Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 167 166 Rock Flow Research Institute

Chapter 167 166. Rock Flow Research Institute

"Lu Mingfei, have you come to pick me up? Where are you?"

"I am ready!"

“I want to eat sukiyaki and ride a roller coaster.”…

Eriki seems a bit stupid to outsiders, but that is only because she has not received education from the outside world and does not know the rules of how the world and society operate. In other words, she is ignorant and ignorant.

Even ordinary hybrids can crush ordinary people in physical and mental strength, not to mention that Eri is a super hybrid with the royal blood flowing from the body of Kamisugoshi, the last Kage Emperor of the Jaki Hachi Family. She learns quickly and has a strong ability to accept new things.

Eriki has never spent too much time learning this kind of thing, but she is still proficient in four languages ​​and texts: Chinese, Japanese, Korean and English. It is not difficult for Eri to learn to use a mobile phone.

"Eriyi, wait a moment. I'm with Minamoto Chisheng. We'll pick you up after we visited the Rock Flow Research Institute." Lu Mingfei was typing to send the message and at the same time, he raised his eyes to look at the station with the corner of his eye. Yuan Zhisheng and Sakura, who were at the front of the team, faced the metal elevator door that was as smooth as a mirror. In the mirror, they could see Yuan Zhisheng's unsightly expression.

No one spoke. Caesar and Chu Zihang stood behind Yuan Zhisheng and Ying respectively, each holding a cup of coffee in their hands.

"After returning to Genji Heavy Industries last night, Mr. Masamune immediately summoned all the family heads to hold a family meeting at Xingshen Temple. The family members were not aware of the actions of the Kanto branch. The head of the Fengma family expressed anger and questioned Mr. Masamune for his lax discipline. . In the end, we voted to approve the handling plan for the Kanto branch. The priority level of the entire organization in the family and the authority level of Princess Kaguya will be lowered. The 12 team leaders headed by Akechi Asiya will have their enshrinements and salaries reduced. If Akechi Asuya acted without authorization as the mastermind, he will cut off one of his little fingers to apologize, and we will later send this thumb to the hotel where the distinguished guests are staying." Minamoto's voice was calm, and he said in the elevator The eight Sheqi families decided on the punishment plan for the Kanto branch.

Chu Zihang frowned, "You Japanese are really resolute, cruel and authoritarian in how you behave towards your subordinates." He said.

"This is not the behavior of a dictator, but the responsibility we must shoulder towards our family and this society." Yuan Zhisheng said lightly, while looking into Chu Zihang's eyes in the reflection of the mirror,

"The status of the Snake Qihachi Family in Japan corresponds to the status of Cassel College in Europe and America, but we are not an educational institution like a school, and the Kanto branch is not a security agency like the Security Department of Cassel College, but a real A violent organization. Each of them is a genius who is proficient in fighting and good at fighting with others, and they are also unruly lunatics. If such people are not restrained by strict laws and rules, it is equivalent to releasing the originally imprisoned tigers among the crowd. .”

Chu Zihang didn't speak anymore. Before coming to Japan, he had already understood what kind of organization the Sheqi Eight Families were. The underworld was accustomed to using bloody and brutal methods to suppress those who surrendered to them and did not abide by the rules. Losing a little finger does not affect holding the knife.

"Although Mr. Masamune is kind to the group of people in the Kanto branch, to Akechi Asuya is a person who likes to use power to speak. For such people, it is useless to show kindness. Power comes from violence, so you have to Let him know who is the most violent and who holds the greatest power," Yuan Zhisheng said.

There is no doubt that such words are not something that Yuan Zhisheng can say, but rather like a real tyrant on the throne proclaiming his ubiquitous majesty to his empire.

The VIP elevator soon reached the 30th floor of Genji Heavy Industries. Sakura stood sideways on the left side of the elevator door and pressed the delay button.

As the strategic department of the Sheqihachi family, this floor is quite crowded most of the time during working hours. Old people in kimonos sit on the tatami drinking tea and playing chess. The aroma system and circulation air system send the outside air Entering the interior of the building, a slight air current is formed, turning into wind and blowing off the pink and white petals of the cherry tree.

