Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 69 068 A journey against heaven and earth (6)

Chapter 69 068. A journey against heaven and earth (6)

"Brother, you are all going to die." Lu Mingze said.

The little devil's voice sounded faintly in Lu Mingfei's ears. His tone was gentle, but seemed to be teasing and mocking.

Lu Mingfei looked down at his lower abdomen, and a sharp steel bar penetrated him bloodily. This thing was nailed into the rock wall. When Norton's punch landed on his chest, he was blasted towards the rock wall like a cannonball, and then he was nailed to the wall. The steel bars do not exist independently. Where they are connected to the rock wall, there are dense stubbles of crooked steel bars that have been cut off with a cutting machine.

Lu Mingfei crashed into him, and his entire back and half of his upper body's internal organs were destroyed.

Scarlet blood flowed down his body and soon gathered into a stream.

"Norton is very different this time. You and that old guy are no match for him, so," Lu Mingze said softly, "do you want to exchange?"

"Constantine's egg was lost, did you know?" The world was at a standstill at this time. That was far from the great miracle that Time Zero could achieve. It was exclusive to the devil. Lu Mingfei coughed up blood, but there was no Responding directly to Lu Mingze, he just asked the question that he had buried in his heart not long ago.

"Well, I did it on purpose." Lu Mingze said.

At this time, he finally walked out of the darkness with joyful dance steps. Bright lights lit up one after another in those extreme darkness. These lights illuminated a long corridor. The walls of the long corridor were all made of bronze, and it was majestic. , there are ancient and deserted murals everywhere, and the content of the murals is people offering sacrifices to dragons.

It seemed that Lu Mingze walked out of this corridor.

His small body was standing tall and straight at the moment, and he was wearing a stiff and powerful black iron armor. The body of the armor was woven with large rectangular armor pieces, and the arms were covered with smaller fish scale armor. The front placket was fastened with iron hooks. The lower body is wearing a dark dark coat with a softer texture, smoother and wider curves, and high round-toed boots. Coupled with the sharp Han Bafang sword in the little devil's hand, he looks exactly like a young general in the late Western Han Dynasty.

"The clothes are pretty cool." Lu Mingfei praised him without hesitation. He was used to Lu Mingze's strange clothes every time he appeared. Even if one day he dressed up as Ultraman Mebius, Lu Mingfei wouldn't be surprised. will be surprised.

"If my brother likes it, I'll ask Mai to send you a set too. I made it custom-made in a blacksmith shop in a small town in southern China. The old blacksmith was very nice and gave me a 20% discount." Lu Mingze rambled on. , "Speaking of which, I also want him to buy me a Mo Dao and a set of Mingguang Armor. Unfortunately, the blacksmith is already very old. Brother, you don't know that the times are developing so fast now. The blacksmith shop will soon be It’s going to be closed. From now on, when we play with knives and armor, we can only go online and buy the kind of inferior handicrafts that come off the assembly line..."

"So where did you take him?" Lu Mingfei said suddenly, his head lowered so that Lu Mingze couldn't see his eyes clearly, but Lu Mingze lowered his body like those very young teeth The little boy made the girl cry on the table and then peeked at her.

Lu Mingfei raised his head again.

Although the eyes were not lit, they were as dark as black holes in the depths of the universe.

Lu Mingze scratched his eyebrows. He waved the Han Bafang Sword in his hand and danced vigorously. He was indeed a good frame for practicing martial arts. "Where else can it be taken? Of course it is sent to the battlefield." He seemed to He has no feeling about this matter, just like if he lost an egg during breakfast, and his mother asked where the egg was lost, he would just drink the milk and shrug, saying that it seemed to be in the trash can.

"We have been together for a long time, and I know you very well, Lu Mingze, why did you do this? We have clearly grasped the tail of fate, and all that is left is to grab its neck and give it a hard straight punch. "Lu Mingfei looked at Lu Mingze expressionlessly, "The early awakening of Norton in Old Tang's body should have something to do with you. But things shouldn't be like this. We just need to use Constantine's eggs in New York. Just threaten Norton, and we will gain allies at the Dragon King level."

"Brother, do you really think so?" Lu Mingze looked a little surprised, but there was sadness in his eyes.

Lu Mingze let out a long sigh, the sound of which was as long as the winding Cam River.

