Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 302 297 Nono: I wore Balenciaga

Chapter 302 297. Nono: I wore Balenciaga

The passenger window of the Hummer was slightly open, and the cold November wind in Tokyo was pouring in with the cool rain. Lu Mingfei shivered slightly, wrapped up his thick windbreaker, and covered the messy and stuffy Ukiyo-e lining. He hid himself and stared blankly at the two huge circular spots of light pierced by the Hummer's headlights in the front glass and the thin curtain of rain.

A blazing white lightning flashed in the clouds, and there was a loud vibration in his ears.

Although Odin was expelled by the principal, the rain did not come because of him, and it became even heavier now. It was as big as a torrent that was about to drown the world. The wild ocean fell from the gap in the sky, and the struggling people on the ground died one after another amidst the beating of the bronze bells in the temple.

Lu Mingfei suddenly thought that the woman named Miyamoto Luoye did not drive or bring an umbrella. She walked out of the high-speed elevator with a huge suitcase and walked through the gray-white buildings with a cool attitude. But in the end, it was all pretense. Be strong, right? As long as she passed the distance that could be seen from the observation deck, she would be running in the cold rain like herself who squatted at the door of the classroom a long time ago waiting for the rain to stop but could not wait.

At the exit of the underground parking lot, Nono spit out the bubble gum he had been chewing for an unknown amount of time out of the window. The silver knitted rain curtain was like ten thousand swords falling from the sky, hitting the piece of gum that had lost all its sugar substitutes. Basically, the wipers were swinging from side to side like a crazy metronome, scraping away layers of rain on the windshield.

"Has the little mute's bloodline issue been resolved?" Nono blinked and tilted his head to look at Lu Mingfei. The silver four-leaf clover earrings in his ears shone in the reflection of the car lights under the rain curtain.

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment and shrank in the cold wind, "Well, it's almost solved. Ling has a strong background. I entrusted her to help me buy a third-generation breeder from a family in Yangcheng Lake. , and then refined the golden holy liquid from the body of the dragon." He said.

Nuonuo looks out of place and crazy like a little witch, but her grades are really not bad. In the other world, she is one of the few perverted strong men in the same class who can match Chu Zihang, the humanoid examination machine, in terms of grade points. This Reading it once is equivalent to rereading it once, and the theoretical knowledge may still be higher than Chu Zihang's. This even makes a considerable number of people in the academy think that the strengthening direction of Chinese mixed-races is closer to the brain rather than muscles.

Based on this, the advanced professional vocabulary of alchemy that Lu Mingfei even needed explanation from Lu Mingze when hearing about it for the first time, such as golden holy liquid, was not a secret at all to Nono.

"Zero's background is very powerful? Isn't she just a Russian girl who doesn't like to talk very much?" Nono's focus is indeed different. Compared with the golden holy liquid, which will immediately cause a bloody storm in the mixed race world as soon as it appears. The little red-haired miko seems to be more concerned about the background of Her Royal Highness.

As the legitimate daughter of the Chen family, the loser in the mixed-race social power struggle in China, Nono is not too fond of her unreliable father who is too strict, but she also knows that those in the country have the ability to capture purebloods alive. How much power does the ancient dragon family hide?

Kassel Academy has set up its own branches all over the world. They use strong force to violently invade countries where the local mixed-race forces are weak, and use force to establish a pan-military alliance system with Kassel Academy as the core. ; As for those countries with strong local mixed-race forces, they use mild measures to negotiate and establish branches in these countries to leave subordinate institutions that can promote bilateral relations and are not completely affiliated with the headquarters.

China is clearly in the latter category. The Chinese branch of Kassel College has a weak presence in the entire mixed-race world. This does not mean that the country's own mixed-race strength is weak.

On the contrary, as an ancient civilization that preserves the longest historical records, and as a country that Kassel officially certified will maintain the densest dragon resurgence in the world for a long time to come, China's native hybrids are extremely powerful, and some The oldest families have inherited the tradition for more than two thousand years.

For Cassel College, a true, pure S-class hybrid may be a peerless genius that can only be encountered in decades, but for those truly ancient Chinese dragon-slaying families, one may emerge in every generation. Such a cauldron bearer.

But at the same time, these families also have a deep-seated pride. They despise Western mixed-races, and even despise all mixed-races that do not belong to their so-called orthodox family circle.

Zero's family can get in touch with such an organization and even trade with them. This should be at least an oligarch-like background in Russia.

