Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 6 006 Xia Mi

Chapter 6 006. Xia Mi

"Please help me plan a route, Norma." Lu Mingfei called the college's artificial intelligence secretary with ease. Three full years later, he was finally able to talk to this almost omnipotent being in the online world.

With his back to the huge floor-to-ceiling window behind him, the slowly falling sunset cast the shadow of the window pane on Lu Mingfei's body like a black cage. Sitting on the corner of the large and comfortable bed, his expression was serious and relaxed. Bear, this silly bear has one ear on its head sticking out of the girl's sky-blue stockings. It's very funny.

He was skillfully busy on the gas stove in the corner. Heating oil, stir-frying, frying meat, and adding chili were just ordinary home-cooked dishes, but he did it so seriously, as if a top chef was carefully treating what he wanted to do in the evening. Ingredients used to entertain the Japanese Prime Minister.

On the playground outside the window, parents were calling their children to go home for dinner. Some morning cicadas were hiding somewhere. They chirped feebly twice and then fell silent.

The little remaining sunset completely fell, and the overwhelming darkness began to invade the room. The large sycamore tree with all its leaves still waving its branches in the night wind.

Lu Mingfei finally turned on the light. It was a very bright incandescent lamp that illuminated the whole room. The loneliness that originally accompanied the darkness was completely faded by the sound of the sizzling hot oil and the sound of the spatula hitting the iron pot.

At this time, the door was pushed open from the outside, and a slender girl holding a stainless steel pipe picked up from nowhere rushed in with teeth and claws. She was wearing a beautiful JK skirt, with a small section of white thigh exposed under the skirt, and her calf was covered with white Wrapped in cotton stockings, straight and delicate. Probably because of fear, the girl closed her eyes tightly and shouted, "Where is the thief? The leopard who has eaten the heart of a bear dares to break into your aunt's boudoir at night!" while dancing the pipe vigorously, quite Some Lin Daiyu looked like they were pulling up the weeping willows.

A muscular hand grasped the thin tube in the girl's hand.

"It's not a thief, it's a senior brother." Lu Mingfei said softly, shaking the spoon.

The girl finally opened her eyes. They were beautiful eyes. The eyelashes neatly cast some shadows on the surface of the eyes, covering some of the joy in her eyes.

"Senior Brother Lu! You came to play with me!" Xia Mi was so happy that he rolled on the bed, kicked off his little leather shoes, hugged Rililakkuma on the corner of the bed and rubbed it into a ball.

"Well, I passed the interview at Kassel College and I'm going to the United States in the next few days, so I thought I'd come and see you." Lu Mingfei said, carrying the fried dishes to an old wooden table On the table, another bowl of rice was served for himself and Xia Mi from the rice cooker. Xia Mi's bowl was almost piled up into a hill.

"Okay, okay, I'm currently studying in the preparatory class jointly organized by Kassel College and BJ University. I can come to you next year!" Xia Mi sat up from the bed, but did not move. Instead, he looked pitifully at Lu Mingfei: "Brother, please help me move the table over. I don't want to move."

"I'll wash the sheets for you tomorrow. In this weather, you should be done by the time you get back in the evening." Lu Mingfei said as he squatted down and held the diagonal two of the four legs of the table, and lifted it to the bedside. Moving over, he looked at Xia Mi and said, "After I get there, I will help you keep an eye on senior brother to prevent him from messing around outside."

"Hey, hey, compared to Chu Zihang, Senior Brother Lu, you are more like a philanderer!" Xia Mi protested.

Lu Mingfei laughed softly.

He met Xia Mi in the first year after returning to this time and space. To be precise, it was September 2nd, the second day of physical education class. Xia Mi, wearing the uniform of Shilan Middle School, was lying on the iron fence beside the basketball court to peek at Chu Zihang playing basketball. Lu Mingfei handed her a basketball He bought two bottles of water, one for her and one for Chu Zihang.

In fact, the relationship between Xia Mi and Chu Zihang has always been quite subtle. They were distant and could not be said to be very close or even very familiar. Most of the time, Xia Mi was silently paying attention to Brother Killer.

Maybe because we share the same problem? Both of them are so lonely, both of them are so stubborn, like dead children buried at the age of fifteen.

Lu Mingfei didn't know it, but he broke into the lives of two people at the same time and space.

He and Chu Zihang became friends. They would practice slashing each other with bamboo swords behind Chu Zihang's big villa, just like Miyamoto Musashi and Yagyu Jubei who faced each other across the ages; they would also occasionally go to his uncle's house They lay down on the rooftop and watched the stars in the night sky together. Neither of them spoke. When the time came, Chu Zihang got up and asked the driver at home to take him back. At this time, they were like Socrates and Plato, calm and unable to gaze. Visible in the distance, Lu Mingfei always wondered what the senior brothers around him would be thinking at this time, but in fact Chu Zihang was just in a daze.

And what about Xia Mi?

Probably just because of some emotion called pity.

The first time I came to Xia Mi's house was with Chu Zihang. The weather was very hot that summer, and it was in this old house now, which was shaded by a large sycamore tree.

Chu Zihang was sorting out the reference books on the table. Xia Mi was practicing on the yoga mat behind Chu Zihang, wearing a black tights, doing handstands, doing splits, and somersaults. Lu Mingfei bought an ice coke and admired the little junior sister's figure. He was impressed, but Chu Zihang didn't look back, he just said that the room was very cool.

