Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 195 194 The Boy in the Mountains

Chapter 195 194. The Boy in the Mountains

It was a cool rainy night in the mountains. The chicken wings and minced beef wrapped in tinfoil were simmering in oil on the stove. The firelight illuminated Eriyi's face with a rosy color. Lu Mingfei turned a sweet potato over with iron tongs. The girl leaned on his shoulder, both arms entangled with the man's arms.

Caesar is chatting with the Russian girl named Kristina. It seems that he likes her very much and is even considering proposing to Kristina after graduation.

Chu Zihang pulled out a small piece of Cun Yu. In the firelight, it was like a piece of clear water splashed out of the scabbard. The arc of the blade was cold and chilling, like the cold moonlight falling on the world. He kept pulling the knife out and pushing it back in again and again, as if he didn't know what to do. The sword's light was bright, almost reflecting something destined to be destined.

"The grilled chicken wings taste pretty good." Lu Mingfei was full of praise. He did not expect that Chu Zihang, a noble son and the second generation of rich people, could actually master the relatively common skill of grilled chicken wings.

"There are two flavors. Caesar's method is very similar to how Norwegians roast venison, and they also use rosemary. In comparison, it is actually closer to a variation of fried chicken wings." Chu Zihang said.

"What about you, senior brother?" Lu Mingfei was curious.

Caesar: "I had a similar taste at a Northeastern barbecue stall in China."

"The combination of Chinese and Western styles blossoms." Lu Mingfei raised his glass, Hui Liyi carefully peeled off the tinfoil on the outside of the grilled chicken wings, raised his glass and touched it with Lu Mingfei, Caesar and Chu Zihang also raised their glasses. On such a stormy night, drinking and eating meat, the flames coming out of the stove made the whole kitchen warm, which was really comfortable.

Chu Zihang said: "Actually, I don't know how to cook. I can only do simple roasting and boiling. Xia Mi's skills are superb." As he talked, he drank by himself, his face did not change and his eyes did not squint. Caesar was astonished. He glanced at Chu Zihang and then at Lu Mingfei.

"If we really talk about cooking skills, I'm more optimistic about Susie and Isabella." Caesar was lucky enough to try Susie's cooking skills. The French, Italian, and Chinese stir-fry dishes were all of the best in the world. For a while, Master Gattuso was impressed. Astonished.

Lu Mingfei was embarrassed and didn't know how to continue. At this time, Eryi lowered her head and wrote in a small book, and then showed it to several people.

"Senior brother drinks," she said.

Raise your glasses at the same time.

At this time, both Chu Zihang and Caesar were a little stunned. Caesar bumped Chu Zihang's waist with his elbow, meaning that this little girl is new to the world and doesn't know anything. She is as simple as a dog's tail grass. Otherwise, you are a murderer, so you can stop being so angry all day long.

Chu Zihang raised his glass and clinked it with Eli Yi, and Caesar had no choice but to raise his glass.

"Until the Master of the Uesugi family orders." Chu Zihang drank all the beer in the cup and said, but his tone seemed to be gentler.

Eriyi took a sip of sake. Her drinking capacity is actually quite good, and her bloodline, which is stronger than anyone else, makes her unable to get drunk with sake, but only makes her blush. It's just that Huiliyi never exchanges glasses with anyone except Lu Mingfei. As for scolding Fang Qiu at the wine table, that's even more nonsense.

Lu Mingfei also took a sip of wine. He squeezed Hui Liyi's hand, thinking that when Hui Liyi drank, she was like a swan sipping the clear water in the pool. She had a long neck, fair skin, and clear collarbones. She was so elegant. And beautiful.

"I think those snake-like deadpools are not the inventory of the devils. They must have some facility or organization that conducts human experiments on hybrids kidnapped from all over the world, inducing the dragon blood in these people to become manic. ." Lu Mingfei said in a low voice. When he did this, a mountain breeze was passing by, and the candle in the glass cup in front of the shrine in the corner of the courtyard swayed violently.

Yuan Zhennu was trying to get in touch with the academy, and Lu Mingfei also felt that he would not break his promise with Caesar and Chu Zihang, so the snake-shaped deadliest soldiers who surrounded and suppressed them must have been sent by the king.

In this way, everything about Kazama Ruri was actually seen by Herzog. The asymmetry in intelligence made it difficult for Chu Zihang's team and those who were delusional and acted against fate in the Japanese Gu breeding farm.

Lu Mingfei felt that everything was strange and confusing. The people hiding behind the scenes were discovered one after another, from Herzog to Odin, from Odin to the Far North, and from the Far North to There is a dark side organization behind the scenes that has not yet appeared.

