Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 43 043 The sorrow of the world is always conserved (1)

Chapter 43 043. The sorrow of the world is always conserved (1)

Section One: Dive Mission

"The Bronze Plan continues. The third dive mission is completed by the cooperation of S-level special commissioner Lu Mingfei and A-level special commissioner Chen Motong. The dive time is scheduled to be 11:50 am. Please prepare the above-mentioned personnel for the next dive. Prepare to dive." The dispatcher's voice sounded in the cabin of the Monyach. There were many loudspeakers in the cabin of the Monyach. At this time, his voice was as ethereal as falling from the clouds. This was very strange. In line with the status of the school board, those old guys consider themselves to be the ones with power, overlooking hybrids and humans from above.

The dispatcher of the Bronze Project was dispatched directly by the school board. Lu Mingfei saw him in the cockpit. He was a somewhat shy Japanese boy. It was inappropriate to call him a boy. He was about twenty-six or seventeen years old, but There is still some baby fat on his face, and he is gentle and always looks into people's eyes with a smile when he speaks.

He said his name was Fujiwara Shinnosuke, he was very introverted, and he would always be scolded by Professor Mance for some trivial things.

At this time, Mance was sitting opposite Lu Mingfei. The old guy's expression was really not good-looking, "Ye Sheng and Jiude Aki suffered severe psychological trauma during their last dive. After going through Norma's psychological After the evaluation, they were no longer suitable for the next dive mission. In addition, there is some kind of strange biological current in the Bronze City, which can weaken the mobility of hybrids who do not meet the blood level and even cause hallucinations. The academy suspects that this It's something similar to dragon power left over from the two first-generation species. Similar things have been encountered in some missions in the past. Usually only A-level and above mixed-blood species can resist those second-generation species that are also called kings in the dragon clan. Longwei." Professor Mance said, "But now the only students on this ship with a bloodline of A level or above are you two..."

"It doesn't matter, I got the PADI Open Water Diver certification when I was in high school." Lu Mingfei said, he did have some diving experience and talent. When I was in high school, the pond next to my uncle's and aunt's house had not yet been sealed, and there were no new chemical plants around. The water in the pond was very clear, and the boys nearby would meet up to swim in swimming trunks in the summer evenings. The circle plopped and jumped into the water. Lu Mingfei was also among this group of boys. At that time, he loved swimming. The cold water could always wash away some impetuous thoughts in his heart.

"I always rank first in swimming lessons, and I have received professional diving training." Nuonuo shrugged, chewing bubble gum in her mouth, and looked out the window casually. She was always so casual, as if she was worried about He was not interested in anything, but as soon as those crimson eyes turned to the boy beside him, his charming eyebrows could not help but bend into a beautiful arc.

At this time, the clouds in Kuimen were calm and the wind was gentle, and the terrifying scene of violent storms and roaring dragons and beasts not long ago was completely gone.

"I'm worried about whether you can respond correctly when encountering emergencies." Professor Mance's right index finger tapped the table lightly, making a clicking sound, which meant that he was going through a brainstorming session. When people are thinking about problems, they can't help but use their bodies to express meaningless external stress.

"Under 150 meters of water, when you open your eyes and look, you will see darkness all around you, as silent as the country of the dead. Endless loneliness will come from all directions, drowning your entire body, along with the sound of your heart beating. It will be heard in your ears. Such loneliness is unbearable for humans. In such a harsh environment, divers may have some extreme thoughts or ideas. It is not that the academy has encountered similar situations in previous missions . It was a mission to salvage dragon civilization relics in the Persian Gulf. The team leader at the time was Manstein. The student responsible for the dive mission was of B-level descent. He carried diving equipment to carry out the dive mission. In 60 He stayed under three meters of water for three hours. When he was pulled up, the dragon's relic was fixed on his waist, and a diving knife dozens of centimeters long was inserted from his chest and then out from his back. His face was pale. , all the blood was drained, and he lost signs of life for more than an hour. What is surprising is that there are no signs of fighting on the surface of the student's body, and the oxygen storage is still sufficient for at least four hours of activity. At that time, the autopsy agency gave The explanation given was underwater suicide.”

Lu Mingfei shivered for no reason, a deep chill welling up from the bottom of his heart. He seemed to be really immersed in the situation, the surroundings were dark, and he could not hear any noise, only the dull noise made by the water flowing in the eardrums. In such an environment, people may actually have thoughts of suicide. Without the company of companions, anyone would feel abandoned by the entire world.

