Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 177 176 Meiji Shrine

Chapter 177 176. Meiji Shrine

Today, because she was preparing to go to Meiji Jingu Shrine, Eri got up very early. She got into the bathtub with a little yellow duck she found out from the suitcase on her head. The sunshine after the rain fell on the bathroom. On the frosted glass of the room, a small clear and moving shadow can be vaguely seen.

By the time Lu Mingfei put on his clothes and heated up the milk, Huiliyi had already finished taking a shower.

Today she changed out of her sports clothes and put on a beige short windbreaker and high-heeled boots. Her long dark red hair was tied up with a light blue simple ribbon headdress.

If you ignore the curious eyes that look around like a cat, the girl in front of you really looks like a cold beauty.

While Eriyi was combing her hair, Lu Mingfei was flexing his muscles beside him, and all the bones in his body made a clicking sound like a rusty machine struggling to operate again.

"If you are laying on the floor, you should put an extra layer of quilt. My back is sore now, and I feel like I was sleepwalking to participate in a Patriotic War." Lu Mingfei looked at the girl's eyes through the small round mirror in front of Eliyi. Said that his posture at this time was somewhere between the National Eighth Radio Gymnastics and Tai Chi. The girl covered her mouth and giggled. After laughing, she ran up behind Lu Mingfei to help him squeeze his shoulders.

They played games late last night, but with the physical fitness of the mixed race, there wouldn't be much of a problem.

"I want to eat eel rice for lunch." After Lu Mingfei stretched his body, Eliyi put a small notebook on Lu Mingfei's back and wrote on it, then showed it to him.

"Okay. It's time for Erika to go home tonight. As for Sensoji, we'll go there the next time we go out to play." Lu Mingfei said.

Although Eryi's body is not as weak as when he saw her in the last period of time, Lu Mingfei still has to be unwilling to take risks. After all, Genji Heavy Industries has more professional and sophisticated equipment that can help stabilize her bloodline, so it would be safer to send Eriki back.

Anyway, the study group should stay in Japan for a long time.

Eriki nodded. Although she was a little depressed, she did not refute.

Lu Mingfei sat down by the bed and picked up his phone to see if Chu Zihang and the others had sent him a message. The girl trotted to him and stood in front of him. After taking off her boots, her toes were as clear as jade, and her toes were as clear as jade. Moving around restlessly.

Lu Mingfei looked at her curiously.

"Does this dress look good on me?" Eriki tilted her head to show Lu Mingfei the note she had written, and then turned around on tiptoes in front of him, like a proud ballerina dancing. Qu black swan.

Lu Mingfei was silent and deliberately looked at her with appraising eyes. The combination of beige short trench coat and high-heeled boots was actually somewhat outdated among girls on the streets of Tokyo. Short skirts and knee-high socks were now popular. Eriyi's aesthetics have not changed with the changes in the outside world. She still retains her original intention of looking good if she thinks it looks good.

But because of her good foundation, it doesn’t really matter what Eri wears. Anyway, she will be the focus of the whole street when she goes out.

"It looks good." Lu Mingfei gave a thumbs up.

Eriyi flew into Lu Mingfei's arms like a white bird with spread wings, twisted around to find a comfortable position, and hugged the man's arm.

"Do you like Mingfei?" she wrote on the paper.

Lu Mingfei scratched the tip of her nose, "I like whatever Eli wears." He said, then helped the girl in his arms stand up.

Eriyi's body is soft and there is no sign of dragon transformation. Her skin still shines with the girl's unique fluorescence, and the light fragrance hits her face, making people linger.

Eriki's eyes narrowed because of happiness, like crescent moons.

The heavy rain last night had indeed exhausted the rain clouds that had accumulated in Tokyo Bay for a long time. After the sky cleared, it was high and clear. Lu Mingfei opened the window. The air was cold and fresh, and the dappled sunlight filtered through. The leaves of the ginkgo tree outside the window fell slantingly on the mosaic carpet at Eriki's feet.

The dust in the air dances in the light pillar, like an elf in the light.

Lu Mingfei stood up and patted Eli Yi on the shoulder. He looked into her eyes, which reflected the sun.

