Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 208 207 Your daughter and I are not the kind of relationship you imagined (2)

Chapter 208 207. Your daughter and I are not the kind of relationship you imagined (2)

The attack on Genji Heavy Industries was regarded by the family owners as the most indelible shame and humiliation for the Snakekihachi family since the end of World War II, second only to Hilbert. The time when Jean Angers shivered in his majesty.

But no matter what kind of person the leader of the fierce ghosts is, and what crazy ideas and conspiracies he has in his mind, he has underestimated the power of his family and his determination to control the mixed-race society in this country.

The time when Genji Heavy Industries was attacked was 8:20 pm, the time when the Rock Flow Research Institute was destroyed was 8:40, the time when the Medical Department was destroyed was 8:55, and the time when the Oni were evacuated was 9:00. Fifteen minutes, the entire attack lasted fifty-five minutes. At the same time, a group of Deadpools attacked the headquarters commissioner on the streets of Tokyo, which could almost be regarded as a provocation to the family.

At 11:20 that night, the heads of the Wakato Fuma family of the Snake Qihachi family held an online meeting in Osaka, and the eight family heads unanimously passed a resolution on war retaliation. Before twelve o'clock at midnight, the war mobilization order was passed from Osaka to Tokyo Genji Heavy Industries via Kaguya, and then issued to the entire Jakihachi family by Ms. Sakurai Nanami, who was in charge of Tokyo.

The anger of the Yakuza Supreme affects the entire structure of Japan's shadow society. Some invisible force spreads from Tokyo as the core to Furano in the north and Kagoshima in the south. Power is in the hands of the Fuma family leader like a lion and tiger showing its fangs, bloody When a hurricane rolls in, the landscape of the country is changing.

In just twelve hours, the fate of almost complete destruction befell the fierce ghosts.

The fierce ghosts expected that they would receive a counterattack from their family, but they never thought that this counterattack would be so crazy. It was as if they were going to start a war to completely annihilate the evil ghosts and turn this country into the territory of the Snake Qiba family.

Twelve hours ago, the structure of Japan was still very chaotic. 70% of the gangs were loyal to the Snakekihachi family, and 30% of the gangs were loyal to the demons. The demons used Osaka as their administrative center to radiate their influence to the island country.

Twelve hours later, the nine domestic strongholds of the Japanese branch and the eight Sheqi enforcement bureaus launched simultaneous offensives at the office centers in various cities. The Metropolitan Police Department reduced its law enforcement scope, and bloody gang vendettas occurred in every corner of Japan. .

A day ago, the city of Osaka was almost completely in the hands of the Oni. Ten of the eighteen yakuza gangs had clearly expressed their determination to serve the Oni, and the other eight gangs were fighting against the Oni. The eight Sheqi families remain neutral. But overnight, two of the ten gangs loyal to the Fierce Ghosts defected to the Snake Qiba family. Five of the remaining eight gangs had their heads killed at home, and the last three The gang was attacked at night by eight other gangs who had remained neutral and declared disbanded.

In just six hours, the demons completely lost control of the city of Osaka. The black vans drove out from the execution points of the Snake Qi Hachi Family in various cities. For decades, the Snake Qi Hachi Family For the first time, he showed his power and the power he had accumulated over thousands of years in front of everyone. There were hundreds of cadres with blood levels above Class B, and it was like a black wave washing away the evil spirits who had brought them shame.

Faced with the complete force oppression of the family, the gangs originally loyal to the Fierce Ghosts either resisted and were killed and disbanded on the spot, or they joined the war against the Fierce Ghosts and became the defenders of order in the shadow society and the snakes. The eight families stood aside.

Tokyo Governor Heijiro Kozen was so frightened that he called the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department and the Self-Defense Forces overnight, but the reply he received was, "Please stay at the residence, and the government armed agencies will ensure your safety."

It is clear that the power of the Snake Qihachi family in the government is exerting their influence in this mafia carnival, and both the Metropolitan Police Department and the Self-Defense Forces are turning a blind eye to the riot. Ryoma Genichiro assured the Director of the Metropolitan Police Department that chaos would only occur at night. When the first ray of dawn reaches the southernmost Kagoshima, everything will cease. Japan is still the same Japan and there will be no change.