"Have some confidence in us, Professor." Nono crossed the table and patted Professor Mance on the shoulder. She was tying up her dark red hair. At this time, she looked as heroic as a female swordsman or knight-errant in ancient China. .

Professor Mance placed the cut cigar on the cigar stand on the table and leaned against it. White smoke rose very slowly. He stared into Lu Mingfei's eyes, "The structure of the Bronze City is full of ancient alchemical techniques. It is always in some kind of regular motion that we have not discovered yet. You may be able to enter it smoothly after diving, but you may not be able to find the way out. Even if you are a powerful S-class or a hybrid Xinxing is our future leader, and you are just a hybrid, a human. Your power cannot compete with the entire city." He said this with a hint of persuasion.

The old professor didn't wink, but what he meant in every word was that as long as Lu Mingfei said no, he would terminate the task immediately.

But Lu Mingfei shook his head slowly, "I was sent by the principal to implement the Bronze Project. This task was originally only going to require us to be assistants to Ye Sheng's team, but since Senior Ye Sheng and Senior Aji can no longer dive in at this time, task, then it falls on my head without any hesitation."

Lu Mingfei responded to Professor Mance's gaze with his gaze, and he smiled, "And as you said, Professor, there are only two students or executive department specialists on this ship who are A-level or above, and I and my senior sister are the only ones. I think we have the ability." Go and complete this mission.”

At this moment, Nuonuo moved her eyes away from the window. She used the corner of her eye to look at the boy sitting next to her. He sat upright, and his back was like a sword that would never bend. In the dim light coming from the porthole window, the boy's face was calm, but slightly haggard for no reason, but it was clean and neat, and every line seemed to have been tempered thousands of times.

The craftsmanship of the three goddesses of destiny is really great. Just once over, they packaged the boy who always walked with hunched shoulders into this look, as if he was wearing a piece of solid armor, so stiff.

When this guy drooped his eyes and lowered his eyelids, his facial features were as soft as a girl's, but when he made up his mind to straighten his back and revealed the hardness of a lion in his eyes, he was as convincing as a real dragon-slaying hero. , every word spoken is irrefutable. Being around such a boy, I really feel safe, and bright autumn water rippled in the depths of Nono's eyes.

Nuonuo still remembers the last bronze mission, which was also a dive in Kuimen and entered the Bronze City to perform a blasting mission. Lu Mingfei was as frightened as a stressed hamster, and the sound he made at that time was a real vibrato. In that way, Lu Mingfei was always covered by himself, like a chick protected by the wings of an old hen. But this time he was so brave and resolute, his words were calm and sharp, like a folding knife wrapped in a scabbard.

"Okay, since you insist." Professor Mance finally let out a long, long sigh.

Lu Mingfei is only a first-year student, and Nonuo is only a second-year student. They are not in the battle order of Kassel Academy. As long as Lu Mingfei and Chen Motong show a little resistance, he will immediately terminate the mission and ask the Executive Department to send more senior commissioners to complete the so-called Kuimen plan.

Although there are some doubts about Lu Mingfei's bloodline, as long as these doubts are not confirmed, he will be the S-class with the highest hopes in the entire mixed race society, and Nono is Mance's own student, and his bloodline is The same excellent A-level. Such two people should have had a brighter future. They would have set up a clear banner on the dragon-slaying battlefield, and the soldiers would have roared and charged forward, shouting Lu Mingfei's name.

But if they choose to carry out the dive mission, and an accident happens during the dive, then Mans Lundstedt will become the sinner of the entire mixed race society, and will also be the crucified person in the entire history of mankind's fight against the dragon clan. The man on the pillar of shame.

"Here is the blood of the key. It can help you open the door to the Bronze City. You have to feed the blood into that living mouth." Mance handed a small sealed suitcase to Lu Mingfei. The suitcase The appearance was dim silver, with the flourishing World Tree totem drawn on the surface. Lu Mingfei opened it, and inside lay two transparent test tubes filled with dark red liquid.

It was indeed real blood.

The key is Nuonuo's younger brother, his half-brother, who has a special speech spirit and a powerful bloodline, but his body cannot grow and may even be degenerating at all times, so he must live in a special container.

Because of the sealed nature of Bronze City, the academy brought this individual, whose blood could open any door in the world, out of the Chen family, accompanied by a somewhat unruly woman. In a sense, she is Nuonuo's baby mother.

It is hard to imagine that even today, when quality education is so popular, the ugly system of polygamy still exists in some dark places of the world. In fact, this is not uncommon among mixed-race families. Some ancient mixed-race families will let their heirs marry multiple selected women and give birth to children with these women.

