Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 304 The Happy Life of Senior Sister 299 (1)

Chapter 304 299. Senior sister’s happy life (1)

Tokyo is originally a tourist city. The heavy rain came so quickly. Many last-minute travelers could not find B\u0026Bs and could only stay in nearby hotels. Hummer drove all the way through the city and Mingfei used Google Maps to find them. All of them were full. state.

The high-power 6.2-liter V8 engine roared hoarsely, and the sound of rain and engine sounds mixed together like a concert by an American country heavy metal band.

Nuonuo said why not go get something to eat first. Lu Mingfei was a little hesitant because he and Ling's dinner had been postponed for a few days. Now he had time to ask his senior sister out. If Her Royal Highness knew about it, she could bring him Peel off the skin.

But Nuonuo didn't ask for his opinion in the first place. Just when Lu Mingfei was still hesitating, the Hummer had slowed down slowly in the heavy rain and finally stopped at the door of a Southeast Asian restaurant.

"Have you ever had Tom Yum Goong soup?" asked Nuonuo. She unbuckled her seatbelt, circled her hair around her ears with her fingers, and then pushed the soft red hair back.

Witches are meant to do whatever they think of. Otherwise, Caesar in the other world wouldn't like Nono.

Who would want to go to Chicago on a stormy night? Also driving a convertible Ferrari. Probably many people think she is crazy.

But Nuonuo is better because she has a good face and has the advantages of a slim waist and long legs. She is also very carefree and loyal. In this way, the strange attribute of being crazy will be more attractive to boys. Interesting and quirky.

"On my sixteenth birthday... Su Xiaoqiang took me to eat Thai food once. The taste was quite novel." Lu Mingfei told the truth. Lu Mingfei didn't have a birthday when he was staying at his uncle's house. In the past six years, he Not to mention the birthday cake, I didn't even hear a blessing from my aunt. If it weren't for Su Xiaoqiang, his life before entering Kassel College would have been very depressing. Even with his abilities as the student union president, there was nothing he could do.

Tom yum means hot and sour in Thailand, and gong means shrimp. When translated, tom yum soup is actually hot and sour shrimp soup. However, the Tom Yum Goong soup is extremely spicy and contains a lot of curry. It was a bit uncomfortable when you first tasted it, but once you got used to it, it tasted very attractive. Nowadays, blue crabs and clams are added to Tom Yum soup, and lemon is the main condiment.

"Get out of the car." Nono turned off the engine and threw a black umbrella to Lu Mingfei, "Sister, I'll take you to reminisce about your first love."

"What the hell is the time of first love..." Lu Mingfei covered his face, opened the huge black umbrella immediately after pushing the door open. The water on the street had risen early, and the waves were turbulent. The chassis of the Hummer was high enough, so it did not break down. However, as soon as Lu Mingfei jumped off, he felt that he had stepped into a mountain stream, and the water was up to his calf.

The wind was not strong, but the rain was heavy. There are not many street lights on the long street, and many stores are closed. The lintels of Italian restaurants and French restaurants face each other, casting dim light into the stagnant water and overwhelming rain.

The sound of rain and water was the only theme in the world. Lu Mingfei opened the umbrella and closed the door, then trotted over to Nono and opened the door for her.

After the car door was opened, the girl's calf popped out. The calf was indeed wrapped in Balenciaga's ultra-thin black stockings. The weak skylight shone on the long and tight lines, like a black glow flowing.

The next second, the beautiful calves wearing black stilettos retracted as if they were electrocuted. Nono hesitated and wrapped the black coat tightly around her body in the driver's seat. The tip of her nose was slightly red and her skin was pale. The dazzling, long eyelashes trembled in the slight wind, and she raised her head. She was all dressed in black. Balenciaga's stockings were black, Burberry's coat was black, and Manolo Blahnik's stilettos were also black. This made Nono's skin look whiter, as white as if it were shining. That pair of The crimson eyes were as deep as a lake, staring into Lu Mingfei's eyes.

"Senior sister, help me lift the umbrella." Lu Mingfei bent down slightly and handed the umbrella to Nuonuo. Nuonuo hummed twice: "Lu Mingfei, are you a man? You have the nerve to let a girl help you lift the umbrella."

Having said that, she took the umbrella from Lu Mingfei's hand and blinked to see what this guy was going to do next.

Lu Mingfei bent over slightly, but even so, one of his shoulders was still wet. He scratched his hair: "But it's not convenient for me to hold an umbrella..."

