Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 60 060 Junior Sister Xia Mi

Chapter 60 060. Junior Sister Xia Mi

"Brother, are you asleep?"

"No, junior brother." Fingel showed a disheveled head from the upper bunk, his eyes were bright, and he was full of energy even though he was not sleepy at all. "Your senior brother, I am the professional paparazzi leader of Kassel College, and I have everything to deal with every day."

"Senior brother, can you please stop eating potato chips when you have so many things to do? The dregs fell on my head, and they smell like Turkish barbecue." Lu Mingfei complained.

At this time, the window was open. Lu Mingfei sat up and wiped the potato chip residue from his face. He drooped his head, and lust, the last weapon among the seven deadly sins, was pillowed under the pillow. There is a beautiful full moon outside the window, the red tiles on the church spire seem to be coated with a layer of silver, and the late autumn night wind blows quietly. It is really quiet and beautiful.

I really hope this beauty can continue forever.

There was still a clicking sound coming from the upper bunk, and potato chip residue fell from the gap. Lu Mingfei's nose twitched, well, this time it was tomato flavored.

"If you don't like Turkish barbecue flavor, then I'll switch to tomato flavor now." Fingel's mean voice sounded. Lu Mingfei looked up and saw the light of the laptop on the upper bunk falling on the ceiling. There is a shadow of Fingel's rather characteristic big head.

"Junior brother, you are now a dragon-slaying hero, a popular young student at Kassel College. Even with three Michelin stars, you are only worthy of being in your cafeteria. You have to be escorted in and out by a Bugatti Veyron. Wherever you go, there are nymphomaniac girls begging you to be there. They signed their underwear." Fingel didn't even look up. It seemed that not only did he not look up, but he probably hadn't gotten out of bed for quite some time.

"Of course you don't understand the charm of civilian delicacies like potato chips."

Lu Mingfei didn't say anything. At this time, his phone started to vibrate under his pillow. It was Rilakkuma who sent him a QQ text message.

Xia Mi said, senior brother, are you asleep? I can not sleep.

Lu Mingfei said he was going to sleep, but I was already asleep.

Xia Mi sent an angry expression, "Senior brother, you obviously haven't slept. Since you haven't slept, why don't you just get up and treat me to a midnight snack."

Lu Mingfei said in his heart, "Okay, if you can't sleep, you ask me to go out, but in the end, I have to treat you to a midnight snack, right?"

But he hesitated and said yes.

The chat interface was silent for a few seconds, and Lu Mingfei could probably imagine the joyful expression on Xia Mi on the other side of the phone.

"Then wait for me half an hour and I'll clean up before going out. Let's eat in the cafeteria." Xia Mi sent a text message.

Lu Mingfei replied with an OK expression, put away his phone again, put his hands close to his thighs, and stared at Fingel's bed board.

"Brother, you know," Lu Mingfei suddenly said, "Actually, I used to like potato chips, not just potato chips, but all fried foods. There was a kind of puffed food when I was very young. , probably made from some kind of ditch-fried oil, very fragrant, and children of our era liked it very much. There will be some cards included in the packaging bag, such as Zhi Duo Xing Wu Wu Yong Timely Rain Song Jiang Tiger Fighting Hero Wu Song and so on, as long as you collect all the Water Margin You can go to the canteen to redeem a game card for 108 yuan. Do you know game cards? The kind of chips used in game consoles that are plugged into the interface under the TV. You can play small games such as Contra, Super Mario, and MapleStory. "

"I know, I know, Nintendo's MapleStory, I used to play it a lot." Fingel revealed his head from the upper bunk and looked at Lu Mingfei.

Lu Mingfei hesitated for a moment, "Actually, it's almost the same. However, I have never successfully collected 108 generals. Black Tornado Li Kui and Tiger Fighting Hero Wu Song are always repeated, but the card Dwarf Tiger Wang Ying has never appeared. . Sometimes reality is so fucked up. No matter how hard you work, no matter how attentive you are, no matter how humble the thing you want is, if you don’t have it, you don’t have it. If you don’t love it, you don’t love it. Even if you give everything you have, you buy it. After eating all the puffed fried food in the canteen, I still can't get a single picture of Wang Ying, the short-legged tiger. He is obviously ugly and mean. He is the last guy among the heroes of the Water Margin, but people just don't like you. .”

"Junior brother, junior brother, isn't it enough to have Wu Song? This is a good man who can fight and is loyal!" Fingel said, "So did you buy the Dwarf Tiger Wang Ying?"

"No, that company later went bankrupt. When I was in high school, I checked on Baidu and found that they never produced the Bantam Tiger Wang Ying card." Lu Mingfei said.

Fingel was stunned for a moment, then scratched his head, "Then you are really miserable, junior brother."

