Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 80 079 Henkel

Chapter 80 079. Henkel

"Ange doesn't like the North American hybrid to contact you. This is a rare opportunity. He is neither with you nor within my sight. This manor is completely isolated from the outside world and will not be affected by your artificial intelligence secretary Norma. Monitor." Henkel shook the ice cubes in the heavy glass in his hand.

It was vodka from Moscow and ice from the northernmost tip of Siberia thousands of years ago, and the years were stirring in his hands.

"You want to meet with me alone, but I don't know how I can help you. The power of the North American hybrids is not inferior to that of the Camarilla, and you are the leader of this society. This is your territory, even if you take the executive department's Even if all the elites are mobilized, they can't break through the manor's defense." Lu Mingfei said.

"Some things are extremely precious and have never appeared in the world of hybrids. They only exist in legends." Henkel said slowly, "Mr. Lu, something that you have partial ownership rights to is What we need.”

"Do I have partial ownership rights?" Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed softly, "You mean... Dragon Bone Cross?"

"Yes, after the death of the great King of Bronze and Fire, the cross bones where his power and spirit gathered together, we call it the Dragon Bone Cross. All the mixed races around the world are staring at it. Only the director of Cassel College You can't keep it with those veterans who have passed away." Henkel also laughed. He put his left hand under the table, but took out the sheepskin envelope from his arms with his right hand and pushed the envelope along the table to Lu Mingfei,

"It would be a fair deal."

Lu Mingfei opened the envelope and poured out a blank check with the bank in Zurich. No number was filled in the amount column.

It is indeed the kind of thing in the legend. Lu Mingfei has seen it in novels before. The boss threw the bad check in front of the heroine with a bang, lifted the girl's chin with his fingertips, and showed a domineering expression on his face. He was a bit deep, a bit cold, and a bit scornful, and then he said domineering words like "Woman, you caught my attention. Take this check, fill in a random number, and you can follow me from now on."

Lu Mingfei was very happy.

"What does this mean?" he asked.

Henkel crossed his hands and rested his elbows on the table. His face was three parts domineering, three parts deep, three parts cold and one part stern. His eyes were deep ice blue. He said, "As you said. See, this is a check shared by all the famous families in the entire North American mixed-race society. You can fill in any number on it, as long as my friends and I get some small rewards..."

"for example……?"

"Persuade Kassel College to share the power brought by the Dragon Bone Cross with us." Henkel's voice was extremely seductive.

North American mixed breeds are one of the most powerful mixed breed groups in the world today. As long as you can help us achieve our goals, you will get more than just these small, insignificant amounts of money. We will share what we have. Everything, wealth, power, power, and..."

Henkel's voice became lower and lower until it was completely submerged in his throat. His Adam's apple moved, and the sound of swallowing saliva was loud enough that the whole room could clearly hear it.

This was because while he was talking, Lu Mingfei had already taken out a signature pen from the pen box on the table and started filling in the numbers on the check with great interest.

Henkel watched helplessly as this little vampire-like guy filled in more than thirteen nines on that piece of paper before he finally stopped writing without finishing.

"Thank you for your patronage, I will definitely send the North American half-breed dragon bone cross to your residence in its entirety!" Lu Mingfei was beaming.

He slid the check back along the table, "Old man, please help me see if I need to fill in anything else, such as time, signature, etc. I have never used a check before."

Henkel's eyes twitched, and Lu Mingfei filled in a price that even a person like him would never accept. The sum of those numbers could be worth the total GDP of several states in the United States, which is quite a lot. A terrifying amount of money can build several nuclear aircraft carrier formations with full manpower and loads.

If he wants to have several nuclear aircraft carrier formations, what kind of keel crosses are needed? Why not just bomb the dragon clan relics wherever they are? The third generation species, the second generation species, and the first generation species are all scum in front of a full nuclear aircraft carrier fleet. Scumbag.

The old guy silently took back the check, nodded frequently and said something like, "Well, I'll take the check back and discuss it with my friends. Mr. Lu, who may be able to pass the resolution, just wait for our good news."