"So it's convenient for me to hold it?" Nono blew his nose and glared, reaching out to pick off his high heels. Lu Mingfei reached out and clasped the wrist of that hand, pressed his head and sighed softly: " The water is very deep and there is still a short distance from here to the store. What I mean is, senior sister, you can hold the umbrella and I will carry you so that your shoes and socks don’t get wet.”

"Junior brother, I can't tell you are so good at it." Nono let Lu Mingfei hold her wrist. She giggled and directed Lu Mingfei to turn around as if commanding a superb horse, and at the same time, she followed him from behind. He took a cardboard box and jumped on the man's back.

Nono fell silent the moment she jumped up. Only then could she really touch Lu Mingfei's body at such a close distance. When the guy's muscles moved, they undulated like water waves and then tightened. The deltoid muscles The outline was three-dimensional and hard, and it even hurt her a little.

"Hey, you've carried Xia Mi like this before, right?" Nono suddenly asked. She held Lu Mingfei's shoulders and put her face close to the man's. The two of them breathed each other in the violent storm. , the rain was rushing under Lu Mingfei's feet, and the turbid water splashed and fell, like countless elves in the rain. Lu Mingfei listened to Nuonuo's steady and peaceful breathing in his ears, and also heard that The four-leaf clover earrings were clattering lightly.

"Well, Senior Sister, you are a little heavier." Lu Mingfei answered honestly. He blinked, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw the look in the crimson eyes on one side that looked like a sharp sword was ready to stab him to death at any time, and he laughed sarcastically. He said, "Senior sister, your breasts are bigger."

"It's not formal..." Nono pinched Lu Mingfei's waist, but his face turned slightly red, and he quietly stuck out his pink tongue, and his eyes became blurred as he glanced to the side.

Lu Mingfei's legs were extremely long and he could walk very fast in the stagnant water. The Southeast Asian-style restaurant actually only had a sign on the roadside. The store was actually in an alley. There were ramen shops and KFC on both sides, but they were not available at this time. What guests.

By this time, everyone should have returned home, sitting in the warm heating system, with steaming black tea and fried tempura on the coffee table, and the Asahi Shimbun or some weird variety show was playing on the TV. , my wife was talking to her friend on the phone, saying that the rain had come so suddenly. There were not many vegetables prepared at home, and the children were playing computer games in the room with the sound played out.

Lu Mingfei could feel the softness of the girl's body on his back, lying obediently like a cat, looking around as if he was interested in the things in the store.

"When I was a child, my brothers and sisters and I lived in the manor. When we got sick, we had to wait in the infirmary for diagnosis and treatment by the expert team. Their skills were not good, but they were too serious." Nono tilted his head and raised his chin. Leaning on Lu Mingfei's shoulder, an independent space seemed to be separated under the black umbrella. Now the two of them were completely separated from the outside world.

"At that time, when I was reading paperwork, I felt a little sad when I saw someone writing something like, 'My mother carried me with a high fever and rushed into the heavy rain, and I couldn't tell whether the anxious tears or the flowing rain on my face were.'" "

Lu Mingfei thought for a while: "Why are you sad?"

"As expected, Mr. Lu has a happy life with both parents." Nono pinched Lu Mingfei's cheek, "Has your mother really done this?"

"I can't remember clearly." Lu Mingfei paused, "Senior sister, you know I am also a person who has started over again. Counting it all, I have lived with my uncle and aunt for twelve years, and I have stayed in the college for six years. Years ago, to be honest, I almost forgot what my mother looked like.”

"It's okay, I don't have a mother either." Nono pouted and rubbed Lu Mingfei's face with her own, "We are the same, we share the same problem."

"But you still have dad." Lu Mingfei said.

"I have thought he was dead for many years." Nono said, "When I have time, I will show you secretly that old guy. He looks like a terracotta warrior. Anyone who thinks he is his daughter will be unlucky for eight lifetimes."

"As for why I'm sad..." Nono blinked, "Because sometimes I really hope that it's my mother who stays with me to take care of me when I'm sick, instead of the expert team that Mr. Chen went to find outside."

Lu Mingfei put Nono on the steps, and the waiter immediately went out to greet him. The dark-skinned girl said in not-so-standard Japanese, "It's raining really hard. It's really disappointing that a customer would come to our restaurant to dine at this time." We feel honored." Lu Mingfei waved his hand and said to lead us in and help me find a pair of slippers to wear first.

His leather shoes were completely soaked in water. Fortunately, he had rolled up his trouser legs just now, otherwise his trousers would have been completely wet by now.

At this time, Nono handed over the cardboard box.

"Leather shoes, I prepared them for you." Nono said, holding her chin, "Let's go, I ordered a meal."