"I heard her say that Ling's grandmother or great-grandmother should be a direct descendant of the Romanov dynasty." Lu Mingfei curled his lips, "To be honest, sometimes I feel that this world is really unfair. Caesar and the others There have been several dukes in the family, and now the Gattuso family is also a super wealthy family among the mixed race. They have to buy the entire Bay of Genoa and turn it into a private dock. Chu Zihang also has a top-notch mother and is super rich. The ultimate stepfather, it doesn’t matter if he switches between limited edition Panamera and Lamborghini. Even Fingel’s loser has a manor in the German countryside. When I heard him bragging, he said that they used to have a hundred maids. Waiting on Master Fingel to dress and bathe...Senior sister, why do you think I don't have this life?"

"Judging from Senior Brother Fingel's character, if there are really a hundred maids in their manor waiting to take him to take a bath, I guess this guy would be showing off his prostitution during the day every day. But I see him squatting on the curb at any time. Brother Zhu, who was peeking at junior sister's legs under her short skirt, doesn't look like he has a lot of relationship experience." Nono rolled her eyes at Lu Mingfei and said,

"By the way, do you envy Caesar and his family for being able to take over the entire Gulf of Genoa? Or do you envy Chu Zihang for being able to drive Panamera and Lamborghini as toys?"

"I envy Fingel that guy can show off his prostitution during the day." Lu Mingfei was not afraid of boiling water, so he licked his face and moved closer to Nono.

Nuonuo pressed Lu Mingfei's big face with one hand and pushed him back. His earlobes turned a faint angry red, and his wine-red eyes blinked, but he did not look at Lu Mingfei, but looked straight at him. Looking ahead, looking at the rain curtain illuminated by the headlights, her soft forehead swayed as her body swayed, and her pair of silver four-leaf clover earrings also began to sway.

The Hummer slid quietly into the rain, and the engine began to roar loudly. Nono held Lu Mingfei with one hand and held the steering wheel with the other hand. He quickly shifted gears and stepped on the accelerator. The Hummer was like steel that had escaped the reins. The wild horse ran straight through the huge square in front of Tokyo Tower, splitting the rain like a sharp blade. The wildly rotating wheel hub splashed a huge wave more than one meter high. It didn't look like an off-road vehicle with ridiculously high fuel consumption, but more like a small speedboat riding the wind and waves on Lake Michigan.

"I thought it would be Chu Zihang or Caesar who came to pick me up. Tonight's meeting with Miyamoto Luoye was originally a detail that the three of us discussed together." Lu Mingfei grabbed Nono's hand and put it away Get back on the steering wheel,

"I thought you were in the hotel with Junior Sister and the others and didn't go out."

"I was bored and wanted to go out for a walk, so I asked someone from the college to send a Hummer over," Nono said.

"This city is no longer suitable for us to continue to travel alone... There is no doubt that the Snake Qihachi family is shrinking their power. The entire Japanese underworld gangs are converging on Tokyo. Soon the Metropolitan Police Department will issue an announcement to ordinary people. Emergency announcement." Lu Mingfei yawned.

"Speaking of which, Yuan Zhisheng went to Tamamo to look for us. I also left him clues about the place of Wutianwudi, but this turtle was not able to find us."

What Lu Mingfei is worried about now is not actually Yuan Zhisheng and his executive bureau, nor the Sheqiba family who show their power openly, but the one who seems to be on the verge of destruction but in fact still retains its strength. The powerful fierce ghosts.

Since infiltrating the operation of Genji Heavy Industries, Lu Mingfei has completely lost information about Minamoto Chisei. The evil ghost walking in the darkness and alone seems to have hidden himself in Minamoto Chisheng's shadow again.

Until now, Lu Mingfei still believes that the Menggui Clan and the Snake Qiba Family share information in a sense. If Yuan Zhisheng knew that the meeting place between Lu Mingfei and Miyamoto Luoye was set at Wutianwudi, Then his younger brother Yuan Zongnu will definitely get this information.

Lu Mingfei would not meet an insignificant person for no reason. He must have his purpose in doing so.

No matter who you are, you will think so.

Who is Lu Mingfei? He is the best student in the history of this department. He is the arbiter of the Dragon King. He is the new generation leader whom Principal Angers regards as the heir to the mantle.

No one knew that he was once a little grass that would be stepped on by others when walking on the roadside, and no one knew that he was the little curved I under the big screen in the screening room.

Every move of a person like him will be interpreted in a hundred different ways in the eyes of those people in Tokyo who are dormant in the darkness and ready to move.

For example, that insignificant little person actually hides some secrets in his heart that are enough to influence the confusing current situation in Tokyo.

