Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 117 116 Memories are the epitaph of the lonely (6,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

Chapter 117 116. Memories are the epitaph of the lonely (6,000-word chapter, please subscribe)


Early 2010, Chicago.

Hilbert Jean Angers, the real iron-blooded tyrant in the mixed-race society, had an absolute hatred for any dragon family, and treated any pure-blood dragons and out-of-control hybrids with complete destruction.

He stood quietly in front of the blue cocoon, and silently slipped the poison-quenched folding knife from his sleeve.

The surrounding colors were fading, and a more absurd light was occupying his vision.

Ange knew that this was the mental influence of pure-blood dragons on hybrids. Just a few minutes ago, his best student Lu Mingfei fell into a deep sleep due to this influence and was taken away by Chu Zihang. here.

The extremely real picture scroll slowly unfolded in front of Ange. The thick fog enveloped him like a starless night. Then dense cracks broke out from the depths of the thick fog, and the brilliant light seemed to collapse. The frenzy of the embankment surged out from the depths of the dense fog, stinging Angers so hard that he couldn't open his eyes.

The bright light dissipated, and everything around him changed.

The sound was as noisy as falling into a pot of boiling water. Angers turned the knife in his hand, always alert to the surrounding situation.

He suddenly froze.

Because he didn't know when he was standing on a pavilion by a river somewhere. The rushing river waves were rolling and raging, carrying the rich smell of blood to the east. The entire river seemed to be colored by the color of blood.

There is no doubt that this is an ancient battlefield, and that next-generation species has drawn him into a war that she has experienced before.

Who are the two warring parties?

Dragons and humans? Or a war between two countries?

The warriors, whose pupils lit up with golden fire, rushed forward one after another, like waves and dark clouds. They roared like a group of ligers and surrounded a mountain. Their swords and guns were like a forest, and the murderous intent seemed to make the sky go up. Heavy clouds.

Suddenly all the hairs on Ange's body stood up.

He realized that the soldiers participating in the battle were all hybrids, and each of them could rival the most ferocious beasts with their bare hands.

What kind of era and what kind of organization could summon such a number of hybrids?

Angers looked at the battlefield and felt a chill running down his spine. The military formation stretched to the end of the sky, as if he couldn't see the edge. There were tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands!

Facing a hybrid of this magnitude, even a pure-blood dragon or a second-generation prince-level species would be crushed in an instant.

So who are they besieging?

It was a very high mountain, and there was only one person who immediately raised his halberd. That person was too far away, and Ange could not see his face. He could only feel his majestic eyes, and the luster in his pupils almost shone on the top of the mountain. His eyes only felt stinging, as if he was meeting a god.

"The Battle of Gaixia, even as a German, you should have heard of it, right?" A very brisk voice sounded behind Angers. It was a very young man. His voice was low and his tone was brisk. But he is majestic, and by his voice he is a born leader.

"That general at the end of his rope, his name is Xiang Yu, at least in the human world." The man said.

But Ange still didn't look back because he didn't want that person to see the meager tears in his eyes.

He just looked at the bustling battlefield quietly. Everywhere his eyes touched, there was a thin layer of silver mist floating in the sky. It should be the escaped mercury vapor. The metal particles as fine as dust reflected the silver-white cold light. These attached The mercury in the air dust can cause great harm when inhaled by dragons, and can even cause their internal organs to fail or even cause cardiac arrest.

The earliest use of mercury vapor as a weapon in the war against the dragons in Europe was during the Western Expeditions of the Huns Empire, which was transformed into Attila, the whip of God, 1,500 years ago. In the East, it can even be traced back to the further tribal period of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors. The battle of deer.

Therefore, it is not surprising that mercury vapor appeared in the Battle of Gaixia.

Xiang Yu, Xiang Yu, an ancient man who shook the eastern kingdom two thousand years ago and is suspected of being a pure-blooded dragon. The so-called powerful and unrivaled power should not be used to describe ordinary people.