——The leather shoes fit my feet very well.

Today they were the only customers in the store. Lu Mingfei leaned on the table with his elbows and drank a bowl of tom yum goong soup while listening to Nuonuo telling him stories about her past.

It's really strange. She wasn't such a talkative person in the past and shared herself with others. Today, she behaves as if the past is about to be thrown away. If she doesn't talk to someone, no one can prove that it happened.

"I studied in England when I was very young, from kindergarten to middle school. Mr. Chen was very relieved that I was in London because the guardian I was entrusted to was Sir Snowton, a famous mixed-race aristocrat. Speaking of which, Caesar and I were still I am an alumnus of Eton College. When I entered the school, I heard the legend of Caesar. However, before we had a chance to meet each other, my family took me back to China and asked me to study at Cassel College's preparatory course. "Ban." Nuonuo shrugged and reached for a steamed lobster claw.

In fact, Southeast Asian-style restaurants rarely provide this kind of steamed aquatic products. They prefer to marinate blue crabs and red lobsters in soy sauce, chili and lemon and then stuff them into diners' mouths.

However, dining habits always have to change to adapt to the tastes of local people when entering a region. Nowadays, Southeast Asian restaurants around the world offer a wide variety of cooked food to choose from.

"I met Shao Yifeng when I was studying in the UK. That guy was an unlucky guy who had 'I'm easy to bully, come and bully me' written on his face. Some white guys' kids forced him to use cow bladders. Blowing up balloons, I beat them up with a bat."

"Senior sister is the best!" Lu Mingfei gave a thumbs up.

Most people have encountered campus bullying, and he had done it before, but no one helped him fight back, and no one said a word to him.

"I just can't stand someone being bullied. If I see it, I will take care of it." Nono struggled to open the lobster claws and hummed,

"You don't know, I was under a lot of pressure after I returned to China. I had to get up at six o'clock in the morning to practice Mandarin. Because I had been staying in London, I didn't speak Chinese very well. I was often scolded by the teacher assigned by Mr. Chen. I had to get up at six o'clock in the morning to practice Mandarin. I practice piano for an hour, press my legs for half an hour before going to bed, and write a daily report for Mr. Chen to read, just like a wage earner."

"Then you are much more tired than I was then. I don't have to practice Mandarin or piano. As long as I don't ask for tuition and fees from my aunt, I can have a quiet resting environment, and Lu Mingze won't come to trouble me. "Lu Mingfei smiled.

Nuonuo was stunned for a moment. She raised her head to look at Lu Mingfei. Lu Mingfei's face was buried in the huge soup bowl, and he drank vigorously, as if he was eating a bowl of noodles.

"But I heard that your boy hangs out with Chu Zihang every day, playing ball, practicing swordsmanship, and going to the library. He leaves early and comes home late, and he doesn't have to ask for any tuition and fees from your cheap aunt. That little girl named Su just wants to be with you. You took care of everything." Nuonuo narrowed his eyes, and Lu Mingfei couldn't hold it back and choked.

Nono waved his hand and said that we would stay outside after dinner and would not go back to the Peninsula Hotel in Tokyo today.

Lu Mingfei's heart trembled suddenly, he raised his head and glanced at the senior sister who seemed like nothing happened, and then quickly buried his head.

It was raining outside and it took a long time to eat. Most of the time, Nuonuo was talking and Lu Mingfei was listening. He had a strange feeling, like a farewell was happening right in front of him.

At the end of the meal, Nono suddenly asked Lu Mingfei what books he liked to read.

Lu Mingfei hesitated for a moment, "Do comic books count? Dragon Ball, Naruto, etc." He reads a lot, but he always reads books with a plan and need, and rarely reads meaningless literary works. I also read less comics.

"When I was in the preparatory class, the girls in my class liked to watch heavy or literary things like A Farewell to Arms, The King, and One Hundred Years of Solitude." Nono seemed to remember. Something funny happened. She covered her mouth and laughed softly. She wiped her mouth and stood up. Lu Mingfei also stood up. Nono casually took the man's arm and rested her head on Lu Mingfei's shoulder. Said, "I'm different. At that time, I liked to watch things like "The Domineering President Falls in Love with Me" and "The Prince and the Princess Are Here Again."

Lu Mingfei covered his face. The phone in his pocket vibrated slightly. It was a message from Xia Mi.

"Senior brother, do you know that you are not allowed to go home tonight!" The junior sister actually used very stern words to tell Lu Mingfei not to go back tonight. He turned around to look at Nono in shock, only to see that the senior sister's earlobes were a shy pink.

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