His knowledge of information alone is obviously no longer enough to turn the tide in this country. His power has nowhere to display, so it is necessary to introduce a bigger monster. The hybrid world is a fairy tale forest full of monsters and monsters. In this forest, there are small monsters like the Far North and the boar Neo and his dark forces, as well as big monsters like the Snake Qiba Family and the Fierce Ghosts. Monsters, but there is only one that can devour the flesh and blood of the same kind over the long years and grow into a real behemoth, and that is Cassel Academy.

Its predecessor is the Secret Party and the Blood Pact Society. Its cornerstone is the world's most prominent mixed-race family and the world's oldest dragon-slaying hero heritage. Its power involves the surface and the dark side of the world. When it is truly angry, every time A half-breed would shudder.

Herzog is the most insidious careerist and cunning conspirator Lu Mingfei has ever seen. What he seeks is the throne second only to the emperor, the supreme authority. But this time Lu Mingfei is not alone. He will no longer fight alone. When the heavens are angry, there will be thousands of troops following him.

With the Brotherhood of the Dragon Blood Society as a link, Lu Mingfei was able to communicate with a small number of prominent families in the mixed-race world. At the same time, his supporter was Hilbert Jean Angers, leader of the Elders and Camarilla. Half of the members of the board of directors are on his side, and the Gattuso family owes him a favor.

As someone who had experienced it once, Lu Mingfei knew that there was a deadpool breeding pond under Genji Heavy Industries. Holding such evidence in his hand could prove that Snake Qibachi and the Fierce Ghosts were of the same species. Given the academy's zero understanding of such things, Tolerance, will definitely hit hard.

After seventy-five years, the secret party's iron fist will fall on the heads of the Sheqiba family again.

"The academy will not sit idly by, Tachibana Masamune... Mr. Masamune and the Inuyama family's trip to Chicago is destined to not go smoothly." Caesar has neither good nor bad feelings towards Tachibana Masamune, and he rarely calls someone sir, but The head of the Uesugi family was right in front of him. In many ways, Tachibana Masamune was like a father figure to Eriki, so he called the old man Mr. Masamune.

Gattuso's principles can be changed, as long as the woman standing in front of them is beautiful enough.

"Who do you think the academy will send to Tokyo?" Lu Mingfei stared at the depths of the stove. The sweet potato was already smelling fragrant, so he took it out and threw it into the ashes.

"Professor Schneider is very good at handling situations like this. He will have a suitable candidate." Chu Zihang concentrated, raised his head, drank the beer in the cup, and then filled it up for himself. Sha Fei is Schneider's favorite disciple. Similarly, Chu Zihang also trusts his mentor. Compared with Lu Mingfei and Professor Guderian, these two are simply a match made in heaven. Of course, it cannot be said that Guderian is not worthy of Lu Mingfei, but there is really too little that this little old man can teach him.

"It's not that I don't distrust the ability of the academy and the executive department," Caesar frowned, "but we are in Tokyo. This damn place is the largest population gathering place in the world. Even if the academy is determined to destroy every branch in the world, Even if every commissioner from Japan is transferred to Tokyo, it probably won't have much effect. Especially since we already know that the Eight Sheqi Family controls a super artificial intelligence named Kaguya, and its ability at the electronic information level is not inferior to that of Novo. There are too many mats, and she may not be able to understand every little thing that happens on every server on the earth, but if the turtle defense focuses entirely on Japan, even Norma will have a hard time breaking through her constantly updated firewall."

Lu Mingfei picked up the roasted sweet potatoes with his pointed fingers. He kept rotating his left and right hands while blowing the heat from his mouth to disperse the things. He looked at the mountains in the rain. In that direction was Tokyo, which is the largest city in the world. From the atmosphere, If you look outside at the surface of the earth, you will see a continuous field of light and fire at night. Every building stays up all night, and the neon lights flash from dusk to dawn. No matter how huge the power is thrown here, it is like throwing a few grains of sand. Into the desert.

Unless the academy activates EVA and gives up surveillance and information hegemony over other areas, Kaguya will become the executive department's biggest enemy in the city.

Without artificial intelligence as the backing of the commissioners, the Executive Department would not be able to launch hostilities against the Eight Sheqi Families in Tokyo, and even Angers would not be able to reproduce the miracles of many years ago.