"Brother, you have been trying to hold on to your destiny, but destiny is like the world itself, it cannot be shaken. Maybe there are some things you can change, but those destined deaths will always come as scheduled."

Lu Mingfei felt that his whole body was slowly being soaked by the ice spring.

He had never discussed the "destiny" of other people with Lu Mingze, but talking about it now was so frightening and frightening, and deep uneasiness was rising from his heart like a tide.

"People who have died will die one by one, and the sorrows that have happened will be repeated one by one. This is actually a drama that has been scripted for a long time. Even the greatest king is powerless. When faced with the rolling fate, the king The only way to kill him is to point him to the neck." Lu Mingze said softly, and he leaned close to Lu Mingfei's ear, as if he was afraid of disturbing the dead soul somewhere.

"But we clearly saved, saved..."

"Aki Shutoku, Ronderstedt and Selma, right?" Lu Mingze raised a huge arc from the corner of his mouth, and now he didn't even bother to hide his sarcastic face.

He hugged Lu Mingfei's head and said, "Brother, do you remember what I said? The sorrow in the world is always conserved. Yes, you saved them, but how many people died on the Monyach who were not originally dead?" People? If you take one life from the hands of fate, then fate will take more lives from your hands. This is the truth of the world, and we are all living in the woven tragedy."

Lu Mingfei had a splitting headache, and his ears were echoing with the sound of wind on a rainy night in Tokyo. The sound of the wind was frighteningly loud, as if he was deep in a Category 12 hurricane.

All the tragedies and fates he wants to change ultimately point to a node, and that node is in Tokyo. Her name is Uesugi Eriki.

If death is inevitable, does that mean that no matter how many times he comes again, he will lose her?

Some people say that death is not the end, but forgetfulness is, but Lu Mingfei feels that death is the end. There was a girl who liked you so much. She was willing to do anything for you, but you didn't like her. When you finally woke up one day and tried to find her again, she was already dead at the bottom of the red well, where there were so many people. It was a corpse, but none of those corpses loved her, they just wanted to fight for her.

At that time, probably no one in the world loved her.

The man she loved was also a coward.

By the time the cowardly guy finally got up the courage to trade his life with sword to sword to kill the culprit who caused all this, it was too late because his girl was already dead.

Death is the end of the story, forgotten or not. Because she died, she could no longer put on those beautiful little dresses and bright makeup to eat five-eye fried rice with the boy she liked. Because she died, her little yellow duck could only stay in that closed Japanese room gathering dust forever, and could no longer swim from one end of the bathtub to the other. Because she died, the boy could only live in his painful memories forever...

Lu Mingfei suddenly grabbed Lu Mingze's neck. He was so angry and majestic, like a god waking up.

"There must be a way, right? There must be a way!" Lu Mingfei's voice was hoarse.

Lu Mingze was lifted up by his neck, but his expression did not change at all. He was still smiling.

"The black emperor rules the world with great power and power on the top of the mountains. Those powers that drive kings and humble slaves like spider webs have a name, and its name is destiny." Lu Mingze's face showed a trace of He said ferociously, "Of course we have a way! How dare a rebellious minister to exert royal power on the emperor? Brother, you are the biggest monster, you have the greatest power, but you just want to release this power!"

Lu Mingfei let go of Lu Mingze and let the little devil fall to the ground, with huge panic on his face.

In fact, he has been running away from one thing, and that thing is, what he, Lu Mingfei, is.

Is he human? Or maybe a dragon? Or is it some kind of monster hidden in the deepest reaches of history that has never been recorded?

Lu Mingfei was very scared. It was the deepest thing in his heart.

But what Lu Mingze said...

what does that mean?

"You really want to save the head of the Uesugi family, right brother? Then rush forward, kill Norton, kill Constantine!" Lu Mingze roared, "Because only in this way can we resist that damn fate!"

"Every king is a key. They will always lock our power and power while they are alive. Subverting a throne will open a door. When all four doors are opened, there will no longer be a cage in the world that can trap you, brother. , go, go! What is fate? It was nothing more than a hound in our eyes!"

The words of "Don't Die" reappeared on Lu Mingfei's body uncontrollably. His body was recovering at an alarming speed. His latissimus dorsi muscles contracted and squeezed, pushing him to slide out of the uneven steel bars. There were dozens of densely packed steel bars. The stubble stood with blood and was slowly peeled away from Lu Mingfei's body, or it should be that Lu Mingfei was pushed forward by his own muscles.

