Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 41 041 Pick her up

Chapter 41 041. Pick her up

"Senior sister, you don't have to be like this. I know you actually don't like me, but your guilt made you make a misjudgment." The oncoming sea breeze was salty and cold, and the bright stars were reflected in Lu Mingfei's eyes. He still looked like the boy with a drooped head and no energy, but his eyebrows were raised high, like a sharp sword.

"You know, senior sister, in the past, when I was in high school, I liked Chen Wenwen very much. If Chen Wenwen also liked me, I probably wouldn't come to Kassel College to slay any dragons. But then one time I was in a movie theater. Like a bad dog, you took me out of there, and I fell in love with you from then on." Lu Mingfei spoke very slowly, talking about a bad kid who didn't grow up and was buried in Stories from the heart.

"Actually, think about it carefully. I may not like Chen Wenwen, and I may not like you. Although it is strange to say this, that strange dependence is probably generated from a certain sense of identity." Lu Mingfei didn't know. What was he thinking when he was kissed by Nono, but whenever he faced his senior sister, he would always think of a certain red-haired witch with a faint sandalwood fragrance on his body, consciously or unconsciously.

He understood what kind of choice he had made without even knowing it. Lu Mingfei must have been resolute when making this choice, as if he was carrying a mountain on his back. No one could shake him unless the mountain collapsed. s Choice.

"I used to like Chen Wenwen, probably because she was the only girl in the class who was willing to talk to me. And she was also very beautiful, like Sayuri blooming in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows. Adolescent boys always like beautiful girls , which is understandable.”

"And why do I like you, senior sister? Maybe I just confused gratitude and admiration." When Lu Mingfei said this, he didn't dare to look into Nono's eyes next to him. He actually lied to her. He really liked Chen Wenwen and Nuonuo, once.

Now he no longer likes Chen Wenwen.

Senior sister still occupies some place in his heart, but she is no longer as firmly rooted as she used to be.

Under such a high starry sky, the water of the Three Gorges washed over the side of the Monyach over and over again. Nono used the lust from the Seven Deadly Sins to cut open his combat uniform along the ankles, revealing his bare feet.

It's so beautiful. When the moonlight falls on it, it seems to be flowing with light, and every toe is naturally round and full.

Nuonuo raised her head at this time and stared into Lu Mingfei's eyes with her dark red pupils.

It was an affectionate and long gaze, as if the girl wanted to imprint the boy's image on her soul in the meeting of eyes.

"Junior brother, do you know?" Nono suddenly said, "On your birthday when you came home during the summer vacation of your freshman year, I actually sent you a birthday blessing, but you didn't receive it."

Damn memories are like small bubbles swaying upwards one after another from a dark and deep corner, and then explode violently in Lu Mingfei's mind, illuminating certain memories with the faint light when the bubbles explode. Something that should have long been forgotten in the depths of memory.

Lu Mingfei remembered.

That was...the summer after killing Dragon King Norton.

He lost a very important document that summer. In the process, he watched a somewhat wretched-looking senior die in front of him because of this document. He is Raymond, number B007. He has roses tattooed on the soles of his feet. His bloodline was only Class B, and he died at the South Railway Station, cut by countless glass shards like the sky collapsing.

That summer he met his junior sister Xia Mi, and it was in that sunny Chicago that all tragedies were already destined to end.

"I thought the message that Caesar sent me was edited by the two of you together." Lu Mingfei said, "Before I boarded the plane, I thought maybe you two were on vacation together. The message that Caesar sent to me also counts as one of you." share."

"No, Susie and I were on a mission in eastern Siberia at that time. I edited the content and clicked send at the last moment, but by that time you had already boarded the flight and the message could not be sent to you." Nono looked at it. It was a bit low going up.

She only found out later that Lu Mingfei had not received her birthday wishes.

But what can be done? The two of them don't have a close relationship.

If you misunderstood it, then you must have misunderstood it, which just made Lu Mingfei stop thinking about it.

In fact, when thinking this way, Nono's heart ached a little.

After returning from the Three Gorges, she often had the same dream. In the dream, there was an almost black blue, with light shining from above through the water, and the ripples of the water were projected on her face. She was suspended in the endless waves and couldn't even hear her own heartbeat. There seemed to be a figure shaking on the water. She tried to float up, but she had no strength and couldn't move a finger. The figures seemed to be leaning over her, looking sad. She felt like she was lying in a coffin, saying goodbye to her loved ones through the glass.

