Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 87 086 Constantine

Chapter 87 086.Constantine

The dark-brown Maybach was racing on a mountain road in the redwood forest. All the windows were rolled down. The girl in the driver's seat was slender and white, with an expressionless face on her delicate and beautiful face.

Not only is his face expressionless, he can even be called a little angry.

Xia Mi held the steering wheel with one hand and stretched out the window with the other hand, feeling the cold morning wind flowing away from her fingertips, and the slightest chill penetrated her heart.

Her long hair curled in the wind, her long and neat eyelashes trembled slightly, and the early morning fog in the mountains flowed back along the folds of the girl's clothes in the wind.

Today Xia Mi was wearing a khaki coat, a pure white cashmere dress, and white high-heeled sheepskin short boots. Her straight and delicate calves were exposed between the skirt and the short boots, and she wore velvet white stockings on her calves. There was a red chain on her wrist, and silver bells jingled in the wind.

At this time, tiny and mottled golden sunlight appeared ahead. A few seconds later, the Maybach drove out from the layers of redwoods, crossed the long straight bridge, and drove on the mighty lake.

Near the driveway is the railway track, which is the only way for the CC1000 express train.

The surface of the lake is crystal clear, with slight wrinkles in the breeze, and trout jump out of the water from time to time.

Although it is a lake, its name is "Fairy Sea", which comes from the fairy in the lake who presented a broken steel sword to the king of Asia in Celtic mythology.

Because when you see the Fairy Sea, you can be sure that the ancient, isolated campus is very close.

"Sister, what's wrong with you? You seem very unhappy." The handsome boy is sitting in the back row. He has a slender frame, eyes like an innocent deer, fair skin, and a soft voice. If he doesn't tell anyone, no one will believe that this is actually him. Constantine, one of the twins on the throne of the King of Bronze and Fire.

"Children, don't worry about adults' matters." Xia Mi glared at Constantine through the rearview mirror.

"But sister, we are dragons, we are not humans." Constantine blinked. He was holding a large bag of potato chips in his hand, and his small eyes were full of doubts.

Xia Mi covered his face, "Times have changed, sir. Don't talk about being a dragon every day. Think about your brother. He was exposed because he was too arrogant. Do you also want to be exposed?" Did someone explode?”

"My brother didn't die because he was too arrogant. He said that we were destined to be killed. He didn't want me to die. He wanted me to live, so he thought of many ways and did many things. He also told me not to hate. The person who killed him also told me not to take revenge on the person who killed him. Because that is the only way to break fate." Constantine's eyes were soft but steely, and he stared at Xia Mi's face. The eyes and eye sockets are slightly red.

"Okay, okay, I'm really convinced by you. Can you put your tears away? You make me look like a scumbag." Xia Mi sighed and said.

Sure enough, one thing comes after another. Constantine is the youngest of all the dragon kings. He seems to never grow up, and it seems that when he matures, he has died in a future that never existed.

But that’s what Jormungandr did.

Constantine sniffed and finally held back his tears.

He said, "Actually, I listen to my brother very much. I will do whatever my brother tells me to do. My brother tells me to follow Senior Brother Lu, so I will follow Senior Brother Lu. And I am very accurate in judging people. Although Senior Brother killed my brother, But that’s what my brother wanted to do. There is a sadness similar to mine in the senior brother’s eyes, and I can see that he is also sad about his brother’s death. So I am willing to believe him.”

Xia Mi didn't speak anymore, so the Maybach's car became silent.

As early as three months ago, when Lu Mingfei brought Constantine back to Kassel College Valley College, Xia Mi and Constantine recognized each other, but both parties tacitly understood each other and did not reveal their identities.

It wasn't until there was no one around that Constantine said with red eyes that his sister, sister, and brother were dead.

When the boy said this, Xia Mi also felt a little like crying.

This is the fate of abandoning a clan. There are only two people hugging each other on the throne for thousands of years, but the person who has been with you for so long still died in the end, even if you know that it is an irresistible fate. , even though you know it is a helpless choice, you are still so sad that you want to cry.

But soon, Xia Mi discovered a shocking fact.

