Chapter 89 088.Yu

"Now they are returned to their original owners." Frost looked at Arrogance and Greed from a distance. Everyone focused on the two crossed swords. This mythical alchemical weapon was emitting a slight dragon roar.

Among the seven deadly sins created by Norton, pride and greed are by no means the most powerful weapons.

The rage prepared for himself is truly dangerous and can even threaten the Supreme Arms.

But the Seven Deadly Sins are not seven swords, but one weapon.

Only when they are all held in the hands of the same person can they burst out with the feat of killing gods with mortals.

Only in this way can the great alchemical field of crime and punishment be inspired.

The so-called crime and punishment is the king's funeral and eulogy. Eye for eye, blood for blood, heart for heart, bone for bone. Probably in Norton's original design, this was powerful enough to kill the king. The alchemical realm of the gods was actually prepared for his great father.

The Black King is writing his destiny, and Norton is also writing his destiny.

The difference is that the destiny written by the former is full of repressive bonds from which no one can break free.

Norton's fate is filled with hardship and death.

In Norton's script, Constantine is the real master of the Seven Deadly Sins. He will kill Norton with rage, Jormungandr with lust, and Fenrir with gluttony...

Each sword corresponds to a king. When Constantine kills all the thrones, he will evolve into something comparable to the Supreme. The realm of crime and punishment opens in his hands, and he will swallow up the world in an instant and rule the world with destiny. The black dragon.

On that day the black emperor will shed blood in the sky, his scales will be peeled off, his bones and blood will be devoured, and a new order will be quickly established before the throne of the new king Constantine.

But Constantine was too cowardly. He always felt that he was the one who should be devoured. In fact, he had no ambitions and did not want to become the Supreme.

In the long darkness from ancient times to the present, he just wanted to be with his brother forever.

Lu Mingfei walked to the end of the long table. He stretched out his hands to touch the hilts of the two swords. The black iron scales that were originally spread out and were as sharp as blades shrank with the touch of his fingers. These were still there just now. The weapon that was as fierce as a hyena was now as docile as a sheep in front of him.

The alchemical weapons of pure-blooded ancient dragons, bloodline is the only criterion for using them.

If the Seven Deadly Sins are activated, then a hybrid with a bloodline level below A level may not even be able to pull out the first weapon, the ribbed lust.

In that state, the only ones who could pull out until they were furious were Lu Mingfei and Ange who had activated the violent blood.

But even Angers, who is also S-class, cannot make Greed and Arrogance so excited just by relying on his own bloodline.

It's like a licking dog who wants to pounce on the goddess after seeing her.

"First of all, the Gattuso family would like to pay you the highest respect for your outstanding contribution to killing dragons on the dragon-slaying battlefield."

Frost nodded slightly towards Lu Mingfei, "I heard that Mr. Lu established a new fraternity in Cassel College, called the Dragon Blood Society. The foundation under the Gattuso family is willing to donate money to the Dragon Blood Society every year. The association provides activity funding of US$5 million to US$7 million.”

Lu Mingfei's expression changed.

This is a quite huge amount of money. Just looking at the club activities within the college, I am afraid that Dragon Blood Club will not be able to use 5 million even if it takes several years.

But if the funds are used to serve as a worldwide executive commissioner to slay the dragon, it is a bit thin.

"Secondly, I, Frost Gattuso, would like to express my sincere apology to you. I'm sorry that we deprived you of the right to use the complete Seven Deadly Sins in the war with Dragon King Norton. This kind of thing should not have been brought to light. On the surface, I don't think there should be any grudges between us. For some unspeakable reason, the Gattuso family must obtain the honor of killing the Dragon King. This is not entirely to satisfy our selfish desires. It is also related to the future of the entire human race and the entire mixed race society.”

Lu Mingfei said in his heart, you have already said it, right? A large part of it is still for selfish desires, right? You old boy, I won't forgive you if you don't give me an aircraft carrier formation for this matter today!

The aircraft carrier formation is of course a joke. Even wealthy nobles like the Gattuso family cannot really have the money to support an entire aircraft carrier formation.

Even if they have money, they have no way to get this thing.

"We owe you a favor for this." Frost said leisurely, "The entire Gattuso family owes you a favor. We are willing to help you do something, no matter what it is, even if you want to blow up There’s no problem with the White House or burning down the Yasukuni Shrine.”

Lu Mingfei covered his face, "Thank you, Mr. Gattuso, for making me initially realize that our college actually has the potential to start the Third World War. But to be honest, I haven't lived enough yet, and I have no interest in participating again." A Normandy invasion or something. So just pass on the option of blowing up the White House."