What a nightmare, so annoying. Time in the dream did not flow. It was so cold. She wanted to curl up in fear, but she was unable to do so. It's so quiet. I really want to talk to someone, but I can't. It’s so despairing, it turns out that death is like this.

She felt cold every time she woke up. She couldn't remember what happened underwater in the Three Gorges, but she understood that the dream was about death.

The dream was interpreted at the time of her death.

The heavy water in the darkness that fell hard seemed to be pressing down on her body, and the sound of the tide came from all directions. She was almost speechless, but suddenly everything was torn apart!

Water, light, almost black blue, everything was torn apart by sharp claws.

It was as if the sky was cracking, and a huge face was revealed in the crack, with a pair of golden pupils as bright as day. It was the face of a ferocious devil. But the devil showed childlike sadness and anger. That was Lu Mingfei's face.

"Junior brother, do you know? I am really a very insecure person. I am very afraid that one day I will be abandoned by the whole world. At that time, I chose Caesar, not because I loved him or liked him, but just Because I think he is worthy of me and I am just worthy of him. The two of us really seem to match each other, and I don’t feel disgusted when I stay with him." Nono stared hard into Lu Mingfei’s eyes. , There seemed to be mist in the deep red pupils.

So soft.

Nono never showed his soft side to anyone, not even Caesar from that time and space.

She said in a very soft voice, "After the Three Gorges Incident, I spent a long time looking for that guy who I only met once underwater. I think I know someone who has always been by my side. He silently He pays close attention to me and protects me silently, but I don’t know who he is and I can’t find him. I only know that as long as he is here, I will not be abandoned by the world.”

"Sometimes I sketch his face in my dreams. That face is exactly like yours, but I made a huge mistake..."

"I don't want to believe that it's you." Nono's eyes were filled with mist when she said this, but she should have been such a strong girl, as strong as a rose with thorns. "At that time, I often thought, It would be great if that person would come forward, come forward and tell me who he is, then I would really fall in love with him uncontrollably, but he didn't come forward, and you didn't tell me that he was you."

"Senior sister..." "Until Caesar proposes to me, I know you are sad, but I can't do anything. I can only alienate you, even if it makes me sad." Nono interrupted what Lu Mingfei wanted to say. , it seems that she is going to make everything clear today. She is really an unqualified gambler. She walks up to the poker table without caring about whether she is All In or even looking at how many good cards she has in her hand.

Such people are either desperadoes with cold eyes, wanderers with nothing, or novice players who have just entered the gambling game.

Lu Mingfei didn't know what kind of person Nono was. As she said, she was a book, a book with pages always stuck together. No one could open her book, not even the last time. Even Caesar couldn't do it.

"I still remember that you gave me a fireworks show on my birthday. I didn't know it was you. The college was filled with smoke, but the night sky was lit up by so many fireworks." Nono seemed to be like a Like a kitten, she rubbed her face against Lu Mingfei's arm. Lu Mingfei couldn't see her face clearly and didn't know her expression. Nono said, "You saw me crying at that time. In fact, I cried." It’s not because the fireworks are so beautiful, but because of the feeling of ‘always watching you behind the curtain’. Because with that person, you can be afraid of nothing, and that kind of taciturn power makes people feel at ease.”

At this time, Nono suddenly heard the boy next to him sighing so heavily. The sigh sounded in the silent sea breeze, like a group of whales on the seabed leaping out of the water and singing a distant song.

She looked up at Lu Mingfei.

Lu Mingfei also lowered his head to look at Nono at this time.

The two people's eyes met, and Nuonuo suddenly burst into tears.

For a very long time in the past, she always felt that there should be someone hiding behind the scenes in her life. She could often feel that he was by her side, but she could never find him.

There was only one time when she felt that that person was about to appear next to her, and that was under the water of the Three Gorges. She could feel the powerful and inexplicable power surrounding her, completely enveloping her. She was good at profiling but couldn't describe that person's face. The person's aura was domineering and fierce. When she was hurt, he shot out fierce anger, as if he had such a deep love for her. It wasn't until she was pierced by Odin's spear that she finally saw the person she could only see from behind in her dreams.

That person is Lu Mingfei.

That person is Lu Mingfei!