"Actually, what I want to say is not that I didn't buy Dwarf Tiger Wang Ying, but that I basically didn't have much pocket money at that time. Even if I wanted a game card of my own, I could only get it through this channel. Lu Mingfei still stared at the bed board, "My parents have been abroad. They send money to my uncle and aunt's family regularly. Then my aunt used the money to buy cosmetics and enroll my cousin Lu Mingze in tutoring." I also changed my uncle’s watches and suits, and the pocket money that ended up in my hands was really very little.”

"I actually didn't really like eating those cheap puffed fried foods at that time. I also wanted to eat Copic and I also wanted to eat Lay's, but they were too expensive and I couldn't afford them. I could only go to the street. I would buy fried potato chips that cost 50 cents or 1 yuan a pack at the canteen nearby, and Lu Mingze could use the money my parents sent me to eat and drink. Sometimes I could find him buying them secretly. LeTV, but when he saw me coming, he hid the potato chips so that I wouldn’t see them.”

Lu Mingfei's voice was calm.

"Wow, junior brother, can you bear this? Wow, if it were me, I would wait for my cousin to fall asleep, tie him up with a sack and beat him hard every day." Fingel waved his fist in anger, like Lu Ming All the experiences he mentioned happened to him.

"Later, a girl named Su Xiaoqiang in the class learned about my situation, and her father paid for my high school expenses, tuition and fees, pocket money and so on. Su Xiaoqiang's family sells minerals, and he is considered an authentic mine boss. I have money, so I get a lot of pocket money every month." Lu Mingfei smiled.

"Junior brother, with your charm, you do have the capital to eat soft food." Fingel nodded appreciatively, "You are only a little bit ahead of me, senior brother."

"Anyway, I was quite rich when I was in high school. Su Xiaoqiang's father also knew that my aunt would not let those subsidies fall on me. He always paid me directly, so I was considered a small rich man at that time. " Lu Mingfei said.

"Finally, the financial power has been obtained. The young master will have to become a serf and sing. At least he will have to eat twenty kilograms of potato chips every day." Fingel said longingly.

Lu Mingfei laughed, "Actually, not really. During my holidays, I would go to the welfare home owned by Su Xiaoqiang's family to do volunteer work. This kind of work does not pay, so I didn't ask for it. Then I got the first stipend. , I bought enough LeTV and Copico to last until they expired. When I returned to my aunt’s house, Lu Mingze’s eyes were fixed. My aunt was so angry that she scolded me for eating snacks even if I didn’t eat. I got some money outside but didn't know how to take it back to support my family. They said I was a prodigal and confiscated all the potato chips. Later, I heard from Lu Mingze that my aunt resold all the potato chips to the shop downstairs at a low price. commissary."

"What a damn debt." Fingel's anger gauge filled up immediately.

Lu Mingfei smiled, "In the next few days, I placed an order directly from the wholesale manufacturer and asked them to deliver a fixed amount of potato chips directly to my aunt's door every day. I tore them all open in front of my aunt and uncle. , I asked Lu Mingze to eat potato chips with me. My aunt was almost furious, saying that I was born with a bad seed, but they would not say that Lu Mingze was a bad seed, because Lu Mingze was their seed."

"Junior brother, you are awesome. My blood boils with excitement when I hear this, senior brother." Fingel said, "But it is a waste to give all those unlimited supply of potato chips to your cousin. Why not place another order now? Senior brother me?"

"Senior brother, what kind of potato chips do you want to eat? I'll bring them back to you after I have my midnight snack." Lu Mingfei smiled.

"Wow, you are actually planning to go out for a late-night snack. Who did you call? Chu Zihang? I read in the information that the two of you are in love as husband and wife, and you are suspected of having a friendship. Is this true?"

"Go to hell you Fingel!" Lu Mingfei kicked Fingel on the bed board.

He later said, "That day after my aunt scolded me as a bad person, my uncle quietly took me to a restaurant. During the meal, he poured me wine and then apologized to me on my aunt's behalf. In fact, I also know that my aunt is just a nobody. She is just a middle-aged housewife who has read a book and is not very reasonable. She is jealous of my mother and feels that my mother has crushed her in all aspects. So she hopes that her son can crush me in all aspects, probably This can give her a little comfort for her strong competitive spirit."

"So since then you have achieved the freedom of potato chips. Congratulations, junior brother!" Fingel chuckled.

Lu Mingfei scratched his head and said, "No, my enthusiasm for potato chips only lasted for no more than three days. After that, I suddenly felt that this stuff was very boring and tasteless. I actually hate it. I eat this kind of thing. But I was very poor before and had no chance to eat it, so I imagined how delicious it was. But when I could get it at will, the veil of mystery was stripped away. In the end, it was just Potatoes that are too oily, and I tend to have diarrhea if I eat too much potatoes.”

"Speaking of which, junior brother, are you going to go out for a late-night snack by yourself? Why don't you take poor senior brother with you?" Fingel said coquettishly and expectantly.

Lu Mingfei sat up.

He shrugged, "No, it's Xia Mi. She can't sleep and wants me to go out and stay with her."

"Goodbye." Fingel rearranged his sitting posture in the dormitory.