"So you want to burn down the Yasukuni Shrine, right? If that's the case, I can provide a complete set of plans." Chu Zihang said expressionlessly.

Brother Embroidery Killer is indeed very resolute. When everyone is still in the fantasy stage of a certain plan, he already has a mature plan, which is probably from sneaking to infiltrating to destroying to creating chaos and finally escaping. Process it.

He is indeed a ruthless character who does great things quietly.

However, Lu Mingfei was really helpless.

"Although I really want to do this, I guess senior brother you are also a little excited. But are we really not the Communist Party but the Secret Party? Damn, the Yasukuni Shrine has nothing to do with the Dragon Clan!" Lu Ming Fei can no longer seal his own complaining soul.

"Slaying the dragon is very enlightened, Mingfei!" Ange was quite pleased. He thought that Lu Mingfei probably had a badass personality, but that would really be a waste of all his good skills. Today it seemed that he had really wronged this student before.

But Lu Mingfei changed his face and looked like a gentleman, but he was very happy but he was a bit of a villain.

He said to Frost, "So is anything really okay? Then do you think we can reverse the course of history? Mr. Gattuso, what do you think of me? Do I look like the material to be an emperor?"

Angers covered his face, he really saw the right person.

Unexpectedly, Frost was really thinking seriously, "Patsy, if we want to rebuild a feudal country in Africa, can we do it?"

"It should be no problem, sir, but our funds will be quite tight for a long time to come," replied the blond young man standing next to him like a waiter.

"Funds are not a problem, as long as we can meet Mr. Lu Mingfei's requirements." Frost's eyes were firm as if he wanted to join the party.

Lu Mingfei held his forehead, and in his heart ten thousand grass and mud horses galloped past.

The topic was quickly skipped.

But Lu Mingfei and Frost have reached an agreement that he will use this favor when he needs it.

He has already thought about when to use the power of the Gattuso family.

At this time, there was a clear bell ringing from behind the curtain on the stage. There were twelve rings in total. Each ring was clearly heard and echoed between the dome and the ground of the hall.

The curtain as deep as night was slowly opened, and everyone turned their sights in that direction.

"Then it's time to witness some kind of miracle," Frost said softly, "The name of that miracle is, dragon."

A huge quartz glass box stood in the center of the stage. The box was filled with transparent nutrient solution. Fine bubbles rose from the bottom of the nutrient solution to the top, and then burst with a slight sound.

A pale green transparent egg was suspended in the center of the nutrient solution. Through the outer layer of the egg, one could see the slender white girl's body curled up, sleeping peacefully inside it as if dead.

"What a beautiful creature, with such a long life, such huge power, once roaring at the top of the world, and every inch of land within sight belongs to her." Frost's vision was blurred, and he He stood up slowly, like a connoisseur who was immersed in some peerless painting.

Those iron-gray pupils reflected not only the stage illuminated by lights, but also some indescribable longing.

"It's a pity that we didn't find her name in the list of kings. She is probably one of the few descendants who does not have their own fiefdom or prince title. But her status and strength should not be inferior to other princes. Because the Dragon Clan It has been recorded in the history books that only those of the second generation who always follow the four monarchs are not given titles or have their own fiefdoms. Serving the great lord is their highest honor." Frost said softly.

"That thing is very active. Even if it is in a cocoon, it is not absolutely safe. You just put her in the nutrient solution?" Ange's tone was as cold as a blade.

"No, of course not, we will not make such a low-level mistake!" Frost glanced at Angers coldly, "The upper and lower plywood of the quartz glass box contains liquid mercury weighing 500 kilograms. As long as this head If the next generation shows signs of awakening, the nutrient solution filling the box will be immediately replaced with mercury, which is highly toxic to dragons. Not far from here, there are two sniper rifles aimed at that thing at all times. Egg, the gun is filled with bullets ground from the Philosopher's Stone, and those bullets can pose a fatal threat to Dragon King-level targets, not to mention a First Generation."

"What are you going to do with her?" Angers asked, "I mean, what are the Gattuso family going to do?"

Frost laughed silently, "Come closer, Ange, can you feel the rhythm of the new era? A living, newborn god, the golden holy fluid in her body can open a new era for us. Secret. The party can rely on it to create a real super hybrid. Coupled with the Nibelungen Plan, it may be possible to create humans' own gods. We no longer need to follow the endless road to becoming a god, we have more Quick shortcut!”

Lu Mingfei also looked at the egg, but he only felt an inexplicable sadness, but he didn't know where that sadness came from.

And somehow he felt like someone was looking at him.

That vision still comes from that egg.

