Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 58 058 Yuan Zhisheng (2)

Chapter 58 058.Yuan Zhisheng (2)

"Ming Fei, Mo Tong, you are here, sit down, sit down quickly!" The principal pointed to the sofa beside the desk. Haagen-Dazs and lemon tea were already placed on the small table in front of the sofa.

Occasionally, the principal will try lemon tea, which is not included in the tea that the British like to drink.

"Let me introduce you. This is Minamoto, the director of the Japan Branch Executive Bureau, and your senior. He and his assistant were invited to Kassel College to participate in this alumni meeting."

Principal Ange smiled kindly, but Lu Mingfei and Nuonuo looked at each other with a strange look in their eyes.

The atmosphere here is a bit weird, certainly not tense, but definitely not as harmonious as it seems.

The principal and Yuan Zhisheng seemed to have had a dispute just now. At this time, Yuan Zhisheng's expression was obviously a little unnatural.

However, Lu Mingfei still nodded towards Yuan Zhisheng, then took Nuonuo's wrist and sat down on the sofa, with his back straight and his eyes like swords.

Gen Zhisheng during this period can definitely be regarded as a hard-blooded figure, a ghost-slayer with hands stained with blood.

He looked at Lu Mingfei, his evil eyes sharper than a knife, as if he wanted to see through Lu Mingfei's true nature.

But Lu Mingfei is also a person who has seen strong winds and waves. Even if he looks into the Dragon King's golden eyes, he will not show any timidity. At this moment, he will not hesitate to return his gaze with his gaze.

Finally, Yuan Zhisheng looked away and nodded towards Lu Mingfei, "S-level student Lu Mingfei is a dragon-slaying hero that is rare in a century and an emerging leader in mixed-race society. The principal has just told me about it. You, whom he cherishes more than his pocket knife."

"It's a bit embarrassing to say that in person." Angers waved his hand.

"I am also fortunate to have heard about the great reputation of Director Yuan Zhisheng." Lu Mingfei nodded and said with a smile, "You were a famous figure in the school back then, no less than Caesar and Chu Zihang now."

What he said is correct. During the years when Yuan Zhi was born and studied in Kassel, although he did not join any student organizations, he still had great prestige among the students of that class. He was a young mixed-race person at that time. The leader of the species.

"It's just old memories." Yuan Zhisheng smiled.

He returned his gaze to the principal again. Angers picked up the tea cup, took a sip, and wiped the corners of his eyes, as if to wipe away the non-existent tears, "Oh, I can see my best students gathered together." Being together is the happiest thing that I, an old guy, have experienced in all these years.”

Lu Mingfei smiled, but Yuan Zhisheng stood up solemnly and bowed to Principal Ange, "Thank you very much for the principal's care over the years."

Angers waved his hand, "I am an educator, and taking care of students is of course my job. You don't have to do this as a child."

He then looked at Lu Mingfei and said, "Mingfei, actually it is my intention to let you meet the junior student this time. I hope that you will go to Japan as an exchange student for a two-month study trip during your sophomore year."

"Principal, I'm only a freshman." Lu Mingfei scratched his hair.

Kenonuo looked at him, as if there was a deep light dancing in his eyes.

Lu Mingfei's heart beat suddenly faster when the principal told him to go to Japan to investigate.

"So first let me get to know you and the junior student. It is always easier to do things when there are seniors around." The principal laughed heartily, and the junior student Yuan also laughed, "When junior Mingfei comes to Japan next year, I will definitely I’ll treat you well.”

Lu Mingfei grinned, "That's so embarrassing."

He thought to himself, as long as you know that I am thinking of kidnapping your sister and don't beat me up, it will be a small problem whether you entertain or not.

"By the way, Director Yuan, are you and Miss Sakura the only ones coming to Kassel from the Japanese branch this time?" Lu Mingfei seemed to ask inadvertently.

"Actually, there were two other people traveling with us, but they had something to do and needed to rush back to Japan first. They took a flight back to Tokyo late last night." Minamoto said without thinking about anything else, "Kawazu Inuyama, the former Director of the Executive Bureau, Commissioner of the Executive Board, Eri Uesugi, Eri has some health problems and needs regular treatment."

In an instant, it felt like a world away. Lu Mingfei suddenly lost his mind. He thought of the back figure he saw in the restaurant, with a lonely figure and butterfly bones, burgundy hair jumping on the shoulders of the evening gown, and looking like a little yellow duck as he walked awkwardly through the crowd wearing high heels.

Is it really you, Eriyi?

Lu Mingfei's pupils were a little dizzy, and he had almost forgotten that Principal Ange and Yuan Zhisheng were sitting across from him at the moment.

Countless fragments of memories stabbed crazily into his mind.

Nuonuo also realized something. She was such a smart girl, and she immediately thought that Eriki Uesugi was the name that Lu Mingfei had always treasured in his heart.

