Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 94 093 Congratulations on surviving one year

Chapter 94 093. Congratulations on surviving one year

It was half past six in the evening when Lu Mingfei, Chu Zihang and Ling arrived at Nuonuo's place. The snow seemed to never stop, and the biting wind kept blowing from the open window at the end of the corridor outside the door. Throwing it in, Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang looked at each other and stood on both sides of Ling, blocking the cold wind and biting cold from her.

"I'm back." Lu Mingfei knocked on the door and opened the door without waiting for an answer.

The lamps as bright as the early spring sunshine illuminated the room with almost no shadows, and the warm air suddenly poured outward. When he passed by Lu Mingfei, he felt as if he was bathing in a natural hot spring in the Alps.

The warm-toned light stood slanting on the cool-toned floral carpet, which actually made the place look quite stylish. Lu Mingfei placed the plastic bags containing boxed milk and some snacks bought from the school supermarket on the ground.

He then stood there without daring to move, his eyes a little frightened.

Chu Zihang held several exquisitely packaged gift boxes in his arms. They were all gifts brought by Ling to Nono, Xia Mi and everyone else in today's party. Even Fingel thought of it, and it couldn't be called thoughtful. Not meticulous.

But it was these gift boxes that blocked Chu Zihang's view. He was blocked by Lu Mingfei at the door, and he used the only free elbow on his upper body to poke Lu Mingfei's waist.

Zero silently walked around the two guys and walked into the room.

"Why is it so quiet? Are they not here?" Chu Zihang asked.

Lu Mingfei said in his heart, brother, please stop talking and put down the pile of things in your hands. Damn it, can't you see and feel the killing intent right in front of us?

"Why do I feel like there's murderous intent? It's a very dangerous aura. Has an armed force invaded the college?" Chu Zihang said.

Lu Mingfei covered his face, raised his hands, took the gift box from Chu Zihang's hand and placed it on the carpet.

"I was wrong, senior sister, I was wrong, junior sister! I'm sorry!" Lu Mingfei apologized loudly, with a sincere attitude and sincere eyes.

Chu Zihang was stunned for a moment. He looked into the room and his face turned pale for a moment.

"Well, well, I remembered something else, could you..." Before he could finish his words, the door had already slammed shut behind him. Caesar held down the door handle and looked at the two of them with sympathy.

The girls folded their hands on their chests, their faces were frighteningly cold. The room was very warm, so they were all wearing spring clothes. Their slender wrists were crossed on their chests, as if they were holding weapons that could slay dragons and gods. The murderous aura came from Nono. and Xia Mi.

"What's the situation?" Chu Zihang asked Caesar in a low voice. It was not honorable for them to join forces to deal with Lu Mingfei on Freedom Day, but after all, they were people who had done great things together, and there were many people in the college. Seeing Lu Mingfei as a pervert who could single-handedly suppress the crowd, Caesar felt that he did not have to compete with Chu Zihang for second place. After all, Lu Mingfei was already the King of Cassels. Chu Zihang didn't have much objection to Caesar either, but the Italian nobleman had to fight with him.

As a result, everyone's relationship has eased a lot.

Now the President of the Student Council and the President of the Lionheart Club have a good personal relationship, and occasionally they can go on missions and have a drink together. However, they both invariably maintain the image of their previous relationship in front of their followers, Ma Zai, perhaps because of their appearance. Some kind of unspeakable competitiveness among boys.

"Lu Mingfei said that he would come back after lunch and would help them with their work in the afternoon, but you guys didn't answer calls or messages. I also asked the principal on the forum, and he said that you should come back to school with him. Yes, he doesn’t know where you are, so he suggested that we go directly to Norma.” Caesar spread his hands, “Well, there are only three A-levels, one F-level and one preparatory student in this room. Our combined authority is Norma refused to provide us with information on your and Lu Mingfei's movements because you are not S-level, and warned us that we may report it to the Discipline Committee if similar situations occur again."

"F level?" Chu Zihang was a little confused.

"Oh, junior brother, long time no see, it's your dearest and most handsome senior brother Fingel!" A certain loser dog with a gray head came out of the storage room next to the door. This guy was wearing a waistband like Caesar. Wearing sleeves, she looks like a housekeeper.

Lu Mingfei covered his face, he could almost guess what happened.