Lu Mingfei tilted his head, and Hui Liyi also tilted his head. Lu Mingfei smiled, and Hui Liyi also smiled.

"Let's go and see the Meiji Shrine." Lu Mingfei said, extending a hand to Eryi. He actually wanted to go there because Lu Mingze said that in the original script, he and Eriki should have their wedding there.

Destiny is a clown who plays tricks on people. He couldn't hold a wedding with her last time, but he didn't miss her funeral either.

The girl carefully placed her left hand in the man's palm, and then nodded obediently.


The black Lexus silently moved through the traffic on the elevated road, agile yet very stable. Caesar, who was reading a street magazine in the passenger seat, looked up in surprise and looked at Chu Zihang, who was driving the car next to him.

"I didn't expect a violent man like you to drive so well." He said, while stroking his blond hair to prevent them from dancing due to the airflow coming in from the window.

"First of all, I'm not a violent maniac." Chu Zihang didn't even look at him. "Secondly, the purpose of obeying traffic rules is to avoid accidental attrition of this team. Our current speed reaches 70 kilometers per hour. At this speed, there will be no accidents." In a serious traffic accident, even we have a high chance of being fatally injured."

"What do you think of that Fengjian Liuli?" Caesar was used to Chu Zihang's way of speaking, so he simply ignored it and asked what he wanted to ask.

"Not worthy of trust." Chu Zihang said.


"Do you think his name is really Kazama Ruri?"

Caesar fell into silence. Of course he knew that even in a country like Japan, which is a bit too arrogant, no one would name their child Ruri Kazama. It was full of wind and dust, which made people hear this. The name reminds me of the flower moon place.

If the Fierce Ghosts want to cooperate with Kassel Academy, they must at least show sincerity. If the man named Kazama Liuli is not even willing to tell his real name, it will be difficult for Chu Zihang's team to build trust with them.

"But I think the things he said are not necessarily all false. There may be something dangerous hidden under the abyss." Chu Zihang said.

Caesar frowned. He opened his black trench coat, revealing the ukiyo-e lining underneath. There was a tendency in his words and actions to get closer to members of the Japanese mafia organization.

Today, the Snake Qihachi family arranged a trip for Chu Zihang's group to visit the Meiji Shrine and the Inuyama family's residence. They were officially registered with Princess Kaguya and purchased insurance. In the morning, they also had slim girls delivered to them. Wearing the uniform of the Japan Branch Executive Directorate.

After putting on the black suit and the ukiyo-e lining, Caesar felt that he was the number one figure in the Japanese underworld. When he talked to the people of the Jakikihachi family, he unconsciously sounded like the godfather of the underworld. character.

"Do you really think there is the kingdom of God down there?" Caesar lit a cigar for himself and held it in his mouth, looking out the window at Tokyo.

"You should have also looked through the files on the Greenland ice incident, right?"

"On November 7, 2002, during the Greenland Sea Incident, the execution department responsible for this mission was completely wiped out. Only one person survived. That person's name was Fingel von Flins." Caesar said calmly.

Caesar had read through almost all major events in the history of the Camarilla many times, and they could remember every detail of each event.

This also meant that he and Chu Zihang had always known that Fingel was actually no less elite than them and was once the leader of all students in the entire college.

There is definitely another secret to this guy's repeating a grade, but since the higher-ups of the college have no objections, they naturally won't delve into it. After all, Caesar and Chu Zihang are the leaders of the Student Union and the Lionheart Club respectively, and their political sense is actually quite keen. However, these two guys are used to using violence to solve problems, so their political talents have not been shown.

"A concept was mentioned many times in the operation files of that time, the underwater 'door'." Chu Zihang said, "Coincidentally, before setting off, Professor Schneider also specifically reminded me that if I was in the Jiyuan mission during the mission, If you see a door or something similar to a door underwater and come up immediately, I have the right to terminate this mission directly."

"So, in fact, the academy does not completely trust the information obtained from the Snake Qiba family."

"I had some guesses. Yesterday Fengjian Liuli told us that down there might be the realm of a certain god, which confirmed some of my inferences." Chu Zihang opened the window a little, letting the cigar smoke be blown by the wind. Blow away.

