Chapter 254 System Upgrade Again (Part 2)

Mo Shi and little monk, one play is all night.

In other words, this game on the Yanshi Continent is really much more fun than on Earth.

The game screen is extremely realistic, even the pores and the texture of the leaves on the human body can be seen clearly.

And the game plot and other aspects are absolutely unmatched by games on earth.

After playing all night, little monk’s eyes were bloodshot.

Although energetic, his body is only equivalent to the body of an ordinary person after all.

So it looks a bit tired.

But Mo Shi’s whole person seemed to be in spirit.

This is the difference between the physique of the hunter and the ordinary human body.

Mo Shi left little monk’s room just after eight o’clock in the morning.

Several people in the factory saw that Mo Shi had come out of little monk’s room early in the morning.

They are all a little surprised.

After Mo Shi returned to the room, someone whispered.

“what happened?”

“Could it be that Mr. Mo was happily kicked out of the room? Homeless, he can only go to the monk’s room?”

“I guess not. Maybe it was Mr. Mo who took the initiative to go to the little monk room.”

“Happy: So love will really disappear?”

Besides, after Mo Shi returned to the room, he was happy to see Mo Shi come back, although he wondered where Mo Shi went last night.

But she also knew that Mo Shi had many secrets.

Since he didn’t want to say, she didn’t ask much.

Instead, he took the initiative to prepare breakfast for Mo Shi.

Mo Shi looked at the happy and busy back, and his heart was warm.

Said: “I couldn’t sleep last night, I went to the little monk and played games all night.”

Happily turned around, with a smile on his face.

Her smile is easy to infect people.

Let people feel like spring breeze.

After breakfast, Mo Shi wanted to lie in bed and rest for a while.

As a result, when I thought that the system would be upgraded at noon, I couldn’t help but be full of expectations.

Still not a trace of sleepiness.

I had to lean on the bed and continue to play the game.

In other words, this game called “Extreme Killing” is really more addictive the more you play.

Play until 12:25 noon.

A reminder sounded abruptly in his mind.

【The system upgrade is complete. 】

When Mo Shi heard this, he was overjoyed.

Hastily put down the game console in his hand and checked it in his mind.

[Upgrade Reward 1: Dracula’s Blood, 100 drops][Upgrade bonus 2: First flying fighter, 10 units][Upgrade reward 3: Micro Wormhole Teleporter, 1 pc]

Mo Shi looked at these rewards and nodded repeatedly.

“System, you are simply the roundworm in my stomach. What do you think?”

I was thinking about Dracula’s blood and flying fighter armor, but I was rewarded directly.

The micro-wormhole teleporter was also something he was greedy for.

After all, this thing is within the scope of Yanshi Continent, and there are almost no restrictions.

When in danger, just press it and it will be sent to the designated location in an instant.

It is definitely a life-saving artifact.

Then, the prompt tone in the system came again:

[The content of this upgrade: Killing rewards the blood mechanism of the Titan Dragon. 】

[Kill reward mechanism: kill a creature equivalent to the level 1 desolate beast Realm, and reward 1 drop of Titan dragon blood. Kill a creature with a root equivalent to a level 2 barren beast, and reward 2 drops of Titan Dragon blood. So on and so forth. 】

When Mo Shi heard the alert tone, he felt that his heartbeat had missed a beat.

You know, he can only get 8 drops of Titan Dragon blood when he signs in every day.

But now only by killing a level 1 barren beast, you can get a drop of Titan Dragon blood.

You can slay hundreds of wild beasts with a casual sweep of own Long Nian. Doesn’t that mean you can get hundreds of drops of Titan Dragon’s blood?

This f*ck is a bit perverted!

Thinking of this, he swept away.

Within a radius of more than 100 kilometers, ten barren beasts exploded into blood mist.


And not then.

Mo Shi quietly waited for the prompt to come, but there was no sound.

He couldn’t help asking in his mind:

“System, how about rewarding Titan Dragon blood for kills?”

The voice of the system soon came:

[Killing rewards, you can’t use dragon mind, can’t use energy, can only kill with physical strength. 】

“I f*ck, I won’t say it earlier!”

Mo Shi felt like he was being tricked.

The voice of the system came again:

[The strongest dragon is not energy, not skill. It is the strength of the body and the power of terror. 】

[To become a dragon, heaven-defying physical strength is necessary. 】

[Kill rewards are just to strengthen the host’s body. 】

Mo Shi understands that this can be regarded as a good intention of the system.

He said no more.

Jackie Chan Shadow Step starts.

Leave the base instantly.

When it reappeared, it was already a hundred kilometers away.

Long Nian leaned out and started looking for the desolate beasts of level 1 to 3.

With his level 2 waste hunter’s strength, without the use of dragon’s mind and energy, the first-level to deal with level 3 wild beasts is already the limit.

It’s just that because of the wild beasts here, they have been strengthened by the zero virus.

Therefore, most of the wild beasts have basically reached level 5 or higher.

Want to find a level 5 or less, it’s really hard to find.

It took half an hour to find an uninfected level 2 barren beast on the edge of Hunting Island 1.

This time Mo Shi asked in advance:

“System, can Titan Dragon Claw be used?”

The voice of the system replied:

【Can. 】

Mo Shi asked again:

“The invisible strength of the Dragon Claw?”

The voice of the system came:

【Using invisible Qi Jin is invalid. Only by relying on the power of the body can you get rewards. 】

“All right.”

He directly condenses the Titan Dragon Claw.

Jumped up and slashed towards the level 2 barren beast.

The Level 2 Desolate Beast also rushed towards Mo Shi directly.

Mo Shiwei turned sideways, avoiding its sharp teeth and claws.

The Titan Dragon’s claws slashed along the side of its body severely.


Directly draw a long bloody mouth on the side of its body.

The blood burst out immediately.

However, compared with the huge body of this barren beast that was more than 30 meters long, this wound caused not much damage.

And at this time, this level 2 barren beast became furious when it was hurt.

There was a creak in the body, and it quickly grew bigger.

In just over ten seconds, it has grown to more than 200 meters long.

In this way, the Titan Dragon Claw will cause almost negligible damage to it without using Invisible Qi.

Mo Shi frowned slightly and asked the system:

“Can genetic weapons be used?”

The system replied:

[The real dragon disdains the use of genetic weapons. 】


Mo Shi cursed.

Simply retracted the Titan Dragon Claw directly.

Since it depends on its own strength, daddy simply doesn’t need anything.

Seeing the two-hundred-meter-long Grade 2 barren beast, he once again rushed towards him.

Mo Shi jumped and reached an altitude of 10,000 meters in an instant.

Then he jumped up again, rushed straight down, and smashed down to the ground at an extremely fast speed.

His right hand was clenched into a fist.

Because of the tight grip, the joints have turned white.

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