Dragon Girl And Wolf Boy
Chapter 16
I groan as I awaken, rubbing my eyes. I had fallen asleep at the front of Syril's bed, I sat up and stretched. Reaching for my phone and remembering something, I quickly text my mom a few sentences and in minutes she answers with a calm text back. I relax, knowing my mom would never made such a fit about me not texting her a few days ago.
I peek up at Syril's bed, he ironically wakes up too. He blinked at me, then stretched and ruffled his hair, he was cute. He seemed like a child waking up from a nice slumper. He proceeds to crawl to me, "Hey! Want to train against me and my friends, since they're also coming over." I tilted my head in thought, he did this smug grin "Or..Are you too afraid to lose against us." I scoff "Oh now you're on!- but..do they..?" Syril nodded "Yes, they know. They're excited to see you!" I smile slightly, "Fine. But first let me change." I stood and took out new clothes and my toothbrush before going into the bathroom, taking off my clothes and taking a quick and easy shower. Watching the dirt swirl down the drain, and my skin now being able to breath and it was a cleaner, lighter color.
I step out the shower slowly and wipe off, putting on a different color tie-dye shirt. Ironically the color of MoonStar's wings. I slip it on and put on white, slightly shaggy, pants. Then, brush my teeth and wash off my face after I came out clean, Syril was playing on his phone, he smiled at me and we glanced out of his room door when the door bell rang.
Syril raced down the stairs and greeted his friends, I went to the kitchen to make a quick bologna sandwich. I bit into it, savoring the flavor. I overheard Syril's friends talking about me, not in a rude way, I had to stifle some giggles along the conversation they had too.
"So is that your first female friend over there, the dragon girl?"
The first person talking wasn't Syril, he had a bit of a deeper voice.
"She has a name, retart. You just couldn't hear it over the phone 'cause of your loud voice." This one's voice is higher than the rests.
"Yes, this is Jewel, hey! Jewel, come over here and meet my friends." I smile at Syril's somehow unique voice, I look at him and finish my sandwich. The boy with the deep voice whistled, and whispered "You got a good one.." Syril quickly elbowed him in the stomach, he choked out a chuckle. He seemed pretty handsome, his hair wad ruffled everywhere and he had green foresty eyes, he also seem a bit bulky. Then, they wore a casual striped shirt with shorts. The smaller one was nimble, and skinny. He had hair that kinda slicked forward naturally, blue eyes and wore a white shirt with dark blue pants.
I got up and went over to them, Syril starts introducing them "Jewel, this is Jacob." He gestures to the skinny boy, he smiled and waved. I smile back, "And the other one is Jack, aka **." Jack puts his hand out for me to shake, I clasp my hand with his, but he starts gripping my hand. I grin and start caressing his palm with my thumb, he immeditately jerks his hand back. "Ah..Clever and weird..-" He smiled up at me, I smirked. We all then went outback and I followed behind, once I turned the corner all of them was in nothing besides their boxers and t-shirts. I rub my face and let out a groan, they all look at me with a grin before shifting, Jacob was a grey, black, and white mixed wolf just as his human self, his wolf was a bit bulky. While Jack was white and a slight peachy color.