"The door is the boundary between two spaces. In the human world, there are only indoor and outdoor spaces; but in the dragon world, it is really possible to have two independent spaces."

"Nibelungen." Caesar already knew what Chu Zihang wanted to say, "You mean, the Greenland ice incident that caused heavy losses to the college, and the Kingdom of Gods mentioned by Fengjian Liuli, were actually all caused by The Nibelungs built by a certain dragon king."

"As expected of you." Chu Zihang nodded. He and Caesar are definitely the people who know each other best in the world. Only they have such a tacit understanding and think about problems in almost the same way.

"If our guess is correct, the monarch who has the ability to build the Nibelungs in extremely unstable sea water can only be the king of ocean and water who has not yet recovered." Caesar's expression finally changed. We have to get serious, "If the opponent we have to face in the Jiyuan mission is something like this, the probability of the mission's success will be very small, or even close to zero. Because we can't be sure about the state of the Dragon King at this time. What is it like? If it is a cocoon in an incubating state, there may be a chance, but if the other party has actually woken up from its slumber for many years, then even the principal will not be able to compete with such a great supreme being in the ocean."

"Actually, we don't need to be involved in danger. We can just let the people from the Rock Flow Research Institute and the Equipment Department adjust the control distance of the deep-diving robot. We can carry out this operation on the sea surface." Chu Zi Hang said.

Technically speaking, this is not a difficult task for Kassel College, which has mastered the world's cutting-edge technology. When the Pentagon was unable to come up with an underwater drone that could dive to a depth of eight thousand meters, the Department of Precision Mechanics Professors have already developed unmanned underwater operations that can be controlled over long distances directly through wave conduction.

This kind of technology has always been used in dragon slaying, but usually this method will not be effective when facing the second generation species or the first generation species.

Dragon embryos will form a layer of territory around themselves to protect themselves, and any electronic control system within the territory will be affected. Usually, the older the dragon, the stronger the influence the territory can have.

Something similar to a strong electromagnetic field may even be formed near the second-generation species and the first-generation species, and this field is difficult to explain with current science. Even a Faraday cage cannot prevent equipment from being affected.

Even if hybrids enter the realm of embryos, their neural circuits will be disturbed. Similarly, the better the bloodline, the stronger the ability to resist interference.

However, it seems that he has been preparing for today. The contemporary alchemist master Flamel has been studying the alchemical matrix that can withstand this kind of field for a long time. Now he has achieved initial results and has begun to apply it in practice.

Although he always thought that the crazy people in Wettelheim had never done anything serious, Caesar admitted that when they got serious, they were still very reliable teammates, at least when you were in a situation where you were running out of ammunition and food, and the last bullet in your hand was taken. When it's time to use it, you can also throw the communicator they sent you out and use it as a bomb.

Of course, the technical level of those bomb madmen is definitely at the top of the world. They even applied to the principal to develop and manufacture manned spacecraft. The purpose is to bring the smartest people in the world to the world when the Dragon King resurrects and the end comes. - that is, themselves - sent to the moon and built a "Garden of Eden" on the moon in the new century, where Vat Alhayom's technicians will continue as the hope of mankind and the flame of civilization.

However, Angers rejected the application of Director Akadulla on the grounds that there was only Adam and no Eve in the Garden of Eden and could not shoulder the heavy responsibility of being the hope and fire of civilization for mankind.

Thinking of this, Caesar suddenly looked a little solemn. He wondered if he had been with guys like Chu Zihang and Lu Mingfei for a long time, and why his thoughts were diverging so quickly!

"If a deep-diving robot is used, the safety factor will indeed be much higher, but we don't know how big the problem is within the Sheqi family." Caesar said.

Norma's plan has clearly stated that the information about the dragon embryos at the bottom of the Abyss from the Kaguya database of the eight Sheqi families should not be known to many people, and even several family heads should be completely unaware of it. This means that this behemoth that has been entrenched in Japan for many years actually hides more than one thought like the real Yamata-no-Orochi.

Maybe there are people hiding in the shadow of this dark society, waiting for opportunities, hoping to obtain the embryo of God to return the world to the era of dragon rule.