When the old people saw Yuan Zhisheng's arrival, they did not stand up to salute, but just nodded slightly in greeting. They are the real pillars of the Sheqi Hachi family, and they also represent the voices of all the gang members at the bottom of the Japanese underworld. They have a very high status in the family. Except for Masamune Nagatachibana, these people do not need to get up when they see any other family head. bow.

Yuan Zhisheng also nodded in return.

"I used to say that your strategic department is like the Ultramarine Palace of our Gattuso family. Sorry, I was wrong. The Ultramarine Palace is not so casual at all. The old guys in the family will only wear the standard white robes with a cold face and stand tall. You can control the fate of your family. And here..." Caesar hesitated, seeming to be thinking of a suitable word,

"More like a nursing home."

"It's almost the same as a nursing home. The seniors in the Strategy Department don't need to do much at all. As long as they sit here, they will be the anchor of the Japanese underworld, and the shadow society of this country will not be in chaos." Sakura explained to Caesar in a low voice.

Lu Mingfei was thoughtful.

His eyes swept through every corner of this floor. The old people looked very leisurely and not aggressive, but he clearly saw some old people as withered as dead trees gathered together, with their hands on their waists. It was obvious that there was something hidden there. some deadly weapons.

The Strategy Department is not completely devoid of combat effectiveness. Most of the people who can run large gangs in countries like Japan are of mixed race. Although they are not as good as the Snake Qiba family, they are still powerful and dangerous, and they still have the power to fight ligers even when they are old.

"I saw the distribution map of departments and institutions in this building in the elevator. The Yanliu Research Institute should be on the bottom floor, right. Why do we have to go to the 30th floor?" Lu Mingfei asked.

"That's true, but there are many dangerous research projects in the Rock Flow Research Institute. In order to prevent the projects from leaking, we did not design a large entrance in this building. If you go down through the elevator just now, you can only go down. The entrance to the employee entrance is very narrow and not suitable for receiving distinguished guests. There is a hidden passage in Xingshen Temple that leads to every floor of the building. After all, it is usually the place where families hold meetings. There is such a thing The design is not surprising. As early as the Warring States Period, daimyo would dig secret escape passages in their castle towers to guard against ninja assassinations," Sakura explained.

Because it was not an official visit but just passing through here, there were no girls holding copper plates to serve the guests to wash their hands and rinse their mouths. Both Minamoto and Sakura lowered their footsteps and quickened their pace. Chu Zihang's trio also followed suit.

Yuan Zhisheng groped for a while under the mural of Amaterasu on the granite wall. He probably found some mechanism. After pressing it, the wall separated from the middle. There was no gap at all before it was separated.

Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi looked down from both sides, as if the black passage leading directly to hell appeared in front of them.

Men wearing the same black clothes appeared from the darkness on both sides. The bright and even dazzling lights extended inward from the entrance, just like the world extending infinitely from two parallel mirrors facing each other.

"Little Lord!"

The men bowed, each one as majestic as a brown bear, with a solemn and cold expression on his face, and his hands on his waist. Obviously they are the most loyal warriors of the Snake Qiba family. When necessary, the big shots will leave quickly through this passage, and they will use their own lives to block the enemy's pursuit.

Yuan Zhisheng turned a blind eye, and Sakura explained in a low voice, "According to the rules, Yasha and Crow should be here to greet us today, but because all the senior officials of the Kanto branch have entered the hospital, they were temporarily transferred to the branch to supervise the team members there."

Chu Zihang's group exchanged glances with each other and nodded.

No wonder, those two guys are almost equivalent to Yuan Zhisheng's followers, the kind of die-hard young men who even want to shit together, but they haven't seen them since last night.

The four walls of this passage are all made of metal as smooth as a mirror, with dense infrared lasers crisscrossing it. Men in black line up on both sides. Except for those who are allowed to enter, any attempt to sneak in will be discovered and then greeted. The infiltrator will be met with a barrage of metal.

