Chapter 332

Mo Shi smiled faintly when he heard the words of the greasy young man.

With a thought, the Canglong clone appeared in front of him.

“In the face of absolute strength, what is the use of quantity?”

When those people saw the Canglong clone, their complexion changed slightly.

However, that’s all.

Soon, they calmed down.

Obviously, they had expected that Mo Shi would “summon” this upgraded wild beast.

The youth way of oily noodles:

“You have level 5 upgraded desolate beasts, don’t we have any powerhouses above level 5 desolate hunters?”

With that, the greasy young man took out a teleporting stone.

The next moment, the teleportation stone exploded quickly, forming a cross coordinate.

At the same time, in the center of the cross coordinate, a blue and white figure quickly condensed into shape.

This is a description of a withered old man.

It looked like skin and bones.

A pair of eyes sunk deep into the socket.

The skin on the body does not seem to have any moisture, wrinkled with bones.

Mo Shixuelong’s eyes looked at this person.

His complexion changed slightly.

This person’s level has reached the 7th-level waste hunter!

Two levels higher than own Canglong clone.

He was puzzled, if it was said that the first-ranked corpse village had a 7th-level waste hunter powerhouse, he could still accept it.

Now these forces that rank outside fifty, actually have 7-level waste hunters?

This is simply impossible.

He robbed their memories directly from the brains of the few wilderness hunters.

After reading the memories of these people, it suddenly became clear to him.

It turned out that this 7th-level waste hunter really came from the village of corpses.

The head of the village of Ganshi before specially summoned these forces.

Let them come to siege the world meeting.

These forces are afraid of the strength of the World Association.

Ten mechas were produced in the village of Ganshi village, plus the 7th-level waste hunter from the village of Ganshi village.

These people are now full of confidence, and they are going to kill Mushi and destroy the world society.

Mo Shi’s eyes gradually became cold.

Go to the corpse village, it won’t be long before we will meet you all in the world.

However, the top priority now is how to deal with the 7th-level waste hunter in front of him.

There are at least four ways to deal with such an old guy.

However, other methods are too powerful, and may even endanger the lives of these people.

So in my mind, I said to Emma:

“Think of a way to see if you can stimulate happiness and let her use the power of the heavenly speaker.”

The last time Happiness used the power of Tianyan, it was strongly stimulated.

After waking up, forget everything before.

At this time, it is of course unrealistic to want to use the power of the Heavenly Talker immediately.

So someone has to stimulate her.

At the same time, Mo Shi ordered little monk in his mind:

“Hijack all their mechas.”

Little monk danced his fingers on the keyboard quickly, and said:

“Already doing it, up to three minutes.”

It seems that little monk hijacked the mecha technology and improved again.

In order to delay time, Mo Shi said to the skinny old man:

“Your Excellency must be the strong man in the corpse village.”

The old man raised his eyelids slightly and said in a slightly hoarse voice:

“Good eyesight. But…it’s a pity.”

Mo Shi asked:

“What a pity?”

The old man said, “It’s a pity that you are such a genius. Today, you will die in the hands of the old man.”

Mo Shi smiled and said:

“Who said I must die?”

The old man said:

“The old man said it.”

Mo Shi shrugged and said:

“What if I can’t die? Do you want to stop it?”

“Quack quack…”

The old man laughed hard to hear, and said:

“I never bet against a dying person. You don’t have to delay time, it doesn’t work. I will send you on the road.”

As an old fox who has lived for more than 470 years, how could he not know that Mo Shi was delaying time.

Mo Shilue smiled awkwardly and said:

“You can see it. But how do you know that delaying time is useless? Maybe it’s useful?”

At the same time, behind Mo Shi.

Happily was holding Emma’s hand nervously, her eyes full of worry.

As if asking: “Sister Emma, ​​are these people strong?”

Emma said: “They are very strong, especially the old man. He should be a 6th or even 7th-level waste hunter. If he does his best, not only will we be finished, the boss may not be able to escape.”

Happiness is more tense, than sign language:

“Mo Big Brother is so powerful, he must have a way.”

Emma gave a wry smile and shook her head:

“The boss is great, but since these people dare to come, they have already planned everything. Especially the thin old man, he has already eaten the boss.”

Happy to hear this, because of nervousness and worry, the body has been trembling slightly.

Emma went on to say:

“Happy, you don’t want to watch me die.”

Happy shook his head.

Emma added:

“You don’t want to watch the boss die.”

Nodding happily.

Emma said:

“So, be happy, you try to make yourself angry, think about this person will kill all of us, will kill the boss.”

At this time, Kaixin’s body was shaking more violently.

The black in his eyes has begun to shake.

Emma saw the effect, and then said:

“Now among all of us, only you can stop him. If you can’t stop him, then he will kill the boss, twist off the boss’s head, and remove the boss’s limbs. The boss’s blood will drain, the boss’s. No one converges on the bones. Maybe it won’t be long before the boss will be eaten by the passing barren beasts.”

“Of course, these people are more likely to take the boss’s bones back to receive the reward. Their master will hang the boss’s body on the city gate, and the wind will blow the rainforest and the sun. They will make thousands of crimes for the boss. ”

“Passers-by will scold the boss.”

When I said this, I saw that my happy body no longer trembled.

In her eyes, the blackness has completely disappeared.

In both eyes, only the whites of the eyes were left.

However, she still did not move.

Emma also secretly keyed in her heart.

The boss is still delaying time, and the old man seems to be impatient.

At the same time, little monk’s eyes lit up.

In his mind, he said to Mo Shi:

“Boss, it’s done.”

Mo Shi also knew that the old guy was about to make a move.

If he makes a move, then none of the people present will be able to survive.

At this time, I heard the voice of little monk, and it came just in time.

He immediately spoke to the old guy:

“Do you really think you can kill me?”

“All mechas, attack me!”

In the sky, those people heard the words and quickly took precautions.

However, it was beyond their expectations.

The 30 mechas of the World Association didn’t even move.

After a full five seconds, there was still no movement.

Those people have some doubts.

Someone laughed and said:

“Why, your mecha doesn’t listen to it?”

The voice just fell.

call out–

A beam of light suddenly shot out from the mecha beside him.

Instantly hit the head of the hunter.

Mo Shi smiled: “It’s your mecha that doesn’t listen.”

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