"Speaking of which, Miss Chen Motong looks a bit similar to Eri Yi." Yuan Zhisheng looked at Nono a few more times in surprise.

The two girls are not only similar in appearance, they are simply carved from the same mold.

Even the somewhat mysterious hair color and eye color are exactly the same.

Nono felt only bitter emotions welling up. She suddenly realized that the girl that Lu Mingfei had been thinking about was probably just her shadow. Perhaps at some point, Lu Mingfei confused her and Eryi as the same person.

What was the story between them? Perhaps it was more light than heavy, so Nono was a little curious.

She put her hand into Lu Mingfei's hand and stared into Lu Mingfei's pupils with her crimson pupils. The boy came back to his senses and gently patted the back of the girl's hand.

"May I ask Miss Chen..." Yuan Zhisheng hesitated, but still asked, "Do you have any relatives settling down in Japan?"

There shouldn't be two people so similar in the world. Minamoto Zhisheng even suspected that Eriki and Nono were actually sisters who had been separated since childhood.

"My mother was born in India, and my father is a pure Chinese. Very few people in my family choose to develop abroad, let alone settle in Japan." Nono said coldly. She is unique, and she doesn't like people saying that someone looks like her or that she looks like someone.

This would not bring any joy to Nono, but would only make her feel depressed.

"I'm sorry, it's just because you look so much alike." Yuan Zhisheng said. He then no longer struggled with this issue and turned to Principal Angers. "For the skeletons of pure-blooded dragons, the Japanese branch's requirements It’s not too high, we just need a few samples for academic research.”

In the final analysis, this celebration is just a feast for the hybrids to carve up the bones of pure-blooded dragons. The Japanese branch represented by Yuan Zhisheng is no exception, but the Japanese hybrids are descendants of the White King after all, and the two second-generation species killed by Lu Mingfei not long ago are obviously part of the lineage of the Bronze and Fire Kings.

Hybrids with different dragon blood flowing in their bodies have different needs for dragon corpses. Pure fire elements can be condensed from the corpses of the next generation of bronze and fire lineages. If this fire element is in the bronze and fire lineages, It can play a huge role in the hands of a hybrid of the ocean and water veins, but if it falls into the hands of a hybrid of the ocean and water veins, its role is only equivalent to that of the Philosopher's Stone carrying impurities.

Although the value of the Philosopher's Stone is high, there are not a few that are treasured by mixed-race societies around the world.

Even if it is a weak third-generation species, there is a certain chance that the Philosopher's Stone can be extracted from its corpse.

It is a pure spiritual element that can ignore the obstruction of the power of the word spirit. If it directly hits the heart of a dragon, the poison of the spiritual element can be spread to the dragon's body in an instant.

This is one of the things that has been proven in human history to be able to kill the Dragon King.

Minamoto is very self-aware that the Japanese branch is a group excluded from the mainstream mixed-race society. It was difficult for them to obtain the truly valuable parts of the next-generation corpses, so they settled for a smaller portion and actively tried to contact S-class Lu Mingfei.

Principal Angers readily agreed, "If it's only a small part, an old guy like me should still have the right to dispose of it at will." Angers chuckled.

It seemed that before Lu Mingfei and Nuonuo arrived, he had already reached some kind of deal with Yuan Zhisheng.

The world of hybrids is actually a world of interests, and the only thing that can be exchanged for interests is another kind of interest.

"In that case, I won't bother you anymore." Yuan Zhisheng drank the lemon tea in front of him in one gulp, then stood up and bowed. Principal Ange also stood up, and put his hands forward to support Yuan Zhisheng, "You are my As a student, Kassel College is your second home, how can you say that going home is a disturbance."

"The principal's teachings and lofty ideals will always be remembered by Zhisheng." Yuan Zhisheng said loudly.

He then stood up straight. He was not at all the Japanese with short arms, legs, and body. On the contrary, he was very tall, powerful, and had cold eyes. He stood there as if he was about to see an unsheathed weapon. The ultimate sword of blood.

Later, Yuan Zhisheng came to Lu Mingfei and Nuonuo. He stared into Lu Mingfei's eyes. There were no changes in emotions in his pupils, but they were as deep as a deep pool. "Lu Mingfei, Chen Motong, Japan The branch welcomes you both."

Lu Mingfei and Nuonuo also got up, "Japan, I have been longing for it for a long time. I will definitely come." Lu Mingfei said softly.

He had already restrained his momentum, his hair covered his eyes, and his eyebrows were drooped, as if he was no longer interested in anything.

"If there is a chance, I will go too." Nuonuo said. She did not extend her hand, so Yuan Zhisheng could only shake hands with Lu Mingfei alone.

He turned around and left, his windbreaker spread out behind him like Shura spreading his wings.

Yuan Zhisheng walked quickly to the door of the principal's office, but Lu Mingfei suddenly called out to him.

