Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 160 159 Tachibana Masamune (2)

Chapter 160 159. Tachibana Masamune (2)

"Maruyama Engineering Co., Ltd. designed and built this building. It is an industry under the name of Mr. Masamune, but it actually has a long history. It was active in Tokyo hundreds of years ago during the Toyotomi Hideyoshi era and even built Edo The castle tower." She led the three commissioners from the headquarters to apply for a long-term visitor card at the front desk, and Ying introduced it to Caesar and Chu Zihang beside her.

Lu Mingfei was one step behind, holding his hand-ground coffee and looking around.

Except for the official duties being handled by the employees around them, the interior of Genji Heavy Industries is actually not much different from the top business center in Ginza. It feels like it is full of white-collar women wearing OL uniforms with slim waists and long legs and bald middle-aged men running around. Everyone is busy and wishes they could solve some of the things at hand while walking.

Genji Heavy Industries is the office center of the Japanese gangsters, but in fact most of the employees here are good people, and many people entered it through normal recruitment channels.

Ordinary people still account for the vast majority of Genji Heavy Industries' employees.

"Miss Sakura, did you say that Maruyama Construction Works is a property under Mr. Masamune's name?" Lu Mingfei asked suddenly.

In the last period of time, he was not very involved in the Deadpool attack at Genji Heavy Industries. He only remembered that there was a breeding pond for Deadpool under this building, but he did not know that Maruyama Construction was actually the property of Tachibana Masamune.

"That's not entirely correct, because it actually belongs to the Tachibana family, one of the three Shiki eight families. However, now that Mr. Masamune is the head of the Tachibana family, it is regarded as his private property by default." Sakura said.

The eight Sheqi families seem to be united, but in fact there are many factions. The financial power of each family is in their own hands, and others have no right to interfere.

Not only Tachibana Masamune, but other family heads have more or less large and small industries in their hands. These industries spread throughout Japan, providing them with a steady stream of huge funds.

Lu Mingfei said no more.

They stepped into the elevator again. This VIP elevator had probably been remodeled, and inside it actually had a floor map of Genji Heavy Industries displayed on the advertising screen.

It is said to be the office center of the Japanese Yakuza Supreme, but judging from the floor map of Genji Heavy Industries, it looks more like a large multinational company with a fairly complete organizational structure.

The entire building has a total of thirty-two floors. The top two floors are unnumbered and have no departments. The twenty-seventh and twenty-eighth floors are the logistics department, the twenty-ninth floor is the liaison department, and the thirtieth floor is the strategy department. .

Lu Mingfei vaguely remembered that the so-called logistics department was composed of hundreds of operators answering calls for help from all over Japan at all times. These help calls were not only open to mafia members, but ordinary people could also call them. More like a Metropolitan Police operator.

The Liaison Department is the department responsible for handling conflicts between gangs. The entire department is composed of prestigious cadres from the same clan. The department has a strict atmosphere and is the busiest department of the eight Sheqi families except the logistics department.

The strategy department on the 30th floor is more like a nursing home for Japanese gangsters. Elderly people wearing kimonos will drink tea and play chess on the Japanese tatami specially built for them inside Genji Heavy Industries, and take out their free time. They have the time to deal with the affairs assigned to them by the family. Most of these affairs determine the survival of a certain gang.

These old people are the most important backbone of the Sheqi Eight Family. If they lose them, the family will lose nearly half of its control over the underworld.

"We usually place important documents and Kaguya's host on the 24th, 25th and 26th floors. The family will move those things back and forth between these three floors from time to time, and the normal office area is below." When Sakura spoke, the elevator had already reached the thirtieth floor of Genji Heavy Industries.

The elevator dinged and separated in front of them, and the oxygen-rich air hit their faces with a faint aroma of red sandalwood and a very light aroma of cherry blossoms. It is indeed a place like a nursing home, but probably because today is a day off, the old people did not come to work, so it seems a bit empty. The red cherry wood floor is so expensive that some people only buy it for collection and use it for potted plants throughout the seasons. Cherry blossoms are placed in every corner. The climate here is very stable. Cherry blossoms bloom all year round. When no one is around, they hang quietly on the branches. When the elderly drink tea and play chess here, they have artificial flowers. The natural wind lifted them up and down like in a Shinto temple, like a pink-white rain.

"The old people who usually work here rarely show up to the outside world. They all carry more or less wanted warrants from the Japanese government or the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. If they show up outside, they will probably be arrested and thrown into jail soon," Sakura said. , "But these people are retired leaders of the Japanese underworld. Although they have left their respective gangs, they still hold power. As long as they are here, this building will be safe and their status in the underworld is irreplaceable." Substitution.”

