Chapter 363 Military Base

Mo Shi left the corpse village and returned to Hunting Island No. 1.

Now it has destroyed the first-ranked corpse village in Youzhou and the second-ranked Heavenly Dao Sect.

The various materials collected from these two forces far exceed the total amount of the base before.

The materials for the production of mechas are sufficient.

Little monk immediately ordered people to start producing mechas again.

According to little monk’s calculations, the materials obtained this time should be enough to produce more than 1,500 mechas.

At that time the base will have two thousand fighters.

This number is probably not much different from the Youzhou military.

As for Mo Shi, he was thinking about the next thing.

Now the map of the ancient battlefield of the dragon is also available, the only thing needed is to Ascension the own strength to the wilderness hunter.

Mo Shi planned to take a while to go to Hunting Island on the 8th or 9th.

But before he had time to go, guests arrived on this day.

The person here is not someone else, but Lu Shuming, a military leader.

Mo Shi still had a good impression of this military boss.

Let people welcome it in.

Lu Shuming looked at the rudimentary factories around him, with a little surprise: “The dignified world meeting, exterminating the existence of the village and the Heavenly Dao sect, is so rudimentary. Lord Mo, you are really eye-opening for me.”

Mo Shi shook his head and said with a smile: “I just think it is too troublesome to build a house again.

Lu Shuming nodded: “Well, diligence and thrift are the traditional virtues of our Youzhou people.”

After that, Lu Shuming looked Mo Shi up and down a few times.

I feel a little embarrassed to see it.

Asked: “Commander, what’s the matter?”

Lu Shuming smiled and said, “I don’t even recognize you anymore.”

Mo Shi naturally knew what he was referring to, and joked: “I’m the same boy from the past, and I haven’t changed a bit.”

Lu Shuming shook his head: “At the beginning of the martial arts competition, you were just a little guy trying to defeat other strong players and want to win the championship. You only have a dozen people in the world. This has only been two months. , You Tianxiahui actually destroyed the two giants, the village of the corpse and the Heavenly Dao sect.”

“According to the official ranking, you will be the world leader. Now you are firmly seated in the top spot in Youzhou. You don’t understand, you are already the leader of the largest gang in Youzhou.”

Mo Shi shook his head and said:

“Compared to the Youzhou military, Yinghuo is incomparable to Haoyue.”

Lu Shuming said: “Why, you still want to destroy our Youzhou military?”

Mo Shi said: “How dare you, as long as it is not destroyed by your Youzhou military.”

Lu Shuming also joked: “If you want not to be destroyed by our Youzhou military, it’s actually very simple. As long as you join our Youzhou military, you will be your own.”

Mo Shi still had the same attitude as he had in the Martial Fighting Conference:

“I am used to being free. If I join your military, I am afraid of causing you trouble.”

Lu Shuming stretched his hands: “Thank you for the trouble. Anyway, I don’t want you to join. The commander of the Youzhou military has already ordered that you really don’t join, so I will tie you back.”

“So, in order to make my brother and I have a business relationship, you should feel wronged, brother, and go to the military. How about seeing the commander?”

Mo Shi thought for a while.

Although he is unwilling to join the military, he is also unwilling to make the relationship with the military too rigid.

After all, the strength of the military is far from what the current world will be able to contend with.

Moreover, a behemoth like the military took the initiative to show his okay. Even if he didn’t want to join the military, he still wanted to give them enough Face.

After all, Mo Shi didn’t want to make the world full of enemies.

Thinking of this, he nodded:

“Since the chief of the army has come in person, naturally I can only do my life. I can’t let you really tie me up, so where can I put the face of the majestic helper?”

When Lu Shuming saw Mo Shi agree, he was in a good mood:

“Then you clean up, we will set off as soon as possible.”

Mo Shi nodded: “In fact, there is nothing to clean up, just give a few words to others.”

Half an hour later, Mo Shi was sitting on the military aircraft and flew towards the headquarters of the Youzhou military at a speed of 5,000 meters per second.

Mo Shi secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He was really afraid that Lu Shuming would visit the base before.

If Lu Shuming knew that the world would be able to produce fighter aircraft, it would probably attract the attention of the military.

Youzhou law stipulates that private individuals are not allowed to make mechas.

Fortunately, the workshop where they produced fighter armor was not too conspicuous.

And Lu Shuming did not propose to visit their base just now.

It seems that when I come back this time, I have to find a way to hide the workshop where the fighter armor is produced.

This time, the world will have 400 fighter armors. This must have attracted the attention of most people.

Although the military now wants to join the National Association by themselves, once they do not join, they cannot guarantee that they will not come to investigate the National Association in the future.

It seems that I have to do more evolution points as soon as possible.

When the system is ascension again, see if it can even evolve the virtual dragon palace.

At the level that Mo Shi is now in contact with, the virtual dragon palace is already a little weak when it is attacking or defending.

After more than five hours, they had arrived at the Youzhou military headquarters.

The Youzhou Military Headquarters is not like the camp of the troops that Mo Shi imagined.

On the contrary, it is like some kind of ancient fortress.

In addition to the one-hundred-meter-high wall around it, there are five watch towers with a height of 1,000 meters.

Every watch tower is made of metal.

The body of the guard tower has a diameter of 100 meters at its thickest part.

Each watch tower is like a fortress with a height of one thousand meters.

On each guard tower, there are hundreds of particle laser cannons.

These particle laser cannons are enough to kill level 5 upgraded wild beasts in seconds.

Inside these towers are various high-tech equipment.

What quantum detector, microwave converter, micro-wormhole space division device…

Looking at all this, Mo Shi secretly sighed.

It’s worthy of being the military, and it really has a lot of money.

When the own base can be built like this, it will be awesome.

Lu Shuming looked at Mo Shi’s expression of a country boy entering the city, and couldn’t help laughing: “How’s it going?”

Mo Shi repeatedly nodded: “Well, great!”

“Then have you moved a little bit, do you want to join the military?”

Mo Shi shrugged: “The heartbeat is heartbeat, but it doesn’t matter if you join the military.”

Lu Shuming smiled and said, “It seems that it is still not enough.”

While talking, the soldiers in the base saw Mo Shi coming.

There was a hint of curiosity in their eyes.

This is the gang leader who destroyed Heavenly Dao sect and the village of corpses?

I thought he was a little old man over half a hundred years old, but he didn’t expect to be so young.

Of course, the army is the discipline of the army.

They don’t talk like ordinary people.

It just took a few more glances.

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