The Fierce Ghosts were caught off guard. They did not expect that their strength was so terrifying. The number of cadres available for combat was five or even ten times that of theirs, and their weapons and equipment were also more sophisticated. This organization composed of fallen hybrids was originally complacent and thought that they had won a beautiful victory after attacking Genji Heavy Industries, but they completely angered the family heads who originally had pity for these tribesmen.

When the family's anger surges like a tidal wave, even the most evil ghosts will tremble in such majesty.

The family's intelligence system is operating at overload. Every thirty minutes, the old people in the Strategy Department, with the help of Princess Kaguya, can compile a large amount of important information about the demons, including the evil demons and domestic evil. The contents of illegal transactions and sources of funds between forces and foreign criminal gangs. Part of this information was packaged and sent to the Metropolitan Police Department, while the other part was sealed for trial and execution within the family. Government officials who had close contacts with the fierce ghosts received the attention of family elders and visited them personally.

The so-called door-to-door visits to government officials are actually equivalent to death threats. As long as those officials with local power intervene in this matter, there will be no one who does not know the nature of the Menggui Zhong. The family has always been willing to deal with such people who are in trouble. If they strike hard, some will be directly threatened that they will endanger their families if they do not give up protecting the Fierce Ghosts. Others will have their officers or superiors personally take back their identities.

This war started in the middle of the night and ended at dawn. The scope of the Fierce Demons' influence in Japan shrank by 80% overnight. All the mafia gangs who were loyal to the King, the Dragon King and Ryoma all defected. The family's iron-blooded methods were frightening. In front of the ghost slayer, the gangsters on the street, who thought they were fierce, were like a child's fight.

It is a pity that even such a sudden offensive still failed to completely wipe out the foundation of the Fierce Demons in Japan, and even barely touched their true core. The evil ghosts have always been better at hiding themselves in the shadows than the cadres of the Executive Bureau, and only some of them were found by the ghost slayers.

Compared with ordinary gangsters who can still crawl down and beg for forgiveness and even possibly regain control of a territory, the fate of ghosts is even more miserable. The patience of the family heads has been exhausted in this attack. They don't care how many people will die, so the ghost-slayers barely left any survivors, even if the evil ghosts used some questionable strengthening potions to degenerate themselves in advance. Something close to Deadpool still can't stand up to those ghost slayers who specialize in fighting with cold and solemn expressions.

While Tachibana Masamune and Inuyama Ga were even discussing with the school board in Chicago how to deal with the Fiend Demons' proposal, the news that the Fiend Demons had been wiped out had already fallen on the school directors' ears like thunder.

In this way, the Camarilla's political demands have been declared bankrupt, and the radical faction headed by the Gattuso family is destined to be unable to get what they want and station the elite of the Executive Department at Genji Heavy Industries.

However, Angers was keenly aware that the true power of the Fierce Ghosts had not yet been found and eliminated. He believed that if the Jiyuan Plan was to be implemented, now was the best time, so the departure of the second action team was immediately put on the agenda.

It is scheduled that three days later, the second team headed by Chen Motong responsible for executing the Jiyuan Project will take the Dirieste, which has been maintained and modified by the Equipment Department, on the principal's special plane Sleipnir to Tokyo.

When this team sent by the academy arrives in Tokyo, it will not only have a huge impact on the current pattern of mixed-race society in Japan, but it will also be more than just one of the processes to achieve the important strategic goals of the academy.

This is an important and fateful fork in the road that Lu Mingfei, who is so fashionable and kept in the dark, will have to face.

Quietly, fate struck.


The black Lexus quietly followed the wooden van through the bustling streets of Shinjuku, like a peerless swordsman following an old farmer on his way home.

The old man who looks quite similar to Minamoto is not riding a tricycle or a snack cart that is common in China, but a human-powered cart called a "ラーメン屋台车" in Japan. Many of them are traveling around the city selling ramen. Every master chef will have such props. The wooden windows are opened to form a rain shelter. The boss can set up tables and chairs under the shed, and the ramen chef operates from the car.

However, this kind of rickshaw is incomparable with the famous ramen sold in the store. The taste is secondary. The main reason is that the hygienic conditions are unbearable to the Japanese who are increasingly concerned about food safety. However, the price is usually quite cheap, and many people who work hard in Tokyo can't stand it. Graduates and migrant workers who didn't go to college would eat ramen under such sheds.