In any epic, the King of Chu is considered cruel, short-sighted, and too concerned with fame. Honor is more valuable to him than life and wealth.

He is not an emperor who can conquer the world, but a person who brings chaos to the world.

But the strength of the last Chu man exceeded the threshold of human beings. He was clearly on the verge of death. With tens of thousands of people surrounding him, he was bound to die.

With Ange's eyesight, he could see that there were huge winding ravines all over the battlefield. Those ravines were as sharp, narrow, and deep as if they were carved by a blade. The red and silver liquids blended and mixed like rivers running through them, faintly and clearly visible. The areas that cannot be reached rise up from these lines filled with mercury.

That's an alchemical matrix! The largest and most dangerous alchemical matrix ever created!

Blood and mercury flowed together, and the power of pure-blood dragons was suppressed to the limit here.

This thing obviously cannot be the masterpiece of the King of Chu who has reached the end of his life. It can only be a miracle created by the other side of the Gaixia War with human power!

The Han Kingdom forged this alchemical matrix that could kill kings!

The crowds of people charged with guns, but the man still standing on the horse with his halberd was like a towering boulder in the river, motionless as a mountain.

But when the boulder was finally submerged, the horse named Wu Zui snored and the sound of its front hooves hitting the ground was deafening!

He finally raised his halberd, his eyes as bright as a fierce, prairie fire. The hurricane suddenly raged on the edge of the battlefield, but it could not blow into the center of the battlefield no matter what.

The war horse galloped down, Wu Zui's four hooves stepped on the lightning fragments, and the wind roared like a war drum.

The red cloak behind Xiang Yu dances against the strong wind, reminding people of the dark clouds that destroy the city!


The boiling hot dragon's blood was pumped to her limbs and bones by her powerful heart, stirring and burning the blood vessels throughout her body.

A huge, dimly colored field spreads out in all directions with Xia Mi as the center. The soft soil mixed with fine rocks is pressed by a force of dozens or even hundreds of times their mass in this field, forming a huge obsidian-like sickle. .

The scythe fiercely tore through Odin's body, and the fierce light burst out in his face, swinging a sharp cross in the air in front of Xia Mi.

It is definitely not a dragon-slaying weapon or a god-killing weapon forged by a certain alchemist master with great effort, but its sharpness and indestructibility are unquestionable. It carries an irresistible aura of death when it moves forward, just like the god of death. He is wielding his power to harvest life.

Every dead monarch who hatches out of the cocoon needs to spend tens or hundreds of years to recover his strength, regain his power, ascend his throne, and shape his dragon body. It has only been more than ten years since Xia Mi awakened to the power of Jörmungandr. Even if she shows the body of Jörmungandr now, she is only the most fragile larvae.

Many pure-blood dragons exposed themselves in this state and were found and killed by human hunting teams, so she has been working hard to hide her identity.

Xia Mi is different from her fellow humans whose brains are full of muscles. She is the smartest king and has a strong learning ability, so she can always hide among humans in the initial stage of awakening to regain her strength.

But when Lu Mingfei encountered Odin's ambush and was attacked from both sides, his huge anger almost destroyed Xia Mi's sanity like a tide breaking down a dam. She even didn't hesitate to show Dragon King-level power in front of Chu Zihang, just to make sure that that person was still fine.

The love of the little junior sister is so simple and crude. She will kill anyone who touches her man, even if it is someone like Odin.

Because she is a member of the abandoned clan, she is as lonely as all the kings, and she rarely knows what love is.

The fate of the abandoned clan is to endure a thousand years of loneliness while clinging to the throne, and to endure another thousand years of darkness in dreams after being killed.

They cannot feel warmth and do not know the meaning of existence. When they are alive, they long to die, and after they die, they long for life.

