Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 72 071 Sadness for Eternity (1)

Chapter 72 071. Sadness for eternity (1)

Section 1: Man and Dragon

The shadow of the steel frame that had not yet been destroyed swayed, and the flower branches in the vase at the entrance of the tunnel also swayed. At this time, the building was actually destroyed, but it was Norton who kept it from collapsing.

It was quiet all around, and the metal and molten iron in Norton's field seemed to be suspended in defiance of gravity.

More sunlight shines in, and the place is as quiet as a windy afternoon.

Lu Mingfei looked up at the swaying flower branches.

There is no wind.

There was no sound of wind outside, but the flower branches were swaying fiercely. This was not a windy afternoon at all. Ange suddenly grabbed Lu Mingfei by the collar at the back of his neck and lifted him up. The flower branches swayed more and more violently, and the ground shook slightly. stand up.

The piercing sirens suddenly swept through the entire Six Flags amusement park.

The air raid siren was triggered by something.

Almost at the same time, Lu Mingfei had been taken outside by Ang Zhi. The old guy under the fourth degree of violent blood was able to move Time Zero to an unprecedented level, and even the king could not stop it.

The king did not bother to stop him.

He is here, staying if he wants, leaving if he wants.

The next moment, Lu Mingfei was so shocked that his jaw almost hit his feet.

He saw a dozen giant cannons crashing into the interior of the amusement park without restraint, and those 120mm smoothbore cannons belonged to M1A2 SEP-Abrams with the totem of the World Tree in full bloom painted on its surface and puffing out billowing black smoke. Main battle tank!

These steel monsters are the most advanced land warfare weapons today. They are the main battle tanks of the US Armored Forces. The cost of any one of them is prohibitively expensive. Each one weighs 67 tons and relies on tracks to move.

If a guy like this hits him head-on, the weaker next-generation species will probably be shattered to pieces.

It wasn't an earthquake just now, but the tanks were moving at high speed and shaking the ground. They did everything possible to slay the Dragon Secret Party. At this moment, the tank engines made a deafening roar, and all the gun barrels were aimed at the bottom of the "Snake of the Atrium", which was the steel building. A tunnel building cast from a bracket structure.

The weapons used by the academy are far more than just tanks. The roar of helicopter rotors can be heard in the sky. They are Apache helicopters purchased from Boeing Company. The equipment department has modified them. Now these guys have more powerful firepower than in the past, and they have more mounts. A high-yield amalgam air-to-surface armor-piercing projectile.

The carriages of those heavy-duty container trucks also burst open, and heavily armed troops stepped out from above.

Half of the North American branch of the executive department is concentrated here.

This was a premeditated hunt, but the people in the center of the whirlpool didn't know it.

The violent bloodshed of Lu Mingfei and Ange ended the moment they appeared in the sun. They are both people who can maintain human will to break through the critical blood limit. The violent bloodshed will cause a great burden on their bodies, but not It's mentally damaging.

In other words, Angers might be able to enter the fourth degree of violent blood at any time as long as he is willing, but it is probably not without cost. At least now Lu Mingfei is keenly aware that the principal's back is a little rickety and he does not look so young. , a bit old-fashioned.

After all, the principal himself is one hundred and thirty years old. It is normal to be old.

Immortal things can be gods, ghosts, demons, or dragons, but they are never human.

"Oh!" Lu Mingfei exclaimed, and he suddenly looked at Ange, "Principal, why don't you just issue the task? If you had known that our backstage was so tough, we would have given that old boy Norton a good beating just now."

He confirmed again and again that the relationship between Norton and Ronald Tang at this time was very weak. It was probably equivalent to the past life and the present life, and there was almost no connection.

Thinking back to Lu Mingze's words, Lu Mingfei felt that maybe he should make some decisions.

Destiny is a fork in the road. If you choose someone, it means giving up another person.

If he chooses Lao Tang now, it would be equivalent to giving up Eli Yi.

That was an irreversible mistake. Of course Lu Mingfei was a selfish person. He would do anything to correct a damn mistake, even his own life, let alone...


"Humanity's modern army cannot pose a real fatal threat to dragons." Angers narrowed his eyes slightly and looked back at the crumbling steel building in the late autumn sunshine. Behind them, more than a hundred elite members of the executive branch, loaded with guns and ammunition, crowded around the main battle tanks. Using these steel monsters as cover, they slowly advanced here.

