Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 63 063 A journey against heaven and earth (1)

Chapter 63 063. A journey against heaven and earth (1)

Section 1: Brother and Brother

"You mean you can hear someone calling you now?" Zhao Menghua's eyes widened.

Old Tang lit a cigarette on the bed. He looked at Zhao Menghua with deep eyes and nodded gently.

"I have three explanations now. It depends on which one you want to hear and which one you want to believe." Zhao Menghua said, and he returned to sit next to Old Tang.

Old Tang suddenly became quite excited, "Oh? You can actually give three scientific explanations? I thought I was a ghost."

"Well, unfortunately, the first explanation is still ghost collision." Zhao Menghua was a little embarrassed. "You American ghosts may have some weird habits. You like to chase people and call them brother, and then torture the brother to death. In the movie, It’s all shot like this.”

Old Tang's face was full of dark lines, "What about the second explanation?"

"The second explanation is that you are hearing hallucinations, you are suffering from mental illness, and now you urgently need to be sent to a mental hospital for treatment." Zhao Menghua nodded, "Our family has some business partners in Chicago. I can ask them to help you find the best solution." Good psychiatrist.”

"Fuck you, you are the one who is mentally ill." Old Tang waved his hand, "Just pass, next one."

"Have you ever heard of embryo absorption?" Zhao Menghua said quietly. Old Tang looked puzzled. To be honest, he was an orphan who was adopted by an old couple in New York. He never went to high school. He had never heard of embryo absorption and the like. Nouns I don’t understand.

"Some theories say that many people are actually twins before they are born, but they absorb the weaker brother or sister when they are still embryos, and they eat their relatives in the mother's womb. But the souls of those brothers were not devoured, so when these surviving embryos grew up, they had two souls, or in other words, two wills. One was the main consciousness that controlled his body, and the other came from the subconscious of his brothers and sisters. .After entering certain deep sleeps, the subconscious minds of the brothers and sisters who were eaten by him will wake up. Maybe this is the case for you."

"Like...an evil ghost." Old Tang muttered.

"Yes, like an evil ghost." Zhao Menghua said softly.

Old Tang was a little sad for no reason. He thought that at some point he ate his younger brother for some kind of power, and then his younger brother turned into an evil ghost and followed him around.

But even so, the boy never thought of hurting him or killing her. He just kept calling brother, brother, can you stay with me?

If that boy is really an evil ghost, he must have been very lonely when he was hiding in his body. He was so lonely that all he could see was nothingness and darkness. He couldn't see anything and there was no light. He could only hear his brother eating. The chewing sound of his flesh and blood must be terrifying. Just thinking about it makes people shudder. It is really sad.

At this time, Old Tang suddenly raised his head.

His eyes were so frightened.

It was that boy, his voice appeared again, but Zhao Menghua didn't seem to hear it at all.

For a moment, he felt like he was back in that long corridor again, dark and deep, as if it would never end.

The surrounding colors have faded away, as if soaked by the scattered ink, making it a heavy black. Seeping out of every space around it.

The boy seemed to be whispering in his ear.

"Brother, I'm so scared. There are many people outside. Brother, they want to kill me."

But there was clearly another man's voice, which was almost exactly the same as Old Tang's. It was like another man in his soul was responding to the boy's call.

"Constantine, don't be afraid to find me. We are destined to rebuild the bronze throne and rule the world from the east of the world."

"Don't be afraid. I will never be afraid when I am with my brother. But brother, why don't you eat me? Eat me. We will embrace each other on the throne forever. We will defeat those who are destined to be defeated. Like a mountain-shattering war, nothing can kill us at that time, and we can break through any kind of prison."

"Yes, of course I will eat you, because we are born as one, but we have been stripped of the integration of power and strength, but that moment has not come yet. For thousands of years, the only people who have cuddled together on the throne for warmth are We are the fate of abandoning our clan. Looking around, we are just as lonely as the sea. Surrounded by such loneliness, what can we do even if we become gods?"

"Brother, I have died many times, but this time I feel like I really have to say goodbye to you. Death is not terrible, it is just an eternal sleep. You must find my brother and eat me. My soul will always be by your side. One day you will rule the world, and we can change the fate of the entire abandoned clan."

"The so-called fate of abandoning one's family is to cross the wasteland, raise the battle flag again, and return to your hometown. But you will not die, Constantine, nor will you fall into eternal sleep. We made a covenant with blood and promised Never abandon each other until the end of death."

"Brother, I miss you very much, I really do."

"Constantine... please don't die. I'm here. We will eventually rule this world. We haven't returned to our hometown yet. I will take you home."

"Go home...Brother, can we really go back?" The boy's face gradually emerged from the darkness covering everything in front of him. It was a young and delicate face, small and white, like a Children of fourteen or fifteen years old.

He is soft and cowardly, not at all like someone who once held the throne high, but rather reminiscent of the cowardly and gentle last monarch. He is clearly surrounded by flames representing power and strength, but his eyes are neither a lion nor a dragon. , but just one...


Such a clean kid.

The child's face gradually blurred, and so did his shadow, as if he had never appeared and yet seemed to have always been with him.