Every Dragon King is such a contradictory individual, and a long time ago, the supreme, mighty, and powerful Nidhogg left her the most sensitive soul when he created Jormungandr. He has a deeper feeling of darkness, so he is more keen on imitating and contacting human beings.

Xia Mi is such a sad child. In the darkness, loneliness turns into an indestructible chain, trying to pull her into a bottomless ravine. There is an abyss called hell, and dragons that fall into it become bloodthirsty and brutal beasts.

But another thousand years have come to an end, and the endless darkness cracks the lines like spider webs, and the warm light like candles flows out of those lines. What greets Jörmungandr in the new thousand years is not the eternal loneliness. But a not-so-smiling boy who vowed to always be by her side.

Xia Mi still remembers the first time they met. It was a summer day that still shines in her memories. At that time, she was still confused and ignorant, living in the cracks of the world, not knowing whether she was a human or a dragon——

The little girl stood on tiptoes and pressed her face against the iron fence of the stadium to look inside. She could see the senior boys sweating profusely. Every time there was a beautiful pitch, the girls next to them screamed loudly.

The memory of that day is actually a bit blurry. Xia Mi only remembers the crowds of people on the playground behind him, and the boys and girls wearing Shilan Middle School uniforms walking side by side on the tree-lined path beside him. The gravel paved on the path made a sound. The boys were noisy and loudly told silly jokes to attract the attention of the girls they liked, and the girls covered their faces and snickered.

Also, cicadas are very noisy.

She hid carefully like a stray cat, secretly observing the child who was marked by Odin.

It's painfully lonely.

"Are you watching Chu Zihang play?" Suddenly there was a tall boy leaning on the fence next to her, casting such a big shadow that he helped her cover the still fierce September sun.

The child naturally handed over a bottle of frozen Nongfu Mountain Spring that was still steaming white. When the frozen mineral water touched Xia Mi's skin, she felt a layer of small goosebumps, which was not present at all. It feels like my throat is smoking.

Xia Mi took the ice water and took a gulp. Then his slender body leaned to the side alertly, and his eyes looked at the boy warily like a kitten fed by a passerby.

She hugged the bottle tightly involuntarily, but the wariness in her eyes melted away for no reason.

"My name is Lu Mingfei. I am in high school this year. Chu Zihang and I are friends. Your name is Xia Mi, right? I have heard that she is the most beautiful girl in the junior high school." The boy said slowly.

Xia Mi hummed twice and even though she answered, she still didn't take her eyes away from the boy named Lu.

The tall boy was wearing the uniform of Shilan Middle School. His eyebrows were drooped and he looked like he had not woken up. Xia Mi had also heard of his name in school.

It is said that Lu Mingfei was an average person before his third year in junior high school. In fact, he was not very good at all. But in Shilan Middle School, where there are many experts, he was really not a role. He was the kind of person who could step on anyone who grew up on the side of the road. grass type.

It is also said that his parents are both elites who went abroad for archaeology, so they had to keep their precious son in the care of his uncle and aunt for a long time. But the parents of Shuangyou gave birth to such a son who could barely be regarded as a defective product, and his uncle and aunt really didn't care. I couldn't afford to support him, so the first two years of junior high school were really miserable for Senior Brother Lu.

Until the last semester of the third grade of junior high school, it was as if a thunderbolt hit him. Lu Shenren seemed to have undergone a 360-degree change overnight, from the bad boy known to the whole school to Chu Zihang. Level male god figure.

Oh, Chu Zihang at that time was called Lu Mang.

Xia Mi entered the third grade of junior high school after listening to Lu Mingfei's legend. She didn't expect the legendary figure to appear in front of her like this. But that boy seemed a little different from Xia Mi's imagination. The Lu Mingfei she imagined should be as paralyzed as Chu Zihang, standing there as if someone owed him two hundred, five hundred, eight hundred.

The Lu Mingfei in front of him was just a big boy who spoke very softly. Although his eyebrows were drooped, the corners of his mouth were still slightly curved, as if he was thinking about something interesting.

