Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 12 012 Dragon and Similu

Chapter 12 012. Dragon and Similu

"Why are you so interested in the new student named Lu Mingfei, and why do you deliberately come to help him find out information about the Lion Heart Club and the Student Union?" Susie pulled up the girl's bun. The red hair was soft, smooth, and entangled. Touching her fingertips.

"There is no reason, because I like it." Nono said, she was absent-minded, still chewing bubble gum in her mouth.

"you like him?"

"I don't like him." Nono said. She looked up at Susie's gentle eyes in the mirror and shrugged lightly, "I love him."

"This really seems like your style, girl." Susie rested her chin on Nono's shoulder. Their eyes met, and they could even see each other's eyelashes clearly. Susie said, "But Why? Your love has no basis, and Caesar Gattuso is not much worse than Lu Mingfei."

Nuonuo leaned forward a little more, which brought them closer, almost like lovers about to kiss.

"You don't understand, girl, you don't understand. Even today, there is a dragon about to jump out of his eyes, but I still remember the sadness, timidity and fear that flowed out from there like an abandoned puppy. Fear and fear intertwined. Just one glance and I felt that this must be a person who was abandoned by the world like Don Quixote. He was so pitiful and weak that people couldn't help but want to give him a hand." Nono's voice was very soft. She was light, but her eyelids were drooped, so that Susie could not see her eyes. Nono said, "But just such a bad boy, suddenly one day squeezed the courage out of his bones, tempered it from his soul, and turned into a brave man. A monster that I am also afraid of. He is so scared and cautious. There is only child-like fear on his ugly and ferocious face. He hugs you and whimpers like a puppy. He tells you not to die. You open your eyes and recognize it. He fell in love with him at that moment until death."

Susie didn't know where Nono got this insight, but she sensed great loneliness in her words.

She hugged Nono from behind, rubbed Nono's face with her own, and looked into Nono's eyes in the mirror.

Susie said: "Since you insist, let me tell you the arrangements of the Lionheart Club and the Student Union."

Nono looked at Susie.

"Don't look at me like that. In fact, Chu Zihang is also looking forward to Lu Mingfei's defeat of the Lion Heart Society and the Student Union." Su Qian's eyes flashed with a hint of cunning, "They are brothers. According to Chu Zihang He said that his mother wanted to take Lu Mingfei as her godson, and he almost became his half-brother."

Nono was stunned.


"Good evening, Senior Brother Lu!"

The person who knocked on the door was actually Xia Mi, who lived in the dormitory next door. Xia Mi was still wearing the dark green uniform of Kassel College. He had probably just washed his hair. The ends of his hair were wet. He was wearing transparent slippers, revealing a few fair and delicate hair. toes.

The faint scent of shower gel hits your face.

Lu Mingfei noticed that Xia Mi was carrying a food box and two large boxes with no decoration.

"What is this?" Lu Mingfei asked suspiciously, and made way for Xia Mi. Fingel hasn't returned to school yet, probably for a few days, and the facial paralysis brother helped clean up the room again today, so at this time, the boys' dormitory can still barely see people.

"I thought you all kept cockroaches as pets in the boys' dormitory!" Xia Mi sat down on Lu Mingfei's bed as soon as she entered the door, looked around curiously, put the box on the bed and the food box on the table, she said, " It’s Tremella Fungus and Sago! I’ve been freezing it!”

Lu Mingfei rubbed his hands: "Looking forward to it."

Xia Mi hummed on the bed, kicked off her slippers, her two slender white legs were crossed together like the Buddha sitting down, and there were two bays of soft light in her eyes like mountain springs reflecting the moonlight. She looked at Lu Ming I couldn't open the food box unless I was clumsy, so I grabbed it with one hand and turned the lid clockwise to open it.

Xia Mi served Lu Mingfei a bowl of beautiful sago and white fungus porridge with a few pitted red dates floating on it.

Lu Mingfei took the bowl and spoon and took a big bite, with a baby-like expression of satisfaction on his face.

"How's it going?" Xia Mi leaned forward, her eyebrows arched, and she looked up at Lu Mingfei. There was a hint of showing off in her voice.

Lu Mingfei gave a thumbs up.

Xia Mi took the small bowl and spoon from Lu Mingfei's hand and took a taste without cleaning them. "It's so cold." Xia Mi shuddered.

Lu Mingfei also shuddered, and his sanity that was originally immersed in the food returned instantly. If this was a comic, there would be a huge sweat falling from his forehead now.

"Junior sister, you...you only prepared one set of tableware?" Lu Mingfei stammered.

Xia Mi nodded.

Lu Mingfei: "You...I..."

"We have such a good relationship. We are as close to each other as mother and son. You care about such a small thing, senior brother!" Xia Mi narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing two small tiger teeth, making a silent threat.

Lu Mingfei's Adam's apple rolled, and he moved his chair back unconsciously. "What about Tremella Similu, does Senior Brother have a share?" Lu Mingfei asked. He said to himself that the current situation is very complicated, so complicated that it is not a question of whether the relationship is good or not at all. We kissed indirectly, do you know, junior sister? Senior brother knows that he can roast me with Junyan and sprinkle me with cumin to make me smell delicious!

"No, Sister Su Qian said that the cafeteria is not open during this period, and she is taking care of Senior Brother's daily life." Xia Mi took another big bite, tilted his head and looked at Lu Mingfei, "Senior Brother, are you? Want to bring me and senior brother together?"

Lu Mingfei choked.

"Not at all... When I first met you, weren't you just watching your senior brother play basketball? I thought you wanted to chase him." Lu Mingfei was coy and didn't know how to explain it.

"Senior Brother Lu, you are so stupid. You can't guess the girl's thoughts like this." Xia Mi put the bowl on the table, filled another bowl, and then pushed it to Lu Mingfei, "Senior Brother, you are such a stupid and stupid person. , even if a girl likes him, he can’t seize the opportunity, right?”

Lu Mingfei didn't dare to touch the bowl of white fungus and sago dew. He tremblingly faced Xia Mi's somewhat menacing look with his eyes drooped and his head drooped. He said, "So junior sister, now..." "Well, I actually still like it. Senior brother, Senior Brother Lu, are you willing to be my wingman?" Xia Mi said.

Lu Mingfei breathed a sigh of relief and clapped his chest loudly: "I'm good at this! Now a professional wingman! I helped Zhao Menghua a lot when he chased Chen Wenwen!"

But Xia Mi stuffed a spoonful of sago into his mouth in this gap.

Lu Mingfei's eyes were dull.

"Is it delicious, senior brother?" Xia Mi smiled mischievously, "This is the spoon that junior sister used just now."

Lu Mingfei: "..."

He looked at Similu in front of him and didn't know what to do.

"You have to learn to do it yourself, senior brother. Do you always wait for me to feed you, junior sister? Wingman benefits don't include this." Xia Mi said.

Lu Mingfei felt that he was about to retreat to the corner.

Fortunately, there was a knock on the door again.

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