Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 16 016 Freshman Sorority

Chapter 16 016. Freshman Sorority

"Thank you, senior sister. It's delicious. I like it very much." Lu Mingfei carefully wiped the corners of his mouth with toilet paper, and then took a more cautious look at Nono, who was sitting on the edge of his bed, "But I still hope to make some constructive suggestions and comments, that is... Well, it would be more perfect if the Boston Red Dragon didn't use its pincers to try to pinch off my fingers next time when I reached out. "

"Are you familiar with it? Why don't you use your hands and feet to pinch anyone else?" Nono glared at him.

Lu Mingfei smiled sarcastically.

He also felt that he should not say anything because he only ate and did not cook, but the cooking skills of his senior sister and junior sister were completely incomparable. I don’t know which string Nono put in the wrong place, but he actually came to Lu Mingfei’s dormitory to cook for him every day. That is to say, Lu Mingfei’s intestines and stomach are S-level at this moment, otherwise there will be some problems with eating. Come.

Ever since Xia Mi said she would stand with Chu Zihang on the Freedom Day the night before yesterday, she had never been to Lu Mingfei's place again. Lu Mingfei thought so. He was a talented, handsome, and concubine who was his childhood sweetheart. At best, he was the mistress of both parties. Who would stand with him on such a big matter?

"Um...Senior Sister, what's the relationship between Senior Brother and Sister Su Qian now?" Lu Mingfei asked confusedly, but then he realized that he seemed to be a bit too nosy.

Nuonuo giggled like a little hen. She stretched out her right hand, placed it on Lu Mingfei's forehead, and then flicked it with her fingers.

"How come you, like Chu Zihang, have such serious eighth-wife attributes?" Nuonuo asked.

Lu Mingfei scratched his hair: "No, senior brother and I are friends. His mother often asks Aunt Tong to make spicy crayfish for me. Of course I will care about senior brother's emotional state."

"Chu Zihang is like a piece of wood. That girl Su Qian can't handle him." Nuonuo started to clear away the dishes, and Lu Mingfei quickly helped. She said, "I think Chu Zihang likes you like this."

"Sister, please stop talking nonsense!" Lu Mingfei was horrified and shocked.

Nuonuo shrugged and put all the dishes in Lu Mingfei's hands: "What I mean is that Chu Zihang probably likes girls with your kind of personality, such as Xia Mi, whose personalities complement each other, just like you don't Do you like Sister Yu?" Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment.

He suddenly wanted to look at Nono's eyes at this moment, but in the end he couldn't muster the courage. He was afraid that he would actually see something familiar inside.

Lu Mingfei just carried the things in his hands and went to the bathroom at the back.

"If you were a girl or Chu Zihang was a girl, maybe you would be together." Nono said, her eyes shining brightly, as if she had become more sure of some of her guesses just now.

"If you say this, it will appear that I or my senior brother have some strange hobbies." Lu Mingfei muttered.

But Nono stood behind him and watched him wash the dishes: "The time is coming, I have made an appointment for you."


"Do you really want to take me to the battlefield? My hero, although you can be considered a good man, you can't beat four hands with two fists. You beat the master to death with random punches. Do you really think you can fight against hundreds of people in the student union with one fist?" Killing three in and three out of the Lion Heart Club?" Nono rolled his eyes, "I don't care, the worst thing is that Frigga's bullet will kill you in the head, but you, you might be paraded through the streets."

"That's not true... We are all classmates, how can they be so cruel?"

"Today, in the entire Camarilla, there are only two people whose class is directly classified as S based on blood, and the person before you is currently the most powerful dragon slayer in history, the absolute leader of the Camarilla, and the iron-fisted Kassel Principal Hilbert Jean Angers!" Nono said, "In the foreseeable future, you will inevitably become a martial arts supreme like the principal. At this time, if you can be captured alive and paraded in the streets, you will be a threat to anyone. For the students of Kassel, it will be a medal that they can look back on for a lifetime.”

Lu Mingfei imagined that he had shackles around his neck and was locked in a prison cart. In front of him were two lame donkeys, slowly moving forward on the long and lonely street. Many people gathered around, holding rotten vegetables and eggs in their hands. They waited until the hero from the Student Union or Lion Heart Club who was guarding him moved away, and then they all threw them at Lu Mingfei's head.

He shuddered.

"Come on, let's go meet the people from the freshman sorority!" Lu Mingfei's eyes were firm.


On the shores of Lake Michigan, at night, drizzle, Kassel Sailing Harbor.

The gas lights of the three huge lighthouses were like sharp swords, cutting and intersecting with each other, sweeping through the fine rain curtain, spinning and tearing apart the darkness.

There are shadows in the harbor, and the sailboat is directly anchored by the anchor and will not be carried away by the waves.

When the light beam of the gas lamp occasionally swept across the pier, it revealed thin and straight silhouettes.

These young shadows just stood in the drizzle, silent, as if they were holding a noble mass.

But if you look closely, you can see touches of gold dotting any newborn's eyes.

Their golden eyes cannot be ignited for a long time, but the best one among these people, Qilan, who has the spirit of speech. The prophet told everyone with a fanatical attitude and tone that today, the true leader of the mixed race will start his great journey. Expedition, right now, right here, they will all be his most loyal allies. They will share the honor of bathing in dragon blood! So they lit up those majestic eyes with the highest etiquette.

The young man named Qilan narrowed his golden eyes to a slit. He stood at the front of the crowd and looked at the lake in the distance.

Lake Michigan, which used to be silent, is now rising and falling uneasily like water about to be boiled, and round spots of light like daylight are projected onto the water by a lighthouse.

A storm is coming.

"We live in a good era, and the new world is opening its door to mankind." Qilan's voice spread in the sound of rain.

No one doubted his words.

He is very prestigious among these new students, he is the one with the highest blood, and he is always so brilliant.

They stood in the rain, like a special ceremony, waiting for the leader to arrive. This was neither punishment nor torture, but an honor.

"How long until he arrives?" Someone asked behind Qilan.

A surprisingly cold female voice, holding a black umbrella, like a dahlia blooming in the rain and darkness.

Zero, she was also present at this party.

Qilan withdrew his gaze and looked at Zero: "Soon, our meeting will be guided by fate."

Zero said no more.

She knew about Qilan's speech spirit, which was a miraculous ability that was very rare even in the entire history of mixed races.

But it works.

When the lighthouse's gas lamp once again swept across the observation deck, two figures holding a black umbrella were cut out.

They appeared silently, like ghosts in a cemetery.

"Here we come." Qilan's eyes raised slightly.

He saw a pair of dragon-like blazing golden eyes lit up from a high place. It was a color that even a vapor lamp could not match, so great and majestic.

With just one person's aura, he immediately suppressed almost everyone in the freshman fraternity.

There will be another chapter later.

I had to travel between trains and planes for the past two days, so I really didn’t have the energy to write anything. From now on, I should be able to update twice a day.

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