Lu Mingfei thought to himself that even Shutoku Mai would have some trouble sneaking in through this route.

"Usually only Mr. Masamune and I use this passage, but its existence is not a secret. It is marked on the design drawings of Maruyama Construction Co., Ltd., and sometimes the prosecutor of the Shinjuku City Fire Department in Tokyo will also Come check the fire protection situation here." Yuan Zhisheng said.

"You gangsters are a bit lazy," Lu Mingfei said.

"The Japanese yakuza is different from the American yakuza. We are a legal organization. Of course, everything we do must be done in accordance with the laws of Tokyo." Yuan Zhisheng said seriously.

At the end, there was a Buddha shrine embedded in the wall, which enshrined an unknown goddess. Next to the shrine was a small display screen. Yuan Zhisheng entered the password on the display screen, and the shrine went upwards. The luxurious elevator wrapped in red cherry wood slowly rose up to take the place of the shrine.

"I thought you Sheqiba family would respect the gods very much." Lu Mingfei said, probably because he would be able to pick up Eri Yi soon. He was in a good mood and talked a lot more at this time.

"Oh, what is enshrined there is not any gods, monsters, or Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. We carved this statue according to the face of the young Sakurai family head, just to confuse the inspection people." Yuan Zhisheng said.

Lu Mingfei thought of Ms. Sakurai Nanami who had been monitoring them at the Peninsula Hotel in Tokyo during this period. At this time, he recalled that the facial features and eyebrows were indeed three-thirds similar to the statue.

Yuan Zhisheng leaned back and stood on the side of the elevator. Sakura stood behind him: "Please."

Chu Zihang did not hesitate. As the leader of the specialist team dispatched by the college headquarters, he should lead the team members to accept the respect of the Japanese branch.

"We haven't had the chance to meet the head of the Sakurai family in the past few days. I think she must be a very beautiful lady." Lu Mingfei seemed to mention it intentionally or unintentionally.

"Ms. Sakurai is on official business and it is a very confidential matter, so she was not able to greet her in time. If there is a chance in the future, she will definitely visit her," Minamoto Chisheng said.

Lu Mingfei's eyes flickered. Sure enough, Nanami Sakurai's appearance at the Peninsula Hotel in Tokyo was the intention of the Hachiki family? But what mission did she accept? What kind of tasks must be performed by a big shot like the head of the family?

The elevator was sinking slowly, and the weightlessness and noise were not strong. Lu Mingfei and the others could even hear the sound of water flowing after they descended to a certain area.

It's not like the water flowing from the building's drainage pipes or water supply system is close to the elevator shaft, but more like... waves, wave after wave!

The elevator stopped smoothly, and it actually took more than twice the time to land. Ying led several people to change into white protective clothing at the door. It was a combination of dust-proof and anti-virus clothing. What kind of high-precision clothing was probably underneath this This is an area where sharp instruments are concentrated, so protective measures must be taken.

"Welcome to the Yanliu Research Institute. I am the director, Miyamoto Shio, and the head of the Miyamoto family." Behind him, a man wearing a white protective suit led several people to wait at the exit. Under the transparent mask was a He is not an old man, he even has a rather handsome face, but he is too elegant. He also wears thin gold-rimmed glasses and has very light wrinkles extending from the corners of his eyes.

Not only in appearance, but also in body shape, the head of the Miyamoto family does not look like one of those dangerous elements who have been involved in gangs all year round. There is also a bit of clear stupidity in his eyes. I heard from Minamoto that the head of the family was rarely involved in the management of the family. He was more of a practical person. He often hung out in the Yanliu Research Institute and indeed made a lot of achievements.

I heard that when he graduated from Kassel College many years ago, the college intended to keep him in the equipment department, but the Miyamoto family head rejected the college's recruitment.

Chu Zihang and Caesar looked at each other. They both hesitated for a moment, and then Caesar pushed Chu Zihang's shoulder.

