Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 55 055 Celebration

Chapter 55 055.Celebration

Lu Mingfei's blood samples had been collected and tested while he was hospitalized. Even with the technology mastered by the secret party today, it is still impossible to find any problems in his blood.

Teacher Masashi Toyama also conducted three psychological evaluations when Lu Mingfei was hospitalized. The results were given from an academic perspective, showing that Lu Mingfei still retains complete human logic and has not been distorted by dragon-like thoughts, so The so-called hearings were repeatedly postponed.

Today is already October 10th.

The college has held alumni celebrations on campus for two consecutive days starting yesterday. On the one hand, the school board of directors is trying to show its goodwill to Lu Mingfei, and on the other hand, it is to celebrate the secret party's greatest victory on the dragon-slaying battlefield in the past century. A great victory.

The celebration was attended by far more than just current students at Cassel College.

Some commissioners who have graduated many years ago and participated in the Executive Department's missions around the world also returned to the school, as well as the younger generation of elites sent by the respective families of the school board and other young people from mixed-race societies who also showed up here. .

"This is actually a feast to divide power, right?" Xia Mi came to Lu Mingfei at this time. She was holding a tray in her hand. There were two salmon rolls on the tray. Carrying a tall glass of hand-brewed wheat beer with ice.

Lu Mingfei: "Junior sister Bingxue is smart."

This party is truly a carnival for the powerful.

"The dragon's corpse contains huge power, which can bring power to a new peak. So more believers who worship power come here. They are polite and make people feel like a spring breeze, but secretly they grind their teeth and suck blood. Tear off two pieces of flesh and blood from the two dragon corpses." The dim golden color in Xia Mi's eyes flickered in and out with the flickering lights.

Lu Mingfei drank the strong drink in his hand, and reached out to touch Xia Mi's head, "Dragons and humans are the same. When we come to this world, the law of the jungle still believes in the principle of power and strength. , those who hold power also control the fate of others. Now is the age of humans. If I kill two second-generation species, those who hold power will want to obtain the value of the second-generation species. If now is the age of dragons, those monarchs or Princes will also divide their forces and compete for humans as slaves, which is not squeezing the value of humans. So what they do is understandable."

What Lu Mingfei said was true. And he also knew where the Camarilla planned to use these two dragon bones, whether it was to condense the Philosopher's Stone or for the Nibelungen Plan. Of course he had no need to stop it.

This is the case with the Camarilla in this era. The School Board provides funds for Kassel, so the dragons that Kassel's Executive Commissioner and students hunt during their missions naturally belong to the School Board and the entire Camarilla.

Xia Mi stuck out her tongue and lightly touched the rim of the wine glass with her lips. "Hey, it tastes terrible!" She made a disgusted expression on her face and pushed the glass of beer in front of Lu Mingfei. "Senior brother, please help me." I'll drink it."

Lu Mingfei picked up the beer and drank it in one gulp.

Lu Mingfei had no intention of delving into the matter. He continued to cast his gaze out the window, looking preoccupied and totally unconcerned about today's grand celebration in which he was the protagonist.

He did have something on his mind, and it was not easy to share it with Xia Mi.

The hilltop campus is actually located on the mountainside. From here, it seems to overlook everything. Autumn in Illinois is not as dry as people imagine. On the contrary, there is still great vitality and vitality here. With Lu Mingfei's eyesight, he can often see the shadows of deer flashing between the trees, on Lake Michigan. White gulls fly after schools of fish, and the mountain shape is as soft as a girl's back.

In this season, the vegetation on the mountains outside Chicago is different, and the color of the mountains also changes from dark green to pale yellow, mottled and gorgeous, like the strokes of a master.

"Would you like to try some Russian cakes?" Zero pushed the dining cart he got from the waiter to two people. They were small, like a cardamom girl, with no expression, but her face was as delicate as a porcelain doll.

The silver-plated dining car was parked next to the small table of Lu Mingfei and Xia Mi. Ling stared into Lu Mingfei's eyes. She was a bit short, so even if Lu Mingfei was sitting, she didn't have to look up at Ling.

Although it was a question, Zero's voice was as cold as moonlight, and there was something cold that could not be rejected.

Xia Mi ate his salmon roll in two bites, then stuffed the other one into Lu Mingfei's mouth and looked at the dining car expectantly.

Classic Russian pastries, honey cakes, cheese cakes, cheese pancakes and protein mousse cakes.

Out of courtesy, Lu Mingfei took a piece of honey cake. When he was the president of the student union, he had eaten this thing at a banquet. It was made by adding spices to rye honey cake. The spiciness of the spices and the sweetness of honey blended together. The taste was very unique. If I had to say, Russian honey The leader in the cake world is the Tulami cake, which is square and filled with jams of various flavors.