Lu Mingfei curled his lips.

He does have certain ownership and control over Norton's dragon bone cross. This is because this time he is completely different from the last time. If a person who kills the king does not have absolute power, then the powerful people of the secret party will Like hyenas on the plains of Africa, they swooped down to snatch the relics of the king.

But if the person who killed the king has the power to be close to the king, everyone will politely sit back on the conference table and implore the hero who assassinated the king to flow out some gold from his fingers to share with everyone.

Of course Lu Mingfei couldn't suppress everyone, but anyone who wanted to touch Norton's bones had to ask for his opinion.

He had more important things to do while keeping the Dragon Bone Cross. Of course, the secret party could use part of it, but only part of it, and most of the rest had to be sealed in the ice cellar.

And Henkel and his friends...

Chicago is their territory, but Lu Mingfei only waited for support from the academy when he fought with Norton at Six Flags Amusement Park. The North American mixed-races have so much power in this city, and he didn't see a single one. .

This is a group of businessmen through and through. Lu Ming not only respects the soldiers but also hopes to win them over.

But the contact just now made him understand that Henkel and Angers are not the same kind of people, and they are not destined to become a steely alliance.

"The secret party has eliminated us from the ranks of carving up the dragon relics. This is not good news for everyone." Henkel said quietly, "Since we can't reach a consensus on Norton's Dragon Bone Cross, maybe we can reach a consensus on those two Let’s talk business over the corpse of the next generation.”

He slid over a black card again.

Citibank bank card.

"This card contains 100 million US dollars. As long as we participate in the Camarilla's research on the next-generation corpses and be able to share the research results." Henkel said, his eyes flashing with a cunning light.

Sure enough, it was an old fox. He probably guessed long ago that he would not be able to get the keels of the first-generation species, and his initial target was only the two second-generation species.

To be honest, even Lu Mingfei was surprised by that number. Henkel's offer was quite generous. It would be a bit of a dream to obtain a complete next-generation corpse, but just participating in the research was too generous.

But Lu Mingfei pushed the black card back.

Henkel's eyes narrowed.

He did not take back the Citibank black card with a deposit of 100 million US dollars, but instead stared into Lu Mingfei's eyes.

"Not enough?" Henkel suddenly smiled, "We can talk about business."

"I can give you more, but I probably don't need that much money." Lu Mingfei shrugged, "Dragon Corpse, I think I can make you profit from it."

Henkel sat up straighter. He liked the boy better than Angers.

Because the latter is a pure avenger who only thinks about destroying the dragon clan and is not willing to make any compromises with others.

And Lu Mingfei is a person with desires. As long as he has desires, he can trade. If he can trade, he is still a human being, not something like a dragon.

Sometimes Angers felt like he was facing a dragon. It felt dangerous and scary, as if he could be killed by an angry creature at any time.

Henkel lit a cigar for himself and poured a glass of vodka for Lu Mingfei.

The old man nodded, "I ask for your help, and I'm ready to give you more in return. You can say what you want and show your trump card. If you are not a businessman, then we don't need to be a businessman." We do business the mixed-race way.”

Lu Mingfei raised two fingers, "Two things, as long as you can do it, I will give you the largest number of next-generation corpses I can give you. The first one is to look for those who frequently interact with Japanese snakes and fierce I want a list of the individuals and organizations that the ghosts have business dealings with."

"Yes, those who interact more with the Japanese are actually Mexican mixed races. Our sphere of influence can penetrate into it." Henkel agreed.

"The second thing."

Lu Mingfei also sat up straight. He had always been very straight because lust was close to his spine, which prevented him from bending down.

But now, a fierce murderous intention suddenly burst out from his eyes. The murderous intention was not directed at Henkel, but Henkel couldn't help but tighten his hand that was hidden under the table.

His speaking spirit was the Holy Word, and relying on this holy word, he even almost killed Angers on one occasion.

"When I want to kill someone, I hope to get your full support." Lu Mingfei said slowly, he picked up the glass of vodka, and the ice cubes hit the wall of the glass, making a crisp sound.