The Apache helicopter's onboard heavy machine gun also began to rotate and warm up, ready to launch a thunderous and deadly attack at any time.

"Now is the 21st century. Human beings have mastered technology called technology, which is different from the alchemy technology mastered by dragons. This is a completely different way to pursue the truth. From the perspective of natural science to explain the spirit, we believe that most of them The fire spirit spirits control the movement and state of molecules to change the temperature of objects. And all the spirit spirits that control metal can ultimately be interpreted as the control of magnetic fields. Therefore, Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire, plays a role in certain The tenured professor is also jokingly called the king of magnetic fields and molecular motion."

Ange said, "Mingfei, have you seen X-Men?"

"Yes, I've seen it, but are you really a man to talk about such a happy movie in such a serious situation, principal?" Lu Mingfei covered his face.

Angers chuckled, "You can think of Norton as a combination of Magneto, Pyro and Iceman in the X-Men."

"You mean he's the equivalent of a mutant?"

"Yes, and he was a super mutant who could even control the entire earth's magnetic field in his heyday." Angers nodded.

"Actually, in my original plan, I should be the only one who really wants to face Norton." Angers emphasized the word "I".

Lu Mingfei realized that someone in the secret party wanted someone other than Angers to participate in this war.

And that person can only be the strongest dragon slayer after Anger, that is, himself, Lu Mingfei.

This is normal. No matter how many warriors are on the battlefield with the king, it is meaningless. Only a true hero can straighten his spine, hold a weapon in his hand and drink the king's blood.

"But some accidents happened, and we all underestimated what kind of creature the real king is."

The tanks roared past Lu Mingfei and Ange. Everyone involved in this war had their golden eyes ignited. They looked ahead unwaveringly, even if they knew that they were going to the abyss of hell. Shit the slightest bit of faith.

In this war with the dragon, they have lost too much and sacrificed too much. For thousands of years, our ancestors have always rushed to the battlefield with swords in hand. Even if they knew that there would be death or life, they would still stand still with their flowing blood. bones to stop the dragons from resurrecting.

It is not unreasonable for the hybrids to call themselves the guardians of the world. They are the strongest city wall and the only city wall, standing between the world of humans and dragons, and between the world of light and darkness.

If even the leaders of the Camarilla choose to retreat, then those young people with heroic blood flowing through their bodies will feel that they have let down their surnames. Their surnames are Cassel, Zedfrig, and Kass. Mode, also Gattuso.

If the dragons really take off again, if there really is a king who once again sets off on a journey from east to west, if the human world falls into a tragic war, then they will not hesitate to disobey the orders of the Camarilla, holding swords in hand and roaring Rushing towards the frenzied group of dragons.

Even if they are alone, even if they die among angry dragons, their pride will not allow them to become cowards.

The young commissioners also jumped past Lu Mingfei and Ange. Their shoulders actually had their own names or family crests embroidered on their shoulders. Everyone knew what kind of war this was. They Knowing what kind of enemy they were facing, when they chose to accept the call and set foot at Six Flags Amusement Park, the people here were already prepared to die.

If the heroes can kill Norton, they will be witnesses and sharers of the honor.

And if the heroes fail, the King of Bronze and Fire will rule the world, and they will be the first drop of human blood shed when the war begins.

M1A2 SEP—The Abrams tank's gun barrel is raised and the gunners calibrate the angle.

The commissioners loaded their rifles and submachine guns.

Apache helicopters circled the steel building at high altitude.

But the strange thing is that at this time, the whole world becomes quiet. That was the last calm before the rainstorm.

At this time, a mythical scene appeared.

The hum of metal resounded like thunder in the center of the Six Flags amusement park. This sound set off a huge shock wave that swept through the entire city of Chicago at an altitude of tens to hundreds of meters.

That is the bronze and steel here meeting their king. Looking from the outside, it seems as if a huge hand is holding the bottom of the snake in the entire atrium. The total weight of the steel support structure here can reach at least hundreds of tons. , but were rounded and flattened like plasticine. The rigidity and hardness of metal no longer seemed to limit their flexibility. Hundreds of tons of steel were making a crunching sound.