In some unknown event, Constantine lost the power granted to him by the Black Emperor, and he was no longer the master of fire and metal.

What this sentence means is that Constantine is still a noble and powerful first-generation species. He can still use all the speech spirits that he could use before, but he can no longer cancel the speech spirits of the same series used by other people or dragons. Nor can it set off a riot of fire elements and metal elements throughout the world.

Today's Constantine is the only first-generation species in the world without a throne.

He lost the power but retained the power, which may have been Norton's handiwork.

Perhaps it is precisely by relying on this method, this method of depriving his brother of power, that the man who is most similar to the Black King among all monarchs is confident that he can crush fate.

But the future he changed was not his own, but Constantine's.

"Norton should have told you a lot of secrets in the history of the Dragon Clan. A great historical restrainer called destiny is in front of us. That is the end of everything. Both dragons and humans will die in that catastrophe. The whole world will be restarted, and all power will be gathered into the hands of the same life." Xia Mi said, "Humans call it the end of the world, and dragons call that event the reincarnation of the era, but no matter what the name of that thing is Whatever, it is an ending that we cannot avoid. When fate happens, everything that has anything to do with gods or kings will step onto the battlefield with swords in hand, and so will we."

"Your brother and I originally had a pessimistic attitude. We believed that fate is something that cannot be changed. It hangs from the wings of the Black King and weaves into a web that rules the world. We are bound by this web and cannot break free, no matter what No matter how hard you try, it won’t help.”

"But everything is different today. Your brother thought he had found a way to change fate and crush fate, and I also saw some hope for the future."

Xia Mi's eyes were blurry, and the figure of a certain boy kept echoing in her mind.

That boy was Lu Mingfei. His voice and smile, his past, and his promises, one by one, gathered together to form a big river that could wrap her up.

Xia Mi thought that she must have really fallen in love.

But when she thought of Lu Mingfei, she became a little angry again, and the fingers holding the steering wheel were a little hard, and her knuckles turned white.

"Sister, are you thinking about your senior brother?" Constantine said suddenly, his eyes were innocent, but there was a hint of cunning hidden deep in his eyes.

Sure enough, no matter how innocent he looks on the outside, he is still an old dragon who has lived for tens of thousands of years, but he is just pretending to be young.

The Maybach suddenly accelerated on the mountain road. The acceleration pushed Constantine onto the back of the chair. Xia Mi hummed and said, "Eat your potato chips in peace."

Constantine scratched his hair and said, "Sister, do you like your senior brother? I can tell, don't lie to me. My brother also had this look and demeanor before, but then the girl he liked met a girl named Liu Xiu. The guy ran away."

Xia Mi was choked, and she thought to herself, Norton, Norton, don't die in peace, this is not because I want to find out your gossip, it was your brother who said it himself.

At the same time, her earlobes were slightly red. Although it was not really a secret that she liked Lu Mingfei, Xia Mi was still a little embarrassed when her nominal brother said it like this.

"Besides, if I don't visit you anymore, you can just stay in the valley campus and be a mascot." Xia Mi threatened viciously.

"Sister, I was wrong, forgive me." Constantine raised his hands in surrender.

The Maybach began to slow down at this time.

Because right at the end of the road around the mountain, at the gate of Kassel College’s Hilltop College, a red Ferrari was parked sideways.

The tall girl was leaning next to this expensive big toy, chewing bubble gum in her mouth, and the tips of her dark red hair were raised and fell by the wind, like a jumping elf.

It's Nono, she's waiting for Xia Mi here.


Entering the Chicago Municipal Opera House again, Lu Mingfei suddenly became a little dazed as he was led by the girls through the dim passage and into the hall that looked like an ancient Babylonian temple.

For a moment, he felt as if those past events that had been lost in the long years were about to come out of the grave and come to him again.

Those sky-reaching columns, those glorious domes, those majestic murals, those curtains as deep as night.

Many things seem to be the same as last time, but there are also many things that have changed.

When he saw the stage that was once used as an auction booth, Lu Mingfei smiled silently.