"Hello, I am Chu Zihang, the leader of this study group at Kassel College. I will be in charge of you for the next functional test of the underwater robot." Chu Zihang is not good at communicating with others. It was quite stiff, but the head of the Miyamoto family was not a person who often disturbed outsiders, so he didn't care.

Lu Mingfei yawned and looked around at the surrounding environment.

This is still the underground of Genji Heavy Industries. It is actually in a tunnel with a diameter of more than twelve meters. The lower half of the tunnel is completely submerged in water. The raging water washes away the metal walls of the tunnel. The xenon lamps at the top of the tunnel are lit one after another. The ground went into the distance, submerged in complete darkness. Huge construction machinery slid against the tunnel wall, automatically checking the water level and flow rate.

Lu Mingfei has been here before, twice, once to visit the Rock Flow Research Institute and the deep submersible Ditryeste. The second time was the first step in the counterattack plan planned by Caesar and Chu Zihang together after the three of them escaped from the trench and lurked in Gao Tianyuan, Cowherd's shop.

"I have read your information. This tunnel should be directly connected to the Iron Dome Temple, Tokyo's drainage system, right?" Caesar was actually a little shocked by the magnificence of this place, but he didn't show it. After all, no matter who was Chu Zi beside him, Both Hang and Lu Mingfei looked calm. If he, a member of the Gattuso family, had an expression of "Holy shit, I'm so awesome", it would only look bad.

In fact, he didn't need to be shocked. The Gattuso family also funded the completion of the Channel Tunnel. Such a project is even more grand than this one. Moreover, Chu Zihang and Lu Mingfei are not very calm. It’s just that Chu Zihang is not good at expressing emotions and usually responds to all emotional fluctuations with a paralyzed face. Lu Mingfei was well prepared. Although he was still a little shocked, You can still face it calmly.

"Yes, this is a small shipyard, and small submarines can also pass through." Miyamoto Shio led the front, with Minamoto and Sakura lagging behind.

He is the one who really talks the talk at the Ganliu Research Institute. Everything here has to go through the eyes of Shio Miyamoto. Moreover, this person is probably a bit similar to the lunatics in the equipment department. He does not value anyone with high authority. people.

Perhaps except Tachibana Masamune, this man who is not even a pure-blooded Japanese has led the Snake Qihachi family back to its peak in decades and reshaped the order of the Japanese underworld. He is highly regarded by the entire family. reputation.

"The rain has stopped in the past few days, and the water here is very calm. Otherwise, we would not walk along here in the past and would be easily blown away by the waves." Miyamoto Shio said, "When the cherry blossoms fall, there will still be water on the water. There is a layer of floating petals, and we call it the Sakura Sea. At that time, sitting next to it and drinking tea was very Zen-like."

Lu Mingfei looked down. They were walking along the steel ladder, but they were not actually walking by the water.

He has been here several times, but he has never seen Ying Liuhai.

I have seen those small submarines used to transport prohibited items. A large part of the submarines may be wild hybrids purchased by Herzog for human experiments and production of Deadpool.

So the dock and the connected laboratory of the Rock Flow Research Institute should have been thoroughly penetrated by Herzog, and this tunnel must also have a direct path to the Deadpool breeding tank.

Thinking of this, Lu Mingfei seemed to really hear the snake-like Deadpool's neighing like a baby crying. But that's impossible. The inner wall of the tunnel is made of alloy and filled with a thick sound insulation layer. Even if there is an explosion outside, it will be as stable as a mountain and no sound will be heard.

He looked back at the xenon lamps that were lit at regular intervals, extending out into the tunnel into the dark depths that gradually curved and disappeared. He could see researchers passing each other in a hurry at any time.

Genji Heavy Industries is like the heart of the shadow part of Japan, a huge country, and Herzog clings to this heart and slowly grows, turning into something darker and more rancid.

Chu Zihang was walking in front and talking to Yuan Zhisheng in a low voice. Caesar gradually slowed down and landed next to Lu Mingfei. He crossed his arms with a sunny smile on his face, with snow-white teeth and blond hair hanging down. There is also a faint smell of men's seaweed perfume.