It took the ramen chef an hour to walk out of Shinjuku City and reach Bunkyo District. Then he parked in a small street at the back entrance of National University of Tokyo. He found a spot that seemed to be specially reserved for the chef and parked the car. The shed is opened and the blue curtain is lowered, marking the official opening.

All the empty seats in the Lexus were filled with the clothes and shoes that Eryi liked. The girl even asked Lu Mingfei to pick out a few pairs of stockings that he thought looked good and bought them, shyly writing a note saying that she wanted to wear them for him to see.

There were really some wild thoughts in his heart. Boss Lu slapped himself hard in his mind and said to himself, Lu Mingfei, Lu Mingfei, you are such a fucking beast.

Then he lowered the car window and watched quietly at the end of the street as the ramen chef set up the stall calmly. The soup pot and ingredients were neatly arranged on the chopping board, which looked very clean.

The old man didn't look like a bad old man. On the contrary, Lu Mingfei thought at a glance that he was a slut like Angers. His white hair was combed into neat parts, and he was wearing the white linen work clothes unique to ramen chefs, with a black towel tied on his forehead. Although he looked as if he had been working with ramen all his life, his eyes were not cloudy at all, but rather glowing. Occasionally when it shoots around, it's as sharp as a hawk.

Lu Mingfei was in awe, thinking that he was indeed a senior with a better pedigree than the principal. He was so alert even when making ramen. He was simply a role model for our generation.

Eriki sat in the passenger seat and looked around curiously. She would never be allowed to appear near the school, and even the Snake Qihachi family had to consider what unacceptable consequences would result if the Uesugi family leader suddenly broke out near a group of children.

And here is near the University of Tokyo. The number of young people is beyond imagination. It is probably the first time for Eryi to see so many people of the same age, and her expression is quite excited.

In fact, Lu Mingfei paid more attention to the surrounding environment. It was hard to imagine that there would be such a place in Tokyo. It was clear that after walking dozens of steps out of the small street, there were brightly lit high-rise buildings, but the small street still looked like it did after World War II. There are old-fashioned Japanese houses on both sides, with sycamores and cherry trees planted in front of the houses, and they are quiet and dilapidated.

But the endless stream of students has brought vitality to this aging street. Boys will admire the Lexus when passing by, and girls will take out their mobile phones to take photos.

Lu Mingfei has basically determined that the person is the legendary Yue Uesugi, the principal's old friend, the legendary previous generation Shadow Emperor, a super hybrid with a body close to that of a pure-blood dragon.

But is all this really a coincidence?

Are there really so many coincidences in the world?

Just by walking around casually, you can meet people like Uesugoshi who now choose to come out again and can even control the entire Jakihachi family in a short time and step into the quagmire of the fake Tachibana Masamune.

Lu Mingfei's heart moved and he held Eri Yi's hand. The girl's expression was a little surprised, but then it turned into a slight smile. She never behaves intimately with the opposite sex. There are only two men who can touch Eryi's hand, one is Yuan Zhisheng and the other is Lu Mingfei.

Eriyi's feelings for them are not the same. For Yuan Zhisheng, it is probably the affection between brother and sister, but for Lu Mingfei, she has genuine love.

Lu Mingfei found a spot to park the car, and pulled Eriyi out of the car. "Would you like to eat ramen for lunch?" He touched Eriyi's head, and Eriyi nodded, like a little tail.

Although they are about the same age as the students around them, they are still a little too eye-catching, mainly because Eri is so stunning when she appears here. The ramen chef stared at them, and Lu Mingfei felt as if golden flames were leaping in the old man's eyes.

With such a high level of alertness, it’s really a treasure trove. He sighed in his heart.

Angers once said that truly powerful and battle-experienced hybrids can faintly feel the sudden hostility around them, or that equally powerful hybrids can also be sensed. Lu Mingfei felt that Uesugi Yue was such a strong person, and he might not even be his opponent.

After confirming that his identity might be exposed, he became more cautious, walked to the shed, took off the cover and sat down at the table.

Lu Mingfei and Eli Yi were the first customers of this ramen stall, and the old chef finally came over eagerly.

"What are you two guests going to eat?" He bent down and asked with a smile.

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