Henkel didn't speak, he just held his cigar in his mouth. The end of the cigar was getting shorter and shorter, and the embers were falling bit by bit.

"With all due respect, who do you want to kill?" He put out his cigar on the table.

"Humans are not dragons, nor are they things that cannot be messed with." Lu Mingfei said.



"Is it related to the Snake Qiba Family or the Fierce Ghosts?"


"Deal." Henkel finally nodded heavily and laughed heartily. Although he looked a little rickety due to the loss of calcium, this guy was essentially an embryokiller of the same era as Angers. He finally hid it under the table. He took out his hand, raised his cup, and drank the vodka in it together with Lu Mingfei.


When Lu Mingfei returned to the lobby outside, the gambling game was already heating up.

Young people from various prominent families have been drinking heavily and betting heavily. Their winnings and losses have increased from hundreds of thousands to millions per hand.

Behind them are usually huge capital empires, and they don't care about these small money.

People who lost all their chips were drinking and talking loudly on the sofa nearby, while those who won continued to fight at the gaming table. The fine white particles of cigars and cigarettes slowly rose up, making people feel like they were in a fog.

At the gambling table where Lu Mingfei left just now, the elegant card game evolved into a fierce dice game. The German girl in black clothes and black skirt, with bare ivory-like arms, shook the dice clock loudly, just one kick away. Stepping on the gambling table.

Chu Zihang also stood at the table and watched, looking attentive. He was still holding the cup of hot milk and drinking it one mouthful at a time. Murasame was slinging it on his back.

Lu Mingfei was trying to drag Chu Zihang back from the gambling table, but someone grabbed him from behind.

It turned out to be Angers.

"Principal! Where have you been?" Lu Mingfei looked like a resentful woman.

The principal brought them to a place like this, only to disappear himself. It was really irresponsible.

"LSD is mixed into the ventilation system, and the air in this space is not very clean." Angers said, "I just met some old friends. I think Henkel has also met you, right?"

Lu Mingfei was shocked, "The principal really knows what's going on. Zhuge is really reincarnated!"

"Actually, it was Norma who reported your whereabouts to me." The principal had no intention of hiding it.

Lu Mingfei covered his face, "Mr. Henkel told me that this place is not monitored by Norma."

"If he knows that he is being monitored, can it still be called surveillance?" Ange chuckled.

He still took Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang to another room.

This is a restaurant, so the atmosphere is much more normal and quiet, with men and women talking quietly.

The scientific name of LSD is lysergic acid diethylamide. It is a strong hallucinogen that the CIA will use to torture criminals.

"The amount of hallucinogens is very weak. Those people should have noticed it in advance, but they don't care. Many people who come here probably have to show their seriousness to others. It is a rare thing to have the opportunity to reveal their true nature. "Chu Zihang said. His nostrils were stuffed with cotton balls moistened with alcohol.

Lu Mingfei was stunned as he watched this guy take the cotton ball out of his nose.

"So what conditions did you agree to him?" Angers asked for a glass of brandy and asked Lu Mingfei while drinking.

"They originally wanted Norton's Dragon Bone Cross, but I refused, so they wanted to study the remains of the next generation species instead." Lu Mingfei shrugged.

"Even the second-generation species has not appeared for decades. That thing does have high research value." Angers nodded.

"Henkel wanted to pay 100 million US dollars for the opportunity to participate in the research, but I refused." Lu Mingfei hesitated, "But I promised to give them the largest number of next-generation keel bones I could get."

"When it comes to business, you have to give up to get something." Angers had no objection.

Lu Mingfei is the actual owner of the next-generation corpse, and the secret party is just keeping it for them.

For example, Norton's Dragon Bone Cross, the hybrid leaders all knew that Lu Mingfei should be its real owner, but he did not fully own it because of the Gattuso family's Philosopher's Stone.

"I asked them to help me search for certain forces on this continent, and I also asked Henkel to help me kill someone." Lu Mingfei did not hide Angers and Chu Zihang's intentions.

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