Chapter 267 Black Mountain Pass, Death Marsh

After Mo Shi left, a 13-year-old child picked up the bottle of recovery potion Mo Shi had just placed on the stone bench.

He quickly came to a pale man with his arms just torn apart.

Said to the man, “Dad, this is a recovery potion. Hurry…”

Although I don’t know the specific effect of this restoration potion, since it is called a restoration potion, it should speed up the recovery of father’s wounds.

The man with the broken arm took the bottle of green potion with his left hand and looked at it for a moment.

Finally, he gritted his teeth, opened his mouth, and poured all the green liquid in the bottle into his mouth.

Just a few seconds later, something magical happened.

The flesh and blood began to squirm around the wound of his severed arm.

Gradually, muscle tissue, nerves, and even bones were regrown.

His broken arm was actually recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just five minutes, it was as good as ever.

And there was not even a trace of scar on the previous fracture.

The man looked at his newly-grown arm in surprise, tried to turn it twice, and then swayed back and forth.

Everything is no different from his previous arm.

He was surprised: “This…this…”

When the others saw this, they were also pleasantly surprised.

“The effect of this potion is amazing!”

“There is such a magical potion in the world?”

“Is this… holy water?”

Amidst the exclamation, those who had been injured before had all received healing potions.

After they took it, their bodies recovered in just a few minutes.

This made them not only excited, but also full of gratitude to them.

“That family of three is too mysterious!”

“Not only mysterious, but also very powerful.”

“We worshiped God for a lifetime, and God didn’t pay attention to us at all, but now he was saved. I think we will worship him in the future.”

At this time, Mo Shi had already entered the dragon’s den with Emma.

He didn’t expect these people to appreciate him.

The reason why he gave these people the recovery potion was only because of a little reward for them giving himself food.

As for whether these people would appreciate him or hate him later, he didn’t care.

In other words, even if these people hold weapons against him tomorrow, he doesn’t care.

After so many years, he had already seen human nature thoroughly.

In fact, these people did not aim their weapons at him the next morning.

On the contrary, these aborigines took up arms and opposed each other.

Because those people who took the recovery potion last night not only recovered completely, but after a whole night, their strengths were all Ascension level 1.

This makes everyone’s heart hot.

The restorative potions last night have not been used up, and the last few bottles are left.

At this time, all of them tried to grab the last few bottles of recovery potion.

Of course, they knew that Mo Shi still had more healing potions on him.

But they didn’t dare to aim at Mushi at all, so they could only fight inwardly.

It was almost noon on the second day that Mo Shi they came out of the dragon’s cave.

When Mo Shi learned that these people had started fighting in order to recover the potion, he said nothing or did nothing.

He was not surprised by this result.

This is human nature.

Human nature has a glorious side, but also an ugly side.

With his own power, it is impossible to change these.

Therefore, his code of conduct has always been to be alone.

As for what other people love and do, it has nothing to do with me.

However, after seeing Mo Shi’s appearance, these people temporarily put aside the fight.

At the beginning, it was delicious and delicious and served Mo Shi, hoping to get a few more bottles of healing potions from Mo Shi.

But Mo Shi never took out even a bottle of recovery potion.

In the evening, when the white sunset came to the back of the mountain, Mo Shi left the city with Emma and her mother.

When Mo Shi had just left, the city was once again caught in a fight.

Mo Shi didn’t know what kind of chaos the city would fall into after he left.

He is also not interested in knowing.

While using Long Nian to explore a radius of more than 100 kilometers, he flew forward with Emma and her mother.

After flying for more than two hours, Mo Shi came to the two opposite mountain passes.

According to the map, it is called Heishankou.

After the Black Mountain Pass, Death Marsh.

And in Death Swamp, there are countless Level 2 Evolution Night Ghosts.

At this time, Long Nian swept across the Black Mountain Pass.

I saw in the Black Mountain Pass, a group of hunters were chasing two night ghosts.

Those two night ghosts are both level 2 evolution night ghosts.

There are seven hunters in this team, five men and two women.

One of the women was the beautiful girl in front of Emma where Mo Shi bought the tickets.

At this time, they chased the two night ghosts, and they had passed the Black Mountain Pass and entered the Death Marsh.

Mo Xixin was slightly surprised.

Obviously, the two night ghosts deliberately introduced this group of people into Death Swamp.

According to his understanding, the IQ of the night ghost is at most equivalent to that of a child of two or three years old.

How can you understand the tactics of “entering the enemy deeper”?

When the seven people chased the two night ghosts and entered the Death swamp, the surrounding night ghosts did not immediately appear.

Until they flew in for another two minutes, after flying out a full 100 kilometers.

Only found out something was wrong.

I saw swamps all around.

In the swamp, the skeleton of some animal is half exposed from time to time.

Occasionally, human skulls can even be seen.

Someone suddenly realized something and was shocked:

“Oops, I won!”

The others were taken aback for a moment, and asked: “How?”

The man looked around, then lowered his voice, and said four creepy words:

“Death swamp.”


As if there was a thunderstorm, it blasted everyone’s heart.

“This is… Death Swamp?”

“It’s impossible.”

“Aren’t we very far from Death Swamp before?”

The beautiful girl was even more shocked:

“Death Swamp? Oh, it’s said that this place is all level 2 waste hunters, and it is a more terrifying place than The Underworld wasteland.”

Seeing this, a manly young man next to him came to the pretty girl.

Said: “Don’t be afraid, I am here.”

And the other girl said:

“In the strategy, the danger level of Death Swamp is listed as level ten on the night ghost star. Even if the tenth level wilderness hunters come here, I am afraid they can only take a detour.”

“Then what are you waiting for? Leave now.”

Reaching a consensus, everyone quickly turned the flying skateboard shoes and flew towards the direction of Heishankou.

Flying skateboard shoes have certain flying height restrictions.

It can only fly up to a height of 100 meters.

Therefore, it is impossible for them to avoid the night ghosts below by flying altitude.

I could only turn my head and fly to Heishankou.

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