God gave her another chance, and this time she was so determined to choose her junior brother. Her choice was more irrefutable than the bronze pillar that was recorded in the Ice Sea Fragments that had been erected in the north of the world.

But in the eyes that were meeting each other at this moment, the one belonging to Lu Mingfei was so hard, so cold, without the slightest bit of love.

He has really changed.

"Junior brother." Nono curled up. She put her chin on her knees and looked at the calm sea in the distance. She said after a long time, "I will not give up. This is not our fate."

She stared at Lu Mingfei's expressionless profile. The boy's eyelashes were long and curved, making him look a bit girly.

I had never looked at it carefully before, but now I realized that my junior brother is really good-looking.

"You gave Xia Mi a chance, you can give me this chance too." Nono said, she cautiously approached Lu Mingfei and rested her head on the boy's shoulder.

Lu Mingfei's whole body stiffened for a moment, but he did not avoid it.

He was thinking that fate always plays tricks.

At this time, contemptuous laughter sounded. It was a boy's laughter, sharp and cold, full of ridicule.

Lu Mingfei found that the space he was in had changed. Everything around him became illusory and then turned into reality again. There was an old elm floor, and a huge ancient ship stood vertically not far from his left hand, which was corroded by the sea water. A variety of wines of different vintages are placed on the old shipboard. On the right side is a huge glass window. Outside the window is a tree-lined road. Outside the tree-lined road is a small river. The rain is pattering on the glass. Looking up, you can see the dome with a height of eight meters. A huge chandelier hangs on the old wooden beams from nearly a hundred years ago. At this moment, the chandelier is extinguished, and the only light in the huge space is the table in front of Lu Mingfei. candlestick.

What a familiar place.

Lu Mingfei's head hurt a little.

He reached for his waist and wanted to hold the sword. He didn't know when to start, but only when the sword was in his own hands, he would feel a sense of security. But he made a mistake.

"Aspasia Restaurant, do you remember it?" Lu Mingze walked out of the darkness pushing the dining cart. The little devil was wearing a very elegant hand-tailored suit. He was probably a nearly 100-year-old tailor on the streets of London or Paris and his apprentices. It took dozens of days and nights to make an expensive luxury product. Her hair was meticulously combed, she was wearing a bow tie, and she had a lace handkerchief stuffed in her jacket pocket.

In the dining car were several bottles of golden liqueur that Lu Mingfei didn't recognize and a small but delicate cheese cake with several words written on the carvings of the cheese cake.

Lu Mingfei squinted his eyes. Only then could he clearly see what the word was, but when he saw it clearly, his face became very ugly.

"Chen Wenwen, I actually like it", those few words were cut off here.

"My destiny is in front of me, brother, what choice are you going to make?" Lu Mingze smiled jokingly.

But Lu Mingfei knew that Lu Mingze would not do anything meaningless, and everything he did pointed to a certain future.

"Don't play riddles." Lu Mingfei hit Lu Mingze hard on the head. This time he was dodged by the little devil.

"Remember what I said?" Lu Mingze smiled and clapped his hands. Opposite Lu Mingfei, Chen Wenwen, whose eyes were dull, slowly appeared under the light.

"You are stronger than her. You have the power to control her, so you can be compassionate and ask whether to forgive her for what she did to you." Lu Mingze clapped his hands again, and Chen Wenwen disappeared. .

He took out a piece of paper and said, "If you gain power, the girl who was once unattainable will turn into a clay doll in the dust, and the sworn enemy from above will kneel down and beg for mercy from you. Now the day I said has come. Just like you once faced Chen Wenwen, now you have to consider whether to lean over and pick up Nono, because to you now, she is just a clay doll in the dust. She will never play tricks on you again, and she will never look like a fool. Proud, even if she cries and begs you, you will not be tempted. That kind of power and power... is at your fingertips now, brother, have you tasted it? What a sweet wine this is."

At this time, the piece of paper fell.

"Oh, I'm sorry, my paper fell. Can you pick it up for me, brother?" Lu Mingze had such a cute smile on his face, but there was hysterical madness hidden deep in his eyes.

Lu Mingfei rolled his eyes at him, then picked up the paper.

But Lu Mingze didn't take it. He just said quietly, "Go and pick up Chen Motong like a piece of paper. Brother, just take pity on her."

Lu Mingfei was stunned. He felt such extreme cold seeping into his blood vessels. He might have forgotten something, or...

Missed something.

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