He notified Caesar and Fingel to have dinner together at Nono's place. Caesar arrived at noon and probably helped to make the girls less dissatisfied with him, but Fingel probably thought it would be better to just sit back and enjoy the benefits. Late at night, after the results came, I was assigned to clean up the storage room.

"Tell me the truth, did you go on a tryst with some elementary school girl after you came back?" Xia Mi's eyes narrowed. This was a very dangerous signal. Caesar and Fingel looked at each other and carefully pressed their backs against the wall. Sneaked into the room.

"I swear it's not true. If you can't believe me, you have to believe me, senior brother," Lu Mingfei argued loudly... Damn it, he didn't find a girl from a primary school, so he needed to quibble, so that's called an explanation, an explanation!

Xia Mi and Noonuo both looked at Chu Zihang at the same time. Chu Zihang's Adam's apple moved, "We are in the library in the afternoon." He said.

The girls turned their suspicious eyes to Lu Mingfei again.

As far as they knew, the two of them really liked going to the library, but the winter vacation was coming soon, and the library administrator probably didn't have much work at this time, right?

"It has something to do with that embryo." Lu Mingfei said.

He could accept the test honestly, but he was a little guilty. He thought of the embrace between him and Yu Ji in the sea and sky wind in the spiritual world built by the next generation.

That doesn't count as hooking up with an elementary school girl, she is old enough to be my ancestor. Lu Mingfei thought to himself. And it wasn’t the afternoon, it was the morning.

"I haven't been in contact with many girls, and I haven't received any systematic education, so senior brother, you probably don't know that even a shameless person like you will blush if you make a mistake and then lie." Xia Mi's expression was solemn, She looked at Lu Mingfei, "It seems that the school girl is very exciting. You should really look in the mirror and speak. It's very unconvincing to say something like that with such a red apple face!"

Lu Mingfei touched his face and didn't feel any heat. Then he saw the playful looks in Xia Mi and Nuonuo's eyes and knew that he had been fooled.

"Okay, your junior brother, you really feel guilty!" Nuonuo sneered.

Lu Mingfei drooped his eyebrows, "We were really in the library. When I was close to the embryo, I was pulled into her spiritual realm. She told me that her name was Yu, and she was the Yu Ji who was beside Xiang Yu in history. We want to go to the library to look up information.”

He knew he was in the wrong, but he always forgot to check his phone when he was busy.

Lu Mingfei did feel a little guilty as he failed to make it back as he had promised to cook with them in the afternoon.

After waiting for a long time for a response, Lu Mingfei quietly raised his eyes.

At this time, Chu Zihang lightly kicked him in the back.

"Still standing? Can't you see that they are not really angry?" said the senior brother.

Sure enough, Xia Mi and Nono no longer had any angry expressions on their faces at this time. Instead, they were quite happy. They were packing dinner from the kitchen to the room with Constantine.

"You can't tell, senior brother, you are quite good at it." Lu Mingfei was a little surprised.

Chu Zihang said, "Susie taught me this. She said I might need it in the future."

The corners of Lu Mingfei's eyes twitched, "Are you still together?"

"No, you know me. I won't live long. Being with someone is actually a luxury wish. In this case, it's better not to start, so as not to make people sad." Chu Zihang's voice was calm, but it was clear that he was Talk about death.

Lu Mingfei closed his mouth and patted Chu Zihang on the shoulder, "Senior brother, don't worry, the Nibelung Plan will definitely reverse the erosion of your dragon's blood."

"Yeah." Chu Zihang said.

If he could avoid death, he certainly didn't want to die. In every sense, he was an avenger like Angers. The wildfire of hatred often burned in his soul, bursting out through his eyes, almost igniting the entire world.

He can ignore death more than anyone else, but he also wants to live more than anyone else.

Because only by surviving can he raise his sword to God.


"Junior sister's cooking skills are great. I don't know which kid I'll get cheaper from now on." Fingel sat down at the dining table early. They borrowed a table from the canteen that can seat eight people, but this guy is alone. He took one side and huddled himself in his coat. He was as big as a bear.

To be honest, the expressions on Nuonuo and Xia Mi's faces were a bit unnatural. They cooked the dishes together, and one thing we all know is that these two are actually rivals in love.

Zero sat on the side next to Fingel, and the huge shadow almost completely covered her. Her Royal Highness's face changed again and again, and her eyes were quite frightening.

