Chapter 262 Night Ghost Spirit

For the next three days, Mo Shi killed the night ghost on The Underworld wasteland almost every night.

Every morning, more than 10,000 to 20,000 corpses of night ghosts are left on the wasteland.

Every day during the day, people who enter the hunting ground No. 2 will see the corpses of night ghosts spread on the ground.

They are very curious, who did this on earth?

But no one dared to stay here and wait until the evening to find out.

But everyone knows that a mysterious powerhouse appeared on the hunting ground No. 2.

Mo Shi thought that this situation would continue forever, and he could be promoted to level 3 in a few days.

But that night, Mo Shi discovered that the number of night ghosts appearing on The Underworld wasteland was drastically reduced compared to before.

There will be more than 3,000 at most.

After Mo Shi killed all these night ghosts, no night ghost crawled out again.

The next night, there was not even a night ghost.

Do not hesitate to secretly wonder.

It stands to reason that there should be almost countless night ghosts underground in this wasteland.

Why doesn’t it come out?

Is it because I was beaten by myself?

In fact, Mo Shi guessed right.

Although these night ghosts have limited IQ, they are not without IQ.

In the first few days, they felt that no matter how powerful these humans were, they could also eat these humans by virtue of their number advantages.

But over time, they discovered to their horror that this human being was completely a monster.

Even if they were ten times or a hundred times more in number, they would not be able to eat them.

Not only couldn’t eat them, but they passed by in groups, and they were all going to give away ghosts.

So these night ghosts no longer appear.

Mo Shi saw that no night ghost appeared again.

She shrugged helplessly.

Said to Emma next to him: “Look at other places.”

According to the previous strategy, Mo Shi knew that on this night ghost star, there is another place with countless night ghosts.

That is Death Swamp.

Mo Shi turned on the multi-function watch and called up the navigation function.

Little monk has already stored the map of the night ghost star in the multi-function watch.

Mo Shi said, “Go to Death Swamp.”

The scanning function is activated on the multi-function watch to scan the surrounding terrain and quickly match it on the map.

Then the mechanical female voice sounded:

“You are 53323 kilometers away from Death Marsh. Please choose your mode of travel: walking, flying, or taking transportation.”


Mo Shi said.

Soon, an almost straight route appeared on the virtual screen of the map.

Mo Shi took Emma, ​​and under the shadow of the green moon that occupied one third of the sky, followed the navigation of the map and flew towards the Death Swamp.

Along the way, Mo Shi saw the small groups of night ghosts appearing on the ground, and they would land from time to time.

Kill these night ghosts.

After flying for about ten minutes, three night ghosts appeared on the edge of a lake below.

Mo Shixuelong’s eyes swept across.

【Species: Night Ghost】

[Level: Level 2 Evolution]

The three night ghosts are all level 2 evolution night ghosts.

When Mo Shixuelong’s wings were collected, he smashed directly down from a high altitude.

Taking advantage of the momentum of his fall, he smashed one of the night ghosts with a fierce punch.

The ghost reacted extremely fast that night.

Hearing the sound of breaking through the air, he quickly raised his head.

Seeing a black shadow smashing down directly towards him.

It quickly turned sideways.

However, after all, it was a bit late.

Although the punch was a little bit off, it still banged on its head.


Its head sank suddenly.

At the same time, Mo Shi’s punch also used the inner strength of the Earth’s ancient Fist Technique.

The inner strength was transmitted through the night ghost’s body, directly smashing the energy bubbles that stored energy in its body.

As a result, the body of this night ghost completely lost its self-healing ability.

Slumped directly to the ground.

When the other two night ghosts saw this, the upper and lower rows of teeth kept colliding, making strange noises.

“Quack crunch—”

Zhang Ya Wu Claw rushed towards Mo Shi.

And at the tips of their claws, a light of energy flashed.

A night ghost slashed towards Mo Shi with a claw.

Mo Shi avoided it sideways.


Under that claw, a sharp energy was released.

On the ground behind Mo Shi, a claw mark more than 20 meters long and more than three meters wide was left.

This is the difference between Level 2 Evolved Night Ghost and Level 1 Evolved Night Ghost.

The second-level evolution night ghost can release two such energy attacks.

Therefore, the second-level evolution night ghost is much stronger than the first-level evolution night ghost.

However, in the face of Mo Shi’s agility, it was impossible for this attack to hurt him.

He had already used Long Yingbu to jump up 10,000 meters.

Then fell to the ground.

It was another punch and blasted towards the head of the night ghost.

This night ghost crossed his arms and wanted to block.

Click, click, click——

There were two consecutive beeps.

The first sound was the sound of Ye Gui’s arms being directly broken.

The second sound was the sound of its Tianling Cover being smashed into a hollow.

The second night ghost also slumped down.

When Mo Shi kills the second-level evolution night ghost, although it is not as simple as killing the first-level evolution night ghost, it can also be killed with one punch by using the height.

Next, the head of the third night ghost was also sunken.

Is planning to leave.

But at this moment, it was discovered that the body of this night ghost was recovering quickly.


Mo Shi was a little surprised.

He obviously used his inner strength to break the energy bubble in the abdomen of the night ghost. It stands to reason that it has lost its self-healing energy, how can it heal itself?

In astonishment, I saw the body of this night ghost changing rapidly.

On its back, spikes more than a foot long began to grow.

On its forehead, two strong horns were born.

When Mo Shi saw this, he was immediately happy.

This night ghost has the spirit of night ghost in his body!

Legend has it that there is a one-in-a-hundred-billion chance that the spirit of the night ghost will appear in the body of the night ghost.

The spirit of the night ghost has a great effect.

It is said that after taking it, it can heal injuries. As long as it is not killed on the spot, the night ghost spirit can rescue people;

It can also treat various terminal illnesses.

It can also extend the life span of a person to five hundred years.

And after taking it, you can be directly promoted to a waste hunter!

Of course, using it to be promoted to a waste hunter also has a price.

From then on, Realm is equivalent to being locked.

No longer can Ascension even level 1.

But even so, it still attracts people.

After all, on the mainland, the vast majority of people will never reach the Wild Hunter Realm in this life.

And now taking the Night Ghost Spirit, not only can he be directly promoted to the Wild Hunter.

It can also extend the life span to five hundred years.

How can this not make people crazy?

The probability of the ghost spirit appearing is extremely low.

It appeared once more than 70 years ago, and has never appeared since.

Unexpectedly, Mo Shizui ran into him today.

It’s really good fortune!

Mo Shi asked in his mind:

“System, if I take Night Ghost Spirit, will my Realm be limited?”

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