Chapter 309

All the way up from Nether Mountain.

Experienced summer, autumn and winter.

I thought it would get colder as it went up, but when I reached the top of the mountain, it was a world of ice sculptures and jade.

Unexpectedly, when I passed through the thick clouds, my vision changed again.

Hundreds of flowers bloom, and hundreds of birds contend.

It feels like spring is back in an instant.

The process of going up the mountain has gone through the four seasons of the year.

This feeling is really amazing.

Above the sea of ​​clouds, it can be regarded as the top of Nether Mountain.

Because the four seasons are like spring, it is named Huichunding.

But Mo Shi always felt that it sounded like the name of a brothel.

The rejuvenation top is very big.

It is more than 20 kilometers long from east to west.

It is about 15 kilometers wide from north to south.

On the top of the whole rejuvenation, there are towering ancient trees and waterfalls and flowing springs.

At the center of the Huichun Peak, a huge open space similar to a stadium was opened.

All around are stands formed by stone steps.

The center is a huge arena.

The ring is a square with a side length of more than 400 meters.

At this time, there are still more than two hours before the opening of the Fighting Martial Arts Conference.

But the top 100 enthusiasts are basically there.

It’s just that this year, there are not only 100, but as many as 115 forces.

These extra forces all came out because they knew that the Cheng family of Youzhou was destroyed, and the 100th place was vacant.

They feel that the own forces have a chance to compete for the 100th place.

This is also the past practice.

As long as any heat is extinguished, or suddenly falls due to a huge change, the forces behind will ascending one by one.

The 100 vacated will be contested by other forces through competition.

One is to re-determine the ranking of these forces beyond 100, and the other is to let other forces know their specific strengths.

Mo Shi didn’t really have much interest in these rules and the like.

He asked a waste hunter next to him to understand the rules, and he would just tell him the key points later.

When other forces saw them, only 15 people came, and all of them were a little confused.

Only fifteen people came and wanted to compete for the 100th place.

This is simply not putting other forces in To put in one’s eyes.

The troublesome person came to ask:

“Hey, what kind of school are you? Or what kind of gang? Mercenary group?”

Mo Shi said casually:

“The world will meet.”

Things like naming are the most troublesome.

So directly use the names of the gangs in the comics on the earth.

Moreover, I am the only one in heaven and on the earth.

The name Tianxiahui was so overbearing.


The troublesome man suddenly laughed when he heard the words.

Pointing to Mo Shi’s 15 of them: “Just these 15 people, dare to call the world meeting? Then, Sect, can we be called Chuang Shizong?”

Mo Shi smiled and said: “Yes. But if you change the name of Sect on the spot, is it considered a deception and annihilation? Are you afraid of being dismembered by other colleagues?”

The troublesome man glared inexplicably:

“you are vicious!”

Having said that, they left Mo Shi their position.

Finally, when the sun hits directly above the head, all the forces have basically arrived.

All the more than one hundred forces are all sitting on the surrounding stands.

The top ten powers sit in the best positions.

Each of their forces sent a high-level representative to sit on the rostrum next to the ring.

Talk and laugh one by one.

“Look, those ten people are our big bosses in Youzhou.”

“Oh, the highest level among the top ten forces, isn’t it a bigwig?”

“These ten people can stir up the situation in Youzhou, and they can wipe out other forces while talking and laughing.”

Mo Shi looked at these ten people one by one.

The Eye of the Blood Dragon explored the past.

It was discovered that among the ten people, the strongest was the village chief of the first force, the village of corpses, a level 4 waste hunter!

The rest of the big brothers are also wild hunters.

Two 3rd-level waste hunters and seven 2nd-level waste hunters.

A smile appeared at the corner of Mo Shi’s mouth.

These so-called big brothers are not strong enough.

Calling out one at random, couldn’t hold the Canglong clone blow.

Of course, Mo Shi would not be complacent.

If he really wants to start, he won’t be careless.

Just when everyone envied the ten big powers, hundreds of people in the sky wearing green training uniforms, tactical helmets, and green tactical flying skateboards landed from the sky.

Behind them, a hundred fighters landed slowly.

Everyone was amazed when they saw it.

“The people from the military are here!”

“Look, look, you are here!”

“I’ll go, so many fighters. The Youzhou military is worthy of being independent of the top 100.”

“Yeah, how about one hundred powerful forces, and the Youzhou military is the only one to block it.”

After the more than one hundred soldiers of the Youzhou military landed one by one, their postures were uniform.

Behind them, more than one hundred fighters also slowly landed behind them.

Even these mechas have uniform movements.

And the person headed by the military is the leader of the Youzhou military: Commander Lu Shuming.

Behind him, one on the left and the other on the right, are two division commanders.

Mo Shixuelong’s eyes swept across.

I saw Army Commander Lu Shuming, his strength reached level 5 waste hunter.

The two commanders behind him are also level 4 waste hunters.

Mo Shi was secretly surprised.

It is indeed the Youzhou military, and the strength of these three people alone can crush the other ten powerful leaders.

What is a real boss?

This is the real boss!

Mo Shi checked the other people in the Youzhou military.

They are basically level 1 waste hunters.

Mo Shi was secretly speechless again.

When was the waste hunter so worthless?

With more than one hundred first-level wilderness hunters, the strength of the Youzhou military is really not a blow out.

In addition to the more than one hundred mechas, this wave of people alone may be able to wipe out all other forces present.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of Youzhou military.

So how terrifying is their full strength?

Before Mo Shi still felt that the strength of the people he brought should not be bad.

But compared with the Youzhou military, it is still far behind.

It seems that after going back this time, the strength of the base must be developed and strengthened.

When Gou arrives at the base’s strength to compete with Youzhou’s military, it will not be too late to come out again.

At this time, the leaders of the top ten forces saw the military leaders appear on the stage. One by one quickly got up, greeted with a complimentary smile on his face.

Army Commander Lu Shuming nodded to the group of bigwigs.

Smiled and said, “Sit, sit. Everyone is an old acquaintance, so you’re welcome.”

But despite what he said, none of the others dared to sit down first.

After all, their strength lies here.

Who dares to make trouble?

After Lu Shuming sat down, the two commanders behind him also sat down.

The big brothers of the other major forces have just taken their seats one after another.

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