He remembered, what was chasing him was memory.

Old Tang opened his eyes suddenly, and such a blazing and great golden color flashed in his pupils for a moment.

He suddenly raised his hands as if in some pious ceremony.

At this moment, strong winds fell from the sky, and everything from the earth to the sky was torn apart.

Zhao Menghua didn't know what happened. He just felt that there seemed to be a huge force falling from the sky, pouring into the body of the depressed man in front of him like a violent rain curtain.

That was the ancient king Norton, who was so great and majestic, spreading his arms in the sky where there was nothing left, like a huge cross that could not be seen by mortals.

"Constantine, wait for me..."

he whispered.

At the same time, the power of the Lord of Bronze and Fire issued an order to the world from high heaven, "Wake up..."

The strong wind flowed against the sky, and the huge cross fell with unparalleled authority. He embraced Old Tang.

People were horrified to find that all the bells were ringing all over the world, indicating that fate was welcoming the return of a certain king.

"Let's go, Lao Zhao, I may really need to see a doctor."

Old Tang smiled gently, and the tone of his words clearly did not change much, but Zhao Menghua actually felt a great honor, like a subject summoned by a king.

"I can play with you in Chicago for one or two more days, and then it's time to go back. Next time I have a chance, I'll drive a Greyhound to take you around the United States." Old Tang said.

"Okay, Su Xiaoqiang said she thought of Six Flags Amusement Park, so let's go there today." Zhao Menghua said.


Section 2: Reunion in fate

Heavy and uniform copper bells roared upwards from the first floor of the Hyattregency Chicago Hotel. Not only the Hyattregency Chicago, but all the bronze bells in Chicago, Illinois, the United States, and even the world were roaring. These bells were ringing. Ancient objects used as decoration or status symbols were originally placed in the corners of various buildings. They gradually turned dust in the dim sunlight and would not be knocked for years, decades or even centuries.

But today, at a certain moment, all the bronze bells in the world were buzzing, as if the courtiers were cheering the return of the king.

"Junior sister, where do you want to go?" Lu Mingfei was very nervous. He just thought that today was probably a special anniversary of this hotel. After all, things like bronze bells are not available everywhere.

He and Xia Mi only had two days of vacation, so of course they had to seize every minute to visit Chicago.

"Senior brother, you look handsome today." Xia Mi rubbed against Lu Mingfei's sleeves like a kitten. The girl raised her head and stared into Lu Mingfei's eyes with her big innocent eyes.

"I want to go to Six Flags Roller Coaster Amusement Park first, and then try Chicago's special hot dog at noon. I also want to try the deep dish pizza. I've been here before, so I definitely have to try the specialties here." she says.

"Chicago hot dogs." Lu Mingfei was a little hesitant. It didn't mean that this thing was expensive or difficult to buy. It's just that the education he has received for a long time does not support him to try this novel thing.

A Chicago-style hot dog is a steamed, boiled or grilled all-beef hot dog sausage on a poppy seed bun. The hot dog is usually served with mustard, onions, pickled pickles, radish pickles, tomatoes, pickled peppers, and celery seeds. Seasoned salt and sometimes cucumber.

But poppy seeds are actually not a big deal in the United States, they are legal.

"Okay, that's okay. I actually want to try Chicago hot dogs and deep dish pizza, but can we not go to Six Flags Amusement Park?" Lu Mingfei suggested.

"No, no, senior brother, people just want to ride a roller coaster. People just want to ride a roller coaster." Xia Mi held Lu Mingfei's arm and dangled it.

"I'm actually a little motion sick..." It took Lu Mingfei a long time to squeeze out such words from his mouth.

"I'm just scared. There's no shame in saying it." Xia Mi winked, "We went to an amusement park with Chu Zihang before, and at that time I wanted to ride a roller coaster. But he took us to Snow White Castle . I think Chu Zihang is also a little afraid of riding roller coasters, and his favorite project may be Snow White Castle."

"No, it was actually me who requested to go to Snow White's Castle that time. Senior brother's favorite project should be 'Winnie the Pooh and His Friends.'" Lu Mingfei spoke righteously.

Xia Mi held her chin and opened her eyes wide. She was shocked by Lu Mingfei's frankness.

"I had already checked the information on the train coming to Chicago. There is a big roller coaster in the Six Flags Amusement Park. Its name is the Snake in the Atrium. It is the fastest roller coaster in the world! It is 150 meters high, and the speed is The maximum is 250 kilometers! I've been looking forward to it for a long time! Brother, brother, just go with me, okay?" Xia Mi hugged her inner arm and acted coquettishly. Lu Mingfei took a deep breath. He felt that this time he might choose Coming to Chicago was a mistake.

"Okay, but let me declare in advance that my favorite project is actually Snow White's Castle. Roller coasters are still too hard for me to accept." Lu Mingfei sighed.

"Senior brother, you're the best!" Xia Mi happily moved up and down Lu Mingfei's body, like a little fragrant pig with the scent of sandalwood.

Lu Mingfei scratched his hair and looked at the guy in the mirror. He was well-dressed and handsome. He was probably much better looking than he was a long time ago and was much more attractive to girls.

