Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 97 096 Nono’s Spring Strategy (2)

Chapter 97 096. Nono’s Spring Strategy (2)

Lu Mingfei was walking along the Chicago River with his senior sister holding red wine. The sky was clear and warm, but there was a thin cloud floating in from a far distance.

When passing by the steeple church on the Chicago River, a young man with curly black hair carrying a canvas brush and a paint bucket jumped out of the alley. He grabbed Lu Mingfei and Nuonuo and said that they are really golden girls. We are destined to be here today. As we meet here, why not let me draw a portrait for you two?

Lu Mingfei said that my brother speaks Chinese very fluently. If this trend continues, in a few decades, he will definitely look like a Beijing-style uncle who wears a Tang suit to look taller.

He said this, but his hand held Nono's wrist and slowly retreated backwards.

Lu Mingfei thought of some past events, which were stories that happened in Tokyo in the last period of time and space.

At that time, he took Eriki to visit Sensoji Temple. When passing a roadside painting stall, the painter Hu jumped over and stopped them both, and asked with eyes wide, "Can I draw a picture for you two?"

Lu Mingfei was moved by this blazing gaze... Actually, it was because the other party said that he would draw a portrait and give a small gift, so he stood still with Eryi.

As a result, the artist almost blinded Lu Mingfei when he opened the canvas.

In Lu Mingfei's own words, this painting should be named "Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I and His Royal Highness Queen Sissi".

In the painting, Lu Mingfei is wearing a military uniform like a German aristocrat, and Eliyi is wearing a low-cut palace suit with bustles. The background is St. Paul's Cathedral in London. The two of them seem to have just held a wedding and accepted the blessings of thousands of subjects. Blessings came out of the church.

Lu Mingfei took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to a contact named Little Devil, "Lu Mingze, are you up to something again?"

Soon Lu Mingze responded to the text message, "Brother, what are you talking about? I am having a long chat with the nuns in Jerusalem right now. If it's okay, can you please stop disturbing me?"

Lu Mingfei curled his lips and moved his fingers rapidly, "Don't think I don't know. The nuns in Jerusalem are all aunt-level figures. It's enough to be a stepmother even if you're a girl."

"Aunts are all grown up from young girls. Are there no novice nuns in the monastery in Jerusalem?" Lu Mingze replied scornfully, "Brother, if you act up now, the girl from Kassel College who is chasing you can get away from Norton." The queue for the gym reaches the school gate, but when you think about it, your brother and I are still a bachelor for ten thousand years, and it feels very unfair. But my performance has been too poor in recent years, and the other female devils really look down on me. I have no choice but to turn my mind to the nun."

"Then what's going on with this guy? Is he still doing the same thing?" Lu Mingfei said with a dark face.

"Okay, okay, do you still want me to handle the matter between you and senior sister? If you want, you can have sex with senior sister tonight. If you don't want to, I'll lock you two together and feed you two bottles of aphrodisiacs. There won't be any sparks." Lu Mingze's tone was carefree, but what he said was true, "I've never heard of any TV show called Chicago Love Project. That's too weird. Brother, just enjoy yours in peace. It’s a holiday.”

After saying that, Lu Mingze unilaterally disconnected.

Lu Mingfei put on his phone with a dark face. It seems that the Barcelona artist in front of him is indeed not the person Lu Mingze found.

Seeing that this guy was indeed too kind to refuse, Nono scratched Lu Mingfei's palm. She leaned close to the boy's ear and lowered her voice, "Otherwise, let him draw a picture for us. Anyway, this kind of street sketch won't waste much time."

Lu Mingfei looked around at the young man from Barcelona with suspicious eyes and nodded hesitantly.

It was indeed a street sketch art. Lu Mingfei and Nuonuo had just held hands and sat down on a bench by the river. Before their buttocks were warm, the artist over there had completed his portrait.

Lu Mingfei took the painting over with an expression as if he had received a dead mouse as an April Fool's Day gift.

If the painting that the Japanese painter painted for him and Eri was "Austria Emperor Franz Joseph I and His Royal Highness Queen Sissi", then the painting that the Barcelona native painted for him and Nono was "Nohara Shinnosuke and his daughter-in-law girlfriend Sugaotome love" or something.

Lu Mingfei in the painting is short, chubby, and round, which is clearly the style of Crayon Shin-chan, while Nono is quite realistic, with long legs, a slim waist, and a face with oval seeds. The background of the two people is today's Chicago River, with sparkling waves and sailboats passing by.

But this didn't look like the senior sister and junior brother who secretly came out for a tryst. They were clearly the graceful lady and her useless son.

Lu Mingfei's hands were shaking with anger, and he pointed at the Barcelona artist, "You, you, you, you, you..."

The young people in Barcelona also jumped up and down, "I, I, I, I... 200dollars for your patronage!"