The dinner was very sumptuous. It was not the French or Italian food that Lu Mingfei had imagined, nor was it a domestic home-cooked dish heavy in oil and color. It was actually the very flavorful Chaoshan hot pot.

The best beef is cut into slices and placed on a plate, garnished with green vegetables, and there are also side dishes from around the world such as salmon roll sushi.

The hot pot was bubbling in the center of the room, and Fingel was drooling.

Constantine was looking forward to it, but he was a little cautious sitting next to Xia Mi.

After all, she is his sister. Every younger brother must have had a period of great years dominated by his terrifying sister when he was young.

Lu Mingfei and Fingel sat together, Caesar and Chu Zihang sat together, Ling and Nono sat together, Xia Mi and Constantine sat together.

Eight people just filled this small dining table to the brim.

"I'm starting." Lu Mingfei said in his heart. At this time, he suddenly saw the huge mirror erected in the corner of the room, which was just enough for him to see himself.

The guy in the mirror didn't look energetic, and could even be said to be a little haggard, but he was neat and tidy, typical of the executive department's style. Every line in his body is hardened, hard and straight, and seems to have been carved by a peerless sword. Every edge and corner is hidden with a sharp edge that will roar into the world.

Lu Mingfei was not wearing a suit today.

He actually doesn't like wearing a suit because it forces him to puff out his chest and tuck in, as if he's ready to step onto the battlefield at any moment.

He doesn't like the battlefield, he wants to live like this with the one he loves.

But fate is always unfair. Some people want to resist, some want to change, and some want to control, and then they have to pay the price.

Lu Mingfei is the one who has to pay the price.

With this thought in mind, he picked up the glass that was already filled with strong liquor. There were cold ice cubes floating in the strong liquor. Every edge of the ice cube was sharp and every corner was sharp.

"Respect the new reincarnation, and congratulate us for living another year!" Lu Mingfei said softly. When he said reincarnation, he actually meant that the old year passed and the new one began, but it was also a metaphor that he was going through a very difficult time. It is difficult to change the fate of the ending.

The voice was so soft that even the boys and girls sitting around didn't hear it clearly. Only Caesar, whose voice was Kama Itachi, moved slightly.

The noble son from Gattuso's family suddenly looked at Lu Mingfei, across the entire table, across the billowing white mist, and across the chopsticks where Fingel and Constantine were fighting on the copper pot.

He felt that there was such a heavy weight hidden in this tribute, and the child named Lu Mingfei seemed to be carrying something like a mountain.

Living this kind of thing is usually only celebrated after the war is over. It’s hard to imagine a healthy person celebrating surviving another year.

For some reason, Caesar also raised his glass. "Celebrate that we are alive at the beginning of the new year," he said.

Lu Mingfei suddenly smiled, and the two glasses filled with strong liquor clinked slightly on top of the copper pot, and then they drank the liquid in one gulp.

The snow outside the window is finally stopping, but it's still very cold.

It was as if a sun had been thrust into the warm room. The serving chopsticks were stirring in the copper pot. Caesar and Noshami were chatting animatedly. Fingel had to rely on Lu Ming because of Zero's dangerous gaze. Fei was closer, so he was a little unable to use his magical skill of grabbing food, and couldn't help but scratch his head and ears anxiously.

Only Chu Zihang knew that Lu Mingfei had something on his mind.

Perhaps Nono can also see that she is a very sensitive girl and has a mysterious ability called super profiling. It is not surprising that she can see something.

Lu Mingfei was still thinking about that girl.

The next generation named Yu.

She was not a pure predator like the dragons he knew, cruel, bloodthirsty, ferocious and violent. On the contrary, she was very gentle, and when she hugged him, Lu Mingfei would be ashamed to think of his mother.

It seems that she really wants to convey some message to herself. Lu Mingfei thought to himself.

When he came back to his senses, he saw a lot of beef piled up in the bowl that had been burned by Xia Mi on the side.

When will the college prepare to facilitate her incubation?

The birth of a god should be a major event in some kind of mixed-race society. Nearly half of the mixed-race people in the world will set their sights here.

Once she is born into this world, she will be imprisoned, even have her frontal lobe removed, become an idiot, and become a tool to provide golden holy liquid, right?

But what if she really isn't the enemy?

Lu Mingfei stuffed the beef into his mouth and felt his heart was in a mess.

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