MoonStar seemed pretty eager to train with Syril's friends, she willingly let's me shift then Jacob and Jack's eyes widened at the beauty and yet dangerous Chinese Dragon, I let out a thunderous roar, digging my claw into the soft dirty grassy ground. The group of wolves went into an pouncing position, my tail lashed out and I grinned at them, they smirked back. Soon, not to later I noticed Jacob had disappeared, before I could whip around he had dug his teeth into my wrist, I flick him off. I noticed how fast and nimble he was due to his size, I hiss and slash a palm against Jacob's body. My claws inward so I don't scar him. Jack and Syril lunged on my lengthy back and ran to my neck, latching on and sinking their teeth into my scales and soon flesh. I try to fling them off but I couldn't so I fell back on my body making Syril and Jack yelp when they were smooshed against me and the ground, they wiggle trying to get free. I lift my lower body and threw it behind me, planting my feet on the ground and the rest of my body followed leading to me standing on my hind legs. I grin as Syril, Jacob, and Jack got together again. I stamp my feet into the ground causing it to growl fiercely and shake in response. My scales on my chest rumble and growl, Syril's eyes widened and he tried scurrying off but it was too late when I shot them all into a wall with a powerful blast of water. They yelped and got soaked with it, I caged their body's over my claw and lowered my head, grinning at them. Their ears lowers in defeat so I took the claw off them and I shifted back, "Who's afraid to lose now, eh, syril?" He smiled and walked over to me then shifted back, my ear twitched and we both ended up having a staring contest, I struggled for a few..Reasons... After a few minutes I looked away, he chuckled in victory and walked back into his house. Jack and Jacob had already put their stuff back on, giggling to themselves as they glanced at me, I raised an eyebrow and Jack smiled "You know you're in love with Syril." and I could feel my cheeks burn "I- I don't like him." Jack looked at Jacob and they both grinned and raised their eyebrow "Every girl likes him for his looks, but he doesn't like them back. But you're..Different, which is - interesting." I huff, the red in my cheeks deepened. I walk back into the house with Jack and Jacob by my sides, Jack grinned "If you don't tell him I will. And you probably won't want that." I glare at Jack "Yeah, and you wouldn't want a knife up your ass either, now would you?" Jacob stifled a giggle and I opened the front door to syril's house then opened his fridge, poking my head through till I found some Pringles and a note stuck on it. I pulled it out of fridge and lifted it to my face to read the note,
"I knew you'd sooner or later rummage around in here, so, here's a snack.
~Syril, 2019 wrote a day ago."
I chuckle and took the note off, folding it in two and stuffing it into my pocket. They were Sour cream and union, ironically my favourite. I wonder to the living room, finding Jack and Jacob wiping off their hair with towels and flipping through channels on the Tv. I found a spot on a solitaire seat, kicking my leg up on the wide arm rest and letting it dangle. I pop open the Pringles and Jacob chuckled "Do I smell air in a goddamn can?" He grinned back at me and as I crunch on a chip and flip him off. Jack threw his head back to look at me and chuckled "Here he comes, you better tell him." I glared daggers at Jack. Syril walked out from a hallway, seemingly freshened up. I saw him grin at me with the pringle can in my palm, I did a smug smile, but then Jack inturupted "Hey Syril so Jewel wanted to tell you something." I aimed and flung the empty Pringles can to his head and it made contact with the back of his head with a loud 'Clang!'. Syril loomed from me, then back at Jack with visible confusion.
Jack stood and took my arm and Syril's wrist before pulling us into the hallway "So Jewel would like to say something to you." Then, he left us. I could hear him beside the wall with Jacob by his side, I knew if I didn't tell him normally Jack would tell Syril himself and never let me live it down, I took a deep breathe and looked down. I could hear my heart racing, "Yeah, I would like to tell you something-" Syril seemed interested so he gestured for me to go on. "I..-"
Jacob had cut me off and barged in "We got company!" me and syril changed glances 'till it finally clicked "They followed us.." I whispered, my eyes widened. "What?" Syril looked at me, "We need to lock everything!-" Jack stepped beside us "No, we need to fight. Those things out there that tracked ya'll does NOT look like normal dogs. Plush, the more we wait the more there will probably be. Then we'd be surrounded." I thought about it, then nodded "We fight, defend the house." Jacob grinned "Then i'm staying."
"I am too." Jack announced "You'll both be overpowered by those mutant mutts if there was just the two of you." I nod and the house rumbled, and the door bursts open. They shifted while I -- wait..why can't I shift, at the most IMPORTANT time I had to, I couldn't. MoonStar connected with me "I'm sorry! I can't control it, you have to anger yourself to trigger it naturally!" I sigh and defend myself with a butcher knife. My eyes widened at the creatures, they were all taller than a lion, but had dog shaped features and ripped up flesh, skin, and bones that visibly shown. They looked undead, something out of some type of horror movie. What made me shiver is their mouthes, it pulled and stretched back to the stomach. Probably wide enough to swallow a human whole with ease, each one was different. But the one whom stood out the most to me had it's spine raise out the skin like a spinosaurs and tuffed hair with swirls of different colors, and a huge gash that went to it's tail, its probably the leader. It's head turned and stared at my soul with those pitch black eyes, I stare back..It seemed like, well..I can't put my finger on it directly but something was off about how they acted. I exaimine the rest of it and see a small bump on the creature's forehead, it yipped out and more of the creatures bursts through the doors. Syril and Jacob struggled to fend them off, I look around, watching them all go for....Me! They're here for me! They're not even paying attention to the others. One pounced on me when I was distracted watching Syril, he had been pinned by their leader. I cover the dog's mouth so it couldn't do anything, my eyes glance at Syril, he had been bitten and was heavily bleeding out. Then, all I saw was red. MoonStar had also gained close to him so seeing him get bitten finally made me shift, I screech and bit at the dog that had pounced on me. I ripped out the dog's throat and it went limp, instantly dying. I kicked it off and lunged at the leader, it had yelped and grown as big as me. We tussled and slashed at each other's faces and body, knocking things over and until I finally pinned it and the dog's expression changed from anger to fear, its floppy, torn up ears dropped and they whimper in defeat. I look at it's forehead, then raised a claw to slash the small thing that had formed the bump in it.
