Chapter 312

The staff member looked at the podium.

Sure enough, I saw almost all the big guys, and their eyes were on the two people in the world.

Some bosses glance at the multi-function watch from time to time, looking for information about these two people.

But the information of these two people is pitiful.

[Emma, ​​disciple of the World Club][Xiao Ming, disciple of the World Society]

Those big guys were slightly puzzled.

The world will?

Never heard of it before.

As for the names of these two people, they have never heard of them.

This woman, with her violent aura, was clearly only a level 3 waste hunter.

But it can beat the 6th level hunter by surpassing the 3rd level.

And it won so easily.

This is definitely a genius level cultivator.

However, the gazes of these bigwigs only stayed on Emma for a while, and they all shifted to Xiao Ming.

Everyone’s complexion was slightly strange.

Because when Xiao Ming shot, they could feel that this was a waste hunter with the aura of Xiao Ming’s body.

In Youzhou, if there are wild hunters in town, even if they are not ranked within 100, at least they should have heard of such forces.

But why have they never heard of any world meeting?

Could it be a force that has just been established?

The clothes of the staff member at this time have long been soaked with sweat.

Thousands shouldn’t, absolutely shouldn’t, shouldn’t promise them just because that woman is a beauty.

This time it’s great, it’s really over.

These big guys want to see more information about the world so much, they want to see more information about the two men.

But found that this information is basically blank.

How do you confess?

I’m afraid I have to confess my whole person here.

But fortunately, these big guys don’t seem to want to trouble him for the time being.

Next, in the third round, Emma and Xiao Ming still had no suspense and entered the fourth round.

Then, entered the fifth round.

At this time, there were only three people left on the court.

In addition to Emma and Xiao Ming, there is also a level 5 waste hunter.

In the first four rounds of the 5th-level hunter, except for the first round, which was very easy, the remaining few rounds spent a lot of effort, and finally passed the level by chance.

In contrast, Emma and Xiao Ming are very relaxed every round.

Basically, the battle was resolved in less than a minute.

At this time, there were fewer people in the ring.

People’s eyes are more focused.

More people noticed Emma.

“I’m going, beauty.”

“This Sect, there is such a beautiful beauty.”

“When I go back, I tell Master that I want to quit Sect and pursue my ideals.”

“I think your kid is crazy, right? You dare to talk nonsense like this?”

But the big guys on the rostrum paid attention to Xiao Ming’s every move from beginning to end.

But Mo Shi in the stands felt a bit boring at this time.

This kind of competition is really meaningless.

If you have this time, you might as well hide in the dragon’s den and cultivate the dragon’s prestige.

Little monk also looked drowsy.

In his mind, all battles that he can’t participate in are particularly boring.

It’s better to play a few more games when you have this time.

Soon, with the three of the sixth round, Emma once again got a bye.

And Xiao Ming’s opponent is a level 5 waste hunter.

This 5th-level waste hunter belongs to the 702 mercenary group.

When Mo Shi heard the words “702 Mercenary Group”, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

However, there are so many people here at this time, if you rush into them, it will inevitably cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.

So he did not act.

Within the 702 mercenary group, at this time, it was generally a dead mother’s expression.

Especially their head, the expression on his face was more like his own son who had just died.

They thought that their 702 mercenary group could easily win the top 100 this time.

So they actually retained their strength.

Of the three who were sent to the stage, the strongest was only a 6th-level waste hunter.

As for those who are truly capable, they plan to wait until the next race to be sent.

But I never expected that this is a special world meeting, this guy sent is too strong.

Looking at the momentum of this battle, I am afraid that he has reached level 10 waste hunter.

Crushing over all the way, they didn’t even have the chance to repent.

Right now, their level 5 waste hunter, in front of the other side, is obviously only to be abused.

Thinking of this, the head of the 702 mercenary group was so angry.

He just died of his son, and now he lost his 100th place in the martial arts competition.

Simply outrageous!

The reason for all of this was that the murderer killed his own son and made himself unwilling to prepare for battle.

After you go back, you must find out who did it.

Then wiped out their whole family!

Xiao Ming and the 5th-level wilderness hunter of the 702 mercenary group were duel, still the same as the previous rounds.

With just a punch, he knocked the man off the ring.

The ten big men on the sidelines once again set their sights on Xiao Ming.

“What kind of power is this world? It is really overkill to send waste hunters from the very beginning.”

“Maybe they are just to be more stable and to be able to get the top 100 ranking.”

“It’s just that if they are sending out wild hunters now, their wild hunters have already consumed a lot by the time of the race. Wouldn’t it be a big loss?”

“This is also nothing. Maybe the only thing they can tell is the wild hunter.”

As a result, a glimmer of anticipation arose in everyone’s hearts.

Now there are only two people left, and the two will have a dialogue between the strong.

This is the most exciting moment before the big fight.

Not only did the audience rise with enthusiasm, but they also kept talking about it.

“Who do you think will be stronger?”

“Then it needs to be said? Of course it is the guy named Xiao Ming. He basically comes in every second.”

“That’s not necessarily true. As the saying goes, the hero is saddened by the beauty off, maybe his heart is softened, and if this woman seizes the opportunity, he just disappears.”

“Well, you are right.”

“In any case, I certainly support beautiful women. I am a pure man.”

“Me too.”

“The beauty will win!”

“The beauty will win!”

In the audience, many people have begun to support Emma.

Of course, Xiao Ming also won the support of many people because of his strong strength.

At this time, the referee glanced at the ten big men.

Then announced:

“Then the last match will be a duel between two disciples from the Tiandihui. The winner is the champion this time.”


Above the entire stand, the sound began to rise.

Since the beginning of the competition, this is the highest point of the audience’s emotions.

The referee said to both Emma: “If you are ready, you can start at any time.”

Emma nodded: “I’m ready.”

On the other side, Xiao Ming also nodded: “I admit defeat.”

The referee also nodded: “Since everything is ready, don’t you…Huh? Give up?!”

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