Dragon Herder

Chapter 509

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Zhu Minglang glanced at the direction of the mountain gate and called Demon Sect as if most of the churches had been dispatched. Not only could they see their silhouettes moving under the mountain, but also the terrifying monsters above the woods. , Is killing here at Jianzhuang.

“Since there are only a hundred members, then quickly abandon the mountain and leave.” Ye Youying said.

“Impossible, how can we escape? This is our mountain gate. We would rather die here than let these Demon Sect followers easily succeed!” Mingxiu said very firmly.

The same goes for other members of Sword Sect, who would rather die than escape!

Zhu Minglang is helpless, his face is bitter like an unripe melon.

What are you doing.

If you want to attack the mountain, will you die one day late? I plan to pack up and leave.

Besides, as a Demon Sect, he has already been jointly attacked by Upright Sect, so he can’t hide quietly in a hidden place, wait in secret, return in a swirl of dust… If they don’t agree, they will capture the gate of the other person’s mountain, but it happens when the entire Sword Sect is empty!

“The two are not in the family, there is no need to die with us, please leave the mountainside cave mansion as soon as possible, and also quickly convey information to Sect Master and Master for us, Demon Sect is sinister Cunning and hateful, our Sword Sect members will not succumb to them no matter what!” Mingxiu said

White clothed mighty, languishing, worthy of being a white clothed Sword Sect person. Those guys from the Mountain Sword Sect, especially with the existence of an illegitimate beam like Old Sword Sovereign, might have been thrown away from the mountain long ago, saying something that would leave the green mountain without firewood.

“Ai, after eating your meals for a few days, and enjoying your Spirit Stone cave, I really feel a little uneasy if I leave like this. Mingsu, you let the Sword Sect members All retreat to this Canggu Mountain Terrace, I will guard this sword house for you!” Zhu Minglang sighed said.

“I wish Young Master, don’t make such a joke, call Demon Sect this time to deliberately deliberately lure our entire Jianzhuang expert to leave, and then counterattack our mountain gate, just to level our Jianzhuang with one effort. We are mentally prepared to die, but I wish Young Master and Ye Young Lady are completely unnecessary.” Mingxiu hurriedly dissuaded.

“Don’t say that many, you can’t decide what for me, but do as soon as I say, I may die less of the sword house dísciple.” Zhu Minglang said.


In fact, even if Zhu Minglang didn’t say to retreat, they couldn’t keep it at all. Soon some of the remaining swordsmen in Sword Sect were repelled. Arriving at Canggu, arriving at Canggu Mountain Lake, that is very close to the sword house.

Zhu Minglang stood on the stone platform where he was practicing Flying Sword, looking down at the Demon Sect.

This time I called Demon Sect. I am afraid that there will be a thousand people. Although the overall strength is not at all, the evoker who used the Inn as the bait is so strong, but it can be seen that they have to beat the white clothes. Sword Sect’s determination!

They are murderous-looking, with a bit of vengeance. Obviously, in this confrontation between good and evil, calling Demon Sect to the overbearing Sword Sect has long meant to kill!

“Are you crazy? So many Demon Sect experts are called, how do you stop it!” Ye Youying grabbed Zhu Minglang’s sleeve.

“If you can persuade them to abandon the mountain, of course I don’t have to stand here.” Zhu Minglang said to Ye Youying.

“They are too stubborn, it’s useless to persuade them.” Ye Youying was also very anxious at this time.

Calling Demon Sect these people are really crazy, they even attacked Baishang Jianzhuang directly. This is completely on the way to the demonic path, going further and further, and there is no plan to return to the right path!

“Why don’t you persuade these Demon Sect people at the foot of the mountain, if they are willing to retreat, maybe all the forces will change your Demon Sect call.” Zhu Minglang said.

Ye Youying bit her lip, she can only give it a try. The last thing she wants to see is this kind of scene, which will make the evocator become an evil person!


Ye Youying summoned a big black peng. She sat on the back of the big black peng and moved towards the army of monsters that called Demon Sect grandiose. go with.

More and more monsters are entrenched in Canggu, and they are killing all the way to this sword house along the Canggu. Looking from Zhu Minglang, you can see that the largest number is the Three Heads Six. The lake monster guards of Arms, they are dressed in fish-scale bone armor, holding rusty ancient weapons, and their eyes glowing with vicious light!

“Ye Young Lady is an evocator????” Aside, Mingxiu watched Ye Youying’s process of evoking a demon just now, and her face was suddenly covered with terrified look.

“Yes, an upright and kind evoker.” Zhu Minglang said.

Mingxiu is obviously not as enlightened as Zhu Minglang. In her opinion, the evoker is now an evil Demon Sect disciple, and her face has become a little bit different.

Zhu Minglang didn’t care too much. At this time, it was easy to know whether he wanted to harm people or put down the slaughter.

Ye Youying rode on the big wupeng and landed among the crowd calling Demon Sect.

With a glance, there are many experts who call Demon Sect, and there are three Demon Venerable Level characters. The leader is Demon Sect Lujiang!

“Why are you here?” Demon Lord Lujiang was a little surprised, looking at Ye Youying and questioning.

“Uncle, if you do this, won’t we have no place to call Demon Sect as a whole? If the Purple Sect forest in Guangshan can be regarded as an accident, then today this captures the white Sword Sect Didn’t it announce to the whole world that we call Demon Sect to be an enemy of all forces?” Ye Youying said.

“When you said this, you thought about how you would think of you under Mother Yellow Springs. As her only daughter, you will not avenge her or kill these defenders. Thoroughly, how can we soothe our dead brother sisters?” Mozun Lujiang sneered.

“She is calling for us Demon Sect to rectify the name.”

“Naive! Without strength, we are the scapegoat for the destruction of Guangshan Purple Sect Lin. Our evoker is experiencing a A change, a metamorphosis, the whole world is in panic, because no authority is willing to see its position replaced, and no dynasty is willing to see its glory being overthrown by new powers. We evokers don’t need to be correct. Name, wait until these believe oneself infallible Zonglin, let them fear us, let them negotiate with us in a low voice, and let them admit that we call Demon Sect as the head of the Four Great Sects Forest, that is the best righteous name!” Zun Lujiang’s words revealed a majestic ambition.

No one can stop them!

The result of compromising with these Upright Sects is the same as Ye Youying’s mother, who was pierced into the heart by a sword, and blood stained the grassland!

With the fairy ghost, there is no need to bow to any forces!

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