However, what really makes Xia Mi unable to take his eyes away is not this, but the loneliness that only someone like her can detect, flowing from the depths of her blood.

The child standing next to her always had a trace of vicissitudes that did not match his age, and his eyes were drooped to cover up the exhaustion welling up from the deepest part of his heart.

He seemed out of tune with this world, and it seemed like everything around him had nothing to do with him. Xia Mi realized that in Lu Mingfei's heart, he was a complete outsider. His loneliness was comparable to Blood Sorrow, or even worse.

Probably still in the early stages of awakening, the girl curiously looked at the boy next to her, who was staring in a daze in the distance. The longer she looked at her, the more she felt that loneliness was like a gentle tide, enveloping the two of them. Location flooded.

"Senior Brother Lu is so handsome." Xia Mi held his chin, "As handsome as Senior Brother Chu."

"I can help you chase Chu Zihang. He is actually a fool when it comes to relationships." Lu Mingfei scratched the back of his head, he was a little shy.

"Okay, okay, Senior Brother Lu, you are so kind." Xia Mi's eyes were crooked when he laughed.

Lu Mingfei touched his nose and said, "Don't just give good people cards to people, junior sister... Do you want me to help you invite him to a movie tonight? He will definitely agree."

"No, I have to go home early. It's a bit far, and I have to learn to cook for myself. I don't have time." Xia Mi pouted, feeling angry.

"Learn to cook?" Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment.

"We no longer live in the home of our previous adoptive parents. We have to learn to do housework by ourselves. It's very troublesome. We don't have time to go out and hang out at night." Xia Mi wrinkled her nose.

After a few seconds, she didn't get a response, so she raised her head to look at the people around her, but put a hand on top of her head and the boy sighed softly.

"Shall I teach you?" He leaned down slightly and stared into Xia Mi's eyes. Those dark eyes were originally filled with deathly loneliness and exhaustion, but now it seemed as if a sea of ​​stars were shining.

——The violent field suddenly stagnated, and Xia Mi's dragon transformation was interrupted at this moment. Just like she had just kicked out Chu Zihang who was about to activate the fourth degree of bloodshed, this process was stopped without warning.

Something was coming. He was far more powerful than Shami and Jormungandr. A sharp, blade-like wind immediately covered the battlefield, and the rain curtain was blown up like fierce falling hail.

Xia Mi raised her head in surprise. She saw that there seemed to be a huge sword cutting the sky. The black clouds were torn apart in an instant. On the clouds stood a majestic king riding a black horse.

She staggered and almost tripped, and her golden eyes trembled violently from the huge surprise.

"Brother...brother?" She murmured in a voice that was almost a whisper, but there was no joy at reunion at all in her voice, only deep fear.

Because she remembered that this one of the four monarchs should have died long ago. His throne is the sky and the wind, and his name is Xiang Yu.

The knight standing in the clouds seemed to have noticed her, but the person he wanted to kill was not Xia Mi. The knife-like hurricane also bypassed Xia Mi, and the murderous intent locked on Odin, who was also riding a horse. The huge The territory of Xiang Yu expanded outwards with surging force.

When Chu Zihang ran wildly, he brought with him the whistling wind that tore through the air. He actually passed Xia Mi at this time, looking like a ferocious beast, and smashed the oncoming raindrops when he waved the demon sword Murasame.

The murderous intent in his eyes was almost as strong as that of the monarch in the clouds.

Xia Mi was stunned for only two seconds before the new, larger and more oppressive Time Zero Domain was opened by the King of Sky and Wind and enveloped the area where Lu Mingfei and Odin were.

A roar sounded in front.

She suddenly looked up and saw that the halberd in the hand of the king riding Wu Zui had disappeared, leaving a huge gap in the rain curtain that had not yet been closed, as if it had been penetrated by a giant dragon.

In an opportunity that even Jörmungandr was trying to capture, the king standing in the clouds has already taken action!