"Our family has a Valhalla outside Rome. The people living there are the highly respected and powerful people in the family. With those old people here, we can call on any army in Italy to serve the Gattuso family. If necessary, my uncle can even send Royal Italian Air Force fighter planes to take off and patrol over this city with the help of the American air base in Japan." Caesar said, "Then your Strategy Department is the Hall of Valor of our family."

"Almost, but I don't have the ability to mobilize the Self-Defense Forces." Sakura said, feeling a little ashamed.

To be honest, the power of the Sheqiba family in Japan is actually not comparable to the power of the Gattuso family in Italy or the power of the Cassel family in Germany in terms of horizontal comparison.

But if there was a full-scale war with any family, the Sheqiba family would probably not be at a disadvantage.

Since the Pacific War, the power of the Sheqi Eight Family has become more and more powerful. Today, it has become the third mixed-race society that has the ability to be independent from the Camarilla after the Chinese mixed-race and North American mixed-race.

Genji Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. is not just a mafia coordinating company. Its subsidiaries include many heavy industries, light industries and chemical industries, and are involved in the military industry and aerospace industry. However, it started relatively late and still needs to catch up.

"Masters of the family are waiting at Xingshen Temple. Mr. Masamune was forging iron at the shrine earlier and should have arrived by now." Sakura led the three of them through the entire thirty floors and found the terrace in a corner of the building.

The so-called Xingshenji Temple is not a Buddhist temple, but Japan's native Shinto religion, dedicated to Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi and Susano'o.

Lu Mingfei touched his waist and frowned without trace.

Today he was wearing a long windbreaker, standing there like a spear rising from the ground, with pink and white cherry petals falling on his shoulders, but for no reason, Sakura looked at this man who didn't talk much along the way and could even be called taciturn. eloquent man.

As a ninja's intuition, Sakura seemed to be able to feel Sen Leng's murderous intent flashing away.

It was indeed an extremely cold killing intent, and few people could detect it. It was not some kind of energy field that could be released and captured by the naked eye, but a subtle change in expression and an expression that suddenly became solemn and ferocious.

Even Caesar and Chu Zihang failed to notice it, but Ying observed it.

Lu Mingfei's murderous intention came from Tachibana Masamune, who was about to meet him. Lust, which is the most convenient to use and the most suitable to hide among the seven deadly sins, was clinging to his waist at this time. This was the reason why Lu Mingfei stood up straight.

As distinguished guests of the headquarters, the Sheqi Eight Family would certainly not conduct body searches or scans on Lu Mingfei and the others. Moreover, in the eyes of the family heads, even the most elite commissioners of the headquarters would not attack them unscrupulously at Genji Heavy Industries.

The only person in this study group who has the real ability to make the entire Japanese branch fearful is Lu Mingfei, who once fought head-on with Wang, even though he did this by using certain methods that were considered taboo in the eyes of the Abraham blood contract. technology. But the Japanese branch didn't care how he did it, only whether he did it.

But that serious murderous intention just passed away in a flash. Lu Mingfei chuckled and looked at Ying, "Why did Miss Ying stop?" he asked.

Chopping off Tachibana Masamune's dog's head with one knife is indeed a very tempting option, and Lu Mingfei does have such an idea.

But does he dare to say that the Tachibana Masamune killed at this time is the real Herzog? Now that the enemy is overt and we are hidden, Herzog still doesn’t know that the real enemy he is about to face has already come to the territory he has been operating in Japan for many years. He is still hiding in dark corners with his pathetic conspiracies and calculations, but once he gets there, Ming Fei's action would probably immediately arouse his vigilance.

There was only one chance, so Lu Mingfei didn't dare to gamble.

Japan is a place of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. There are countless monsters hidden there. Not to mention Yuan Zhisheng and Kazama Ruri, every one of the cadres in the Fierce Demons is a dangerous and fallen hybrid with a critical bloodline. What's more, Herzog has been planning for so many years, isn’t there a strong force around him to protect him? Could it be that the organization that secretly supported him wasn't watching everything happen in the deeper shadows?

"Sorry, I was distracted." Ying stared at Lu Mingfei's eyes for a second, then pursed her lips and smiled, bowing slightly, "Lu Jun is indeed a handsome and handsome man. No wonder he would make the head of the Shangshan family even more beautiful." Fascinating."

In Minamoto's small circle, it was no longer a secret that Eri might have fallen in love with a certain headquarters commissioner.

Being able to use this kind of privacy to change the topic at this time will definitely make Lu Mingfei ignore what just happened.

