Chapter 281 Giant Eagle Mecha

281 Giant Eagle Mech

Mo Shi looked at the Cheng family members who had fallen, and the death burst in his eyes.

From the memories of the people he looted, he already knew the details of the Cheng family in Youzhou.

One level 1 waste hunter and seventeen level 10 waste hunters.

In addition, there are more than ten on the surface, in fact there are twenty fighters.

Such strength, in the eyes of others, is very strong.

But for the current Mo Shi, but you.

Aside from anything else, just a mosasaur clone with a level 3 upgraded barren beast can crush the entire Cheng family.

After all, a Level 3 Upgraded Desolate Beast is equivalent to a Level 3 Desolate Hunter.

The Cheng family didn’t even have a Level 2 Wilderness Hunter, let alone a Level 3 Wilderness Hunter.

However, with Mo Shi’s cautious character, it is naturally impossible to arbitrarily define Cheng’s character.

What if the Cheng family has unknown ancestors and the like, and the strength reaches level 2 or even level 3 wilderness hunters?

Therefore, before going to Cheng’s house, let’s talk about the Ascension avatar of Mossassin to Level 5 Upgraded Desolate Beast.

Thinking of this, Mo Shi signed in in his mind:

“System, sign in for special events.”

The voice of the system came quickly as always:

【Sign in successfully! 】

[Sign-in event: Destroy Cheng’s giant eagle mecha, kill Cheng’s Second Young Master][Sign-in reward: a giant eagle mech]

“Yes, Not Bad.”

Mo Shi now also understands the rules of system rewards.

It was long expected that a giant eagle mech would be rewarded.

The giant eagle mecha may not be as good as other forms of mecha in a one-on-one battle.

But the ability to fly and bombing is absolutely just right.

In this way, a giant eagle mech can carry out a full coverage carpet bombing within a radius of 15 kilometers.

Its bombing capabilities have to be said to be very exaggerated.

Then Mo Shi came to little monk’s room.

The little monk at this moment looked at the debris in the place in front of him.

A look of grief.

Seeing Mo Shi come in, he shook his head and said:

“Don’t pay attention to me, I want to be quiet. Jingjing is my deskmate in elementary school.”

Mo Shi saw the monk’s appearance, although he was still joking, but he looked unlovable.

Naturally understand his fault.

“The Giant Eagle Mecha can’t be repaired?”

little monk shook his head:

“Boss, you look down on me too much. I can barely repair this level of damage. It’s just that the fighting power after repair is probably out of ten. Their self-destruct system is too fucking.”

A hint of surprise flashed in Mo Shi’s eyes.

I always thought this little monk was just talented in software.

Unexpectedly, his talent in hardware is also very awesome.

After this mech self-destructed, it was a pile of scrap iron.

But this guy can repair even such a pile of scrap iron.

It’s really a bit exaggerated.

However, the repair is old after all, and the performance will definitely be greatly reduced.

Thinking of this, Mo Shi thought, the giant eagle mecha that had just signed in appeared outside the little monk’s window.

At the same time, the matching keyboard of the Giant Eagle Mecha also appeared in Mo Shi’s hands.

Mo Shi handed the keyboard to little monk:

“Brand new.”

little monk was taken aback.

Looking at the giant eagle mecha outside the window, little stars flashed in the whole person’s eyes.

“My grass, boss, you are too awesome. Boss V5, boss is awesome!”

little monk took the keyboard and exclaimed.

Then he strode to the outside of the house, circled the giant eagle mecha with a wingspan of five meters three times, and stroked the fuselage while turning.

It seems to see a lover whom I haven’t seen in a few years.

After more than five minutes, his gaze turned to Mo Shi.

He has a feeling that the boss seems to have some ability.

Even every time something came to attack the base, the boss’s weapon quickly appeared in his hand.

No matter how advanced this weapon is, it is difficult to obtain it.

The boss will still get it.

This is amazing.

Mo Shi right, little monk said:

“Familiar with this mecha as soon as possible. Many people will come to the base recently.”

When little monk heard the words, his eyes lit up:

“Good boss, don’t worry, you will be familiar with it in two or three days.”

Mo Shi nodded.

After handing over the mecha to little monk, he left little monk’s residence.

Next, the first thing to do is to upgrade the mosas dragon clone Ascension to level 5 and upgrade the desolate beast.

The quickest way to make Mossaurus clone a fast Ascension is to let it consume the Level 3 upgraded desolate beast.

Where are the most level 3 upgraded beasts?

It is undoubtedly Hunting Ground No. 12 and Hunting Ground No. 13.

Mo Shi Weiwei thought about it for a moment, and then decided to go directly to the hunting ground on the 13th.

He has seen some strategies on the Internet before.

After knowing that hunting ground No. 10, basically only hunters can survive in it.

When I went to those hunting grounds, there were not only various monsters with strengths equal to or higher than that of a wilderness hunter, but even the local aboriginals had some strengths below that of a wilderness hunter.

Take this hunting ground on the 13th, the strongest aborigines.

The strength has reached the level 3 waste hunter Realm.

So to go there to experience, face pressure from many aspects.

But Mo Shi has a lot of hole cards, which is nothing to him.

Returning to his residence, he called Guo Jutao over and ordered:

“I have something to go out for a few days. It is estimated that someone will come to the base to scream. If the opponent is below a wilderness hunter, you don’t have to take action. If the opponent has a level 1 wilderness hunter, just destroy it.”

Guo Jutao nodded: “Yes, Mr. Mo.”

There are two level 1 waste hunters in the base, and more than 20 giant eagle mechas.

I am even more happy with this powerful existence, so even if the Cheng family has a Level 1 Wilderness Hunter, he is not afraid of him at all.

I confessed everything, and bid farewell to Happiness.

Mo Shi used Dragon Shadow Step to teleport towards Hunting Island on the 13th.

Hunting Island No. 13 is a million kilometers away from Hunting Island No. 1.

Generally, such a long distance is rushed by using the micro-wormhole transmission technology.

It’s just that the micro-wormhole transmission technology costs a lot.

In addition, Mo Shi’s current strength has not reached the top level on the mainland, and he is unwilling to leave too much information with outsiders.

Moreover, one teleport of his Dragon Shadow step is 100 kilometers.

Millions of kilometers, that is, more than 10,000 teleports.

The big deal is to teleport for nearly three hours.

So Mo Shi thought, and his figure disappeared instantly.

When it appeared again, it was already hundreds of kilometers away.

Then there was a teleport, already two hundred kilometers away.

Such a speed on the road is really terrifying.

Of course, the continuous use of teleportation will greatly consume the energy in his body.

But don’t forget that the huge amount of energy in his body far exceeds that of the waste hunters of the same level.

In addition, he can drink the recovery potion as a drink.

So such consumption is nothing at all.

After nearly three hours, he finally boarded Hunting Island 13th.

[The child is half a year old and goes to bed at one o’clock every night. I have to get up at six o’clock in the morning. I sleep for six hours even with a lunch break every day. I don’t have enough sleep. So I will rest every Monday and there will only be two shifts, forgive me. 】

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