Soon, he pulled himself out completely.

His internal organs healed miraculously. It was a gift from the little devil, commanding the world with a greater identity.

Lu Mingfei had some guesses at this time, but he didn't want to go into details.

Kill the four kings...

Including Xia Mi?

Lu Mingfei didn't dare to think that the weak kid who had been cowardly in his soul for many years seemed to be looking at the world through his eyes.

How can it be possible, how can it be possible...

How could Xia Mi be killed? ! Lu Mingfei roared angrily.

But why, brother, why can't you kill her? She is Jormungandr, Shami is just her disguise, and don’t you dislike her? Don't you like Chen Motong? Oh, by the way, you probably like the head of the Uesugi family more now, right? So what does it matter if you kill an inconsequential dragon? When we return to the throne of God, if you want Xia Mi, you will have Xia Mi. If you want Haru Mi, you will have Chun Mi. Why bother?

Damn damn Lu Mingze!

Lu Mingfei stretched out his hand forward. His expression was so ferocious, as ferocious as an evil ghost emerging from the ground! But everything was gone, and the gray and dim wonder suddenly disappeared.


Even if the little devil didn't say anything, Lu Mingfei could see that Norton was very different this time. His awakening was accompanied by the return of great power, and the king's will also took over in a short period of time. It was not like The monarch who woke up recently seems to have been dormant in the human world until today.

As expected, Angers activated three levels of violent blood. This level of increase was also a huge burden for him. However, relying on the spirit of words, he could still pose a threat to Norton without being hit directly and briefly like Lu Mingfei. Loss of combat effectiveness.

Although Norton is powerful, he is not a master of all elements like the Black Emperor and the White Emperor. He needs to evolve into a more noble state to rival the gods.

The four monarchs can only be called gods within their own scope of power. They have not canceled the ability of other speech spirits. This is why Norton can only speed up his thinking speed and metabolism to keep up with Angers speed. This state is also a big burden for today's young Dragon King.

At this time, they were all real speedsters. Looking outside the realm of Time Zero, they could only see the light of their swords, like a star falling in a dark tunnel.

Angers' folding knife and Norton's Han Bafang Sword, every collision of the weapons scattered large sparks, and every step forward and backward weaved a huge web.

Those nets are beautiful and gorgeous. It is the wave of the sword light that weaves dense fishing net-like silk threads.

Norton did not use some kind of word spirit in the battle with Angers. The dangerous explosion of the fire word spirit and the silent high temperature would completely destroy this place.

It was a completely violent and bloody fight between them.

Large areas of blood were splashed on the ground, as wild and ferocious as the murals of ancient cavemen.

Angers' folding knife could break Norton's scales, but Norton closed the blood circulation on the surface and the toxins could not enter his body.

Norton's long sword can also hurt Angers. They are all real speedsters, so it is not surprising that anyone is injured.

Even wounds with deep visible bones will heal in a short time. As long as the dragon's blood is not exhausted, they may only be killed by piercing the heart or brain at this time.

Principal Ange was as hard as steel under the third degree of violent blood. A field of crimson flames spread out from Norton's body. The rails melted into violent rain, and a violent wind seemed to be blowing in the field.

For a moment, it was windy and rainy here, and behind the dragon, there were iron-green membrane wings that opened like a fan.

The awakened king and the strongest human roared and collided in the tunnel.

The gray and dim Time Zero realm collided with the realm of the Lord of Bronze and Fire, and the surrounding steel support structures were making harsh creaking sounds, which meant that the building was about to lose its hold due to the damage to the underlying structure.

The two figures kept colliding at the junction of the fields, making loud noises, and the extreme movement made everything seem to be still.

"Brother, are you afraid? Always remember that courage is the strongest weapon." The little devil's voice rang in Lu Mingfei's ears again, "You can't join such a game without a powerful spirit of speech. This is very unfortunate. Fair, then..."

"Commandments, unlock the authority for you!"

Lu Mingze roared, "With you, the king can't expand his territory!"

Lu Mingfei took a deep breath. After many years, he once again felt the power of discipline flowing in his blood.

He took a step forward.

There is no so-called realm behind him.

He just stepped into the domain, and the riot of rules immediately dissipated.

I have some manuscripts saved. If the average daily order increase exceeds 5, I will publish one more chapter and ensure that each chapter is 4,000 words. What do you think?

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