Sure enough, his face was slightly hot.

In fact, Lu Mingfei was not a stranger in the first place. Even if he was a bad boy in the past, he would still be very attractive as long as he was sure to clean it up. What's more, this time, Lu Mingfei had awakened his bloodline before his first year of high school, and in the dragon blood Thanks to the blessing, his height and body have grown enough, and his facial features have grown earlier. He is definitely a handsome man who is not inferior to Chu Zihang and Caesar.

However, he was still not used to people praising him in person. Among the many emotions, fear had almost been removed from his soul, but shyness was unexpectedly retained.

"Xingshen Temple is a very solemn place for the family. Please be a little more reserved for the guests coming later." Sakura reminded in a low voice, then pushed open the screen of Yun and He in front of her, and what appeared in front of her was a There is a small vermilion torii gate, and after the torii gate is the terrace called Xingshenji Temple.

Then Sakura bowed and stepped aside. A delicate girl in a shrine maiden uniform walked out from behind the torii holding a copper basin. She stood in front of three people respectively, with tender eyes and a shy look on her face. look.

Chu Zihang looked at Caesar, and Caesar looked at Chu Zihang. Obviously, although these two people had done some homework on the Snake Qiba Family before coming to Japan, they really didn't have much research on Shintoism. They didn't know what it was. Formation battle.

"Hand-washing ceremony. In Shinto rituals, you must rinse your mouth and wash your hands before visiting a shrine." Lu Mingfei reminded in a low voice that it would be very contemptuous to not follow the rules in front of Japanese Shinto believers.

In fact, Lu Mingfei didn't care what the family heads thought, but it was fashionable and it was not yet time to fall out, so showing weakness to the enemy a little bit was also very important.

Caesar and Chu Zihang made expressions of realization. Caesar thought that if he lost his etiquette in front of others, it would definitely be a very shameless thing for Master Gattuso.

He has only one purpose in coming to Japan, and that is to be awesome, and come and go as awesome as possible. I think this time, Caesar has very awesome teammates, and he became the second man after Angers to surrender to the Japanese branch. That shouldn't be a problem, right?

If he loses face in matters such as etiquette, it will be an indelible stain on his awesome journey. Although others may not know it, Caesar himself knows it.

After passing the torii gate, there is a round stone table with a Tai Chi pattern in front of it. Five important people with different expressions are sitting beside the stone table.

As the head of the Snake Qihachi family, the status of these people in Genji Heavy Industries is equivalent to that of the Kassel College Board of Directors. They actually stood up and bowed slightly to Lu Mingfei and the others when they saw them walking into the torii.

"They are showing respect to you." Chu Zihang whispered to Lu Mingfei, who was obviously guarded by him and Caesar in the middle.

Originally, this position should belong to the leader of this group, but Japan is a country that respects the strong and despises the unknown. The eight Sheqi families naturally inherited the tradition of their nation and faced a tough guy like Angers. The characters were groveling, but when facing other commissioners sent from Kassel College, they tried their best to inflict personal insults and abuse.

The surrounding granite walls are carved with Shinto demons and demons. Looking down from a high position, Lu Mingfei and the three people walked in from the torii. Some ancient alchemy techniques were probably used when carving those things. The eyes of the ghosts and gods are simply amazing. It seemed to be flashing with a ferocious light.

The girls who were holding the copper basins filed away from them one by one, and then the screen was taken up behind them.

The youngest among the heads of the family smiled and nodded at them. As Yuan Zhisheng was the closest in age to the three commissioners of the headquarters among all the people present, the matter of communicating with the commissioners fell on him without hesitation. superior.

"We have met the day before yesterday. I am Yuan Zhisheng, the head of the Yuan family. He is now the acting director of the executive bureau." His tone was very calm, and he didn't seem to take the commissioners seriously, but he glanced at Kai. When she was talking to Chu Zihang, she still managed a friendly smile, but when she looked at Lu Mingfei, her eyes immediately turned cold.

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment, then smiled back at Yuan Zhisheng. He was originally taller than Yuan Zhisheng, and he actually seemed a bit condescending. At this time, this attitude seemed to be provocative in the eyes of other family heads for some reason.

The corners of Yuan Zhisheng's eyes twitched and he looked away.

Lu Mingfei still remembered that the last time he came to Japan was about a year ago. At that time, Yuan Zhisheng had already worked in the Executive Bureau for a long time and had already begun to take over the core affairs of the family, so he seemed more mature. At this time However, Yuan Zhisheng seemed to be a little happy, like a dazed young man. Although it's a bit strange to say this, Lu Mingfei himself is just a dumb kid.

