Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 66 065 A journey against heaven and earth (3)

Chapter 66 065. A journey against heaven and earth (3)

He just stood there, surrounded by people coming and going, like a mountain standing still in the midst of a frenzy.

It was a young man with droopy eyebrows, wearing a stiff denim jacket and a light gray T-shirt underneath.

Old Tang stood quietly in the crowd. He looked at the backs of Zhao Menghua and others and stopped moving forward.

This was not because the Dragon King was shy, but because he saw something equally great.

He saw...


For a moment, reality and dreams were blurred, and the ancient vows echoed in Norton's ears!

All the lowly people around him disappeared, and in the eyes of the great king, only the equally great king remained.

There seems to be an ancient language singing.

“At the end of the thousand years, Satan will be released from his prison, and he will come out to deceive all the nations on the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, so that they can come together for war.

Their numbers are as numerous as the sand of the sea.

They came up and filled the whole earth, and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city; and fire came down from heaven and consumed them.

The devil who deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet were.

They will be tormented day and night forever and ever. "

"We meet again, my dear sister. I still remember our covenant evidenced by blood, and vow to fight side by side with you until all the blood is shed. Even though you choose to abandon it, I still want to hold up the banner of homecoming again, Are you still willing to stand with me this time?" Old Tang said softly, his voice was so light and gentle, but it was like an evil ghost returning from hell. Sharper than the sharpest sword, it pierced Xia Mi's ear fiercely.

The girl looked up in panic, her eyes a little confused.

The reunion between kings should not be like this. Jörmungandr's power is still so weak, not enough to compete with Norton, the king of bronze and fire who is most similar to the black emperor.

But such a broad figure suddenly stood between Jörmungandr and Norton. Lu Mingfei finally raised his drooping eyebrows, and there was molten gold in the depths of his eyes.

"Old Tang, come here! Brother Lu, let me introduce you to you. This is Ronald Tang. He is a friend I met in the interstellar game group. You used to abuse him in the game." Zhao Menghua now stays. She has a center parting, gold-rimmed glasses, a custom-made suit from Prada, leather shoes from Hermes, and a watch from Zenith. She looks quite human.

Mr. Zhao was superior to everyone in front of everyone, but only in front of Lu Shaoxia, he was like an errand boy.

He then introduced Lu Mingfei to Norton, "This is Lu Mingfei, the top student in our Shilan Middle School class, now studying at Cassell University in the suburbs of Chicago. You must have heard this before After him, Brother Lu’s name can be considered a somewhat legendary legend among our group.”

Angers witnessed the young people's first acquaintance with great interest. He was so interested that he didn't say anything and just acted as an honest spectator.

"Hello, Lu Mingfei." Unexpectedly, the first person to reach out was Norton, the legendary king of bronze and fire whose true form was rage.

In ancient times, when Norton stretched out his huge dragon body and showed his true anger, all the royal families in the world would kneel down.

The so-called royal family is the ancient dragon family.

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment. He hesitated for a moment and also extended his right hand.

The man and the man's hands were separated at the touch, and Lu Mingfei noticed that there was an extremely huge power brewing in Old Tang's body in front of him.

He remained calm, but his heart was shocked and furious.

This time, Lu Mingfei originally avoided getting acquainted with Old Tang, thinking that this would prevent Norton from being prematurely exposed to the eyes of the secret party.

But he thought too much.

The secret party, or the school board, has its own intelligence agency and can use its own methods to find the kings hidden among the vast crowds.

This time, Old Tang was very different from the last time. He still had the same face and droopy eyebrows, but the light in his eyes was sharper than a sword and colder than the cold wind in Siberia. The smile at the corner of his mouth concealed a profound meaning. of cruelty.

This is a real, awakened king.

Something woke him.

Or maybe he woke up to something.

The text message Su Enxi had just sent him suddenly flashed in Lu Mingfei's mind. The text message contained only a few words.

"We lost Constantine's egg."

The last time Norton woke up was because Constantine was near him.

So, will it still be the case this time?

In this case, there should be three kings visiting Chicago at this time.

What a great honor.

From ancient times to the present, for tens of thousands of years, no human city has ever been lucky enough to be favored by multiple kings.

The memories traced back from a long time ago are constantly entering Old Tang's mind.

Sometimes he is human and sometimes he is a dragon.

