Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1890 Use it first!

"Celine, look, it's a gold coin!"


Without Celine's response, Witt looked up with some doubt, only to see Celine's face darken.

Seeing this, Witt was shocked.

But this small scene only made him shocked, as for the others...

"Stop, don't be angry, I'll ask you one question, what would you do if I exchanged this gold coin for a crystal?"


Celine still didn't reply, but the rising anger bar was instantly cleared.

After a while, Celine finally said something.

"This... this is different."

That's what she said, but her voice was very hollow.

Witt smiled.

"Why is it different? Treasures are the same. If you encounter crystals next time, I will help you get them."

"It's a deal!"

Witt's mouth slightly raised.


Then, Witt began to study the three gold coins.

This is not a flying dragon gold coin, but a giant dragon gold coin, but there is no signature on it, only one side has a relief with a giant dragon image, and there are many giant dragon blessings on it, all four.

Moreover, the breath revealed by the last giant dragon blessing is consistent, which makes Witt's eyes bright, and his eyes can't help but look in the direction where the storm came.

"Celine, let's go back a bit!"

Celine certainly knows what Witt is thinking.

The blessing of a giant dragon means that the three gold coins come from the same place.

Three gold coins are not many, but not few. If they come from the same place, although the probability is a little small, there is still a possibility of gold coin relics.

Celine naturally has no objection to Witt's words.

When they were in the endless sea of ​​sand before, they also encountered many relics. She gained a lot, but Witt gained nothing.

It's time for Witt to encounter a gold coin ruin.

Otherwise, Witt will go crazy. After all, jealousy makes dragons crazy!

After both parties unanimously passed Witt's resolution, the two dragons flew towards the original route. The storm had gone far away, and any subsequent actions were based on the original route.

Still the same, the Endless Sea is too big and it is too easy to get lost, so the route cannot be changed at will.

After returning to the original route, Witt took Celine and flew in the direction they came from.

Of course, they knew very well that the storm would not always coincide with their previous route, otherwise they would have encountered this storm long ago.

This storm should have gradually changed its direction during its journey, and finally overlapped with Witt's route for a short time, and then caught up with Witt and his team.

Fortunately, after the storm passes, it will leave obvious traces of elemental disorder. Witt and his team can find the previous route of the storm by following these traces.

But it has to be faster.

After all, this is the Endless Sea, and the abundant water elements will quickly suppress these traces.

Fortunately, Witt and Celine are strong and good at speed.

Soon, the two dragons arrived at the intersection of the storm's route and their original route.

In order not to deviate from the direction in the future, Witt left a space beacon at this intersection, and then took Celine to continue following the traces left by the storm and tracked it.

Time passed slowly in this process, and the traces left by the storm became fainter and fainter until they completely dissipated.

Witt and Celine stayed on the sea surface, which was in line with the characteristics of the Endless Sea. There were no islands that could be used as markers in the boundless sea.

In addition to the sea water, there was the sky. If you fly in such a place for a long time, your mental pressure will rise sharply until you start to doubt whether you are flying or whether you are flying in the wrong direction...

Of course, Witt and his strength are not enough to cause this situation.

However, their current situation is actually similar.

The storm's route is irregular, and any slight factor will cause it to change direction. Most of these slight factors will not remain after the storm passes.

Therefore, after finding no trace, there is no way to judge which direction the storm came from.

Celine looked around and turned to look at Witt.

"What do you mean?"

Witt's face was a little ugly.

Unexpectedly, after chasing so far, he still hasn't found the gold coin ruins.

Give up?

How is it possible!

Knowing clearly that there is a gold coin ruins nearby, Witt is willing to stay here for a thousand years just to find this ruins.

But Witt's time is still very precious.

Witt also wants to complete the task of Finger as soon as possible, so for Witt, the best way is to leave a space beacon here.

When he has dealt with all the things, he will come to this place and look for the gold coin ruins carefully.

But the problem is that this is the Endless Sea.

There are countless dragons chasing treasures in this vast and boundless sea.

When they reach old age, dragons will inevitably enter the legendary stage. Legendary dragons have long lifespans and may not be very strong, but they are not so easy to die.

So why do Witt see so few dragons on weekdays?

The reason is here!

In the dragon world, nearly 150 million dragons are in the Endless Sea, 400 million dragons are in the Dragon Nest, and less than 100 million dragons are wandering around the continents and settling in various city-states.

With so many dragons in the Endless Sea, Witt really doesn't want to leave.

What if a dragon comes here right after he leaves and searches for treasure nearby!

After struggling for a long time, Witt gritted his teeth and looked in one direction.

"Let's take a gamble. According to the route we came here, the northwest is the most likely. For three months, we will fly in this direction for three months.

After three months, if there is still no gain, we will continue to the Celwyn continent."

While speaking, Witt left a space beacon in the original place.

Three months is a small bet, betting that the storm will not change direction too much on the route just selected, and also betting that the ruins are within the flight area of ​​these three months.

The space beacon is a big bet, betting that after thousands of years, the gold coin ruins are still not discovered by other dragons.

This is what I thought, but after leaving the space beacon, Witt did not set off immediately, but took out a dragon scale from the reverse scale space.

The set of tools used to block the space when attacking Sabina before was made by Witt imitating Billy's space blocking tools, and the set of tools for Billy was what Witt asked from Billy before leaving and saying goodbye to Billy.

This dragon scale was also obtained by Witt during that time.

This is Ollidolf's dragon scale.

Looking at Ollidolf's dragon scales, Witt was helpless. Although the mysterious could not change fate, Witt could only give it a try now.

He was really unlucky, and this thing could really absorb bad luck.

He didn't need to absorb too much, as long as he absorbed some and made him less unlucky, Witt would be satisfied.

As for the side effects...

Never mind, just use it first!


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