However, he and Xia Mi were always a little confused when they were together.

He didn't know why, but he felt like an asshole.

He felt that he had done something wrong and felt sorry for his senior brother, so he didn't want to go to that roller coaster.

After enjoying the Chinese breakfast provided by the hotel, Lu Mingfei and Xia Mi walked out of hyattregency Chicago.

"Wait a minute, we must have opened it the wrong way, otherwise we have to start over." Lu Mingfei turned around expressionlessly to return to the hotel.

The first thing he saw was the black Maserati parked on the side of the road. It was so dazzling. The slender hood had a sharp arc. The black body seemed to hide the scabbard of a peerless sword. The anti-peep glass blocked his view. The sight inside, when this thing appears on the roadside, it should be the focus of the audience. There is a plump girl posing and adjusting the angle next to the car to take selfies.

But the Illinois license plate on this damn Maserati is cas001.

Lu Mingfei knew this car.

It is one of the cars owned by the romantic old schoolmaster Hilbert Jean Angers.

"Wait a minute, senior brother, there seems to be the principal in that car! He is greeting us!" Xia Mi said with a wide smile.

Lu Mingfei covered his face.

"Actually, I want to say, Mingfei, no matter how many times you reopen that door, you will see me and my Maserati parked on the side of the road waiting for you to come out." Principal Angers said boldly, and he gave a cheerful Laughing, "Actually, I'm not some feudal, smelly old guy! I really like being with young people!"

Lu Mingfei turned around expressionlessly.

An old but still rather handsome face appeared in the Maserati's car window. This guy had silver hair that was oiled enough to serve as a mirror. He was wearing a crisp black custom-made suit, and he didn't have a fresh penis stuffed in his chest. Delicate red roses, now stuffed there with handkerchief carnations.

"I heard that little Xia Mi likes carnations very much, so I asked for one at the flower shop." Angers handed the carnation and the handkerchief to Xia Mi.

Xia Mi took the flower and her smile was prettier than the flower.

She turned around and thrust the carnation into Lu Mingfei's hand.

"Senior brother, I give this to you. I like carnations the most." Xia Mi smiled very sweetly, as sweet as if he wanted to cover the boy's heart with honey.

Lu Mingfei took the flower blankly.

Girls all over the world are the same, even if they are actually female dragons.

Whatever she likes, she thinks her boy likes it too.

When she shares her favorite things with you, she shares her entire world with you.

Angers laughed out loud.

"Mingfei is very charming, very much like me back then." The car door opened automatically and Ange said loudly.

Xia Mi pulled Lu Mingfei and got into the back seat of the Maserati.

Lu Mingfei saw a box in the center of the back row. He was familiar with this thing. It was a sword box originally used to hold the Seven Deadly Sins.

"I asked Fingel to send Lust from your dormitory to my office, and then put it into this box with other swords. Now it is back to its original owner." Angers said, "But the Arrogance and greed are still in the hands of the Gattuso family. Do you know Pompeii? He is Caesar's father. I told him about this matter. Pompeii promised me that after this period of time, arrogance and greed will be over. Greed will come back to you. For this, the Gattuso family owes you a favor."

"Arrogance and greed." Lu Mingfei whispered the names of the two swords.

Angers looked into Lu Mingfei's eyes through the rearview mirror, and saw the old man's iron-grey eyes. I can’t even explain what the emotion is.

"This is a very complicated political transaction. We have to make some compromises. I, you, the other families on the school board, and the elders hidden at the end of the old era, you used them when you were fighting Odin. A certain technique for refining bloodline. This technique is absolutely prohibited. Frost forced the school board and the Senate to separate the seven deadly sins at the cost of no longer pursuing the matter. This was an era of order. We all have to follow the rules.”

"I understand, principal." Lu Mingfei nodded lightly.

The Seven Deadly Sins are of course an important weapon to him, but they are not unique or irreplaceable.

He had killed one Dragon King after another, not entirely relying on the Seven Deadly Sins.

"The Ice Sea Fragments record that if this weapon is completely gathered together, it can use the field called Crime and Punishment. It is the great alchemy field and the power to fight against the king. You may have used it." Angers said.

"The Gattuso family believes that a great ancient being will awaken in the near future. They don't want you to continue to gain this level of merit and honor, which will shake the already ingrained ruling model of mixed race society."

Lu Mingfei didn't speak. He just lightly covered the surface of the Seven Deadly Sins Sword Box with his hand, and the ancient motto inscriptions emitted a faint golden light, seeming to joyfully return to the hands of the person who was truly qualified to possess it.

At this time, a melodious aria was playing in the Maserati's stereo, and there was actually a bottle of ice wine in the slot where a Coke should have been inserted. The skylight above the head was open, and the curls of cigar smoke were flying up.

"Hey, hey, is it really okay to say these things in front of me?" Xia Mi finally had a chance to interject.

Angers chuckled softly, "There's nothing wrong with it. You all need to grow up. Someone has to enter the political circle."

Please recommend me, please recommend me. It’s a short chapter with more than 5,000 words, which makes up for yesterday’s word count.

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