But the girl was clearly still sleeping.

Lu Mingfei couldn't help but get closer.

At this moment, a certain boy's chuckle sounded in his ears.

The surrounding colors faded away, and another softer and more absurd light occupied Lu Mingfei's sight. He knew that Lu Mingze was coming.

Every appearance of the little devil is exactly the same, as if a new world is slowly unfolding in front of Lu Mingfei.

Suddenly there was a tide coming up.

But it didn't look like a tide, but rather like some kind of sad memory. The whole world is silent, and there is endless loneliness in the sea, rain, sky and wind.

"After sleeping for a thousand years, when you wake up, the world no longer belongs to you..." A certain girl sighed softly, "Is this the so-called fate of 'abandoning the clan'?"

She was there, deep in the sea, rain, sky and wind. Lu Mingfei suddenly seemed to see the white, small, curled-up child wrapped in a green egg again.

That's not the little devil, the little devil is a pure man.

She stood gracefully, and the rain did not disturb her hair, so she tied her long hair back with an emerald-colored hairpin.

She is actually a quiet girl with a Chinese face. Probably only Xia Mi can compare with her beauty.

The girl had a pair of pale golden eyes, and the depths of her eyes reflected the firelight from nowhere, like a layer of faint clouds flying across the shadow of her pupils.

Lu Mingfei suddenly felt that her eyes had a strong, sad beauty.

Yet as firm as a mountain.

It made him feel like he was looking in the mirror for a few moments, because he sometimes saw that determination in his own eyes.

The girl revealed her arms covered with ancient totems. Those totems were like lush vines growing around her slender arms. They were neither scary nor ugly, but rather messy and enchanting.

She stood very far away, and suddenly turned her head to look at Lu Ming in the dense rain. Her eyes were as blazing as flames, blooming with brilliant golden light.

The girl's eyebrows were as sharp as razors, and she stared quietly into Lu Mingfei's eyes.

Her face was frosty, as if she would never smile, and she was as delicate as a porcelain doll.

Black and golden eyes looked at each other in the rain. They stared at each other, and the girl suddenly smiled.

When she smiled, her eyebrows stretched and became as soft as willow leaves.

The burning golden color in those eyes slowly faded away.

That's when she really looked like a girl.

So weak, slender, white and pure, it reminds people of the well-educated ladies in ancient books.

Lu Mingfei suddenly thought that words such as "Sinking Fish and Luoyan" and "Close the Moon and Shy Flowers" were made up by the ancients after seeing such a girl.

"Another hundred years have passed, but are we still enemies?" the girl said softly. She tilted her head and looked at Lu Mingfei as if she were looking at a close old friend.

For a moment, Lu Mingfei didn't know whether the person in front of him was an enemy or a friend.

"My name is Jue, but someone gave me a new name a long time ago. Now you can call me Yu." The girl said. When she spoke like this, a noisy voice seemed to come from the end of the world.

"Call me...Yu Ji."

The sound was getting closer and closer, the smell of blood was getting closer and closer, and the raindrops gradually became dense and falling like a violent torrent.

Lu Mingfei was stunned. There seemed to be countless figures walking around him in the heavy rain. Blood was being sprayed, and the sound of sharp blades piercing the human body came from all directions.

An ancient battlefield traveled through the long years and came to Lu Mingfei's side.

"Brother, do you understand what happened?" In the raging rain, Lu Mingze appeared behind Lu Mingfei holding a black umbrella.

Heavy water droplets fell along the umbrella's frame, forming a small waterfall.

"Many people like you have come back from a certain damn fate, and many people are trying to change their so-called fate." Lu Mingze's voice was soft and sad, as if he was attending a funeral, "You failed once, But Norton succeeded."

Lu Mingfei didn't know how to answer.

"Destiny actually has a huge fork in the road, and the water of time is going to flow in a direction we don't know! This is good, it shows us the truth, and the truth is that even fate is not indestructible!" Lu Mingze held his hand Putting his arm on Lu Mingfei's shoulder, he felt warm and strong, not like a younger brother, but more like an elder brother.

The death of Old Tang made Lu Mingfei depressed for a long time. He didn't know how to face Constantine.

I don't know how to face myself.

"After a long time, we can finally wake up and stand in the sunshine." The beautiful girl as sharp as thorns walked through the heavy rain and came to Lu Mingfei. She seemed unable to see Lu Mingze, her eyebrows and eyes were wide open and slender. Her arms are curling, slender and soft,

"Let us reconcile, between man and dragon," she said.

Then she hugged the boy fiercely, as if she wanted to integrate Lu Mingfei into her body.

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