Chapter 320 Holy Maiden, I’m Sorry

Lu Shuming was also very surprised when he saw Mo Shi’s attack method.

This type of attack can save a lot of energy for hunters.

It’s just that it’s impossible for ordinary hunters to do it, even hunters can’t do it.

How did he manage to fight in the manner of a desert hunter in a small 5th-level hunter?

As for the White Lotus flower, it is another state of mind at this time.

This world will help the main strength to be so strong, will Mary panic?

If it is deserted, will it…

After a moment, she shook her head, dispelling these absurd thoughts.

A mere level 5 waste hunter, no matter how powerful it is, how can it be an opponent of a level 1 waste hunter?

I was really worried.

On the ring, Mo Shi’s Yanlong battle axe shook up again, and smashed down one after another toward the Holy Maiden on the ground.

After the initial embarrassment, Holy Maiden was finally prepared and no longer panicked.

However, when she was avoiding, she always felt that there was a powerful force that kept dragging her back.

Although with her power, it is not difficult to break free of this power.

But there is always such a force in her body, and she always feels uncomfortable.

And it did affect her speed.

This made her feel a little irritated.

It seems that without a little bit of strength, this world will become more and more presumptuous.

Thinking of this, she moved the wide cuffs upwards.

The white jade-like, ceramic-like mechanical arm was exposed.

Apart from being too white and smooth, this mechanical arm is completely different from a real human arm in other respects.

Soon, a flame burned across the surface of the arm.

Her genetic strength was revealed.

It was a long sword that was more than three meters long and carved out of white jade.

Even though it is three meters long, it does not appear heavy at all, but it gives people a light and agile feeling.

Seeing this, everyone in the stands on the sidelines discussed:

“It’s not easy for this world to help the lord to be able to force the genetic weapons of a wild hunter out.”

“Indeed, I saw a wild hunter for the first time, who can force the wild hunter’s genetic weapons out.”

“However, that’s all. Once Holy Maiden’s genetic martial arts came out, he was basically finished.”

“Yeah, after all, it’s worse than Realm.”

At this moment, the Holy Maiden watched Mo Shi slash again with an axe.

While she dodged, the long sword in her hand pierced violently, pointing at inexplicable.

call out–

The long sword instantly stretched for a hundred meters and pierced Mo Shi’s chest.

Mo Shi smiled slightly, and his figure flickered.

Disappeared instantly.

Use Dragon Shadow Step to go directly behind Holy Maiden.

At the same time, the giant axe in the right hand has been raised and slashed towards the Holy Maiden.

There is no slightest pity for Xiangxiyu.

Holy Maiden was also aware of it, and quickly dodges to avoid it.

She was also ready to be hard on her mind.

But this time, Mo Shi’s thought power did not trap her.

Instead, it pierced directly into her head and attacked her brain.

Holy Maiden just felt a sudden tingling in his brain.

This sting made her almost unconscious.

When the sting disappeared and she recovered, she couldn’t avoid it anymore.

She quickly set up her own long sword to block.


Swords and axes intersect, sparks are flying everywhere.

Mo Shi’s figure flew directly upside down for more than a hundred meters.

And Holy Maiden also withdrew more than ten meters.

Seeing this, everyone present was amazed.

A waste hunter can drive a waste hunter back ten meters!

This is definitely a remarkable achievement!

It can be blown for a month.

On the rostrum next to the ring, the White Lotus Flower frowned slightly.

What’s the matter with Mary?

Even a level 5 waste hunter couldn’t handle it, and was forced to retreat ten meters by the opponent.

This is absolutely embarrassing.

Although these big men on the podium are not low-level, they do not have a great teacher.

Naturally, I didn’t know that Mo Shi used a mind attack.

Lu Shuming was also slightly surprised.

At this time, a teacher behind him whispered:

“Commander, a soldier behind reported that the world will help the lord. Just now he used his mind to attack.”

When Lu Shuming heard the words, surprise appeared in his eyes.

Thought power attack!

That is to say, besides being a powerful hunter, Mo Shi is also a great teacher!

dual cultivation!

His original strength is enough to kill opponents by more than 5th level.

This is already a genius among geniuses.

Now add the great teacher!

This kid was definitely a good man in his entire life.

But everyone didn’t know that this was just the beginning of their shock.

I saw Holy Maiden retreating ten meters and was about to fight back.

But at this moment, click–

There was a faint sound.

She was taken aback for a moment.

what sound?

It sounds very close.




There were three soft sounds in succession.

This time, she finally heard the source of the sound.

Look down.

Seeing that there were several cracks on the own Gene Wu Changjian.

Maria’s complexion changed suddenly.

But she hadn’t had time to react.




The crack quickly covered the entire body of the long sword.

The next moment.


Her long sword, like glass, shattered to the ground.

At this moment, the audience is quiet!


“How… how is this possible?”

“Holy Maiden’s genetic weapon… is broken!”

“Smashed to the ground!”

“My three views also shattered.”

No one can believe it.

A wild hunter’s genetic weapon was actually under a single strike of the wild hunter, breaking the ground.

This f*ck is too ridiculous.

Novels dare not write like this.

On the podium next to the ring.

The White Lotus flower suddenly got up!

She looked at Mary in disbelief.

Finally, his eyes fell on Mo Shi.

She knew it was not easy for a long time, but she didn’t expect it to be so easy.

A dignified waste hunter was actually crushed by a mere level 5 waste hunter.

This simply subverted her cognition.

Of course, most of her emotions are not shock.

It’s anger!

You know, gene martial arts are the foundation of a cultivator.

Without genetic weapons, most of the cultivators are abolished.

Holy Maiden Mary’s genetic weapon is shattered, so even if she is a level 1 waste hunter, her strength will be compromised.

She was still thinking that in the future Mary will inherit the seat of the Virgin.

Now it seems… Everything in Holy Maiden is ruined.

Thinking of this, the Virgin Mary White Lotus Flower’s heart writhed with anger.

Hatred and anger had already filled her chest.

It’s just that, as the Virgin of the White Lotus Church, she concealed these emotions in her heart very well.

The White Lotus Church of the Virgin has always shown people with “goodness”.

Even if the Holy Maiden is abolished by genetic weapons, the Virgin herself has to look like a Virgin Mary.

Thinking of this, she suppressed the anger in her heart.

Then he sighed:


Of course, her sigh was for other bigwigs to see.

When those big bosses heard the words, they all said:

“Competition is just, there is no need to abolish the opponent’s genetic weapons.”

“This is unreasonable, the shot is too harsh.”

“Yeah, the shot is not serious.”

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