"I should have given this to you a long time ago, but it's not easy for Chu Zihang to leave it to you." Caesar stuffed an envelope into Lu Mingfei's pocket without changing his expression, and Lu Mingfei's cheek twitched.

"Brother, what is this?"

"Do you still remember that Indian girl you brought back from Rio de Janeiro? The letter she gave you." Caesar lowered his voice, "Hide it well. I think Chu Zihang is just like a housekeeper, so he went to inform Xia Mi if there was any trouble. , don’t get discovered.”

Lu Mingfei agreed upon hearing this and stuffed the letter deeper.

Chu Zihang was definitely Xia Mi's loyal partner. He never took his eyes off Lu Mingfei after coming to Japan. Sometimes Lu Mingfei felt that he was just like his uncle who went out to the foot-washing city, always followed by Lu Mingze who might complain to his aunt.

The steel hanging ladder suddenly tilted upward, and then turned a corner, which was the long corridor leading to the underground space. There was a team of men in protective clothing waiting in the long corridor, everyone holding a gun. Obviously this is an important part of the Rock Flow Research Institute. area.

Miyamoto Shio told everyone: "The equipment of the academy was airdropped together with the two airborne headquarters specialists. It took the Fuma family some time to salvage it, but fortunately there is no problem. After assembly, it will be carried out by the Rock Flow Research Institute." A few modifications would be nice.”

"What are the main modifications?" Caesar asked.

"Painting, we changed the painting of the underwater robot and the operating platform." Shio Miyamoto said, and then he hesitated, "The institute also found that the robot and operating platform were equipped with powerful concentrated sulfur alchemy bombs. "Considering that the platform cannot dive to a depth of 8,000 meters, and we have not yet reached the level of suicide bombing, I spent some time removing the bombs on it."

Lu Mingfei and Caesar looked at each other, obviously a little frightened.

These psychopaths in the equipment department are indeed perverts who "explosion is art". They really want to blow up this study group to the sky.

There were many metal password doors on both sides of the corridor. Behind each door was obviously a research topic. The head of the Miyamoto family led them into the first laboratory on the left.

The light was dazzling, and it was actually quite busy inside. More than a dozen researchers were busy with their own affairs, and no one saluted Yuan Zhisheng.

"The robots are already being assembled, and the underwater platform is docked in the dock. We are still testing the performance and ensuring that they will not be affected by any form of electromagnetic influence." The head of the Miyamoto family said. He then frowned and looked at Yuan Zhisheng. ,

"But Kaguya's computing power has suddenly dropped severely in the past two days. Our work efficiency has dropped by ten percentage points. This matter is very important and may need to be repaired."

"We will get it done as soon as possible. I'm really sorry for the trouble it has caused to the institute." Yuan Zhisheng's attitude was very sincere.

The Yanliu Research Institute has a very detached status in the family, and Yuan Zhisheng is not willing to offend them.

The Chu Zihang trio had already begun to visit the underwater robots.

It is said to be a robot, but it is actually more like a shuttle-shaped unmanned deep submersible. There are six of them placed side by side, and free-moving work clamps can be extended from the bottom of each frame.

"These little things are very dangerous. All the bombs inside them can detonate and even completely destroy the Rock Flow Research Institute." Miyamoto Shio pushed up his glasses through the protective suit.

Lu Mingfei ducked back.

"But don't worry, we have temporarily removed their leads, and they will not explode accidentally even if they are placed in a fire." The head of the Miyamoto family said seriously.

"When is our mission approximately?" Chu Zihang looked at Yuan Zhisheng.

Yuan Zhisheng touched the tip of his brow: "We have to wait a moment. The principal has held a meeting with the family heads and asked us to eliminate the degenerates in the family on our own. He said that the information about the dragon embryo came from Kaguya's storage system. , but we have no clue at all and need to investigate further. The dive can be scheduled in a few weeks."

Lu Mingfei glanced at him.

The Sheqiba family couldn't find anything through self-examination, because almost everything in this family had been infiltrated by a snake-like man.

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