Chu Zihang's expression was equally solemn, and it was obvious that he had already thought of everything that Caesar could think of.

The cell phone rang, and Chu Zihang's expression changed subtly.

He motioned to Caesar beside him to take his phone out of his pocket, and then checked who sent the text message.

"It's Lu Mingfei." Caesar looked at Chu Zihang, "He and the head of the Uesugi family are also planning to go to Meiji Shrine today, and they are on the way now."

The corners of Chu Zihang's eyes twitched slightly, and the knuckles of the fingers holding the steering wheel turned a little white.


The JR station in Harajuku is very different from other stations in Tokyo. Due to its ancient appearance, you can vaguely glimpse the sense of the times when it was first built, but it has been preserved to this day, with indelible traces of the years.

Compared with the street in front of the station where various trends gather, it is like a contrast of colors with a particularly strong visual impact.

"It's so lively." Hui Liyi showed the note to Lu Mingfei.

Lu Mingfei held a vanilla-flavored and strawberry-flavored cone in each hand, while Eri Yi held his arm. The two of them stood in the rather noisy crowd and stood out.

Eri's image is hard to ignore. Her hair color is rare even on the streets of Tokyo, which has long been the trend leader. What's more, beautiful girls have always been a belief sought after by otakus in Japan. .

Lu Mingfei's image is quite outstanding on the streets of Tokyo, where men are generally no more than 1.75 meters tall. What's more, his facial features are already delicate. Although he is not the kind of yandere and handsome boy that Japanese girls pursue, he still has his own characteristics. With his masculine charm, standing next to Eriki, he seemed to be blessed by the golden prop "True Goddess Companion", and even his own charm attribute was ridiculously high.

"Tokyo is indeed the most crowded city." Lu Mingfei said to Eriki. The girl stood on tiptoes and stretched out her pink tongue to lick the strawberry-flavored cone in his hand. She looked up at Lu Mingfei. No.

"What are other cities like?" Eryi looked like a curious baby.

Lu Mingfei knew that she was not asking about Japanese cities like Kanagawa or Chiba Prefecture, but about the scenery and scenes in other corners of the world.

"I don't know about other places, but I often stay in Chicago. I think it is a brilliant city with good sunshine all year round and heavy snowfall in winter," Lu Mingfei said.

"Will the snow pile up?"

"Yes, it's very thick. It seems to cover the entire city and everything will turn white."

"I really want to see it, I really want to go with Mingfei." Eryi looked full of longing. Tokyo is a city with little snow. Even in the coldest winter, there is no way to pile up snow.

In addition, because Eriki's body is very weak, the Snake Qihachi family will never release her from Hara Heavy Industries when the weather is cold, so until today she has not really been exposed to things like snow.

"There will be opportunities in the future." Lu Mingfei handed Hui Liyi's cone into her hand, and then touched her head.

They then walked along the side of the station and soon saw the entrance to Meiji Jingu Shrine.

Many people turned back to look at Eri Yi. The girl shyly hid her face in Lu Mingfei's arm. Lu Mingfei just smiled and led her across the asphalt road fork in the parking lot.

After passing this intersection, they stepped on the rustling gravel and looked up to see the huge torii gate standing at the entrance of Meiji Jingu Shrine in the sun. It is said to be made of Taiwanese cypress trees that are 1,500 years old. Mingfei pointed to the torii, "It's much bigger than the Xingshen Temple of Genji Heavy Industries." He said.

"Yes, do we need to wash our hands?" Eryi still remembered the hand-cleansing ceremony before entering the Shinto shrine, but Lu Mingfei shook his head and said no.

This place has been converted into a tourist attraction, and the shrine is no longer the pure Shinto shrine it used to be.

After passing through the torii gate, you will enter the shrine of Meiji Jingu Shrine.

In Japan, you can actually see many torii gates, which are common sights on the streets. Most of them are mainly bright red, which is considered a quite iconic color.

However, the color of the Meiji Jingu Torii Gate is a pale yellow that has been oxidized for many years after the outer skin of the logs was polished off. It was August, and the maple and ginkgo trees on both sides of the shrine were falling down one after another when the wind blew.