"Your authority in the execution department is not high enough." Chu Zihang said, "The academy is a very old organization. The Secret Party has had the advantage on the battlefield for many years, and it does not just rely on the execution department you see now. , on a list that only Professor Schneider and Principal Ange know, there are real elites hidden in the executive department headquarters. Each of them is an S-level hybrid or a Transcendent A-level hybrid. These people are scattered around the world. Each is named with a code name, and behind each code name there is an A-level or even S-level mission. The eight Sheqi families dare not trample on the bottom line of the academy because the family heads know that the big shots in the secret party are always overlooking them. In the hands of these big shots They hold the power that can subvert the entire Japanese mixed-race society, but no one knows when they will make up their mind to put these powers into the battlefield."

"I think the immortals are also part of these dark side forces, right?" Lu Mingfei said.

This is a secret that even he doesn't know about. In the last period of time, his boss Lu was a bit rubbish and was not qualified to access the secrets of such a big shot. Chu Zihang should not be qualified either, but his teacher is Schneider after all. , perhaps mentioned accidentally.

There are a lot of immortals, but they were all killed by Lu Mingfei last time in the Nibelungs of the King of Earth and Mountain. They are very dangerous warriors. As Chu Zihang said, each one is super A grade. Even S-class, but there is an essential difference between it and the snake-like Deadpool created by Herzog. The Immortal is made from the corpses of powerful hybrids, while the snake-like Deadpool is the product of many human experiments and trials and errors using living hybrids. The former is a pure weapon, while the latter is the devil's agent. By.

The long-sleeping immortals were originally weapons used by the secret party to deal with Dragon King-level targets, but judging from the few words revealed by Angers, it seems that they are not controlled by the academy, but are instead controlled by Odin.

Originally, this army had extremely strong combat capabilities and could play a decisive role in the frontal battlefield. However, their opponent at that time was Lu Mingfei, who had received four violent blood attacks and received the bonus of the Little Devil. In the death whirlwind of the Word Spirit Trial, The bones of the immortals, which were harder than steel, turned into powder.

Eriyi sat obediently on the side, waiting for Lu Mingfei to help her tear off the burnt part of the sweet potato, and then bit into the roasted sweet potato without making a sound, only occasionally looking up at Lu Mingfei.

Eliyi saw Lu Mingfei looking at her, his eyes sparkling. She held her chin in one hand and looked up into the man's eyes with a smile on her lips. With the other hand, she handed the half-eaten sweet potato to Lu Mingfei.

Chu Zihang said: "If it weren't for the principal's mission report, we would have no way of knowing the existence of such a thing as the Immortal with our authority." He took the pliers from Lu Mingfei's hand and put some tinfoil in the fire. Pick up the wrapped minced beef, then throw it into the ashes to cool down, then use scissors to cut the tin foil, find four wide-mouthed porcelain bowls from somewhere, and throw the sizzling and oily minced beef into four bowls respectively. Inside, Caesar dropped small packets of powdered condiments that he had just finished mixing into each porcelain bowl.

Two porcelain bowls were placed in front of Lu Mingfei and Hui Liyi. Chu Zihang withdrew expressionlessly, hiding himself in the shadow where the firelight could not shine.

"Senior brother is really a considerate and gentle man." Lu Mingfei said nonchalantly, "I actually added the biggest portion for Eriyi." He picked up a piece of roasted beef with chopsticks, which was covered with chopped green onions and Chili peppers are not like something that rich people like Chu Zihang and Caesar like to eat, but more like a snack from a street stall. Chu Zihang didn't speak, but the corner of his mouth twitched, then he picked up a small piece of beef with a toothpick and drank it with the beer.

Lu Mingfei wrapped Eriyi's leftover sweet potatoes in absorbent paper. The little girl seemed to be attracted by the minced beef. Although her behavior was still quite elegant, she ate it very quickly, like a lark drinking honey.

"According to Miss Sakura, Kazama Ruri has destroyed the Rock Flow Research Institute. Although the Miyamoto family head and researchers were dispersed in advance, the underwater working platform should no longer be usable." Caesar said, "But The Jiyuan plan still needs to be implemented. We can apply for the academy to deploy the deep submersible. Lu Mingfei and I will dive down and blow up the embryo. Chu Zihang, just watch from the shore. If the Sheqi Eight Families cause chaos, you can use it. Mountain cannon blast them.”

"I don't think I'm a mountain cannon." Chu Zihang said.

At this time, the light and distant boy's laughter suddenly sounded from the depths of the mountain again. Lu Mingfei was surprised. He was about to ask Chu Zihang and Caesar if they heard the sound, but Chu Zihang said The cold sword light responded to his question.

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