Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 38 038 Don’t die

Chapter 38 038. Don’t die

At this time, a sad song was played, and Lu Mingfei hugged Nono tightly.

When the dragon died, the realm of death also dispersed, and the high temperature that could destroy most of human physiological functions in an instant faded from the girl's body.

But she still looked like her original self. Her red hair spread out, falling on her shoulders and Lu Mingfei's forearm, like a summer flower in full bloom. The face facing Lu Mingfei was so beautiful, so beautiful. Stubborn, the almost dying light in her eyes is also so strong, like a chivalrous woman who never admits defeat.

"Brother, brother, the girl you love is about to die. You can't save her. It's so sad." Lu Mingze was wearing a black suit, with a side-length white lily pinned to his chest, standing next to Lu Mingfei , at this time they actually landed on the small boat in the middle of the water. Lu Mingfei hugged Nuonuo tightly and kept muttering don't die, don't die, don't die.

It can be said that Ling is not omnipotent. What can really save Nono at this time are those magical medicines that only exist in myths.

"Oh brother, Noonu is really ugly now. I was afraid of scaring you so I made her look like this." Lu Mingze muttered in Lu Mingfei's ear, "Anyway, you just like thin waists and long waists." For a girl with nice legs, Xia Mi is pretty good, and Su Xiaoqiang also likes you very much."

He looked like he was thinking hard, "Actually, if I think about it again, brother, you are really great. Many girls like you. As long as you open your mouth, they will definitely be happy to give you some comfort. And also Yes, did you know that brother, Su Xiaoqiang did not apply to a domestic university this time? She came to Chicago and will probably contact you soon..."

"Shut up." Lu Mingfei whispered, his eyes were red and his expression was as ferocious as a hysterical gambler, but his hand touching Nono's face was so gentle.

"Brother, you really don't understand. There are so many good-looking girls in the world, why do you have to hang yourself on Chen Motong? Besides, you probably don't know if you still love her this time, right? Why don't you just -"

"I said shut up!" The stern voice was accompanied by the slashing blade. Lu Mingfei felt lust in Lu Mingfei's hand like an arm. The blade that could kill the next generation tore through the air and cut a chilling arc. Lu Ming Ze was blown away like smoke.

But then, he reappears on the other side.

"Shut up, just shut up. I just want to say, how can Chen Motong be worthy of you, brother? People like you are born to possess power. All females in the world should open their boudoirs and wait for you. Fortunately." Lu Mingze said cowardly, "But if you want to save her, it's not impossible."

Lu Mingfei raised his head suddenly.

"Want a quarter?"

"No, you can do such a small thing by yourself." Lu Mingze's eyes widened and he looked down at Lu Mingfei with innocent eyes. A cute smile appeared on his face, "It's very simple. In fact, you have already Can you activate the third degree of violent blood? As long as you advance the road to becoming a god to that extent, Yan Ling, who does not want to die, can bring Chen Motong back from the kingdom of the dead at this time."

Bloodshed three times.

Lu Mingfei shivered for no reason.

This taboo technology is absolutely prohibited among the Camarilla, and the act of purifying dragon blood in the body is written on the first page of the Abraham blood contract.

The first degree of violent blood and the second degree of violent blood are still within the controllable range, and the hybrids who use them will only slowly fall into the abyss of darkness. However, in the entire history of hybrids, less than three people have been able to successfully activate Three Bloods and avoid degenerating into Deadpool.

Lu Mingfei himself didn't know what would happen to him if he forcibly used the violent blood again.

Nuonuo finally opened her eyes. The depths of her red pupils filled with hazy mist were so bright. She didn't look like a dying person, but she was as light as a leaf. Even the weight of her soul was about to be taken away by the God of Death. .

The girl lay naked in Lu Mingfei's arms. The waist-deep soft green plants on the island covered both her and Lu Mingfei. Blood from nowhere soaked Lu Mingfei's clothes.

Lu Mingze was indeed not lying. Nono was really going to die. It was he who allowed the senior sister to retain her beautiful appearance. If the dream dissipated, what would appear in front of Lu Mingfei would only be evil that looked like it crawled out of hell. Damn it.

