Chapter 324

When Zhao Huan looked at Mo Shi, his mouth moved slightly.

Mo Shi recognized it, she said: “Dare to go to the ring, die!”

Mo Shi didn’t bother to pay attention to her.

Said to the happy person next to him: “Go back and rest.”

The championship will be held at noon tomorrow.

After all, the two of them have gone through a series of battles, and the energy is probably almost consumed at this time.

If you are fighting at this time, there may not be two people fighting at the peak.

So the organizing committee decided to rest for one night and fight again tomorrow.

In the evening, all the forces were still spreading out, each looking for a place to camp.

Mo Shi brought the dozens of people from the World Club to the place where they rested yesterday.

In the evening, Mo Shi and Happy sat on the top of the mountain, looking at the distant horizon, the red sun slowly sinking to the west.

Watching the sunset from the top of the mountain is totally different from watching the sunset on the ground or at the beach in the past.

The sunset on the top of the mountain seems more gorgeous and magnificent.

The two cuddled each other in this way until the sun completely set.

For this moment, they all enjoyed it.

After nine o’clock at night, Mo Shi and Happy returned to the tent, planning to rest.

At this moment, a person came outside the tent.

This man is dressed in military uniform and has a stylized figure.

Mo Shi had the impression that this person was a teacher behind Lu Shuming.

The teacher didn’t laugh harshly, and spoke straightforwardly:

“The commander asked me to tell you that you killed the Holy Maiden of the Holy Maiden and committed public anger. You must be careful tonight.”

Mo Shi nodded:

“Thank the commander for me for reminding me.”

The teacher nodded: “I will.”

After speaking, he turned his head, quickly stepped out of the tent, and walked away.

After the teacher left, Mo Shi secretly thought.

During the fight of martial arts, according to regulations, it is not allowed to fight in private.

I thought that those forces would not dare to engage in a world meeting in private.

But Lu Shuming said that he was guilty of public anger.

Under this circumstance, if any force comes to attack at night, they will comply with public opinion.

They will be much more courageous.

What will happen if the security is not complete.

Thinking of this, Mo Shi let Kaixin call everyone into the tent.

Said: “Take a rest in the Dragon’s Cave tonight.”

After hearing this, everyone knew that this matter was not trivial.

Replied in unison: “Yes.”

Mo Shi took out the Dragon’s Cave and moved his mind.

Put everyone into the dragon’s den.

He arranged the virtual watch tower outside the tent.

Then he also entered the Dragon’s Den.

The Dragon Cave disappeared into the tent instantly, as if it never existed.

At the same time, in the grass-green tents of the military.

The teacher returned to his life.

“Chief, the task has been completed.”

Lu Shuming nodded: “Well, go and rest.”

The teacher nodded: “Yes!”

But before leaving, he asked:

“Chief, if you value the world so much as to help the Lord, why don’t we help them? The school who attacked them tonight is probably not a minority.”

Lu Shuming averted his gaze from the document he was looking at, and looked at the teacher.

“The growth of any genius will go through many hardships. If we help him too much, his growth rate will be greatly slowed down. Even if he grows up, it is far from reaching his upper limit.”

The teacher nodded: “Understood.”

Then he turned and walked out of the tent.

Lu Shuming retracted his gaze.

Staring at the multi-function watch, the pitiful information about Mo Shi.

Secretly pondered.

This is inexplicable, there has never been a record about him before.

It was as if such a person had emerged out of thin air.

It’s not just him.

Even everyone around him seemed to appear out of thin air on Yanshi Continent.

Could it be that… they really come from other worlds?

However, the military has always been eclectic in recruiting talents.

Otherwise, the military could not be so powerful.

No matter where he comes from, no matter what he has done before.

As long as he really joins the military in the future, then the military can make him a brand new powerhouse.

Time passed to three o’clock in the morning.

In Mo Shi’s mind, Mo Shi, who was asleep, suddenly heard the sound of a virtual guard tower’s alarm in his mind.

Mo Shi immediately connected the virtual watch tower with Long Nian.

The surrounding area was hundreds of kilometers, and it was instantly in his eyes.

I saw that there were as many as five forces at this time, all planning to do it on themselves.

About one kilometer away from their tent, a force ranked eighty-eighth was lurking there.

The leader asked in a low voice:

“Helper, isn’t it a bit too risky for us to do this this time?”

The gang master whispered: “They will be arrogant and arrogant. They killed Holy Maiden on the ring. This has already committed public anger. We kill them now because we obey the public opinion. It’s worth taking a risk.”

Another person also said: “We have the Silent Bomb, and if we quietly send him such a shot, they will be evaporated in an instant. No matter how strong their gang leader is, they can’t resist it at all.”

The gang leader said: “We’d better get their heads and prove to all the forces that we killed them. Otherwise, even if we kill him, it would be a waste of energy.”

The man said again: “Then we will use hallucinogens to make them trapped in illusion one by one. Let’s go in and cut off their heads.”

The helper nodded: “Well, that’s what I meant.”

At the same time, five kilometers away.

Another force is also lurking quietly.

“President, it seems that someone has arrived before us.”

The president frowned slightly: “If this credit is preempted by them, then we will be here for nothing tonight. Prepare for it, and if they both fight, we will act according to the opportunity. In any case, we must Get the head of the world who will help the Lord.”


At the same time, ten kilometers away.

The third force just emerged from the tent.

“This matter tonight is bound to succeed in one blow!”

“Several forces have passed before. But the World Club must have been prepared for a long time. They will definitely be a melee by then. Let’s go with them first. When they are fighting, they will grab the head of the World Club, and then immediately. Evacuate. Do you understand?”


Mo Shi roughly swept Long Nian.

At this point, there are really many people who want to be detrimental to the world.

There are more than twenty forces.

But these forces are not for the so-called justice.

Adults, there is no justice at all.

Some are just benefits.

The reason why they want to kill themselves is to destroy the world society.

The only reason is for themselves.

After all, as long as you get the head of the world will help the lord, you can be regarded as avenging the Holy Maiden of the White Lotus of Our Lady, and be regarded as walking the way for the heavens.

Mo Shi had already anticipated this, so he was not in a hurry.

It’s just that these forces are secretly kept in mind.

What surprised him was that the Virgin White Lotus did not move.

But Mo Shi knew that it was not that the White Lotus Cult didn’t want to kill himself.

But their city is deep enough to hide their true thoughts deep enough.

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