The best companion of honey cake is a cup of hot tea. A sip of tea and a bite of cake are as refreshing as hot soup in winter.

But Lu Mingfei could only get spirits at this time.

"The principal wants me to pass a message to you. He plans to meet you in the office tomorrow." Ling waited for Xia Mi to take a large piece of egg white mousse cake and said to Lu Mingfei.

Lu Mingfei was slightly startled.

But it's quite normal when you think about it. It would be strange that the old guy from the principal didn't look for him. After all, he is a hero who has returned from slaying the dragon, and the academy must have many questions that need him to answer.

For example, the seven deadly sins, violent blood, Odin, and the two next-generation species.

"Yes, I understand." Lu Mingfei nodded. He looked at Ling, hesitated, and said, "Thank you, the honey cake is very good."

"The pastry chef I transferred from Moscow used to work for the Kremlin and made side dishes for state banquets." Zero said, and she then pushed the dining cart away.

The restaurant was bustling with people, but Lu Mingfei felt as if it was silent. He was preoccupied with something, and suddenly there were sparkling microwaves reflecting light from Lake Michigan that caught his attention.

Lu Mingfei put down the honey cake in his hand, turned his head, and stared blankly at Lake Michigan far away outside the window. Farther away from the sailboats docked in the port, black kites flew across the lake like lightning, their claws drawing out A ripple caught a big fat fish.

Xia Mi also looked at the lake. It was getting dark at this time, but there were still athletes from the student union's sailing team training hard for this year's fraternity competition with the University of Chicago. The topless boys were riding the wind and waves, using their bodies to fix the planks and boards on the sailboat. The sails, strong arms and beautiful chest muscles were sweating. Their bodies were bent like a bow on the small sailboat, full of powerful beauty. The setting sun cast its afterglow on them and the sailboat, casting a triangle on the lake. shadow.

"Junior sister, are you also thinking that this world is really beautiful, but there are still so many things that we cannot do, and fate is really unpredictable, just like the weather in Chicago. Yesterday, it was still raining and thundering, but today, at this time, the years have changed. Be quiet." Lu Mingfei said.

"I was thinking their breasts were really big." Xia Mi was extremely serious. After a second, the girl immediately changed her face to a frustrated look, tilting her head and pouting, "They bully people." She said and looked at her breasts .

Lu Mingfei also looked at the chest muscles of the sailing team members carefully, then looked at Xia Mi, and nodded in agreement.

"Okay, Senior Brother You, you really dare to look at it!" Xia Mi pounced on Lu Mingfei's wrist with bared teeth and claws, biting Lu Mingfei's wrist hard, leaving shallow tooth marks.

"Okay, now you're going to get rabies!" Xia Mi declared seriously.

Lu Mingfei hesitated for a moment and then said, "Rabies is a serious acute infectious disease that is transmitted to humans through animals. The source of infection is mainly sick dogs, followed by sick cats. It is possible to bite people in Kassel schools." Your free-range animals only have five dogs and 23 cats, but they are all regularly vaccinated against rabies. Even if you are bitten, junior sister, you are unlikely to get sick, which means you cannot be a carrier of rabies virus. By."

"You, you, you, you -" Xia Mi gritted his teeth, "Why do you look so much like senior brother! Lu Mingfei, please use less air conditioning, so you don't become facial paralyzed like him. Cassell only needs one embryo killer, No need for a second one.”

Lu Mingfei and Xia Mi get along very closely, and the Kassel students around them are actually not surprised.

As early as the opening of the Night Watch Forum, Xia Mi and Nuonuo were both strong suitors of S-class Lu Mingfei.

"Senior brother, you seem to have something on your mind." Xia Mi held his chin, rested his elbows on the table, and fell to the right, closer to Lu Mingfei.

Lu Mingfei glanced at Xia Mi from the corner of his eye. The girl's breath was like orchid, and her eyes were shining as if reflecting the stars.

What a beautiful little elf. Lu Mingfei said heartily.

He nodded and said truthfully, "Well, today is senior sister's birthday. I don't know what I should say or do."

Since the Kuimen Project, Lu Mingfei has known his senior sister's thoughts, and finally understood why Nono was not with Caesar during this period of time and space.

But he didn't know what he was thinking about now. He clearly felt that he was thinking about the little monster in Japan all the time, but sometimes he always felt that he was really a playboy, and he still seemed a little unable to let it go. Senior sister. Not only senior sister, now he would even suddenly think of Xia Mi in his mind when he was doing something unrelated.

This situation is very wrong.

He is actually an idiot with zero emotional experience, and he is at a loss. The only guy who can give him advice and is willing to give him advice is called Chu Zihang. Assuming that Lu Mingfei's emotional IQ is zero, then Chu Zihang probably has a lower IQ. to a negative number, if there is a negative number.