At this time, the red-haired artist who had been sincere just now suddenly changed his face to a profiteer. He stretched out his hands in front of Lu Mingfei and said, "The price is clearly marked. The ten-year-old store does not accept credit. Please pay by credit card." Or cash?”

Lu Mingfei leaned back tactically, "How dare you accept two hundred?"

"Yes, the price is clearly marked." The artist nodded.

He turned his back to Lu Mingfei, and sure enough, there were words written on his back, 200 for portraits and 150 for landscapes.

Lu Mingfei was so angry that his nose twisted, "Do you want any money?"

Kenonuo liked this painting very much. She poked Lu Mingfei's chubby face on the painting with her slender white fingers, and giggled, "Give me the money, junior brother, we bought this painting." .”

Lu Mingfei took out the money while cursing, and the artist obviously saw who of the two was the one who kept his word. He said with a playful smile, madam, you are so beautiful, you should get a luxury package. We provide portraits, personal sculptures and mailing services. No 998 required. No need for 668, just 488 today, full service delivered to your home!

Nuonuo was amused and actually wanted this guy to make a portrait of her.

But the rain in Chicago came at any time, and the very thin cloud floated on their heads and stopped moving. The Barcelona artist made a grimace and quickly helped Nono seal the painting with glue and put it in He stuffed the waterproof bag into the girl's hand, grabbed the two hundred dollars handed over by Lu Mingfei and disappeared into the depths of the alley.

The drizzle fell immediately, mixed with tiny ice crystals and snowflakes, and the sky darkened. It seemed that this weather would continue for a while.

At this time, all the stores on the inner side of the riverside walk were lit up, and the mercury lights were filled with raindrops like cow hair.

The cold wind blowing from Lake Michigan mixed with the drizzle of rain, and the temperature dropped quickly.

Lu Mingfei had to raise his collar to block the wind. He asked Nono to wait for him at a roadside cafe. After ordering two cups of hot coffee, he rushed into the drizzle and returned to the Maybach to get the car. I took the umbrella I always had before returning to the street and waving to the senior sister in the cafe through the black glass wall.

Lu Mingfei breathed heat into the palm of his hand and took out his phone to take a look.

It was still very early, 11:40 in the morning, just in time for lunch.

They started from Cassel College and raced on the intercity highways in Illinois, stopping in every city they went. It had already been three days.

Fortunately, Cassel College's winter vacation is almost the same as summer vacation, which is a bit ridiculous. Usually the principal is not at school during the holidays, so Lu Mingfei has plenty of time to do what he wants to do.

Today's trip to Chicago is their last stop. Lu Mingfei likes this city very much and it makes him feel at ease. He planned to park the car at the train station at night and let the school staff drive it back, and then he and his senior sister would take the CC1000 train back. This kind of trip is very relaxing. You can do whatever you want. There are no dragons or hybrids, just yourself and the girl next to you.

At this time, the rain suddenly started to fall heavily. Nono ran from the cafe to Lu Mingfei's umbrella with his head in his hands. The velvet coat on his body was a little wet. She groped in the pocket of her coat, took out a cup of hot coffee and placed it in Lu Mingfei's hand. The warm breath immediately spread from his palm to his heart.

"I just saw several hot pot restaurants in front, including Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. We can try them." Lu Mingfei said, "Senior sister, what kind of hot pot do you like?"

Nuonuo buried her little face, which was red from the cold, into Lu Mingfei's arms. After twisting it a few times, she finally found her most comfortable position. She raised her head and said, "Let's go for Japanese hot pot. Actually, I prefer Chongqing hot pot." Yes, but I guess there is no authentic Chongqing hot pot in a small place like Chicago."

"Yeah." Lu Mingfei said.

He remembered that he actually didn't like Japanese hot pot before, but people's habits really change because of certain things. After experiencing a tragedy that often made him feel heartbroken, Japanese hot pot and five-eye fried rice became his favorite favorite food.

In fact, it’s not that you like these foods, it’s just that there was once a person who liked these things sitting across from him and eating these foods. Now that person is gone, you can only make yourself feel that you can still feel it by doing what she once did. to her presence.

"Are you going back to the college at night?" Nono asked. She stared blankly at the riverside walk in the drizzle. People without umbrellas lifted up their clothes to cover their heads and ran to storefronts that could shelter from the rain. The raindrops and the water surface of the Chicago River The contact splashed countless small ripples, and these ripples collided with each other, making the relatively calm river surface look like water that was about to boil.

The tour guide on the cruise ship, a black woman, was escorting the tourists back to the cabin with such a big umbrella. Two girls were playing in the rain. They seemed not to be afraid of the cold. They were only wearing white dresses, and their slender figures were exposed under the skirts. The delicate ankles were illuminated by the lights on the deck and shone in the dim rain.

"Yeah, but we can go back later." Lu Mingfei said.

They walked side by side in the rain and snow, watching the bright car lights on the nearby driveway cut through the fine rain curtain and go back and forth.