Apparently it was a mind control device, I crushed it and the dog's eyes changed completely to a sea blue and a pretty purple. I shift back and the dog also went to it's normal size, it sniffed me then barked happily. I blink and slowly reach my hand out to pet it, the fur was softer than I thought it would've been. I relaxed and scratched under it's chin, their tail wagged and it made a quiet purr. Out of nowhere Jack almost jabbed a knife into it's head, I stop him "No wait!" he paused in mid-motion and set the knife to his side. "What? That thing almost killed all of us!" I give Jack the crushed up chip "They were controlled, I guess they didn't want to listen so they were forced to." he stared at the chip and huffed "Interesting.." While the dog licked Jack I went to Syril and bent down next to him, the wound almost covered his whole arm. I didn't know what to do, I was slightly panicking. The dog went over to me and Syril and whimpered, then licked his cheek and started cleaning his wound, some blue substance dripped onto the flesh and skin. I watched, amazed by how the bloody wound begins to instantly close and heal visibly, skin knitting together and didn't leave a hint of a wound even being there anymore. Then it backed away as Syril sat up and look around his arm, he smiled at the dog and before anything else could happen I hugged him, he giggled and hugged back. Jack and Jacob chanted 'Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!' silently to me, I kick Jack's ankle and he yelped but a slight laugh escaped as well.
I help Syril up and he looked around at the messy house that stenched of blood, corpses, and toppled over items. "Well. It looks like we got a job to do." Jacob pointed at the dog "What are we going to do with that?" I shrug "If it acts like a normal dog and listens, guess we keep it?" Syril pats the creature "Well, what do you think?" It chittered in response. I huff "Well then it's going to have a name, we can do that later. Anyways, what are we going to do with those corp-" I blinked one, twice. What had been corpses was replaced with black ashes and dust. "What happened to the corpses?" Jack shrugged "Don't ask, just go with it. That'll be less of a mess to clean."
We had swept the floor clean of the dust, mopped the floor of the blood and picked up tossed over or broken objects. After a few hours, we finished and plopped into the chairs. The dog that had sat in the middle of the carpet walked over to me and sets it's head on the chair, I pet its head and it seemed to enjoy it, resting their head on the chair. "Ya'll know we can't take it outside in public because, well, it looks like something that crawled out of hell itself."
"Probably did.." Jacob muttered, I fling a random piece of paper into his face. The creature tilted its head and started forming into a wolf dog, still somehow a size of a lion. It was a pretty dark black with pitch black patterns over the body. Their discolored eyes the same, and it had a slight mane with a bigger, and longer, bushier tail that either curled or dragged on the floor. Its tail, paws, snout, and ear fluff was painted with a illuminession light sea blue. I gasp at the beauty and stroke its head, "How about we call you AzureSpot? Azure for short." Azure barked loudly in pride of it's name. Jack tilted his head "So the real question is, who's keeping it?" Everyone looked down or else away. I scoff at them and smile at Azure "Guess you're staying with me." It purred and licked my palm, then sat down beside the chair.
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In Shepard's Point Of View --↓
I snarl and got struck with a taser, my body naturally now struggled to move. As me and my small group of people got pushed into the Police Car, I mutter "Nothing will stop me from getting what I want..Nothing.." We drove off into the highway, meeting at the police station. I got pushed out the car and into the building, wondering my way through till I met with a empty cell. "We'll come and get you tomorrow.." the cop grumbled and pushed me into the cell, I stumble and glare back as the cell door slammed shut. The police man walking off, I growl "That creation has gotten on my last nerves, now. Looks like I got to deal with it myself.." I talk to myself with a grin.
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