In order to fully wake up, he still lacks something, something that can stimulate him and prompt the revival of his dragon heart.

If he was willing to wait, Norton could make a full recovery, he just needed some time.

But...will the secret party give him this opportunity?

Lu Mingfei shuddered.

He looked around, and it seemed that there were dragon-slaying weapons hidden in every corner, and everyone looked like the elite of the execution department.

This is the place where gods are buried.

Fate brought the three kings together here, and at the same time, the most powerful dragon slayers in the world also arrived one after another.

It is as if today, the long-stagnant convergence of history begins to operate again, and the destiny of the world will open a new chapter.

The gods wake up one after another, but they hate each other and fight to the death. This begins the twilight of the gods, and blood feuds pile up on top of blood feuds.

In the end, everyone who can have anything to do with God will rush to the battlefield without hesitation. If the weapon in his hand breaks, bite it with his teeth and tear it with his nails. If his hands and feet are broken, he will hammer it with his head.

Lu Mingfei himself is an S-class with the ability to fight next generation, not to mention the bottomless Principal Anger is standing by.

If the secret party has already mastered the information that Old Tang is Norton, then there is no way that there are powerful executive elites hidden nearby.

"Senior brother, why don't we forget about it today... I'm a little uncomfortable..." Xia Mi hid behind Lu Mingfei. The moment she saw Norton, she even forgot to continue to declare her sovereignty to Su Xiaoqiang.

Among all the kings, she is the weakest.

In a head-to-head fight, Norton can tear Jörmungandr's dragon body apart.

Of course, the furious Fenrir can also tear Norton's dragon body apart.

Lu Mingfei held Xia Mi's wrist and looked at Angre.

The old guy lowered his eyelids, but Lu Mingfei confirmed that there was overwhelming hatred in those eyes bursting out from between the eyelids that had shrunk into slits.

That unfathomable look in his eyes was so decisive that it reminded people of a certain sentence in the Bible.

“I am against you, and I will unsheath my sword, and I will cut off the righteous and the wicked alike from among you. Then all flesh will know that I, the LORD, have unsheathed my sword and will never put it back again.”

Lu Mingfei recalled that afternoon many years ago, when he was sleeping on his uncle's desk as usual.

The old radio that was in disrepair was standing next to it and was sizzling. But at a certain moment, this old thing that had been running continuously for more than ten years seemed to be rejuvenated.

It didn't know which frequency signal it received, but from it came the whisper of a hoarse, low-pitched middle-aged man, who was reciting this verse from the Bible.

Lu Mingfei was immediately shocked by the determination and ruthlessness contained in these words. At that time, he was thinking that there was no greater justice in the world than this.

"Oh, Xiao Xia Mi, are you scared?" Ange's eyes narrowed when he laughed.

He put his hands in his trouser pockets, but Lu Mingfei knew this lunatic old guy better than anyone. His fingers had already clenched the folding knife that could hunt the Dragon King. In the past period of time, it was this folding knife. The knife was inserted into Xia Mi's heart by Chu Zihang. The toxin contained in it was spread throughout the emperor's daughter's body in just a few seconds.

"Damn it, don't underestimate the bond between me and my senior brother, you bastard!" Xia Mi clenched his fist and stood firmly beside Lu Mingfei.

Su Xiaoqiang chuckled and winked at Lu Mingfei, "Xia Mi likes Mingfei very much."

"Senior brother is my favorite!" Xia Mi hummed.

Lu Mingfei scratched his hair awkwardly.

Everyone laughed, including Old Tang, but it was unclear whether the person laughing now was a human or a dragon.

Perhaps the great Lord Norton was laughing at Jörmungandr for falling in love with such a lowly species.

"Then let's try the Atrium Snake together." Angers nodded.

"Well, um. Liu Miaomiao and I have some things to do so we won't go up." Chen Wenwen's face turned pale.

Lu Mingfei said in her heart that she was right, this was like a girl. Girls should like projects like Snow White Castle and Winnie the Pooh and his friends.

Who is this cute girl who wants to ride a roller coaster with a speed of 250 kilometers per hour all day long?

But Su Xiaoqiang hugged Chen Wenwen and Liu Miaomiao's arms. She said with a smile, "Let's go, let's go. It won't be dangerous. You know, experts have done statistics and the probability of a roller coaster accident is less than 100 million." One, this probability can really approach zero."

