Chapter 361 Seventh-level Wild Hunter, die!

Today’s Gangshi Village has become a lonely family.

No power will come to rescue them.

The remaining hunters in Ganshi Village were unwilling to give up their foundation.

Especially unwilling to give up their dragon veins.

So they, more than one hundred hunters, still stay in the village of corpses.

In the past few days, Mo Shi hasn’t done anything.

He has entered the dragon’s den.

In addition to sleeping every day, I talk to and chat with Happy.

Although there is no sun rising and the moon setting outside in the Dragon Cave, it is colorful.

But the two had more time to stay together.

This is a rare leisure time for both of them.

Before I knew it, ten days had passed.

In these ten days, the ancestors of Ganshi Village have not rested for almost a moment.

Always in the sky, concentrating on exploring the entire village of corpses.

Finally, ten days later, I found that there was no more movement.

He was sure that Mo Shi had left.

Otherwise, how could there be no movement in ten days?


He took a breath.

In ten days, he barely blinked.

I didn’t eat a mouthful of rice or drank a mouthful of water.

Even if he is a 7th-level waste hunter, his body can’t bear it anymore.

Of course, he did not relax completely.

Instead, he called the four other 7-level wilderness hunters who had just been promoted, and ordered:

“Four of you, guard the four sides of the village. Don’t let go for a moment. From my feeling, it is impossible for the next day helper to retreat so easily.”


The four people hurriedly responded in unison.

So next, the ancestor fell to the ground and went to eat and rest.

The remaining four guarded the four directions of the village, southeast, northwest.

Mo Shi explored this scene from the dragon’s cave, and he was secretly happy.

The old guy finally couldn’t hold it anymore.

However, he still did not go out immediately.

What if that old guy pretended to be out and deliberately led himself out?

So this night, Mo Shi didn’t do anything.

In fact, he was right.

Although the ancestor of Ganshi Village was already very tired.

But he was still very vigilant and didn’t take a break immediately.

He was just sleeping in a fake sleep at this time, just to lure him into the bait.

Until the next morning, Jian Mo Shi did not appear.

He was relieved now.

Maybe I was too worried.

It’s been more than ten days, and those who were in the meeting that day should have been withdrawn long ago.

Moreover, it seemed that their spiritual masters were only able to kill the hunters, and they did not have that strong lethal power to the hunters.

So he called the village head over and once again told the village head to be more alert.

After eating something, I finally fell asleep.

At noon.

Mo Shi finished lunch.

Explored it with Long Nian.

The ancestor of the village of the dead is already asleep.

Only then did he quietly come out of the dragon’s cave.

Using concealment and disguise skills, in broad daylight, came outside the courtyard of the ancestor of the village.

Then, the mind moved.

The Canglong clone appeared instantly.

Almost at the moment it appeared, it instantly rushed towards the ancestor of the village.


Hit directly through the courtyard wall.


Hit the wall of the house again.

The old man in Ganshi Village is asleep.

Suddenly, I only felt that the whole body was up and down, an extremely terrifying feeling hit.

He got out of bed as soon as he rolled.

At the same time, his right hand has drawn a half circle in the air-he wants to summon those seventy-two earthly evil puppets.

However, it was too late.

He just made a half circle.


His right hand was directly bitten off.

The blood seemed to be spilt, spraying the walls next to him in blood red.

The ancestor of Ganshi Village, although he was terrified in his heart.

But he knew that he would never escape at this time.

In front of this 8-level upgraded barren beast, where can he escape?

The only way to survive is to summon those seventy-two earthly evil puppets as quickly as possible.

He condensed energy in his left hand again.

Then continue to draw the semicircle.

At the same time, he yelled:

“The four of you are nothing but to help!”

This sound resounded like a blast of thunder in the whole village of the corpse.

The four 7th-level waste hunters guarding the Quartet rushed here as quickly as possible.

However, it was too late.

Canglong avatar took another mouthful.


He directly bit off the left hand of the old ancestor of the village.

At this point, the ancestor of the village of corpses could no longer summon seventy-two earth evil puppets.

The Canglong clone took another bite and swallowed the ancestor of the village of corpses into the mouth.

He chewed several times in a row.

The ancestor of Ganshi Village died completely.

At this time, the big semicircle drawn by the ancestor of the village of corpses in the air, with his Death, also slowly dissipated in the air.

When Mo Shi saw this, he also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, several other 7th-level waste hunters in the village of the corpse rushed over.

They happened to see the scene of their ancestor being swallowed.

Everyone was shocked.

“Beast, die!”

“Kill it!”

“It killed the ancestor, killed it—”

However, without the ancestor at this time, no one can control the Seventy-Two Demon Puppets.

These four 7th-level waste hunters have just been promoted.

Their puppets are only level 6 or level 7.

How can it be the opponent of Mosasaron clone.

The body of the Dragon Clone made a creaking sound.

In a very short time, it reached 800 meters long.

Long Wei was released.

All the hunters below level 5 in Ganshi Village were all creeping on the ground.

Including their village chief.

Those 7-level waste hunters were also panicked.

He wanted to turn around and escape quickly.

As a result, their level was first-level lower than that of Mosasaron clone.

Secondly, the Longwei released by the Canglong clone gave them an extremely fearful feeling.

However, can you escape?

The giant tail of the dragon avatar blasted directly at a 7th-level waste hunter.

When the 7th-level waste hunter came over, he had already summoned his 7th-level puppet.

He quickly controlled the puppet and blocked it above his head.

I want to block the Mosasaurus clone this strike.

However, bang–

The hundreds-meter-long giant tail of the Dragon Clone smashed down like a golden hoop of a great sage.

Gives a sense of landslides and cracks.

Both the 7th-level waste hunter and his puppet were directly smashed to blood.

Mossaurus avatar opened another mouth, swallowing another 7th-level waste hunter and his puppet into the mouth.

In just ten seconds, the mosquito dragon clone solved the four 7th-level waste hunters, together with their puppets.

When everyone in Ganshi Village saw this, their expressions changed drastically.

The ancestor is dead.

All 7th-level waste hunters are also dead.

It seems that what is left to them is just a dead end.

Those 5th and 6th-level waste hunters are better, and they know to turn around and run away.

Those wilderness hunters below level 5 seem to have forgotten how to escape under the Dragon Power of the Dragon Clone.

One by one creeps on the ground.

Don’t talk about rebelling, I didn’t even dare to look at the Canglong clone.

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