Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1912: Legendary Middle Level...


Werther looked at Elvis with interest. He wanted to see what kind of solution Elvis came up with.

Seeing Werther staring at him, Elvis smiled awkwardly.

"It's not a good idea, just send more young dragons out. If you can't bring back the dragon eggs, you can always bring the young dragons!"

Hearing this, Werther rolled his eyes.

"Treat the symptoms, not the cure!"

For the Dragon Nest language, the sense of belonging is very important, and this needs to be cultivated starting from the young age.

Especially for a racial language like the dragon.

Even if you put this aside, with the major premise of abyss invasion, returning to the Selwyn continent from other continents is a relatively dangerous thing in itself.

Is it possible that every baby dragon deserves a legend?

Not realistic!

Even Remiel, there are so many idle legends doing this kind of thing.

"Then what do you think we should do?"

After receiving Werther's comment, Elvis showed a look of helplessness on his face.

"Have you never thought about solving it from an alchemical perspective?"

"Of course I have thought about it, but the alchemists in the Dragon Nest are either sleeping or traveling around the Dragon Realm. I have also asked about the only one who is awake and still in the Dragon Nest.

But they just said that they only think from the perspective of element transformation.

Among them, the only legendary alchemist's research direction is not this.

It will take some time to determine whether the method is feasible. "

"Tsk tsk, thanks to you, you are still one of the top ten. Forget it, I won't show off, just leave it to me. Elemental transformation is no stranger to me.

Just give me a little time.

However, I told you in advance that even if there is elemental transformation, it will not work inside the dragon's nest.

There is not only a problem of too much light element, but also a shortage of other basic elements.

The incubation device of your Dragon Nest is only large enough to be built in the rain forest. "

Hearing Werther's words, Elvis was stunned for a moment, and then his face suddenly dawned.

"Yes, you are the legendary alchemist!"

Hearing this, Werther chuckled, and then looked at Elvis with interest.

Seeing this, Elvis was startled for a moment, and then raised his eyebrows.


"You have to show something!"

Hearing this, Elvis rolled his eyes.

"What else do you want to express? Can you give it to Celine?"

Speaking of Celine, Werther had a look of confusion on his face.

"Speaking of which, why didn't you see Celine at the academy just now?"

"Beverly took Celine to practice. When she comes out, she will surpass you in the realm of 놇."

Werther was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Elvis in surprise.

"We know that Celine is traveling with you, but I also know your character well, and you will definitely do some comparisons, even quite dangerous things.

In this case, it is not enough for the legend to be ranked lower.

So, after I sensed that you were coming, I went to the Dragon's Nest treasure house and rummaged through it. Not to mention, I actually found some good stuff.

The essence of the law!

I don’t know if you have heard of it, but this thing is very rare. Even though Remiel was exposed with the law of light element behind him, only a few drops remained.

I gave Beverly to Celine.

It turns out that this is against the rules. I secretly took it out to Celine.

But if you help Dragon Lair solve the hatching problem of multi-element affinity dragon eggs, then it won't matter. "

When Werther heard this, he couldn't help but look at Elvis a few more times.

"You are so big!"

What is the essence of the law? Witte doesn’t know!

Among the methods given by Aos back then to solve the burden of multiple dragon crystals on the dragon soul, in addition to the golden holy fire, the other one was the essence of the law.

However, this thing was so rare that Werther didn't even need to think about it and directly chose the golden holy fire.

Unexpectedly, Elvis was willing to use it to give Celine a breakthrough.

Hearing this, Elvis couldn't help but look at Werther one more time.

"It seems that you know the essence of the law, so you don't need me to explain it. How about it?"

Werther rolled his eyes.

"You gave it to Celine, what else can I say, of course...

No more!

hey-hey! "

As he said that, Werther smiled evilly.

"You gave it to Celine. That is your compensation for Celine as a grandfather.

Besides, it’s not just you I’m helping, or rather, it’s Remiel.

These are two different things! "

When Elvis heard this, he looked at Werther quite speechlessly.

"We are all old friends. Do me a favor. You also know what the Dragon's Nest treasure house is like. It's just some insignificant materials. You don't even want to come!"

"Then beg me!"

As he spoke, Werther's face showed an expression of triumph.


After hearing this, Elvis' face froze, and after thinking for a moment, his face gradually darkened, because he suddenly discovered that except for Celine, there was really no way to restrain Werther.

In terms of strength, Werther has indeed improved a lot. It is really difficult to win Werther without using his full strength.

Of course, now that we are asking for help, there is no way to use force.


"Count...count me..."

"Okay, okay, I was just joking. Since I brought it up, I am ready to help you."

As he said that, Werther couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. When Elvis said those words just now, his eyes looked as if he wanted to eat him alive.

If you keep talking, dragon life will come out.

Seeing that Werther was still sensible, Elvis's dangerous gaze that was gradually revealed was restrained.

"I will arrange a place for the alchemy magic circle below. Do you have any additional requirements?"

"It's okay if the land is bigger..."

As he spoke, Witte paused for a moment, and then continued: "By the way, for a dragon's nest as big as yours, you shouldn't ask me to pay for the materials in advance!"

"Whatever you want, just ask."

Hearing this, Witte's eyes suddenly lit up.

"The dignified Remiel can't be like Mithril!"

Listening to Werther's squeeze, Elvis rolled his eyes. He was too lazy to argue with Werther.

"The fine gold tube is enough, but..."

As he spoke, Elvis glanced at Werther.

"But don't cross it either."

Werther grinned.

"Let it go, I'm sure of it."

As he said this, Werther was already thinking about how much gold he wanted to covet.

Opportunities like this are rare. If you don't take more, you will definitely regret it.

As for Elvis’ reminder…

It doesn't matter, he has already helped Remiel solve such a big problem. It would be somewhat unjustifiable for Remiel not to be more generous!

On the other hand, Elvis also understood that Werther would definitely be greedy, but as long as he was greedy, he could pretend he didn't see it.

At this moment, a familiar but more powerful breath came from behind him.

Werther turned around and looked, only to see Celine flying towards this side. Her strength at this time was clearly at the level of a legend.

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