The wind caused by the suddenly anxious traffic blew the drizzle into chaos, and the inner side of the riverside walk became brightly lit.

"Junior brother..."

"Yes, senior sister." Lu Mingfei replied in a muffled voice. He thought he might have a cold.

His steps suddenly paused again.

Nuonuo's hand seemed to be holding him tighter. The girl was probably really afraid of the cold, so she leaned closer to him.

"Actually, I really..." The sound of wind and rain swept away Nuonuo's increasingly low voice. She could only hug the boy beside her tightly and quietly absorb the warmth of early spring.


There were not as many customers in the Japanese hot pot restaurant as there were in the Chinese hot pot restaurant. When Lu Mingfei and Nono rushed in, there were actually private rooms for them to use.

Yamato Nadeshiko, who had a sweet smile, handed warm towels to the guests who entered the box, then took away the dripping umbrella, bowed and stepped back.

Although it is Chicago, the owner of this store is a real Japanese. He is a middle-aged man who does not look very rich. He is a bit bald and has a strong Kanto accent. When Lu Mingfei came in, the owner was hiding at the bar. Play games later.

Soon they were enjoying the steaming hot pot.

It is said to be hot pot, but it is actually a bit like oden. It is nothing more than a soup base made from kombu, dried shrimps and tonkotsu. The milky white boiling soup is stewed with beef slices, crab legs, enoki mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, radish and green onions. It is very fragrant. Lu Mingfei's appetite was immediately aroused. The heat rising when the ingredients were tumbling in the tonkotsu soup had a warm taste, which quickly dispelled the dampness and coldness on his body.

Nuonuo was sitting opposite Lu Mingfei. The stove under the hot pot was dancing with orange flames. The senior sister's face was illuminated and rosy, and the four-leaf clover earrings reflected the light flowing like a river of fire.

It was a little hot in the box, so Nono took off his coat. Under the coat, he was only wearing a slim-fitting white sweater, which outlined the girl's graceful curves. Her collarbones and butterfly bones were clear, and her lips were slightly red with blood. She glanced at the road angrily. Ming Fei, let him look straight in the eyes.

"Take a look, be careful of needle holes." Nono picked up a large piece of white radish, dipped it in soy sauce and put it in her mouth. The steam climbed up to her face, looming, and she was actually a little charming.

Lu Mingfei smiled coquettishly, "Senior sister is still as beautiful as before."

"Then why don't you like me as before?" Nono took a step closer.

Cold sweat broke out on Lu Mingfei's forehead, "Senior sister, you..."

Nuonuo let out a clear laugh. She was very happy to see Lu Mingfei in embarrassment. It made her feel like she had gone back to a long, long time ago.

Eating hot pot is indeed a very leisurely thing.

The sleet that suddenly swept through Chicago not long ago slowly turned into heavy rain. The temperature outside dropped to below zero, and the rain turned into snow again.

At this time, they were eating hot pot in a warm private room, with the best sake placed in front of them. The two of them were laughing and teasing each other, drinking one glass after another of the heated sake in one gulp after touching it in the steaming heat.

The two pairs of chopsticks were raised and lowered, and everyone was sweating profusely, but they were also in a good mood.

Sake is clear and mellow, and it won't be overpowering if you sip it for a while, but drinking too much will always make people feel drunk without knowing it.

After drinking, Nono's fair and clean face became slightly flushed, adding a bit of girlish innocence to her arrogance.

In the end, the only sounds in the private room were the bubbling hot pot and the sound of Lu Mingfei smacking his lips. The eyes of both of them were rippling, and their feelings seemed to be naturally aroused.

The four walls are covered with screens of clouds and cranes, with white as the base, making this Japanese-style room really feel like being in Japan.

Lu Mingfei emptied the last bit of sake and burped. Nuonuo had already sat down next to him at some point, clinging to him as if there were no bones in her body. She hugged the boy's left arm with both hands.

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment. Nono's body was so hot that he got goosebumps.

At this time, a hand grasped Lu Mingfei's chin, and his face was forcibly pulled away.

The girl's perfume suddenly filled the air, like cold sea water, and those crimson eyes hazy with water mist stared into his eyes.

Nuonuo seemed to have sobered up suddenly. She held the tatami with one hand and held Lu Mingfei's collar with the other. She leaned forward, almost pressing the boy under her, and the breath of alcohol sprayed directly onto Lu Mingfei's face. .

Lu Mingfei's heart skipped a beat and he wanted to finish.

Nuonuo's eyes were so aggressive, as if she wanted to swallow him whole. Lu Mingfei's Adam's apple rolled, "Senior sister..."

"Lu Mingfei, Lu Mingfei, Lu Mingfei, you are such an idiot." Nuonuo said in a very low voice. Her body softened and she lay on Lu Mingfei's chest.

Then a slight snore came from her mouth. Actually fell asleep.

Only then did Lu Mingfei realize that they had drank four full bottles of sake.

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