"Okay, professor, I understand." Lu Mingfei responded in a very solemn tone and closed the box again. In fact, there is no need for him to accept this thing. To the living spirit, his S-level Lu Mingfei's blood is more attractive than the blood of any key. This is the experience accumulated in the last period of time and space.

At this time, the sky suddenly darkened, and the originally light and breezy Three Gorges Kuimen became unsettling again at this moment. The airtight dark clouds gathered in this direction from all directions as if driven by something terrifying. The fierce wind blew waves as high as a person and crashed on the side of the Monyach.

Nuonuo suddenly took a deep look at Lu Mingfei. Lu Mingfei seemed to notice something. He raised his head and looked at Nuonuo, staring at the pair of red pupils that seemed to hide deep meaning.

"If nothing else happens, the time it takes to walk through the entire Bronze City is only two hours, and your oxygen ration is enough to support your underwater activities for more than five hours." At this time, Shude Aki looked a little pale. Holding Nono's wrist, this girl who was sometimes as gentle as the eldest sister next door suddenly showed some indescribable care and worry at this moment. She said, "Bronze City is safe. What we have seen is The thing that is suspected to be a pure-blood dragon has been killed by Ming Fei. You only need to enter the Bronze City, use the camera to leave image data, collect samples, and then pass quickly, and you have completed your mission."

"Okay, I remember." Nono said. She stretched and put her long and soft arms around Lu Mingfei's neck when she lowered her arms. "Junior brother, don't be afraid. I'm here to protect you." You." Nono's eyebrows were curved, and at this moment, some kind of emotion called doubt appeared in the narrow slits of his eyes. But she hid it well and was not discovered by anyone.

It's just that Lu Mingfei was keenly aware of the message that the girl around him wanted to convey from the subtle changes in her expression.

He didn't speak, just nodded.

"Can I bring my knife, professor?" Lu Mingfei looked at Professor Mance. He pointed at the seven deadly sins placed in the cabin. The bronze box was lying quietly in the long and narrow mountaineering bag, like a sleeping ancient dragon. Ancient Sanskrit inscriptions were engraved on the surface of the sword box, emitting golden light. of streamer.

The blood of any king shall end with the sword.

This is what is destined to kill the king.

"According to Kassel's school regulations and the operation manual of the Enforcement Department, it is allowed to carry weapons during diving, but..." Professor Manns hesitated at this time, and he turned his eyes to the cockpit. "The mission scheduler Fujiwara Shinnosuke clearly revealed to us the intention of the school board. Those ancient families did not want any sharp objects to be taken down during this non-threatening dive mission. They believed that There are many valuable antiquities or alchemical techniques in the Bronze City, and living metals or powerful weapons brought into this Bronze City may cause us huge losses."

Living metal is an alchemical term meaning ordinary metal.

"I understand." Lu Mingfei made an OK gesture, but at this moment his abdomen contracted, and a small and delicate sword was close to his ribs and hidden at his waist. It was the least powerful weapon among the Seven Deadly Sins and the best at hiding it. It was also the weapon Lu Mingfei was best at using, Lust. It was shaped like a Kodachi, and in his hand it was as easy to use as his own fingers.

Professor Mansi began to check the time, "It is now 11:50 a.m. BJ time. The third dive mission of the Kuimen Project has officially begun. Please prepare for the dive." Professor Mansi said calmly. said the tone.

But his eyes were fixed on Lu Mingfei and Nuonuo.

In the war with the Dragon Clan, everyone has no way out. Everyone should have thought about their own ending when they set foot on this battlefield. Professor Kemans is not only a warrior, he is also an educator. He loves his students more than his own life. Neither Lu Mingfei nor Nono has experienced anything as strict as Ye Sheng or Shu De Aki. training, it is really irresponsible to carry out such a dive mission rashly.

Even now, if Lu Mingfei or Nuonuo say any words of resistance, Mance will immediately cancel the dive mission.

But they didn't. The boy and the girl just stared silently, and then their eyes crossed each other, and they cast their gazes on the rough waters of the Three Gorges behind each other.

At this moment, there is a fine drizzle hitting the boiling water, as if there are countless fish jumping up.

Lu Mingfei stretched his body and jumped into the air.

The moment he fell into the water, he heard the sound of another heavy object falling into the water. That's Nono.

As always, I ask for reading and recommendations. The exposure of this book is a bit low, and I urgently need readers to read it. Unfortunately, I have to work hard to type, and my hair has fallen out. Please support me every night. I'll keep reading. If I get good grades, it will be published later. I'll take a few days off to write at home, and it's not impossible to update about ten chapters.

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