"This is the head of the Ryoma family, Mr. Genichiro Ryoma. Mr. Genichiro Ryoma is also an alumnus of Kassel College. He was personally appointed as the head of the Japanese branch by Principal Angers many years ago."

Lu Mingfei and the three of them all looked over in a friendly manner and nodded to the middle-aged man in a black suit. Lu Mingfei had met Genichiro Ryoma before, but he only remembered that this man was not only the head of the Japanese branch, but also served in the Japanese Self-Defense Force because of his stable personality. He left behind the confidants of the eight Sheqi families in the army. This Let this hybrid force have the power to dispatch the Air Self-Defense Force to participate in the war at critical times. I think this person is the only hub between my family and the army.

The last time we met, the head of the Ryoma family was a somewhat lethargic but well-dressed and unremarkable middle-aged man. When we saw him this time, we could clearly see that he was in good spirits, with a solemn expression and a solemn look in his eyes. He actually attended with a long sword. He must be a swordsman-like figure, but I don't know what will happen to him in this year to turn such a man into the same person Lu Mingfei saw last time.

"The head of the Fuma family, Mr. Fuma Kotaro, Mr. Fuma is our Wakatou. He is equivalent to the head of the family in terms of control of the family, but the premise is that we lose the connection with the head of the family."

Fuma Kotaro is an old man wearing a black kimono who looks like he was forged from fine steel. The bridge of his nose seems to have been irreparably damaged, with a piece missing, and his eyes are as stern as an evil spirit.

"It's like the vice president in the White House," Caesar said.

Gen Zhisheng was stunned for a moment, and just when he was about to speak, Fuma Kotaro actually smiled and said, "Yes, just like the Vice President in the White House. When the President dies, the Vice President will immediately step in to prevent the entire country from falling into panic because of the loss of its leader. "

"Hi, Inuyama, the head of the Inuyama family. Like all of you, I am a student of Principal Ange. I can also be regarded as the senior of all the young heroes!" The gray-haired head of the Inuyama family scratched his head and laughed.

"The head of the Inuyama family was also the first branch director, and he is a highly respected old man here." Yuan Zhisheng said.

The expressions of Caesar and Chu Zihang changed. When they were looking through the information, they found information about the first head of the Japanese branch. It was said that he was a very powerful hybrid, and his bloodline might exceed A-level.

Lu Mingfei smiled at Inuyama He, who narrowed his eyes slightly, then relaxed his brows and smiled back. The old man still remembered how dangerous the young man in front of him was and was unwilling to cause the family to turn against him.

"The head of the Miyamoto family and the head of the Sakurai family were busy with official duties, and the head of the Uesugi family was not in attendance due to physical discomfort. I ask the three distinguished guests for your forgiveness." Minamoto nodded.

Lu Mingfei's eyes did not fall on him, but on the old man who had never spoken or been introduced, and who always lowered his head and held tea.

"Yuanjun hasn't introduced this gentleman to us yet." He said softly, his voice was gentle and calm. When the wind blew by, a strand of hair was lifted up, but no one saw the bulging veins on the man's forehead.

The old man slowly raised his head. It was an old but still handsome face, with a straight nose and deep-set eyes. The facial lines were as clear as knife carvings, and the pupils were as black as abyss.

Lust seemed to be trembling against Lu Mingfei's waist, and the almost irrepressible murderous intention was about to surge out but was immediately suppressed. The eyes of the old man and Lu Mingfei met, but neither of them stayed for too long. It was just a mistake. And passed.

"I am Tachibana Masamune, the acting head of the Sheqi Eighth Family." Tachibana Masamune showed a calm and cordial smile on his face.

It was this smile, Tachibana Masamune's signature expression, that made Lu Mingfei's heart move, and he was about to pull out a knife and chop off his head.

But Tachibana Masamune's next words made him freeze in place.

"Lu Jun's name is really well-known. It is true that a hero comes from a young age." Tachibana Masamune said. The old man actually walked out of the seat and came to Lu Mingfei. He looked at the young man carefully, and then a trace of relief appeared on his face. , put down the tea cup and patted Lu Mingfei on the shoulder,

"Zhisheng has already told me about you and Eriki. I don't object. Young people should be energetic like this, with free love and so on... But the head of the Uesugi family has some health problems. If Lu Jun, you want If you take her out, please be sure to send her back to Genji Heavy Industries on the same day."

"You mean, you, you allow me to take Huiliyi out?" Lu Mingfei's fingers trembled slightly, and he was about to touch the handle of the knife, but at this moment, he suddenly felt an absurd feeling.

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