Large clusters of white rose petals were falling from the sky. Lu Mingze was walking around Lu Mingfei and Nuonuo. The sad music was even deeper. Lu Mingze was saying a mass for the dead, "We are all here." We are sojourners in this world. Soon we will all meet in heaven. The death of the body is a spiritual sleep. There is suffering in the world. Leaving the world means resting in the Lord. May God bless you, and may we all Be with God, Hallelujah, Amen!" His expression was sad and his tone was pious. At the same time, he casually tore off a large number of rose petals from the bouquet of white roses that appeared in his arms and threw them into the air, and then slowly fell to the ground. On Lu Mingfei's body, on Nuonuo's body.

It turned out to be a funeral, a funeral without a guest of honor.

Surrounded by white rose petals, Lu Mingfei hugged Nono tightly, and he cried silently.

His body was undergoing horrific changes. The clothes all over his body were torn apart by black scales and bone spurs. White steam was rising from the steel-like muscles all over his body. Those were the muscles from the Three Gorges that were originally attached to Lu Mingfei's body. of fresh water. Rugged bony protrusions appeared on the forehead and jaw respectively, and the knee joints were bent into a structure that only an insect should have.

"That's it, brother, that's it. You are the highest power in the world. The so-called road to becoming a god is just the blessing you bestowed upon me!" Lu Mingze made a joyful voice. At this moment, the dream dissipated. In fact, not much has changed. White The rose clusters are still there, and so is Xiaozhou, but Nono's appearance has changed.

She was so ugly, her whole body was charred, her whole body was carbonized, her beautiful and soft long hair had been burned away, and the remaining bit was also burned, emitting a disgusting stench.

But Lu Mingfei stared hard at Nuonuo's still bright eyes. Blood was flowing from his eyes, and the fire-like golden pupils were really burning.

In his mind, there was a heavy sound of ocean waves, and something was rising up, as if it was about to drown his consciousness.

But Lu Mingfei was still sober. He fluttered with his hands and feet in the black sea, trying to keep his nose and mouth out of the water. He was like a person who fell into the water, longing for something similar to survival, but he knew that what he longed for was not survival.

He just kept saying don't die, don't die, don't die, senior sister.

Lu Mingfei, who had completely turned into a monster in the real world, also issued the command not to die from his vocal cords that had become alienated and no longer resembled human beings.

Lu Mingfei, who was suffering from violent blood for three times, knelt there and growled that order to the whole world, and then a miraculous change really happened to Nono.

First, her heart suddenly became stronger, and then her body skin, the smooth white skin slowly grew, her beautiful eyes once again showed a cunning light, and even the crimson hair was growing rapidly.

The lively Nono reappeared in Lu Mingfei's arms, but it was no longer the gentle boy who held the girl tightly.

He is a dragon.

"Junior brother..."

When Nono returned from the darkness, he felt like he was being hugged tightly by the boy in the abyss, and he was saying not to die.

It was really... a despairing dream. There, her consciousness struggled for the last time, as if she was about to die immediately. It was a feeling that her whole body was becoming lighter. Nono only felt that she was about to fly. Get up, she will leave this world soon. But suddenly, the voice of the boy hugging her behind her became hoarse, but gentler and more powerful. Then warmth spread throughout her body, and the boy hugged her with strong arms behind her back.

When those arms hugged her, they brought her consciousness back to this body that was almost rejuvenated.

He was really much taller and stronger than her. Leaning on that person, Nono suddenly let out a long breath. It was a sense of security that she had only experienced twice, in the arms of a devil under the Three Gorges. It was a figure that opened its arms and refused to retreat in front of the spear thrown by the ancient god.

Now, she felt it again.

so good.

I love this feeling.

Nono curled up like a child, her eyelashes trembled slightly, her long hair was as curled as clouds, her eyes were clear and shiny, her naked body reflected pearly whites, her skin seemed to be flowing with light, and every curve was so beautiful, The long and tight thighs stacked together are like the best works of art.

The red pupils were raised. Nono stared at Lu Mingfei's golden pupils for a long time, which were almost burning. She stretched out her hands and slowly opened her arms to hug the rugged Lu Mingfei. Those sharp thorns The delicate skin that had grown back was scratched, and the bright red blood seeped out. It was breathtakingly beautiful against the plain white skin.