A huge shadow rises from the ground. It is something shaped like a column, which reminds people of the bronze pillars that stood at the end of the world in the ancient times when kings ruled together.

The heavy metals collide and cut with each other, actually playing a rhythmic melody. The melody is heroic and tragic, which is beyond the imagination of human beings. When it falls into the eardrum, it forms in the human mind a battlefield of thousands of armies in ancient times. It is a blood-soaked melody. The tragic scene of the river flowing into the river, even epic poems cannot describe its magnificence. The black emperor and the white emperor stood at opposite ends of the world. Countless dragons rushed to kill each other, and the dragon's blood spread across the sky. For a moment, it was like stars falling.

The metal pillars were entangled and raised like growing thorns, until they were hundreds of meters high. A steel throne made of hundreds of thousands of sharp blades was placed at the end of the pillars.

The noble king spread his wings and faced the elite of Kassel.

He looked down at everything, and then slowly sat down on the steel throne.

He is a new born king, he is so weak, but the king is the king, he is not afraid of challenges, he accepts all challenges.

This is the cruel rule of the Dragon Clan. Anyone can launch a war for power against the thing on the throne.

The term "successful king or defeated bandit" is far more suitable for dragons than for humans.

But for almost endless years, the king is still the king, and the ministers are still the ministers. No king has ever been pulled from his throne by a rebel who challenged him.

"Two thousand years later, human courage is still the natural enemy of the dragons." Norton's voice was hoarse, low and majestic. When he spoke, it was as if he was biting steel between his teeth. He was overlooking the world from the supreme throne, the realm of red and white. Opening up around his body, forming a ball with a diameter of tens of meters, it was the realm of metal and flames.

Lu Mingfei suddenly realized that the Dragon Clan was such a race, and the Dragon King was such a creature.

Those he had killed, Norton, Constantine, Fenrir, they were all flawed kings, either losing their minds, or having incomplete incubation time, or having the intelligence of a child.

The Norton at this moment was so perfect, far from being comparable to the Norton that Lu Mingfei had killed underwater in the Three Gorges and merged with the Dragon Warrior.

At this time, Norton reminded him of another person, Herzog who ascended the throne of the White King.

"Although I am curious about how you discovered me, I am not worried that you can kill me. I know that your human technology is very interesting. When I hold the battle flag high and cross the wasteland that day, maybe I will continue These techniques. But you can't hurt me with some toys." Norton was so confident. He sat high on the throne, his golden pupils almost spitting out flames.

"Of course, it doesn't matter even if you can kill me." Norton laughed softly, and his laughter spread throughout the Six Flags Amusement Park. At this moment, there was no one here and it was silent. Only the wind was whistling, which reminded people of the lonely wasteland. .

Lu Mingfei was shocked by Norton's calmness.

He thought that all dragon kings were arrogant creatures.

They are arrogant and rebellious. They do not believe that they will fail or die. When they first enter the world, they will set off a frenzy of conquest.

But now it seems that Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire, can be called a humble emperor.

"The king's fate is to die over and over again and come back again and again. And our return this time will mean the end of our destiny."

Norton opened his arms as if he was about to hug something, or like a leader who had finished a speech and was waiting for the applause of the audience.

But there are only his enemies here.

He was not greeted with applause.

Hundreds of guns were loaded with live ammunition, aiming at dragons that looked like angels and devils.

Hundreds of bullets slide into the gun chamber almost simultaneously, and the firing pin activates the primer.

There was a deafening roar of guns and artillery, and main battle tanks and Apache helicopters also opened fire almost simultaneously.

The gunfire set the entire end of the pillar on fire, and thousands of live bullets hit Norton's body and penetrated his field.

The commissioners kept changing the magazines until all the magazines were empty. They did not dare to stop. In such a violent barrage, Wang always stood firm and did not fall down.

Tanks and aircraft-mounted heavy machine guns were also roaring, and mercury vapor filled the sky. This was enough firepower to kill the next generation in an instant, but he still stood.

The last bullet left the barrel, and the entire amusement park was filled with acrid smoke. Everyone looked at the figure standing in the smoke like a god with wings spread out.

Everyone's eyes were horrified.

Those bullets, those shells...

All suspended on the edge of the white field, like a stagnant iron rain.

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