"So, senior brother, do you want to come with us?"

"We said goodbye." Fingel didn't look back.

Lu Mingfei covered his face. He didn't know why, but he always had a sense of deja vu from Fingel's tone of voice, as if he was a resentful woman sending her husband away.

Lu Mingfei hesitated for a moment when he got up, and looked at Fingel on the upper bunk, "I will bring you a midnight snack when I come back later. What do you want to eat, senior brother?"

"Lobster, abalone, bird's nest, shark's fin are all fine." Fingel put on a mean look again. Lu Mingfei rolled his eyes, "We only have five-eye fried rice and tonkotsu ramen, do you want it?"

This was Lu Mingfei's own late-night snack menu. Fingel stood up, his big eyes bright, "If you want it, why don't you want it? Junior brother, I love you, please be sure to add some sauce to my tonkotsu ramen." Little abalone.”

Lu Mingfei rolled his eyes even more, "Go away, go away, I'll give you a little abalone, I'll give you two more shrimps."


It was now 11 o'clock in the evening, and few students were still going out for activities at this time, but Lu Mingfei met Chu Zihang on the way to the restaurant.

The senior brother was not alone. Senior sister Su Qian was with him. They had probably just finished some serious academic paper. At this time, they were discussing something seriously and headed towards the dormitory. Even Lu Mingfei They passed by without even realizing it.

Lu Mingfei thought that if the junior sister didn't like the senior brother, it would be great if the senior brother could be with Sister Su Qian.

In fact, he and Caesar had discussed this issue before. Caesar commented from the perspective of a love veteran. He believed that it would be difficult for Chu Zihang and Xia Mi to really make it to the end, and Su Qian would still be a good wife and loving mother. Girls are more suitable for senior brothers.

Xia Mi said he would wait half an hour before going out, but Lu Mingfei arrived twenty minutes early. This was a habit he had kept for a long time. He had made mistakes before because of his hesitation, and he was unwilling to let such regrets happen to him again.

The cafeteria of Kassel College is basically open 24 hours a day, but it is closed for about one-third of the year. This is because there are three vents in the Equipment Department of Wat Alheim near the cafeteria. The lunatics in the Equipment Department often experiment with their new sulfur alchemy bombs in Watt Alheim. At such times, sulfur flames rising more than ten meters high will fly directly into the sky above Kassel through the ventilation ducts.

To be honest, the manager of the canteen is indeed a lunatic, but even a lunatic will cherish his life.

Who knows if one of those lunatics in the equipment department will go crazy one day. They are experimenting with the power of a sealed nuclear explosion in a small underground space in Kassel. The Norton Hall of Valhalla far away will probably not suffer any disaster, but right here in Watt The cafeteria above Alheim is most likely inescapable.

Xia Mi was very punctual. Lu Mingfei only waited at the entrance of the cafeteria for about twenty minutes before the girl walked over from afar.

Junior Sister Xia Mi was wearing a thin white gauze nightgown and crystal sandals under her feet. The moonlight fell on her fair and delicate calves, as if her skin was shimmering. The girl's toes moved restlessly, and her ankles were dizzy. With a light red color.

The faint scent of sandalwood spread from far to near, and Lu Mingfei chuckled, "Junior sister, you are not afraid of meeting perverts if you dress like this."

Xia Mi came over and hugged Lu Mingfei's right arm naturally. She wrinkled her nose slightly, with a cunning light in her eyes.

When she smiled, she showed two small tiger teeth, which was so weird and shockingly beautiful.

"Could it be that senior brother is this big pervert?" She raised her head to look into Lu Mingfei's eyes. Lu Mingfei smiled sarcastically and did not dare to look at Xia Mi at this time. This was because the little junior sister's white gauze nightgown only had two shoulders. The belt is fixed, revealing a large area of ​​white and tender skin.

Lu Mingfei thought that his shoulders were really slippery. He saw that Xia Mi's shoulders were also smooth and delicate, and were also stained with a light blush.

The girl's breath hit his face, and Lu Mingfei was a little lost for a moment.

Xia Mi chuckled, "Senior brother, does it look good?"

"Whatever you want to eat, I'll treat you." Lu Mingfei didn't have a mirror and couldn't see his face, but he thought it must be as red as a ripe apple and so hot that it could fry an egg.

After completing the Kuimen Project, Angers awarded a large scholarship in the name of the principal. This scholarship was enough for Lu Mingfei to have food and drink during the four years he studied in Kassel.

The leisurely night breeze blew, and Xia Mi's little body shivered, and she moved closer to Lu Mingfei.

The girl was smiling, with joy in her eyes.

"I want to go to Chicago, senior brother. I haven't been to a big city for so long since I came to the United States!" Xia Mi held Lu Mingfei's right arm and shook it.

Lu Mingfei scratched his head and said, "Okay."

Tomorrow is Sunday, there are no classes, it doesn’t matter if you don’t come back, and it’s not too far from Chicago, you can get there in an hour by car.

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