Lu Mingfei said heartily, yes, of course the probability of a roller coaster accident is very low, but for the one in 100 million people who happen to encounter it, their mortality rate is almost 100%.

Su Xiaoqiang seemed to raise his head inadvertently and asked Lu Mingfei a question casually, "By the way, Mingfei, your girlfriend came to pick you up in the screening room last time. She seemed to be called Chen Motong. Why did he come this time?" She’s not here, I remember she is also a student of Kassel College.”

Lu Mingfei seemed to hear a bayonet stabbing into Xia Mi's heart. Jörmungandr's eyes bent into a dangerous arc, and he pinched the soft flesh of Lu Mingfei's waist fiercely.

Xia Mi lowered his voice, "When did Senior Brother and Sister Nuonuo become a couple? Why didn't I know?" Lu Mingfei was in trouble and couldn't tell. He raised his eyes to look at Su Xiaoqiang, but saw a cunning look in the corner of the girl's eyes. Light.

The little goddess's counterattack was silent but came as expected. She is such a smart girl. Of course she can see that Nono is not Lu Mingfei's girlfriend at all, but she doesn't mind using this matter to hit Xia Mi at all.

"Come here quickly, come here quickly!" Zhao Menghua waved to them from a distance. Old Tang actually had a good relationship with him. It seemed that Norton's consciousness had not completely changed him.

"Right away!" Lu Mingfei responded loudly, but he didn't like roller coasters from the bottom of his heart. In comparison, Snow White Castle was more suitable for him.

Angers laughed heartily, "Young people are very courageous and motivated! This is great. One day when old guys like us die, you will also live well!"

Xia Mi held the old guy's arm and said, "The principal is in such good health that he can live to be at least two hundred years old."

Jörmungandr was quite good at talking, and Lu Mingfei hummed in disdain.

"So Brother Mingfei, do you have a girlfriend now?" Su Xiaoqiang approached Lu Mingfei, they were almost side by side, the girl's breath was like blue, and she smelled of very good perfume.

She is really tall, with a slender waist, long legs, and beautiful breasts. I think she is a stunner who can charm a lot of senior students even at the University of Chicago.

But she still thinks about the boy who has been with her for three years. That boy used to be a loser.

Lu Mingfei's expression froze.

"No, no, I want to focus on my studies." Lu Mingfei said seriously.

Su Xiaoqiang covered her mouth and chuckled. The girl's eyes were as charming as silk, "So I still have a chance. Then when I have time later, come to Chicago to explore. It's just you. I'll treat you to a big dinner."

"Yeah." Lu Mingfei agreed.

In fact, he was thinking that he would probably never contact her again.

Finally they boarded the Midgard Serpent. Like stepping on the corridor of destiny, everything has become a closed loop.

Lu Mingfei clicked the safety lock, checked it again and again, and glanced at Old Tang sitting next to him.

I don’t know whether to call him Old Tang or Norton at this time.

The aura and majesty that belongs to a king are faintly exuding from this man with drooped eyebrows.

Ordinary people can't detect it, but Lu Mingfei and Ange, who are S-class hybrids, can feel it.

He sat up straight and fastened the safety lock meticulously, looking forward with a calm and calm look in his black eyes.

He never spoke to Lu Mingfei again and was like a stranger.

This time they were strangers.

Angers and Xia Mi still undoubtedly grabbed the first row in front, in order to enjoy the pleasure of falling headfirst into the ground against the wind. The two were always in high spirits and full of anticipation.

But Lu Mingfei suddenly felt a little frightened.

He realized that this might be a conspiracy, a conspiracy from the Gattuso family or the secret party. He was sent naked to a dragon king, and this place was destined to turn into a battlefield soon.

He would be... the first to die in battle.

Frost Gattuso took away the Seven Deadly Sins from him because he didn't want Lu Mingfei to kill Wang. This must mean that the Gattuso family has another dragon-slaying system that belongs to them.

Lu Mingfei thought of divine punishment. He looked up and saw that the car under him was slowly entering the acceleration tunnel.

The sky is clear and cloudless, but the road is not as clear as a gleam on the back.

Finally, black slowly covered the sky.

The acceleration tunnel was dark, red lights flashed in two rows along the track, and staff carefully checked everyone's safety locks.

They reminded in English, Russian and Chinese, "Please pay attention to the headrest to prevent excessive acceleration from twisting your cervical spine."

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