When Lu Mingfei and Eriki passed by the torii gate, they were surrounded by the sound of rustling footsteps on the gravel. The silence was also Zen-like. It was hard to imagine that at this moment, a train full of passengers was rumbling past outside the woods around them. Shinkansen train.

Meiji Jingu is a Shinto shrine. Shinto believes in ancestors and all things in nature. Meiji Jingu enshrines the spiritual thrones of Japan’s Emperor Meiji and his wife, Empress Shoken. Therefore, the history here can be traced back to the Warring States Period compared to those in Kyoto. The shrine of the era is not very old, but like the Kaminarimon Gate of Sensoji Temple and the cherry blossoms of Ueno Park, many people think that this shrine is a symbol of Tokyo’s traditional Japanese scenery. It has no traces of modern industry and is so simple that it makes people feel dull. Extremely.

Lu Mingfei originally thought that Eriyi would be very happy when she came here, because she had always liked those beautiful things, but the girl's expression was always calm.

I guess I am a little disappointed here.

The Sheqi Eight Family was originally an organization that believed in Shintoism. The family's annual meeting was held every year at the shrine in the mountains. Although it was far less spectacular than here, I think the scenery was similar.

Lu Mingfei led Eliyi around the shrine twice, and unexpectedly happened to encounter a wedding. Eiliyi looked very curious and happy, and involuntarily hugged Lu Mingfei's arm tightly.

The bride, dressed in a pure white Japanese-style dress, followed the ceremony procession out of the corridor on the left side of the main hall. She was accompanied by the smiling and handsome groom, and the bridesmaids and groomsmen in kimonos followed closely behind. There was no music at the scene, and the priest who maintained order gave a brief signal. The tourists who came to visit and worship stood on both sides knowingly. Lu Mingfei and Eryi also stood aside and watched the newlyweds leave.

"Can we hold weddings here in the future?" Hui Liyi wrote down a small note with sparkling eyes. Lu Mingfei took a deep breath and said that there was still no way to get away from him.

Fortunately, at this time, a sneaky trainee priest came out from the corner and said, "Old incense owner, please sign it. Today, the son of the governor of Tokyo is marrying his wife. I will give you a 20% discount."

Lu Mingfei's heart skipped a beat as he looked around without leaving a trace, wondering if it was Lu Mingze who was up to something again. He smiled crookedly and said, "I don't speak Japanese, so I can't read your signature."

The little priest was stunned when he heard this and said that our Tokyo metropolis is now in line with the international standards. Of course, the Meiji Shrine must also keep pace with the times. Master Xiang, if you are British, we will also have an English visa. If you are Chinese, we will also have a Chinese visa. , if you are Korean, our Korean visa is not available here. Lu Mingfei sneered and asked, "Does it have a Latin signature on it?" He then said smugly, "I don't care what you say. I just won't be fooled."

Unexpectedly, the little priest stood proudly and looked down on the others.

Lu Mingfei said, wow, you really don’t have a Latin signature. The little priest laughed and said, God Amaterasu bless you, and you just have the Latin signature you want. Lu Mingfei covered his face and waved his hands to convince you. Give me one in Chinese.

The little priest turned around and happily picked up the lottery tube from nowhere. Lu Mingfei casually pulled one out. Seeing the joy in the priest's eyes, the boy immediately threw the lottery in again and pulled out another one.

"That's it." Lu Mingfei was very confident. His boss Lu was also a smart man now, so how could he be fooled by Lu Mingze casually?

The young priest beamed with joy and said, "The two incense owners are indeed a couple of gods and gods." He showed the signature to Lu Mingfei.

Lu Mingfei's eyes twitched as soon as he looked at it. The signed poem was really clear at a glance, "We will never be apart forever, and we will be reunited forever. May all lovers in the world get married."

There are three words at the top, "Shang Shang Signed".

Well, all the money for signing the signature was saved. Lu Mingfei had a dark face and was about to pay the bill, but he didn't notice that the girl behind him immediately blushed on her fair cheeks after seeing the signed poem, and her whole body fell into the light, her eyes Everything seems to become brighter.

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