Lu Mingfei didn't resist. He just chanted the same three words silently. Those three words were don't die. Even at this moment, he was still giving the only order to the world.

The master of this order is so majestic and obeys his words, that the whole world actually crawls in front of him.

"Senior sister..." Lu Mingfei's consciousness seemed to have finally returned to his body, and he struggled to make such a sound.

But at this time, Nono put her face against his, holding him so tightly with her two arms, as if she wanted to melt his whole body into her body. The girl exhaled like blue, turned her face, and gently Kissing that face that was still hard and still jagged with bone spurs like an iron mask.

"Junior brother, I actually like staying with you. It's not that I don't hate it, but I like it." Nuonuo looked at Lu Mingfei at a very close distance, and the human and dragon eyes stared at each other.

"As long as I see you, I laugh easily. I don't know why. I want to bully you and keep bullying you." Nono was so close and naked at this time. Lu Mingfei was a little at a loss, "What if You are my boyfriend, and I will definitely bully you from morning to night while laughing."

The power of violent blood subsided from Lu Mingfei's body, the dragon-like characteristics of his body were quickly dissipated, and the violent muscles calmed down. The bone spurs, scales, bony protrusions, and sharp claws were all retracted into the body, but he was naked and his cheeks were red and hot.

Nuonuo chuckled. She patted Lu Mingfei's face gently, and then suddenly became serious, "Pervert, why don't you close your eyes!"

Lu Mingfei closed his eyes obediently and said, "But senior sister, there are no clothes for us to wear here."

"I went to Hawaii with Caesar before, and the aunt there taught us how to knit grass skirts."

"But things like grass skirts..." What Lu Mingfei said with his eyes closed was interrupted. He felt something soft and fragrant touching his lips. When he opened his eyes, he saw those beautiful and deep red pupils. Close at hand with blurred eyes.

Nuonuo sat astride Lu Mingfei's waist and kissed the only boy who had ever brought her a sense of security. She kissed him so hard that she bit Lu Mingfei's lower lip to draw blood. The sweet taste lingered in her mouth. The feeling spread between the two people's lips and teeth.

They were naked, and their posture at this time was really unsightly.

Lu Mingze covered his eyes with his open fingers and blatantly peeked at everything that was happening at this time. The little devil's voice was teasing, "See no evil, see no evil."

But at this time, Lu Mingfei actually pushed Nono away. His eyes were so frightened, like a child being chased by a vicious dog. Nono was wrapped in soft green plants. When he looked up again, he saw that Lu Mingfei had already carried the He used the weapon called Lust to cut off large pieces of scaly skin from the dragon attendant who died not far away.

This thing had been burned at high temperatures and was now very dry. He split it into two parts, just enough to cover the shame of the two of them.

Lu Mingfei didn't dare to look at Nono, but Nono stared into Lu Mingfei's eyes.

The boy's eyes were evasive, not knowing how to face it.

"Hey, Lu Mingfei." Nuonuo said.


"You looked at my body, you have to be responsible for me." Nono's face seemed to have sunset, and a beautiful blush appeared on her face.

"I didn't look." Lu Mingfei looked at him intently, looking like a gentleman.

Nono curled his lips and came to sit next to him. It was a huge stone that fell on the edge of the small island. The Monyach was docked far away. Professor Mans probably discovered this place. Two people, the ship is moving slowly in this direction.

The direction they faced was a very wide water surface, with waves upon waves, reflecting the mountains and trees.

"You are unconvincing, junior brother, with such a red face." Nono hugged his knees.

Lu Mingfei subconsciously touched his face.

"You feel guilty." Nono said.

"Okay, okay, senior sister, I saw it, but I..."

"You don't like me anymore, right? Because I treated you badly before?" Nuonuo said suddenly, "We have been through a lot of things, right? Junior brother? You never told me that you were the one who saved the people under the Three Gorges. I."

Lu Mingfei suddenly turned his head, his eyes full of disbelief and disbelief.

"Sister, you——"

"Yes, I am also a person who has started over again." Nuonuo responded softly, so calmly, as if he was just admitting something as trivial as eating Xiao Long Bao this morning.

Please read, please read.

Future updates will be after ten o'clock, because I have started to go to work and don't have enough time.

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