undefended place. He can go to the deepest part of that ghost place at any time and get close contact with the second-generation embryo. There is no need to choose it late at night like this. , sneaky, but attracting attention.

But for a student with the highest authority in the college, what things must be done late at night without the principal and school board members? Many speculations arose in Nono's heart, and then were denied, until only the last one remained.

That's Norma, the college's smart secretary.

As the most powerful computer in the world, Norma is almost a god in the information world. She can do anything at that level, and even the slightest flaw or truth in the vast sea of ​​information will be detected by her.

So this is what Lu Mingfei did.

Nuonuo sighed softly, this sigh was so light and so long. In the last period of time, like most people, she had repeatedly watched the mission report of the Tokyo incident. The evil ghost named Herzog also left a deep impression on her, and as a person with the ability to profile, Novo Of course, Nuo was also keenly aware of the huge darkness hidden behind this matter.

So now, that boy is back, will he want to find out the details of the evil ghost in advance, and crush the evil ghost in the depths of hell before anything happens?

Nono was thinking wildly in his heart, but he couldn't help but be worried. There was such a huge darkness hidden behind Herzog, and this darkness was frightening. If Lu Mingfei continued the investigation so recklessly, would he get into some huge trouble?

But at this time, what she wanted to do was not to dissuade Lu Mingfei. She thought that her profiling ability might be of some help to that bad guy, even though he was no longer bad.

Maybe they should have a frank chat about Herzog and Eri Uesugi. Thinking of the Japanese girl's name, Nono's heart trembled for no reason.

That was probably the first girl who made Lu Mingfei feel loved. What a pity, it was a pity that it wasn't her.

With this in mind, Nono took out her phone. She hesitated for a moment, then clicked on Lu Mingfei's profile picture in QQ and typed word by word, "It's snowing. Do you want to go skating tomorrow?"

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