Chapter 400

Mo Shi spent more than half an hour beheading all the blood races here.

Then he flew towards another group of blood races.

After more than half an hour, he slaughtered all the blood races.

In this way, Mo Shi slaughtered these blood races one after another.

In front of the powerful Mo Shi, these blood races had nothing to do.

Their number advantage is of no use to Mo Shi.

When a dragon thought was pressed down, all the blood races within a few kilometers could not move.

After watching Mo Shi bombard and kill the dozen blood races, he continued to bombard and kill the other dozen blood races.

In this way, time passed by minute by minute, and more and more werewolves killed by Mo Shi.

He took more and more blood from the Titan Dragon.

And his intrepidity and horror have also been spread throughout Blood Wolf Star.

“That guy is not human at all.”

“He is too strong, no matter whether it is a werewolf or a blood clan, there is no way to stop him.”

“Why does he only kill the blood race, not the werewolf?”

“No, he also kills werewolves. It’s just that he only kills the spiritual masters among the werewolves.”

“This guy is absolutely Devil.”

The leader of the blood clan has sent several waves of the blood clan to encircle and suppress that guy.

The last time that guy had the help of that huge monster, they couldn’t do anything with him.

This time, for unknown reasons, the huge monster did not appear.

So they felt that this time they should be able to kill that guy with the advantage of numbers.

However, it turns out that the leader of the blood race was wrong.

That guy is really strong, just a thought force, it suppresses the surrounding blood races.

And he only releases dozens of blood races each time.

Those blood races are not his opponents at all, they can only be killed by him in seconds.

In this way, even several waves of blood clan encirclement and suppression, all ended in failure.

The blood leader had no choice but to find the werewolf leader Victor.

“Mr. Victor, the guy we encircled before, he has appeared again.”

Victor frowned slightly when he heard the words, “Do you still carry that huge monster?”

The blood clan leader shook his head: “This time I don’t know why, that huge monster did not appear. But his strength seems to have increased. We sent more than 100,000 blood clan to encircle and suppress him. However, he was suppressed by his powerful thought power and moved. Can’t move. In the end, these two hundred thousand blood races were killed by him with one punch and one punch.”

Victor the wolf frowned slightly when he heard this:

“Is his thought power so strong?”

The blood leader said: “I came here this time just to ask Mr. Victor for help against that human.”

Victor the wolf pondered for a moment and shook his head:

“If he is really as strong as you said, then even we werewolves, there is nothing we can do about it.”

The blood leader gave a wry smile:

“I heard that among the werewolves, there are a number of level 2 spiritual masters hidden. If you are willing to let them fight, plus all the 10th level masters in the blood clan of the blood clan. Together, you should be able to subdue it. That kid.”

Victor the wolf stared at the blood leader: “Your blood is investigating our werewolf?”

The blood family leader smiled and said: “Each of each other. You werewolves have been investigating our blood family too.”

Victor the wolf laughed and didn’t get too entangled in this issue.

The blood leader continued:

“Mr. Victor said that we are now abandoning our previous suspicions and are unanimous in the outside world. That human being is really too strong, and our blood and werewolves must be united. Otherwise, if he really destroys our entire blood, who knows that he will go down? A target, will it be a werewolf.”

The werewolf leader Victor heard the words, was silent a little, and nodded:

“What you said is not unreasonable. That guy is an outsider, and we naturally have to work together to deal with him. Just as you said, we sent our spiritual masters, and you sent all your mind powers. Be sure to destroy that kid. NS!”

Ever since, Victor sent his 500 spiritual masters.

And the blood clan dispatched almost all 10th-level thought force masters.

Although the probability of blood races producing great masters is very small, because of the large number of blood races, their total number of great masters has reached 50,000.

Afterwards, these 500 spiritual masters and all the 50,000 10th-level master masters rushed towards the direction where Mo Shi was.

However, as they rushed to the battlefield, a figure suddenly appeared in front of them.

This figure is no one else, it is Victor, the werewolf leader.

Seeing Victor, the 500 werewolf spiritualists naturally bowed to their knees and saluted Victor.

Those more than 50,000 blood races, seeing the werewolves all began to salute, they hesitated for a moment, and they all began to salute one after another.

After all, they are now cooperating.

If you don’t salute the werewolf leader, I’m afraid there will be some rifts between them.

Just when they bowed their heads to salute the werewolf leader.

A huge and unmatched spiritual thought suddenly enveloped all the great masters of the blood race.

How can these blood clan masters, their thought power can be the opponent of the werewolf leader.

Moreover, without precaution, they only felt their own mind power, as if being drawn by a huge force, involuntarily toward the werewolf leader.

Even if they exhausted all the methods, they couldn’t prevent the loss of their thought power.

All of them were shocked.

“Mr. Victor, what do you mean?”

Victor sneered: “Your blood family shouldn’t exist in this world. Taking this opportunity to destroy all the most powerful great masters of your blood family in one fell swoop is the right way.”

“No, Mr. Victor. Our blood is destroyed, and you werewolves are not having a good time.”

Victor sneered again: “Then you don’t have to worry about it.”

Having said that, the intensity of absorption was increased.

Victor absorbed all the thought power of more than 50,000 10th-level masters.

At this time, his spiritual thoughts were finally ascension first-level.

Reached level 3 spiritual master.

The hunting ground owner of this hunting ground No. 10, although they have set certain restrictions on the level of werewolves and blood races in this hunting ground, they only restricted their physical growth.

But it did not limit their growth in mind.

Because based on their previous experience, given the environment of the blood wolf star, the chance of producing a spiritual master is very small.

Even if a spiritual master is really produced, the first-level spiritual master is already their limit.

So there is no need to spend a lot of time to make restrictions.

However, he never expected that a peerless genius would appear on the Blood Wolf Star.


With his personal talent, he insisted on reaching the second level of Ascension of Spiritual Mind.

And after so many years, it has reached the peak of level 2.

It’s just that no matter how strong his talent is, this is how the environment of this planet is.

He couldn’t Ascension any longer.

So he came up with this method to absorb the mind power of all the blood clan’s 10th-level masters, thereby helping him ascension to the 3rd-level spiritual masters.

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