Chu Zihang went back that afternoon, because he was a good child and would not play outside late, which would make his father and mother worried. But Lu Mingfei didn't leave until very late. He and Xia Mi cooked together, chatted together, and watched the sunset together. Until the long night finally fell in this room, he saw from the corner of his eye that the same person next to him was leaning against the window. Xia Mi's eyes reflected the last bit of the sun's afterglow, as dim as rusty gold.

Lu Mingfei suddenly realized at that time that when Long was first born into this world, children who didn't understand anything would hug themselves tightly in the deep darkness because they would also feel scared.

He suddenly felt pity for the little dragon girl who had felt so beautiful and moving in time and space last time. That kind of pity came from nowhere, maybe because he was actually the loneliest person in the world.

There are two types of unfortunate people: those who are eager to inflict the same misfortune on others, and those who always pull others out of the same misfortune. Lu Mingfei is the latter.

He thought that in such a big room without even a TV, Xia Mi would be scared at night.

So on those nights when the stars were shining brightly or there was lightning and thunder, Lu Mingfei would sneak outside and ride a very old and very old 28-meter bar and walk for two hours to Xia Mi's downstairs to accompany her. Stargazing or letting her have someone by her side during thunderstorms.

Of course, the most talked about topic between them was Chu Zihang.

Lu Mingfei thinks this is great. In the future, when his senior brother and junior sister get married, he will be able to receive an extra-large red envelope. In some places, this thing is called a matchmaker red envelope. Thinking of this, Lu Mingfei danced with joy and wished he could put a mole on the corner of his mouth to look more like a matchmaker.

"I brought you a gift." Lu Mingfei picked up the hiking bag from the bed and pulled out an envelope from the corner with the Seven Deadly Sins on it.

Xia Mi blinked his big eyes, with little stars in his eyes: "It's very thick, is it a love letter? Senior Brother Lu, can you finally bear to attack this cute little junior sister? I'm so excited, so excited, so exciting!"

"It's a photo of senior brother!" Lu Mingfei had a dark look on his face. He now felt the emotions that Chu Zihang and Caesar felt when they faced him before. Xia Mi is clearly a female version of Lu Mingfei!

Xia Mi took the envelope and opened it, looking at each one.

"They're all photos with me. There's nothing I can do about it. Senior brother doesn't like taking pictures... If you don't like it, you can cut me out!" Lu Mingfei's old face turned red.

There are basically two boys in those photos.

Lu Mingfei always had his eyes drooped, as if he hadn't woken up, but he still made a more or less "yeah" gesture. Chu Zihang had a cold face and didn't even bother to show off, as if someone owed him a lot of money.

But Xia Mi collected the photos very seriously, put them back into the envelope, and then hid the envelope in the chest of drawers in another corner.

"Two handsome guys! Junior sister, I don't even know which one to choose!" Xia Mi turned around, clasping his hands against his chest like a nymphomaniac.

Lu Mingfei raised his forehead, it turned out to be the female version of himself.

"Eat quickly. I'll wash the dishes after eating. I'll make do at the Internet cafe near your community in the evening." Lu Mingfei used to come here often, so he was familiar with the area.

Xia Mi had a beautiful smile, her eyebrows were crescent, and she said, "Senior Brother Lu, you are so kind."

"I think I'm really unlucky to be in trouble with you two." Lu Mingfei rolled his eyes and started to put away the dishes.

But Xia Mi's expression suddenly became serious.

She said: "Then, brother, will you always be so kind to me? Will you be corrupted by the honey of capitalism when you go to the United States and forget the pure revolutionary friendship between us?"

Lu Mingfei wished he had the capital to corrupt him, but he lacked a rich woman who could support him.

But he still couldn't spit out these bad words. He said: "Anla, you are my little junior sister. If I don't treat you well, who will treat you well?"

He regretted saying this.

The person who really should say this is obviously Chu Zihang, right?

But Xia Mi leaned forward while sitting on the bed, her eyes narrowed slightly, and she said: "Then what if one day I commit a big crime? What about the FBI, CIA, MI6, Mossad, etc. Are they all coming to kill me? Will you still recognize me?"

It was originally a joke, but her voice was calm, as calm as if she was speaking a solemn oath, which would last until the blood dries out and the world ends.

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment. He reached out and touched Xia Mi's forehead with the back of his hand, and then touched his own forehead with the same hand.

"Are you confused?" Lu Mingfei was a little confused.

But Xia Mi bared his fangs and made a threatening expression.

"Of course I will still recognize you. I will still stand by your side. Don't talk about a spy organization. Even if you are the enemy of the whole world, I will stand by your side. This is the love I have for you, senior brother!" Lu! Ming Fei said, but after thinking about it, he added: "There is also senior brother, he will also stand with you! He is a very loyal person, and a man's friendship is as strong as a diamond, junior sister!"

"Who wants to be as strong as a diamond with you?" Xia Mi hit Lu Mingfei with Rilakkuma.

Lu Mingfei hurriedly avoided.

But he couldn't avoid the girl's sudden hug.

The girl said: "Thank you, senior brother."

Lu Mingfei was stunned. He wanted to say goodbye to his sister-in-law. Men and women are not allowed to have sex. He really didn't want to make three cuts and six holes.

But Xia Mi's next words made him breathe a sigh of relief: "Help me convey this hug to Chu Zihang. Hold him tight. It's best to forcefully kiss him again and let him turn into my shape."

When she said this, the girl's face was filled with excitement.

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