Chapter 295 Wild Hunter? Ha ha

Mo Shi jumped into the Cheng family crowd, as if a tiger had entered the flock.

Fists open, a burst of chaos!

Those Cheng family children, as long as they are waste hunters below level 8, simply can’t stand a punch from him.

Even if some people have condensed genetic martial arts, in front of Mo Shi, it was just a punch.

And there is a terrible secret energy in his fist.

As long as it hits the opponent, it can transmit some kind of shock wave and smash the opponent’s Dantian.

So as long as he is hit by his fist, there is almost no possibility of surviving.

The keyboard player controlled more than a dozen mechas, and had already aimed at Mo Shi, but he didn’t dare to shoot.

Because if you shoot at this time, it is likely to accidentally injure Cheng’s family.

Seeing this, Cheng Chengcheng, the head of the Cheng family, couldn’t help being furious.

Since he was promoted to a wilderness hunter, it was only their Cheng family who bullied others. When would anyone dare to bully them Cheng family.

Today, this kid, a level 5 waste hunter, dare to hit the door and kill so many Cheng family members one after another.


Simply outrageous!

Thinking of this, the Cheng Family Patriarch jumped forward and appeared in front of Mo Shi almost instantly.

Mo Shi also felt bad.

Immediately cast Dragon Shadow Step.

Escaped the crowd in an instant.

The next moment, he has entered the Cheng family compound.

The entire Cheng family compound, with many buildings inside, looks like a village.

Mo Shi entered it, and when he met the Cheng family’s children, he fisted him over.

[Kill 1 level 1 hunter and get 1 drop of Titan dragon blood]

Another punch hit the chest of a child of the Cheng family.

Directly blasted the Cheng family’s child’s chest across.

[Kill 1 level 3 hunter and get 3 drops of Titan dragon blood]

This is the purpose of Mo Shi jumping into Cheng’s house.

Originally, as long as he summoned the Canglong clone, he could easily level the entire Cheng family.

But in that case, the blood of these dragons cannot be obtained.

That’s why he had to come to Cheng’s family to kill these Cheng family members with one punch and one punch.

At this time, Cheng Chengcheng was already out of anger.

Their Cheng family compound actually has a protective energy shield.

It’s just that it’s a protective foreign attack.

But now this kid has already jumped into the family compound, and the protective energy shield has lost its effect.

Unexpectedly, the dignified Youzhou Cheng family stumbled in front of a mere 5th-level waste hunter.

“Boy, die for me!”

Cheng Chengcheng shouted violently.

In the rapid flashing of his life experience, he has quickly entered the Cheng family compound.

His eyes locked in Mo Shi’s position.

Then the right arm condensed energy Wulai, directly towards Mo Shibang.

The people of the Cheng family saw that the Patriarch took the initiative himself, and their hearts were immediately settled for the most part.

The owner has never missed a move.

What’s more, this kid is just a 5th-level waste hunter, how can he withstand the attack of the Patriarch?

Mo Shi thinks so too.

Seeing that this Cheng Chengcheng waste hunter had already taken action, he naturally didn’t dare to ask for a big deal.

Just kidding, that’s a waste hunter after all.

A beam of energy came over, and he didn’t dare to be tough at all.

Thinking of this, he quickly moved his mind and released the Canglong clone from the personal reservoir.

The moment the Canglong clone appeared, I just saw Cheng Chengcheng’s beam of energy shoot over.

It roared excitedly.

With a single mouth, he swallowed that energy beam directly.

“I go!”

“Damn, what the hell is this!”

“Is it a desolate beast? Is there such a perverted desolate beast?”

After all, these people still saw a monster that could devour energy for the first time in their lives.

Mo Shi was also taken aback.

He knew that this mosasaur clone could swallow the opponent’s energy.

But before, after killing the opponent, they swallowed the energy in the opponent’s body.

But this time it actually swallowed the beam of energy emitted by the opponent.

Is this kind of operation okay?

But Mo Shi quickly understood.

This is because the strength of the Cheng Family Patriarch is much worse than that of the Canglong clone.

Its beam of energy, in the eyes of others, is completely devastating.

But for the mosasaur clone, who was 4 levels higher than him and had a thick skin, it was completely inadequate.

Upon seeing this, the Patriarch of the Cheng family stunned in his heart.

What the hell is this?

Seeing it swallowed its own energy beam just now, its strength was much stronger than its own.

It is estimated to be an upgraded barren beast above level 2!

This kid actually has such a hole card.

No wonder he dared to contend with the Cheng family.

However, do you think that I must be a waste hunter for our Cheng family?

It’s a big mistake to think so.

Thinking of this, Cheng Chengcheng knelt down abruptly, looking at the deepest part of the Cheng family compound.

There is a forbidden place for the Cheng family.

No one except the head of the Cheng family is allowed to enter.

Even Cheng Chengcheng himself only has the opportunity to enter once a month.

He shouted:

“The Cheng family is in danger, I implore my grandfather to leave the customs!”

Everyone in the Cheng family was taken aback when they heard He Chengcheng’s words.

When the monster first appeared, they all thought it was nothing.

After all, the Patriarch is a Level 1 Wilderness Hunter.

With his strength, it shouldn’t be difficult to clean up that monster.

But at this time, the Patriarch actually said that “The Cheng family is in danger” and asked the powerful existence of the Cheng family to leave the customs.

It can be seen that the strength of this monster obviously far exceeds that of the Patriarch.

But soon, people calmed down.

Their Cheng family does not only have this strength on the face.

Their strongest hole card is actually the ancestor of the Cheng family.

This ancestor is now a level 3 waste hunter Realm.

Even if you look at the entire Youzhou, there are only a few people who can reach Level 3 Wilderness Hunter.

The ancestor can’t stop this upgraded barren beast even when he leaves the level?

They never thought of that kind of result.

After all, the level 3 waste hunter is not comparable to the level 1 waste hunter.

This upgraded desolate beast can withstand the attack of the Patriarch, but in front of the ancestor, it can only kneel.

Mo Shi laughed coldly when he heard the call of the Patriarch of the Cheng family.

On the back, the wings of the blood dragon appeared.

Ascend directly to the sky, overlooking everything below.

In the battle at the hunter level, he still stayed away.

So as not to affect yourself.

It was at this time, the deepest part of the Cheng family compound.

A figure slowly floated into the air.

The man was dressed in brown, with gray hair, draped casually behind his head.

His face looked skinny, as if there was no trace of flesh, just skin covered with bones.

This person is the ancestor of the Cheng family: Cheng Fan!

Level 3 Wilderness Hunter!

Cheng Fan was looking down at the entire Cheng family compound at this time.

Especially looking down at the upgraded barren beast that is only about fifteen meters long.

In those deep-set eye sockets, the eyelids slowly lifted.

In the muddy eyes, there were two bright lights exploded.

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