In fact, fate is not something that cannot be changed. Just like this time when he walked into the Chicago Municipal Opera House, he was dignified and respected. The waiters and maids along the way would bend down to show their kindness to him.

Even the Gattuso family, which he once regarded as a behemoth, seems to be less in his eyes now. His current backer is Angers, a veteran from the old era, and the entire Camarilla.

His bloodline is unique S-class, and the honor he carries is a weight that even the dragon-slaying hero Siegfried bathed in dragon blood in the poem cannot match.

Sure enough, today is different from the past. The last upstart country bumpkin Lu Mingfei has truly become a distinguished guest of the Gattuso family this time.

There is such an empty space right in front of the stage, and a dark wool carpet with an image of undulating dragon scales covers every inch of the land.

Sitting here, you feel like you are in the center of the world, and every pillar is a mountain holding up the sky and the earth.

Lu Mingfei saw at a glance the arrogance and greed intertwined at the end of the long table.

They were a long and narrow Tang sword and a heavy and ancient Han Bafang sword.

They seemed to sense that the true owner of the Seven Deadly Sins had arrived, and the blades collided with each other and buzzed, as if the courtiers were delighted to see the emperor.

Four soft single sofas that are common in living rooms are placed not far from the long table, and they are surrounded by people in a small circle.

In the middle was a strange-looking coffee table, with a silver briefcase placed on the table. On the sofa facing Lu Mingfei and the others, only an old man with gray hair could be vaguely seen.

His shadow was projected onto the wool blanket by the brilliant light coming from the side, sometimes like a ferocious evil ghost, sometimes like a holy angel.

The blond young man lowered his eyelids and served the old man.

It seemed that it was then that he noticed the arrival of Lu Mingfei and others. Patsy leaned down and said something in Frost's ear. The latter laughed heartily and stood up with a metal crutch.

This was the first time for Lu Mingfei to meet so closely with the acting head of the Gattuso family, who was able to stir up troubles in the mixed-race society.

He looked curiously at the old man who was as tall as him. Frost Gattuso, who is probably over fifty but under sixty years old, is one of the most powerful people in mixed-race society. He is the younger brother of Pompeii Gattuso and the uncle of Caesar. The power possessed by most of the Gattuso family.

Whether it was the previous time and space or this time and space, Lu Mingfei had heard of this old man's name more than once.

He and his family have a strong voice in Kassel Academy.

Although Caesar was unwilling to accept it, he had to admit that he was able to get along so well in the academy and gained a lot of family glory.

The acting head of the Gattuso family has very subtle similarities with Caesar. Although his hair is gray, it is by no means old, and there are not many wrinkles on his face.

Frost's facial lines are so hard and rough, as if carved by the tip of a knife, and his iron-gray eyes are sharp, majestic, aggressive, and extremely aggressive. At a glance, it reminds people of the lances raised by the Scottish cavalry when charging.

This is an old man who you can 100% confirm at a glance that he is a hardliner, and in fact he is.

Frost is an absolute hawk on the school board. His attitude towards corrupted hybrids, deadpools and pure-blooded dragons has always been to eradicate them, even if those hybrids with disordered bloodlines are far from showing signs of degenerating into deadpools.

Frost is different from Angers. Angers' hatred of dragons prompted him to kill every pure-blood ancient dragon he saw, but there are probably two things that supported Frost to this point.

The most important thing is of course the interests of the Gattuso family, and the second is probably some ridiculous sense of responsibility.

"Long time no see, Angers, my old friend, your body is still so strong!" Frost and Angers hugged vigorously, and the two old men slapped each other on the back hard.

It looked like old friends suddenly reunited after not seeing each other for many years, but in fact they didn't like each other, and they wanted to spit in each other's faces at every school board meeting.

"My friend Frost, is your leg feeling better?" Angers responded politely, but Lu Mingfei felt that he was stabbing him with a knife.

"Thanks to you, the situation has not worsened at all." Frost finally let go of Angers. He turned his eyes to Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang, and nodded approvingly.

"These two are probably Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang, the best students of Cassel College in recent years, right? I heard that the only one who can compete with you in the college is Caesar."

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