"The news said that a large-scale armed fight took place in the Shinjuku neighborhood about four kilometers away from Tokyo Tower an hour ago. The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department rushed out to disperse the nearby people. Both parties in the fight were holding weapons suspected to be obtained from forces outside Japan. The firearms and bullets caused devastating damage to half the block." Nono said,

"The information Norma passed back was that the remnants of the Fierce Ghosts had learned about the current actions of the eight acting masters of the Snake Qi family and set up defenses in advance to kill them. Both parties in this battle were well-deserved elites among the mixed race. , they completely ignored the laws in the Abraham blood contract that restricted hybrids from using word spirits in front of ordinary people. Not only did they use weapons of mass destruction to kill each other, they also used enough word spirits to start a tide of elements to fight. "

Lu Mingfei's pupils shrank slightly, and he realized that no matter who was standing behind the Snake Qiba Family and the Menggui Zhong, they would not want to start a civil war between the two organizations at this time, especially On the premise that they may have found the true God.

In other words, tonight's ambush can only be the final counterattack against the so-called king general that Yuan Jingme participated in and formulated.

He didn't trust the general, let alone Tachibana Masamune, and he didn't care about the secrets of this country and the so-called White King.

He only cared about his own freedom. Yuan Zhinu knew that only by making the situation more chaotic would he have a chance to break free, so he did so.

But will this be the swan song of the mountain boy or the extremely evil ghost?

"Did Fengjian Liuli and Yuan Zhisheng fight?" Lu Mingfei asked.

If we look at the situation in another world, Minamoto no child in the normal state or even the fully activated dragon bone state is definitely no match for Kazama Ruri. Minamoto no child's bloodline is even close to Eri's, reaching the level of the next generation. 's rank.

Lu Mingfei was really worried that Yuan Zhisheng would go crazy and kill Yuan Zhisheng without paying attention.

"Yeah." Nono said. At this time, the world outside the window had become chaotic and blurry. The area illuminated by the car lights was a vast expanse of white. Only the road could be seen vaguely. The rain was getting heavier and heavier, so dense that it seemed like it was falling. They collided with each other and shattered into pieces in the air. When they hit the ground, they immediately splashed out with huge water splashes. Then, before the water splash had time to bloom, it was immediately blown to pieces by another raindrop.

"They left more than thirty bodies behind, and then both parties quickly evacuated the scene." Nono threw a photo in front of Lu Mingfei,

"After identification, those corpses may contain your friends... friends from another world."

Lu Mingfei picked up the photo and looked at it through the hazy skylight outside the window. Inside was a somewhat immature young man, wearing a large school uniform, with a delicate face, slender arms, and sickly pale skin. His open chest showed that he was of that age. The tattoos were inconsistent, and there was a smile on his face that could be said to be a little crazy.

The background of the young man taking this photo should be a pier. There is a sturdy middle-aged man holding his shoulders behind him. The same messy but cheap tattoos are exposed under the same open skirt.

The faces of these two people did look familiar, but Lu Mingfei couldn't remember where he had seen them before.

"That young man's name is Saeki Ryuji, and his codename is Crow around Minamoto." Nono said.

Lu Mingfei was stunned. He lifted the photo up again and looked at it carefully under the hazy skylight. Then he found a few shadows of a crow on the pale-skinned young man's face.

"When he was attacked, the only people in the car with Minamoto was him and the girl named Yabuki Sakura. Miss Sakura blocked Minamoto's first knife from the side by Kazama Ruri, and the long knife penetrated her. The abdomen of the patient is still being treated in the intensive care unit at this time. Saber Ryunji blocked the second knife for Minamoto, but he was not so lucky, and that knife shattered his heart," Nono said.

Lu Mingfei said nothing. He looked at the photo for a long time, as if he felt a huge, unstoppable torrent rushing towards him from the other side of fate.

All passing cars moved forward cautiously with their headlights on, and every driver honked their horns when meeting. They completely lost their Japanese reserve, and sounded like wild beasts baring their teeth in alarm when they met in the forest. Grow.

Lu Mingfei felt a little dazed in this atmosphere. He couldn't say he was sad, but he didn't expect the tragedy to happen so suddenly on the battlefield of dragon slaying.

"There's one more thing." Nono said.

Lu Mingfei suddenly became alert. He was afraid that his senior sister would say something that would make him even more unable to face it.

"In order to comfort you, junior brother, and also to fulfill your little wish when we went on a mission together last time..." Nono's expression remained unchanged, but her voice gradually became softer. Her earlobes were pink, the tip of her nose was also pink, and her face was red. Deliberately turn to one side,

"I wore Balenciaga today..."

The desolation just now immediately turned into the disillusionment of life. Lu Mingfei blinked and his blood seemed to rush to his head immediately.

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