Who is his target?

Who is he going to kill?

Xia Mi suddenly became frightened. Her eyes seemed to penetrate the dense rain curtain and see the end of it all.


Faced with the deadly siege of thousands of troops and horses, the king sat high on the throne of God, and the horses beneath him trampled the debris of thunder and lightning, and launched a charge to death from a high position. For a time, thousands of troops looked at him, and tens of millions of people could not stop him.

Angers clenched the folding knife tightly, his knuckles turned white. Of course he knew that this was actually just a spiritual world that the next generation pulled him into, perhaps a battlefield she had experienced. But Ange felt numbness at his tailbone, as if there was an electric current spreading along his spine to his limbs, making his body tremble slightly. Shock, solemnity, solemnity, many emotions filled his soul for a moment, but then his body relaxed.

Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, was already a figure two thousand years ago. He died on the banks of Wujiang River. His body was divided into five parts, and his soul should be killed.

Even if he is the Dragon King, he is still a dead Dragon King. His dragon bones and crosses have been divided. He is truly dead and has completely disappeared from history, from the ancient age of gods to the modern era with the outbreak of the Industrial Revolution, and even until humans may set foot in the starry sky. In the future, he will never come back.

"It's so spectacular. The first real co-ruling between dragons and humans has ended today." The man who was always behind Ange had a low voice and footsteps sounded. He finally stood beside the old man. The man was wearing a black classic trench coat. Under the bright golden light from the eyes of the figure swooping down from the mountain, he was just a thin and straight silhouette, but Angers could still see that he was wearing a brown monocle, and the left hand On the index finger is an ancient silver ring with a totem that cannot be seen clearly.

"How long has it been since we last met, Hilbert?"

"The last time we met was in the autumn of 1900. It must have been a hundred and ten years now. I am already a hundred and thirty-year-old man, but you are still so young, just as I remember. ." Angers wiped the corners of his eyes. He never looked at the man's face, but it seemed that all his attention was focused on the corner of his eyes.

"Perhaps it's because you were originally a shadow cut out of my memory?" Ange lowered his eyelids. He seemed to be mourning at a funeral. He tapped his chest with his right hand, as if he wanted to feel whether there was still something there. There was a heart beating, "It's been a long time, Menike. It's been so long that I almost forgot what you looked like."

"After I die, will the name Meineke Cassel shine in the history of dragon slaying?" Meineke Cassel and Angers watched the fighting on the battlefield side by side. His tone was still brisk, as if it were a hundred years ago. They were picking out their favorite female companions at a Cambridge University ball together.

"Not just you, but also our most reliable partners Lu Shanyan, 'Chief' Brendan, 'Tiger' Jamal, 'Gravedigger' Gambet, 'Silver Wing' Charlotte and 'Iron Cross' Ma Yeke, your names are shining brightly throughout the history of dragon slaying." Ange said softly, "Do you still remember that we had a beautiful Indian girl codenamed 'Ghost'. She had a crush on Lu Shanyan, and I buried them together. One of Lu Shanyan’s descendants has a great child who will inherit our business.”

Meineke hugged Angers' shoulders. He was so strong that the smell of cigars still lingered on his body, just like a hundred years ago.

"This is not like what I heard about today's Hilbert Jean Angers. My friend, how could you say something like 'someone will inherit our cause'? Isn't that what our cause is?" To prevent the inevitable doomsday that is destined to come, chop off Nidhogg's head on the day he wakes up?" He said loudly, not shying away from the rebellious words he was saying.

"I heard?" Ange was suddenly stunned for a moment.

He finally stared into the eyes of the silhouette of Meineke Cassel in his memories. To his surprise, those dark brown eyes were actually filled with Meineke's unique enthusiasm and vitality.

"You..." Angers eyes widened, "Is it really you?"

"If it's true, it will be replaced." The man nodded easily.

The noisy world seems to have stopped at this moment.

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