"Yuanjun," Lu Mingfei said softly. His aura changed at this moment, becoming sharp and sharp, as if there was something like a dragon or a god hidden in his body. He pulled a smile on the corner of his lips, his voice was a bit... Trembling slightly, this kind of trembling is not easy to detect, only Nuonuo seems to feel it.

Yuan Zhisheng's hand had already reached out and touched the doorknob, but he stopped, turned his face sideways, and looked at Lu Mingfei out of the corner of his eye.

Lu Mingfei said, "Please say hello to Eliyi for me."

For a moment, Nono felt as if there was a biting cold wind whistling back and forth in the small office, and there was a heavy rainstorm as sharp as a knife in the cold wind.

On the back of Yuan Zhisheng's hands and wrists, veins like angry dragons popped out. At this moment, he seemed to be a real ghost slayer living in mythology before the Edo period. He was majestic and murderous. His left hand was still holding The doorknob, but his right hand slowly reached towards his waist.

That's the classic Iai starting move!

Minamoto was born in the mirror and received the first "All Rights Reserved". When wielding a sword, it looks like dancing, and when a person stands, he appears in all directions. It combines extreme aesthetics with absolute violence.

Yuan Zhisheng's breathing became more and more gentle, and the muscles in his back rose and fell like a tide. The palm of his right hand slowly closed in the shadow of the three people around his waist, as if he would return home in the next moment.

Yuan Zhisheng was a true emperor, and when his sword came out, he saw blood. With his sword skills, the person who was beheaded could only sigh that the sword was as bright as the moon, and then his body and head were separated, and blood spattered ten steps.

Nuonuo's muscles were tense all over, and she felt a huge pressure coming towards her face, but Principal Ange was still smiling, holding the tea cup in both hands. Lu Mingfei's hands were hanging down, and his fingers were curled naturally. This was because he was not nervous at all and made A relaxed posture with naturally tense muscles. They didn't seem to be afraid at all, they just felt comfortable and leisurely.

It seemed that in just one breath, the chill in the office disappeared.

Yuan Zhisheng's undulating muscles relaxed again. He took a deep breath, and then put a smile on his face again. He pulled out his clenched right hand from his waist. Only then did Nono see the hand he was holding. Where is the hilt? It is clearly just a pack of soft seven stars.

Yuan Zhisheng lit a cigarette and turned his face back.

This cold and stern man stared hard at the principal's expensive mahogany door. He blew out white smoke on the texture of the door, and then the smoke dispersed like ink falling into water. He said, "Okay, I will I’m telling you this for Mr. Lu.”

Seeing Yuan Zhisheng's back quickly leaving, Nono suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now she really felt that this man from Japan was going to draw a sword and fight with Lu Mingfei. But then I thought about it. Apart from her, an A-level hybrid with good fighting ability, the other two people in this office were the most powerful dragon slayer in the past century and the most iron-blooded hybrid leader Xi. Albert Jean Angers, and the legendary dragon-slaying hero Lu Mingfei, recognized as the leader of the new generation of hybrids all over the world.

These two are far from being comparable to the fierce ghosts that Yuan Zhisheng has to face in daily life. The so-called fierce ghosts are just rat-like things in front of them, while Yuan Zhisheng is facing Lu Mingfei and Ang. When he was hot, he felt like he was facing two lions who despised him.

"Great job, Mingfei." Angers laughed heartily, "The Japanese branch wants to get more power from my hands. They think I am old and can get back what I lost. Just now I This student came to me for this purpose, to test my tone."

Lu Mingfei's expression did not change. He just sat down on the sofa and drank the lemon tea in one gulp.

When Herzog's conspiracy and identity are not exposed, Yuan Zhisheng will only be Lu Mingfei's enemy. Of course, this guy is a very good person with great justice, but at this moment, Herzog is playing Tachibana Masamune was like a mountain in his heart, insurmountable and unshakable.

No one can make the mountains collapse, because that is a childish belief.

"According to the information passed back by Norma, the girl named Eriki Uesugi is actually the head of the Uesugi family, the third family of the eight Seraki families in Japan. The relationship between her and Minamoto Chisei is closer to that of brother and sister. You Greeting someone else's sister in this tone is like throwing 20 kilograms of TNT into a blazing bonfire." Ange looked at Lu Mingfei with admiration, as if he saw himself in his youth. "But this is good. Japan is a nation that pursues the Yakuza culture, and we all happen to be descendants of dragons. We pursue a true strong culture. Mingfei, I hope you can come with a stronger and higher attitude next year. Japan. I made the entire Japanese branch surrender many years ago, and you can still do it today many years later." Angers was impassioned, and he trusted Lu Mingfei more than he trusted himself.

But Lu Mingfei didn't speak.

What he did just now was not to provoke Minamoto, but to really ask the director of the Japanese Executive Bureau to say hello to Eriki on his behalf.

Long time no see, little monster.

He said in his heart.

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