Xia Mi sat up straight, her eyes staring into Lu Mingfei's eyes, which were deep and clear, like a deep pool hidden in a secluded forest. Suddenly the little junior sister smiled coquettishly, she was so bright and charming that she captivated all sentient beings. At this time, Lu Mingfei thought that the so-called beauty trap was nothing more than that. Some people had to take off their clothes and scratch their heads and pose to be considered beautiful, but some people only needed one look. A smile can bring down the king's empire.

Probably Xia Mi is the latter person.

"Senior brother, I remember you celebrate my birthday every year." Xia Mi suddenly smiled, like a long wind blowing through a cold pool, causing ripples. It was really a disaster for the country and the people, Lu Mingfei I couldn't help but touch my face, it was a bit hot.

In fact, he rarely looked at Xia Mi's face carefully, because he always felt that the little female dragon liked his senior brother.

Now that I really look carefully, I feel like there is a stag running happily deep in the forest in my heart.

"You were chasing my senior brother before. He was a blockhead, and you dared to think but not speak. So what can I do? I can only handle it with one hand." Lu Mingfei said softly.

He suddenly froze.

Damn it, Lu Mingfei, you really have a pig brain.

He thought, if during his weakest years, a beautiful girl who was calm, willing to protect you, accompany you, and love you had been by your side, then he wouldn't like Chen Wenwen, right? There's no chance to get him out of the screening room, right?

Lu Mingfei's body suddenly relaxed, and he leaned on the leather armchair. The wine he drank just now seemed too strong.

"Senior brother, do you know?" Xia Mi probably drank a glass of beer. A glow appeared on her face, as tempting as a ripe apple. She got closer to Lu Mingfei until her left shoulder touched the boy's thigh. Arms, the girl's eyelashes trembled slightly, she leaned very close and raised her head, staring into his eyes, "Actually, I have never liked Chu Zihang."

Lu Mingfei's breath froze.

Chu Zihang told him about this, but Lu Mingfei didn't believe it.

Lu Mingfei knew that his senior brother had a MAX IQ and a MIN EQ. He didn't know who liked him and who didn't like him at all, just like a Tushan fangshi.

"You often say that Chu Zihang has a dull brain, but Chu Zihang also often tells me that you are a person who is burdened with a lot of things. People like you don't think about too many things, and of course you don't care about anyone. The girl likes you." Xia Mi rubbed Lu Mingfei's shoulder like a kitten and said, "But I really have always liked you and it has never changed."

Lu Mingfei was speechless for a moment.

He had experienced many storms and waves, but he didn't know how to deal with the current situation. He just hoped that Xia Mi would not be so bold as to forcefully kiss him. At this time, paparazzi from the Ministry of Information were probably pointing their cameras at them in the dark. If Xia Mi really dares to do something outrageous, the headlines in the next week will be "The kiss of the century between the dragon-slaying hero Lu Mingfei and the young girl Xia Mi".

But Xia Mi just chuckled.

"Will you help me celebrate my birthday in the future, senior brother?" she said.

Lu Mingfei did not hesitate, "Of course I will!"

"But now that you know I like you, you still celebrate my birthday." Xia Mi gently pinched Lu Mingfei's face with his hand, his eyes flickering, "Then why don't you want to celebrate my birthday with Sister Nuonuo?" What about your birthday? She also likes you, are you worried that she will misunderstand it? "

Lu Mingfei opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

He wanted to celebrate his birthday once, and received blessings from Caesar and Chu Zihang. He also showed off in front of Zhao Menghua and his younger brother very charmingly, and even invited the literary girl Chen Wenwen to eat at the Michelin three-star aspaisa restaurant. Cai, he was so awesome that day, it seemed like the whole world was surrounding him, but in fact he was just waiting for even a text message from one person.

But until the end of that day, he didn't receive a text message from Nono. Later, he found the MMS message recording Nono's funny birthday song in the Nibelung of the King of Earth and Mountains. It was just Lu Mingze who had saved it. The MMS message was clicked off, so he didn't receive it.

When he really heard that MMS message, he kept repeating it over and over again. The joy, surprise, recovery, and happiness for the rest of his life were... unforgettable.

But what if Nono really didn't send him a text message that day?

Lu Mingfei thought that he would probably be very sad.

Sad to the point of despair.

If she doesn't go to see her senior sister today, she will also be sad, right?

Lu Mingfei suddenly stood up. He took out his mobile phone and entered in the text message field, "Lu Mingze, can that cheat code still work?"

A minute later, a text message came in with no sender.

"Of course, brother, those cheat codes can be used at the right time. Go, go, give your girl a big surprise."

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