Chapter 339

“We call someone from the family as soon as possible. If something happens to him, we can help.”

Duan Mumu said.

The girl named Ling said:

“Did you not see that he killed an 8th-level wild beast just now with his bare hands? If he uses genetic weapons and energy weapons, it should be easy to deal with a 10th-level wild beast. What danger can he have?”

Duanmumu shook his head:

“You haven’t come out to experience how much, and you don’t know the danger of this seabed. Although he is strong, who can guarantee that there will be no accidents?”

“There is a good saying, you never know which comes first, tomorrow or the danger. Come out and practice, and the chance of encountering accidents will greatly increase. Therefore, everything is better.”

Ling curled her lips: “How can the Duanmu family have a Young Master like you.”

Duan Mumu shook his head: “This is not called counseling, it is called cautious. When I should be brave, I am also brave.”

Ling shook her head: “I didn’t see it.”

Duanmumu smiled: “You can see it tonight.”

Ling Bai glanced at Duan Mumu, a flush of blush across her face: “I hate it.”

Let’s say that Mo Shi left the two.

Came to the place where the two of them had just happened.

Long Nian probed down.

Sure enough, it was found that there was an ancient tomb under the sea at a depth of more than 30,000 meters.

Because of the age, the tomb has been covered with gravel a lot.

Regenerating large tracts of coral.

If you don’t observe carefully, you can’t tell that this is an ancient tomb at all.

At this time, on the side of the ancient tomb, there was a huge hole about fifty meters in diameter.

This is the opening that the two of you opened just now.

Judging from the memories of these two people, they just used some kind of bomb to open the hole.

With a move, Mo Shi used a 7th-level beast nearby to condense two virus clones.

Order the two virus clones to explore.

Soon, the two virus clones dived into the water, 30,000 meters deep into the sea, and came to the cave entrance.

Looking inside from the entrance of the hole, it was pitch black.

Even with the eyesight of these two virus clones, there is no way to see what is inside.

A virus clone continued to swim towards the dark hole.

However, as soon as it reached the entrance of the hole, there was a huge dark red pliers inside, which suddenly stretched out.

Clamped the clone.

Quickly dragged into the darkness.

The clone did not even have time to scream, and it has disappeared.

Mo Shi frowned slightly.

The other clone, at this moment, moved his mind and placed the virtual sentry tower at the entrance of the cave.

After the virtual watch tower appeared, it was within the grasp of Mo Shi with a radius of 200 kilometers.

The originally dark tomb was finally revealed under the virtual watch tower.

I saw this tomb under the sea is huge.

The structure inside the tomb has long been destroyed.

Some of the things in it have long been corroded by the sea water.

At the entrance of this tomb, you can see two devil dragon fish like giant lobsters guarding it.

Looking inside, there are nearly a hundred devil dragon fishes.

These devil arowanas are as big as seventy or eighty meters in length.

The small ones are forty to fifty meters long.

Of course, this is just their normal form.

If it is in combat form, the smaller devil dragon fish may have four to five hundred meters.

The big one might reach thousands of meters in length.

With so many devil dragon fish, it is impossible for Mo Shi to deal with it without using energy.

But in a blink of an eye, he thought of a way.

So quickly flew towards the water.

Entering the sea water, these devil dragon fish are still shielded with mental power.

When he arrived at the entrance of the cave, his dragon thoughts could already feel that the dragon thoughts of the devil dragon fish in the tomb, added together, were so huge that he couldn’t resist it.

Fortunately, most of the devil dragon fish have not found him yet.

Therefore, their mind power was not exerted on Mo Shi.

Mo Shi paused.

Take a deep breath.

The figure flashed and disappeared instantly.

When it reappears, it is already in the center of the tomb.

Around him, hundreds of devil dragon fish exude a stench.

Mo Shi let out a low growl, and his right fist hit the energy bubble in the abdomen of a devil dragon fish, and blasted down fiercely.


The abdomen of the devil dragon fish was suddenly cracked.

Energy flooded into the body, causing it to churn in pain.

The other devil dragon fish around heard the roar, and turned their heads to look at them one by one.

There are also many devil dragon fish, who directly probe Long Nian.

After such a probe, he found no explanation.

So all the devil dragon fish roared one after another, attacking Mo Shi with Long Nian.

However, Mo Shi had long expected this trick.

With a flash of his figure, he had already come to the entrance of the cave.

At the same time, a punch hit the abdomen energy of a devil dragon fish at the entrance of the cave.



After the energy bubble of the devil dragon fish burst, the energy did not flow into the body.

It’s a direct loss.

Its body also floated weakly in the water.

The rest of the devil dragon fish saw each other, and one after another yelled angrily.

Their thought power came towards Mo relieved.

Their bodies also chased Mo Shi.

But Mo Shi had already used Long Yingbu to jump out and came to a kilometer away.

Then stretched out the wings of the blood dragon and flew forward quickly.

The devil dragon fish behind, all reacted quickly to catch up.

The reaction was slow, and at this time, they were still shocked at their companions being killed.

Mo Shi felt the huge thought power of more than a dozen devil dragon fishes, pressing against him.

His figure flashed, and he instantly returned to the abdomen of the devil dragon fish in front.

A punch was blasted out.



The energy bubble of that devil dragon fish burst once again.

When the other devil dragon fish reacted, the thought force came towards Mo Shizhao.

Mo Shi’s figure flashed again, and he ran away long ago.

So back and forth, he flees while killing these devil arowanas.

Reminders kept coming in my mind.

[Kill 1 devil dragon fish, get 8 drops of Titan dragon blood, and get a strand of dragon thought][Kill 1 devil dragon fish, get 8 drops of Titan dragon blood, and get a strand of dragon thought]

In this way, Mo Shi led the hundreds of devil dragon fishes and played a cat-and-mouse game in the ocean.

These devil dragon fish are chasing more and more angry.

They, these devil dragon fish, have always been very united.

Coupled with their powerful strength, some 9th and 10th level desolate beasts dare not do anything with them.

Now a mere human being is making trouble in their Devil Arowana territory.

They just couldn’t catch this human being, how could it not make them angry.

In the anger, almost all the devil dragon fish were chasing Mo Shi.

So you can see that a human is “leading the way” in front, and a large group of devil dragon fish “following” in the back.

It is like a shepherd leading his own flock to graze on the grassland.

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